Disabling neighbour solicitation - contiki

I would like to disable the neighbour advertisement and neighbour solicitation in contiki. What is the configuration that needs to be disabled in the config file of my application.

Set the variable UIP_CONF_ND6_SEND_NA to 0.


Prioritize bus for RX-PDO

To send PDO messages, a prioritization is done, which message is of high importance, how should we understand this?
In the photo below, the point is that the priority is 181 and then for the rest, where is this set from?
CANopen isn't different from any other CAN bus. The lower the COBID, the higher the priority. 0x180 etc is just default COBID too, you can change to custom ones if you need to change priorities. In fact you have to change COBID somewhere, so that one node's TPDO COBID matches the COBID of at least one RXPDO. It's custom to change the COBID on the part that's easiest to configure, like for example a PLC, rather than changing it for a "dumb" node like some actuator.

Juniper: How to see OSPF routes that didn't make the routing table

I have a specific scenario:
There are 2 paths leading to a given OSPF prefix:
-Both of the paths are learnt via OSPF
-Prefix CIDRs are the same size
-Both OSPF "preference" value is unchanged (so is the default: 10)
My problem is that only a single Path is put inside my routing-table
( I would assume it is because one of the OSPF path's cost was lower than the other's).
I got 2 questions:
-What command do I need to put into Juniper CLI in order to see the "not-so-best" OSPF paths (that actually didnt make it into the routing table)
-How do I see the metric of each individual path toward a given prefix.
Thanks in advance.
OSPF does not advertise routes, it advertises LSAs. You need look at the OSPF "database" to see the different LSAs, and you need to understand the LSA types and the Djikstra algorithm.

Contiki-NG RE-Mote board: The radio is always listening

I wanted to measure the energy consumption of my app using energest. However, I found out that the radio is almost always listening, as the RX energest value is pretty close to the Rtime interval I measure about. I want to ask you if I should use low-power-mode in the board, so that I force the radio to deactivate and result in less energy consumption. Can I use PM0 if I really need to use the RAM? I am asking you because the linker puts a comment in a header file that only PM1 can give access to the 32k RAM, and bypasses the defined macro: #define LPM_CONF_MAX_PM 0. Thank you.
By default, the CSMA MAC protocol is used in Contiki-NG. This protocol always has radio on. For radio duty cycling, either use TSCH, or turn off the radio from application's code by calling NETSTACK_RADIO.off().

Updating the drake system states from robot hardware pose during initialization

I have been trying to set up a custom manipulation station with Kuka IIWA hardware in drake. I got the hardware interface working. When running a joint teleoperation code (adapted from drake/examples/manipulation_station/joint_teleop.py), the robot jerks violently (all joints tries to move to 0 position) at first and then continues to operate normally. On digging deeper, I found that this is caused by the FirstOrderLowPassFilter system. While advancing the simulation a tiny bit (simulator.AdvanceTo(1e-6)) to evaluate the LCM messages to set the initial GUI sliders-filter_initial_output_value-plant joint positions etc., to match the hardware, the FirstOrderLowPassFilter outputs a momentary value of 0. This sets the IIWA_COMMAND position to zero for an instance and causes a jerk.
How can I avoid this behavior?.
As a workaround, I am subscribing separately to the raw LCM message from the hardware, before initializing the drake systems and sets the filter_initial_output_value before advancing the simulation. Is this the recommended way?.
I think what you're doing (manually reading the LCM message) is fine.
In the alternative, look how a DiscreteDerivative offers the suppress_initial_transient = true option. Perhaps we could add a similar option (via unrestricted update event) to FirstOrderLowPassFilter so that the initial output value was sampled from the input at t == 0. But the event sequencing of startup may still be difficult. We essentially need to initialize the systems in their dataflow order, including refreshing output ports as events fire, which is not natively supported.
In another alternative, perhaps we could configure the IIWA_COMMAND publisher to not publish at t == 0, instead publishing only t >= 0.005.
FirstOrderLowPassFilter has a method to set the initial value. https://drake.mit.edu/doxygen_cxx/classdrake_1_1systems_1_1_first_order_low_pass_filter.html#aaef7539cfbf1acfa0cf487c371bc5360
It is used in the example that you copied from:

Change allowed maximum simultaneous TCP connections of Edge

According to this link:
Edge can do a maximum of 6 simultaneous TCP connections per hostname.
In IE it was possible to change this. Can I change this for Edge and where is the registry can this be found (this is how it was done in IE)?
Try to follow steps below to disable the connection limit.
(1) Type Regedit in Run window to open registry editor.
(2) navigate to location below.
(3) Add new DWORD(32 bit) value.
(4) Name it as EnableConnectionRateLimiting
(5) Double click on it and set it value to 0.
Note:- User can also set the maximum desired limit for connections.
