how to use InputBox in c++builder with multiple values - c++builder

How can I use InputBox to make it take 3 Values. I can make it show just one value by using code:
String input[3];
input[0]= InputBox("paied check", "the value", "");
any help?

InputBox() does not support what you are asking for. It is designed for single-value input only.
InputQuery() supports multi-value input, but only in C++Builder XE2 and later, eg:
String prompt[3] = {"value 1:", "value2:", "value 3:"};
String input[3];
if( InputQuery("paied check", EXISTINGARRAY(prompt), EXISTINGARRAY(input)) )
String input[3];
if( InputQuery("paied check", OPENARRAY(String, ("value 1:", "value2:", "value 3:")), EXISTINGARRAY(input)) )
Notice the use of the OPENARRAY()/EXISTINGARRAY() macros (from sysopen.h). They are needed because InputQuery() only accepts Delphi-style Open Arrays, not C-style arrays. Open Arrays have an additional parameter (that is hidden in Delphi, but is explicit in C++) to specify the highest index (not the array count) of each array. The macros handle that extra value for you, but they only work for static arrays (which you are using).


IgnoreMissingMember setting doesn't seem to work with FSharpLu.Json deserializer

This is a following to: deserialization issue, with, in F#.
I am deserializing some JSON that has an extra, unbound property using FSharpLu.Json. Here is the code:
open System
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Json
type r =
a: int
let a =
"{\"a\":3, \"b\":5}"
Compact.TupleAsArraySettings.settings.MissingMemberHandling <- MissingMemberHandling.Ignore
Compact.deserialize<r> a // doesn't work
Despite setting MissingMemberHandling.Ignore it returns a error:
Could not find member 'b' on object of type 'r'. Path 'b', line 1, position 13.
Is there a way to make this work, or is it an issue with FSharpLu.Json?
Here is the fiddle:
as a side note, there is another deserializer in FSharpLu.Json and I can get that code to work with it:
FSharpLu.Json.Default.Internal.DefaultSettings.settings.MissingMemberHandling <- MissingMemberHandling.Ignore
Default.deserialize<r> a
will work, but that deserializer doesn't handle discriminated unions... so I need to get the compact one to work.
When looking into the source of FSharpLu.Json, I found this:
/// Compact serialization where tuples are serialized as heterogeneous arrays
type TupleAsArraySettings =
static member formatting = Formatting.Indented
static member settings =
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
// MissingMemberHandling is not technically needed for
// compact serialization but it avoids certain ambiguities
// that guarantee that deserialization coincides with the
// default Json.Net deserialization.
// (where 'coincides' means 'if the deserialization succeeds they both return the same object')
// This allows us to easily define the BackwardCompatible
// serializer (that handles both Compact and Default Json format) by reusing
// the Compact deserializer.
MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error,
Converters = [| CompactUnionJsonConverter(true, true) |]
so they are explicitly setting the MissingMemberHandling to Error; maybe the solution is to instantiate the deserializer, change the setting and then use it.
The serializer setting you are trying to mutate, Compact.TupleAsArraySettings.settings, is a static member, as is shown in the code:
type TupleAsArraySettings =
static member formatting = Formatting.Indented
static member settings =
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
// MissingMemberHandling is not technically needed for
// compact serialization but it avoids certain ambiguities
// that guarantee that deserialization coincides with the
// default Json.Net deserialization.
// (where 'coincides' means 'if the deserialization succeeds they both return the same object')
// This allows us to easily define the BackwardCompatible
// serializer (that handles both Compact and Default Json format) by reusing
// the Compact deserializer.
MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error,
Converters = [| CompactUnionJsonConverter(true, true) |]
Since a member is actually a member function (i.e. a method) as explained F# for fun and profit: Attaching functions to types, settings is actually (in c# terminology) a static property returning a new instance of JsonSerializerSettings each time it is invoked. To test this, we can do:
printfn "%b" (Object.ReferenceEquals(Compact.TupleAsArraySettings.settings, Compact.TupleAsArraySettings.settings)) // prints "false"
Which prints "false". Thus mutating the returned value has no effect on the behavior of Compact. A static field in the c# sense would be defined by a static let statement; if settings returned such a field, mutating its contents would have had an effect.
In any event modifying the value of Compact.TupleAsArraySettings.settings.MissingMemberHandling seems unwise as doing so would modify the behavior of of Compact.deserialize throughout your entire AppDomain in a way that might break backwards compatibility with Json.NET native serialization. As explained in the code comments above, the setting is required to make BackwardCompatible.deserialize work. But why might that be? Since Json.NET's native format for option and discriminated unions looks like:
"a": {
"Case": "Some",
"Fields": [
We can guess that MissingMemberHandling is used to trap situations where "Case" and "Fields" are found or not, and switch from one algorithm to the other.
If you are certain you do not need to deserialize f# types in Json.NET format, it seems you should be able to use CompactUnionJsonConverter directly as follows:
let settings = JsonSerializerSettings(
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
Converters = [| CompactUnionJsonConverter(true, true) |]
let c = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<r>(a, settings)
let json2 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(c, Formatting.Indented, settings)
Demo fiddle here.

How to write a function which returns an optional array of strings from a dictionary variable?

I have a function that is written
func synonyms(for:) --> [String : [String?]]
and I want to make it so that it returns an array of optionals (Strings). I have a dictionary variable ([String : [String]])that looks like a Word (key) and array (value, anywhere between 4-6 different synonyms for the word).
In trying to achieve this, I thought in order to return the synonyms for a passed in word I would actually need to tell the computer to find the matching key from my userinput (TextField, ViewController, and I am using UI Delegate). To do that, I use a for-in loop. The problem here is that the compiler says "for" is a "for loop" when actually it's for my argument/parameter for my synonym function..
What do I write in the inside of my synonym function?
In order to return the synonyms for a passed in word in this function I need to tell the computer to find the matching key from my userinput (TextField, ViewController, and I am using UI Delegate). I tried using a for-in loop. The problem is that the compiler says "for" is a "for loop" when actually it's for my argument/parameter for my synonym function.
func synonyms(for: String) -> [String: [String?]] {
let synonynmsAre = "your synonyms \(for) are)"
return synonynmsAre
print(synonyms(for: "swift"))
synonyms(for: "swift")
your synonyms are Optional(["abrupt", "expeditious", "hasty", "nimble", "quick", "rapid", "speedy", "sudden", "unexpected"])
but, without the brackets and the Optional there. I want this also to display in the TextView in my iOS app. I'm using the latest version of XCode and also the latest version of Swift.
I think you need something like this:
// Basically where you store the synonyms
let synonymsDictionary = [
"swift": ["foo", "bar", "baz"],
"objective-c": ["NSFoo", "NSBar", "NSBaz"]
// Just return an optional array here
func synonyms(for word: String) -> [String]? {
return synonymsDictionary[word]
// how to use
if let possibleSynonyms = synonyms(for: "swift") {
print(possibleSynonyms.joined(separator: ", ")) // prints foo, bar, baz
// or
someLabel.text = possibleSynonyms.joined(separator: ", ")

How does the Dart URI class QueryParameters handle Map values?

According to the documentation, it needs to follows the Form Post rules at: When looking at that information it did not give me much to work with in terms of complex objects or maps.
Right now, If I have a list for example: Each item in the list needs to be stringified.
var params = {"list": [1,2,3]};
// needs to be stringed.
params["list"] = params["list"].map((item)=>item.toString()).toList();
Simple. Also all base items need to be a string as well
var params = {"number": 1, "boolean": true};
params = params.forEach((k,v)=> params[k].toString());
But how do we handle maps?
var params = {"map": {"a":1,"b":"foo","c":false,"d":[]}};
// ??
It seems that after testing in my app and in dart pad, you need to make sure everything is strings, so i am trying to come up with a way to effectively cover lists, maps, and maybe more complex objects for encoding.
var params = {};
params["list"] = [1,2,3];
params["number"] = 1;
params["boolean"] = true;
params["map"] = {"a":1,"b":"foo","c":false,"d":[]};
params.forEach((String key, dynamic value){
if(value is List){
params[key] =>v.toString()).toList();
}else if(value is Map){
// ????
params[key] = value.toString();
//maybe have an additional one for custom classes, but if they are being passed around they should already have their own JSON Parsing implementations.
Ideally, the result of this would be passed into:
Uri myUri = new Uri(queryParameters: params);
and right now, while i solved the list issue, it doesn't like receiving maps. Part of me just wanted to stringify the map as a whole, but i wasn't not sure if there was a better way. I know that when someone accidentally stringified the array, it was not giving me: ?id=1&id=2 but instead ?id=%5B1%2C2%5D which was not correct.
I don't think there is any special support for maps. Query parameters itself is a map from string to string or string to list-of-strings.
Everything else need to be brought into this format first before you can pass it as query parameter.
A simple approach would be to JSON encode the map and pass the resulting string as a single query parameter.

Formatting strings in Swift

In some languages, like C# for example, you can create a string in the following way:
"String {0} formatted {1} "
And then format it with String.format by passing in the values to format.
The above declaration is good, because you don't have to know of what type its parameters are when you create the string.
I tried to find similar approach in Swift, but what I found out was something like the following format:
"String %d formatted %d"
which requires you to format the string with String(format: , parameters). This is not good because you would also have to know parameter types when declaring the string.
Is there a similar approach in Swift where I wouldn't have to know the parameter types?
Use this one:
let printfOutput = String(format:"%# %2.2d", "string", 2)
It's the same as printf or the Obj-C formatting.
You can also mix it in this way:
let parm = "string"
let printfOutput = String(format:"\(parm) %2.2d", 2)
Edit: Thanks to MartinR (he knows it all ;-)
Be careful when mixing string interpolation and formatting. String(format:"\(parm) %2.2d", 2) will crash if parm contains a percent character. In (Objective-)C, the clang compiler will warn you if a format string is not a string literal.
This gives some room for hacking:
let format = "%#"
let data = "String"
let s = String(format: "\(format)", data) // prints "String"
In contrast to Obj-C which parses the format string at compile time, Swift does not do that and just interprets it at runtime.
In Swift, types need to conform to the CustomStringConvertible protocol in order to be used inside strings. This is also a requirement for the types used in string interpolation like this:
"Integer value \(intVal) and double value \(doubleVal)"
When you understand the CustomStringConvertible, you can create your own function to fulfill your needs. The following function formats the string based on the given arguments and prints it. It uses {} as a placeholder for the argument, but you can change it to anything you want.
func printWithArgs(string: String, argumentPlaceHolder: String = "{}", args: CustomStringConvertible...) {
var formattedString = string
// Get the index of the first argument placeholder
var nextPlaceholderIndex = string.range(of: argumentPlaceHolder)
// Index of the next argument to use
var nextArgIndex = 0
// Keep replacing the next placeholder as long as there's more placeholders and more unused arguments
while nextPlaceholderIndex != nil && nextArgIndex < args.count {
// Replace the argument placeholder with the argument
formattedString = formattedString.replacingOccurrences(of: argumentPlaceHolder, with: args[nextArgIndex].description, options: .caseInsensitive, range: nextPlaceholderIndex)
// Get the next argument placeholder index
nextPlaceholderIndex = formattedString.range(of: argumentPlaceHolder)
nextArgIndex += 1
printWithArgs(string: "First arg: {}, second arg: {}, third arg: {}", args: "foo", 4.12, 100)
// Prints: First arg: foo, second arg: 4.12, third arg: 100
Using a custom implementation allows you to have more control over it and tweak its behavior. For example, if you wanted to, you could modify this code to display the same argument multiple times using placeholders like {1} and {2}, you could fill the arguments in a reversed order, etc.
For more information about string interpolation in Swift:

2 same content arrays are not equal in Dart?

I have a question.
When working with Dart, I can't check to see if 2 arrays are equal.
(in other languages, I can do with ==)
In fact, I just can do that == with String or number.
List arr1 = [1,2,3];
List arr2 = [1,2,3];
if (arr1 == arr2) {
} else {
print("not equal");
// Output: not equal.
So I wonder how does that make sense. I mean, How we can do if the == is just work for the cases of String or number (if the values compared are the same).
How do I have to do if I want to check that kind of comparison (equal) for List, Map, ..
It just work for String & number.
arr1 and arr2 are different instances of an object of type List. By default different instances are always different.
When a class implements a custom == operator it can override this behavior. Some classes have a custom implementation by default like int and String.
This can easily be done for immutable objects but not for mutable. One reason is that usually the hashCode is calculated from the values stroed in a class and the hashCode must not change for an instance because this can for example cause that an instance stored in a map can't be retrieved anymore when the hashcode of the key changed.
As a workaround there is a library that provides helper functions to compare lists/iterables.
import 'package:collection/equality.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
if (const IterableEquality().equals([1,2,3],[1,2,3])) {
// if (const SetEquality().equals([1,2,3].toSet(),[1,2,3].toSet())) {
} else {
print("Not equal");
