I can't create new build definitions on TFS Online - tfs

I use TFS online to store my source codes, and I want to use the integrated build service.
I have created several Build définitions last week, and they work perfectly (I can start builds, modify them). But since this morning, I can't create new Build définitions. Visual Studio show me an error message :
Could not find service '0000000d-0000-8888-8000-000000000000' from host'7e427fe9-b401-40e8-b6c8-5613d886b8df'. Please ensure the service is registered with the Shared Platform Service.
When I start Fiddler, I see an error 500 when calling the service : /DefaultCollection/Services/v3.0/SecurityService.asmx - There is a "ServiceOwnerNotFoundException".
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<soap:Text xml:lang="en">Could not find service '0000000d-0000-8888-8000-000000000000' from host'7e427fe9-b401-40e8-b6c8-5613d886b8df'. Please ensure the service is registered with the Shared Platform Service.</soap:Text>
<soap:Detail />
I can't find anything about this problem, do you have any idea ?

We have rolled out the fix for this issue. Sorry for the disruption!

Looks like the problem is identified and a fix is on the way - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vsoservice/archive/2015/04/27/issues-with-visual-studio-online-4-27-investigating.aspx


Building Xamarin App: Get error mipmap/myicon not found

The app had no problems until I tried to change the app's icon. And now I get that error in the manifest.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<adaptive-icon xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<background android:drawable="#color/ic_launcher_background"/>
<foreground android:drawable="#mipmap/ic_launcher_foreground"/>
In, say, mipmap-mdpi there is ic_launcher.png, ic_launcher_foreground and ic_launcher_background.
I made what to me was a trivial change to a icon file and ended up with a 4 day headache (so far).
Any help is greatly appreciated.
(and yes, I asked it once already but just don't seem to understand what the suggestions are.)

Oracle Service Bus 12c: Element /definitions/documentation rewritten in effective WSDL of a proxy service

We store a version of a proxy service inside a WSDL document -- into the element /definitions/documentation:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
name="MyService" targetNamespace="ttp://mynamespace.cz/1.0">
I can deploy a service to the Service Bus 12c (12.2.1) and the service works fine. When I display the WSDL from the Service Bus console (so called resource WSDL), the WSDL is as I expect and includes:
However, if I get the effective WSDL (created by Service Bus from resource WSDL) by the URL:
The element documentation is overwritten:
The element version is completely missing, however it's content is still present.
Can you please advise why this is happening and if there is any workaround available? We need to preserve the element "version", so that the parsers will be able to retrieve the service version.
My aim is to get an easy to use solution for the service consumers, i.e. have a single WSDL as the source of information and let the WSDL simple as possible to be easily parsed by XPath.
I think OSB takes short-cuts when generating effective WSDLs, and whatever is in the documentation element just gets data()'d.
As an alternative, would it help if you accessed the design-time WSDL that the effective WSDL is based on?
e.g. http://host:port/sbresource?WSDL/project_path/wsdl_name

Orleans Error while Initializing Orleans Client

I am getting below error when I try to deploy to the azure. I am doing basic hello world app. Can someone please give some insights. I have attached the logs below.
I am using :: Version 1.1.0-beta2
The silos start properly as per the log files but it cant initialize the Client in azure. I am using the below config file in the Client.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
This is a sample client configuration file for use by an Azure web role acting as an Orleans client.
The comments illustrate common customizations.
Elements and attributes with no comments should not usually need to be modified.
For a detailed reference, see "Orleans Configuration Reference.html".
<ClientConfiguration xmlns="urn:orleans">
To turn tracing off, set DefaultTraceLevel="Off" and have no overrides. To see a minimum of messages, set DefaultTraceLevel="Error".
For the trace log file name, {0} is the silo name and {1} is the current time.
Setting WriteTraces to true will cause detailed performance information to be collected and logged about the individual steps in the
message lifecycle. This may be useful debugging performance issues.
<Tracing DefaultTraceLevel="Off" TraceToConsole="false" TraceToFile="{0}-{1}.log" WriteTraces="false">
To get more detailed application logging, you can change the TraceLevel attribute value to "Verbose" or "Verbose2".
Depending on the log levels you have used in your code, this will cause additional messages to be written to the log.
<TraceLevelOverride LogPrefix="Application" TraceLevel="Info" />
I figured it out after enabling the fusion logs. I could see 1 dll was not loaded properly. The issue is fixed.
You should be using AzureClient. It handles all configuration automatically.
Please refer to https://github.com/dotnet/orleans/tree/master/Samples/AzureWebSample and follow the same setup as there. The best way is to close that AzureWebSample and add your own grains and logic.
What version of Orleans are you using? If you included http://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Orleans.Templates.Interfaces/ in the project, the invoker class should have been generated at compile time. Try cleaning up Properties\orleans.codegen.cs files and rebuilding the project.

Log4j2 SMTP Appender

I'm trying to log errors through email using Log4j2.
For that purpose Log4j2 defines the SMTPAppender, and an example configuration is provided to use in the XML config file, which is like:
<SMTP name="Mail" suppressExceptions="false" subject="Error Log" to="errors#logging.apache.org"
from="test#logging.apache.org" smtpHost="localhost" smtpPort="25" bufferSize="50">
So everything should be fine. But when i start the application and force an error to log i receive this message:
ERROR Error processing element SMTP: CLASS_NOT_FOUND
Ok, now what to do? the documentation gives a hint, plugins, and packages should be used, both of which have little documentation, and no examples.
I got another hint in: ClassNotFoundException javax.mail.internet.AddressException when running hibernate3:hbm2ddl but this is log4j2 and not log4j.
Any help is, of course, greatly appreciated.
The answer was easy.
After reading this https://blogs.apache.org/logging/entry/apache_log4j_2_0_beta4
I downloaded the beta4 (i had the beta3) and now i have other problems, but the appender works.

Rename Web Role in VS 2010 Cloud Service Project

I just started using VS 2010 to create a Cloud Service (HealthTracker), and I attached a MVC2 web project to it. When I hit Debug, the dev fabric was started and I was able to navigate my web app on my machine as expected.
I decided MVCWebRole2 was a bad name for my web app, so I renamed it to HealthTrackerMVC. I used Refactor --> Rename to change MVCWebRole2 to HealthTrackerMVC. I Built clean and now when I hit debug the dev fabric starts, and the web app never starts and eventually it exits debug mode without me doing anything.
How do I fix this? I'd rather not start over with everything...
I have checked the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg, the ServiceDefinition.csdef and the solution file. All the names match, and all the GUIDs match. I even renamed the folder that housed HealthTrackerMVC (formerly named MVCWebRole2) and edited the solution file to point to the new project. Everything loads and builds correctly. The Development Fabric shows HealthTrackerMVC starting, says it's busy, then shuts it down, rather quickly. See the attached screenshot:
So I know my web role is being started... why is it shutting down so quickly?
Check the Azure configuration files, as both reference the role name and I don't belive VS's refactor command hits. If your project is building and the role simply isn't launching, its most likely as a result of the role not knowing what to start.
In ServiceDefinition.csdef
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ServiceDefinition name="YourAzureService" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ServiceHosting/2008/10/ServiceDefinition">
<WebRole name="HealthTrackerMVC" vmsize="Small" enableNativeCodeExecution="true">
In ServiceConfiguration.cscfg
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ServiceConfiguration serviceName="YourAzureService" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ServiceHosting/2008/10/ServiceConfiguration">
<Role name="HealthTrackerMVC">
If that doesn't work, right click on "Roles" under the Cloud Service Project in Solution Explorer. The ADD menu should have an option for "Web Role Project in Solution". Select that and link up your new role. Delete the old role as well at this point
If that still doesn't work, go to the file system where the project is stored and open the .ccproj file (Cloud Service Project) in a text editor.
Look for the reference to the previous role (ccproj are in MSBUILD format). It will be something like:
<ProjectReference Include="Folder\MVCWebRole2.csproj">
Change references to the new HealthTrackerMVC project (name and .csproj ref) and you should be good to go. Most likely the project GUID hasn't changed, but if somehow it did, just open up the SLN file to get that number.
Once you change on this VS should prompt to reload the Solution/Projects. If not, you should reload anyways.
I recommend to check Web.config and the actual start-up logic (i.e. Azure fabric is known to silently kill web projects with invalid web config without raising any errors; that's something that just made my life exciting a few times).
Just some ideas. For example you can try by starting web project alone (just like a usual project). If it works - drop an existing web role and add a new one to the solution (referencing this web project) and try running it in the dev fabric. If it does not, but web project runs alone - export it to a fresh solution and add to a new web role there.
This is a bit of a long shot, but if you have overwritten the RoleEntryPoint and overwritten the Run method, it should contain something like
public override void Run()
while (true)
If this method ever returns, your application will stop.
