I use geocoder in my app and to show the markers on the map, using json.
it look like this:
$.get("get_organizations.json", function( data ) {
$.each( data, function( index, organization ) {
var organizationLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng( organization.latitude, organization.longitude );
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content: contentString});
var contentString = organization.title;
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: organizationLatLng,
map: map,
title: organization.title
and all works fine, but I want to link in infowindow and need solution in this question!
if I change value of contentString, I don't know what should be in href of link
var contentString = '' + organization.title + '';
link should redirect to the selected organization in infowindow!
thanks in advance!
Assume you have a REST route and the relative path to an organization looks like /organizations/1234 where 1234 it is id of organization:
var orgId = organization.id;
var orgTitle = organization.title;
var contentString = '' + orgTitle + '';
I"m binding my tile container in xml view as
<TileContainer id="idsolutionContainer" tiles="{ path: 'dlCourses>/DLES_COURSE_CONTENT' }">
<dles:DLESScoreTile name="{dlCourses>LJ_TITLE}" topicId="{dlesScore>ID}" topic="{dlCourses>LJ_SOLUTION}" dles="{dlCourses>DLES}" id="tileDLESCourse" press=".handleCourseClick"></dles:DLESScoreTile>
and on the backend on inint fucntion I'm trying to filter by LJ_SOLUTION but it doesn't work. it gives me all the courses. I'm getting LJ_SOLUTION from query string that's why i'm not filtring on front end.
the code is as
var coursePath = "/DLES_COURSE_CONTENT";
var filterByName = new sap.ui.model.Filter('LJ_SOLUTION', 'EQ', 'Analytics')
//sPath = "/DLES_SOLUTION_CONTENT?$filter=LJ_SOLUTION eq '" + sId + "')";
var courses = oView.getModel("dlCourses");
var courseData = oModel.getData(coursePath);
path: coursePath,
filters: [ new sap.ui.model.Filter("LJ_SOLUTION",sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.EQ, "Analytics") ],
model: "dlCourses",
events: {
dataRequested: function() {
dataReceived: function() {
The network tab...
there is another request batch I don't understand completely but the request query is as
var oView = this.getView();
var oSolutionJourneyList = oView.byId("idsolutionContainer");
var oBinding = oSolutionJourneyList.getBinding("tiles");
if (oBinding) {
var oFilter = new sap.ui.model.Filter("LJ_SOLUTION", 'EQ', 'Analytics');
Please remove the code “var courseData = oModel.getData(coursePath);”
because this loads the entire model. The bindElement will also create a request to load the required data only. Then, check the request which is created by bindElement to see if the path for “LJ_Solution” is correct.
I have an ol.interaction.Select acting on an ol.source.Vector which is within an ol.layer.Vector. I can select and unselect individual countries fine. I am using a dragbox to select multiple countries. If I select anywhere outside of the multiply selected countries, the currently selected get unselected. Excellent!
However, the problem is that if I select a currently selected country within the multiple, I get the AssertionError: Assertion failed: featureKey exists in featureChangeKeys
Here's my Vector layer:
_countrySelectSource = new ol.source.Vector({
url: 'vendor/openlayers/geojson/countries.json',
format: new ol.format.GeoJSON()
var countryLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
title: 'Country Select',
visible: true,
type: 'interactive-layers',
source: _countrySelectSource
I add countryLayer to my map, _map.
I then create a _CountrySelect object that allows me to setActive(true|false) on the interactions related to my country selection.
_CountrySelect = {
init : function(){
this.select = new ol.interaction.Select();
this.dragbox = new ol.interaction.DragBox({
condition: ol.events.condition.platformModifierKeyOnly
setEvents: function(){
var selectedFeatures = this.select.getFeatures();
var infoBox = document.getElementById('info');
var selfDragbox = this.dragbox;
selfDragbox.on('boxend', function() {
// features that intersect the box are added to the collection of
// selected features, and their names are displayed in the "info"
// div
var extent = selfDragbox.getGeometry().getExtent();
_countrySelectSource.forEachFeatureIntersectingExtent(extent, function(feature) {
infoBox.innerHTML = _countryCodes.join(', ');
// clear selection when drawing a new box and when clicking on the map
selfDragbox.on('boxstart', function() {
infoBox.innerHTML = ' ';
_map.on('singleclick', function(event) {
_countryCodes = [];
var id = feature.getId();
var index = _countryCodes.indexOf(id);
if ( index === -1 ) {
infoBox.innerHTML = _countryCodes.join(', ');
setActive: function(active){
I am not sure if this is an issue with OL3 or my code. Maybe there's an event I'm not handling? Maybe it's the ol.interaction.DragBox (no luck researching on the DragBox). Let me know what further information I can provide.
I have a google map with a load of markers on it, each corresponding to a different post in the html. Each marker id is the same as each post id. Inside the map initialize = function() {... I have the following code (I'm using gon to pass info from rails to javascript):
for (m = 0; m < gon.markers.length; m++) {
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: new google.maps.LatLng(gon.markers[m].lat, gon.markers[m].lng),
icon: image,
infowindow: gon.markers[m].infowindow,
id: gon.markers[m].id
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'mouseover', function() {
var image = $("#map-canvas").data('marker2');
// console.log("marker.id: " + marker.id);
// console.log("this.id" + this.id);
$('#' + marker.id).css('background', 'red');
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'mouseout', function() {
var image = $("#map-canvas").data('marker1');
$('#' + marker.id).css('background', 'white');
markers[markers.length] = marker;
Uncommenting the console.log lines demonstrates that it is the classic closure problem (marker.id always has the same value no matter which marker is hovered on).
My question is, how do I code it properly so it does as intended? I just can't get the code right now matter what I try. I've tried stuff like this but is just doesn't work:
marker.on('mouseover', noticeHover(marker.id));
function noticeHover(id) {
var image = $("#map-canvas").data('marker2');
$('#' + id).css('background', 'gainsboro');
Wrap the entire code that handles the marker-creation into a function and pass the items inside the loop as argument to this function:
for (m = 0; m < gon.markers.length; m++) {
//anonymous,self-executing function
var goo = google.maps,
marker = new goo.Marker({
map: map,
position: new goo.LatLng(props.lat,
icon: image,
infowindow: props.infowindow,
id: props.id
goo.event.addListener(marker, 'mouseover', function() {
var image = $("#map-canvas").data('marker2');
$('#' + marker.id).css('background', 'red');
goo.event.addListener(marker, 'mouseout', function() {
var image = $("#map-canvas").data('marker1');
$('#' + marker.id).css('background', 'white');
gon.markers[m]//pass current loop-item as argument
I've created an app using tabBar. I've created a separate search Window Containing a searchBar and a TableView to display the recent search items. Whenever the return event is fired a new window called searchresult.js opens up displaying the data searched. When I click on the back button it goes from searchresult.js-->searchpage.js, but the problem is the table for recent data gets updated in the database but it isn't showing on the table and I've to go to the main page and open the searchpage.js again to see the correct data... Pls help...Thanx in advance
I've used the following code: searchpage.js
//*** Search Field ***
var search = Titanium.UI.createSearchBar({
hintText:'Name of the part you want to search',
//*** Table For Recent Search ***
var db = Titanium.Database.install('car.db','dbversion1');
var sql = db.execute ('SELECT * FROM search_history ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 10');
var data = [];
while (sql.isValidRow()){
var searchQuery = sql.fieldByName('search_query');
var selectedCategory = sql.fieldByName('selected_category');
var searchID = sql.fieldByName ('id');
data.push({title: searchQuery});
var searchTable = Titanium.UI.createTableView({
headerTitle:'RECENT SEARCH',
data: data,
//Search Action
search.addEventListener('blur', function(e) {
Titanium.API.info('search bar:blur received');
search.addEventListener('cancel', function(e) {
Titanium.API.info('search bar:cancel received');
search.addEventListener('return', function(e){
var insertSql = db.execute('INSERT INTO search_history (search_query, selected_category) VALUES ("' + search.value + '", 1)');
var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
title: 'Search Result',
searchValue: search.value
Titanium.UI.currentTab.open(win, {animation:true});
// Back Button Action
bckButton.addEventListener('click', function(e){
if (Ti.Android){
and searchresult.js
// *** Content ***
var content = Titanium.UI.createView({
var searchQuery = win.searchValue;
var db = Titanium.Database.install('car.db', 'dbversion1');
var sql = db.execute ("SELECT * FROM part_category WHERE part_name LIKE \'%"+ searchQuery +"%\'");
var data = [];
var partName = sql.fieldByName ('part_name');
var partID = sql.fieldByName ('id');
data.push({title: partName, hasChild:true, id:partID, url:'partsubcategory.js'});
var resultTable = Titanium.UI.createTableView({
data : data,
// Back Button Action
bckButton.addEventListener('click', function(e){
if (Ti.Android){
you should save the search results in a data structure and fire an event after the search is complete. Any other tables that you want to update should be listening for that event and update when it recieves the event.
I believe there is an example of this in the training documentation for tiBountyHunter
I'm using jquery mobile to create a list view. This listview is created in a function when loading the page
var _id = $(his).attr('id');
var _name = $(this).attr('name');
var _capacity = $(this).attr('capacity');
$('#listStock').append('<li id="' + _name +'" data-theme="b">'+ _capacity+'</span>'+'</li>');
I only want to create this list, but the capacity will change every minute. How can I change this part of the list dynamically?
you must have the index of the changed capacity let _your_index in the list ,
$('.ui-li-count').index(_your_index ).html(_your_capacity);
Try this solution:
$(document).bind('changeData', function(e){
var _id = $(this).attr('id');
var _name = $(this).attr('name');
var _capacity = $(this).attr('capacity');
$('#listStock').append('<li id="' + _name +'" data-theme="b">'+_name+' '+_description+'<span class="ui-li-count">'+ _capacity+'</span>'+'</li>');