accessing transition history via JIRA REST API - jira

I found another person apparently having this issue but I thought I'd re-ask the question to see if I could make it more explicit.
I'm using the JIRA 6 REST web API and successfully pulling lots of data that matches our web cloud UI.
Now I'd like to see the transitions a given issue has been thru, preferably with info about who performed the transition.
I can see this transition history in our JIRA web UI but I haven't figured out how to access programmatically yet.
There's a promising sounding API:{issueIdOrKey}/transitions [GET, POST]
And this is the API the previous asker seemed to have been using. From what I can tell it only returns the valid transitions you can ask for on the issue at a given point in time.
I would like a history of transitions, such as when the issue went to code review, QA, closed, etc.
I have done a expand=changelog but the change log does not correlate with the transitions that I can see.
Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks.

When you use expand=changelog, then all changes that have been done in issue are there. Exactly same info as in All tab in Activity section when viewing in web browser.
When I send:
Under changelogkey I find list of histories. Each historyhas list of items. Those items are changes performed on the certain field, with to and from values.
To find all status changes you need to do something like this:
for history in issue.changelog.histories:
for item in history.items:
if item.field == "status":
print item.toString # new value
print item.fromString # old value
Or use GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/changelog like explained in the "get changelog" docs

You can try using the jql parameter for the REST API call.
So your call for,
JQL = project=XYZ and status was resolved
fields = key
will look like this,
where key will return only relevant information and not excessive for each issue.

public void changeStatus(IssueRestClient iRestClient,
List<Statuses> JiraStatuses, String key) {
String status = "To Do";
for (Statuses statuses : vOneToJiraStatuses) {
if (1 == statuses.compareTo(status)) {
try {
String _transition = statuses.getTransition();
Issue issue = iRestClient.getIssue(key).get();
Transition transition = getTransition(iRestClient, issue,
if (!(isBlankOrNull(transition))) {
if (!(issue.getStatus().getName()
transition(transition, issue, null, iRestClient,
} catch (Exception e) {, e);
List is a pojo implementation where statuses and transitions defined in xml are injected through setter/constructor.
private void transition(Transition transition, Issue issue,
FieldInput fieldInput, IssueRestClient issueRestClient,
String status) throws Exception {
if (isBlankOrNull(fieldInput)) {
TransitionInput transitionInput = new TransitionInput(
issueRestClient.transition(issue, transitionInput).claim();"Status Updated for : " + issue.getKey());
} else {
TransitionInput transitionInput = new TransitionInput(
issueRestClient.transition(issue, transitionInput).claim();"Status Updated for : " + issue.getKey());
public Transition getTransition(IssueRestClient issueRestClient,
Issue issue, String _transition) {
Promise<Iterable<Transition>> ptransitions = issueRestClient
Iterable<Transition> transitions = ptransitions.claim();
for (Transition transition : transitions) {
if (transition.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(_transition)) {
return transition;
return null;
In Short using Transition API of JIRA we can fetch all the transitions to set statuses


How to form an URL in LWC Community Page that can carry User Info?

I am forming a web app in lightning Community Experience Builder using LWC, which already has an URL that carries the domain of my org.
Now I want to handover the URL to users along with an Id appended to its end, such that when the user visits the site I can retrieve the Id from URL using JS.
the original URL:
User lands with:
I must be able to retrieve the userId when the component loads using renderedCallBack or connectedCallBack.
Thanks in advance.
Note:Lightning Navigation Service offered by LWC,doesnt work outside Salesforce,LEX.
Plain JavaScript URLSearchParams should be enough. I have something similar on my project and works ok in community, with LWC embedded on the page.
connectedCallback() {
// Try to read the preselected id from URL
if (window.location.href) {
try {
let url = new URL(window.location.href);
let id = url.searchParams.get('id');
if (id) {
this.userId = id;
} catch (e) {
if (console) {

Return message in Jira out of Java (is only visible after page refresh...)

I have problems with returning a message in Jira out of Java.
I made a plugin, overwriting the CreateWorklog class (the doExecute() method) when creating an issue.
After my functionalities the method ends with those lines:
if (NONE.equals(superResult))
return returnMsgToUser(getReturnUrl(), messageToUser, MessageType.SUCCESS, true, null);
return superResult;
And before that, there are some options to return before creating the issue, those look like this for example:
if (httpPostReq.getResponseCode() != 201)
System.out.println("ERROR: Webservice-Aufruf fehlgeschlagen! Response-Code: " + httpPostReq.getResponseCode());
return returnMsgToUser(getReturnUrl(), "ERROR: Webservice call failed! Response-Code: " + httpPostReq.getResponseCode(), MessageType.ERROR, true, null);
The return argument makes the method cancels the issue-creation, but the return message is not as wanted.
First, the normal return message of the unchanged function appears, but after reloading the website, my own message appears.
Why it's only visible after refreshing the Jira website? How could I change that behavior?
And another question:
What exactly is the String target (last constructor parameter) doing in returnMsgToUser? The only information I could find, is that if you put in null, it's placed in a global spot. And what else could you put in there? I have no ideas...

Editing resolution of JIRA issue using Transition throws exception

I have two JIRA project for eg. DEV and CLIENT. I want to set the resolution of issue in CLIENT project to DONE when the resolution of issue in DEV project changes to DONE.
For this I have done following code :
public void changeTransition(com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue devIssue, Issue clientIssue, JiraRestClient restClient) {
IssueRestClient issueClient = restClient.getIssueClient();
Iterable<Transition> transitions = issueClient.getTransitions(clientIssue.getTransitionsUri()).claim();
final Transition doneIssueTransition = getTransitionByName(transitions, "Done"); //this returns done Transition
if (doneIssueTransition != null) {
ImmutableList.Builder<FieldInput> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
builder.add(new FieldInput(IssueFieldId.RESOLUTION_FIELD, ComplexIssueInputFieldValue.with("name", devIssue.getResolution().getName())));
ImmutableList<FieldInput> fieldInputs =;
TransitionInput transitionInput = new TransitionInput(doneIssueTransition.getId(), fieldInputs, prepareComment(devIssue));
issueClient.transition(clientIssue.getTransitionsUri(), transitionInput).claim();
The exception that I get is :
Field 'resolution' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown.
is there anything wrong with the code? what this exception signifies? what changes should I make to get this resolved?

SharePoint 2010 "save conflict" message when editing list item with attachment

I have been trying to address an error generated in SharePoint 2010 that occurs when I update a list item that has a Microsoft Office document attached. If I make changes to the attached document (by clicking its link in the list item) and then attempt to save the list item I get the error message below.
I am trying to capture and deal with this error using the ItemUpdating event receiver
The receiver never catches the save conflict exception in the try catch.
I have tried everything that has been suggested in about 4 pages of google searches and I have run out of things to try. This is a last desperate attempt to find a solution (if there IS one).
Below is my code for the ItemUpdating event receiver.
public override void ItemUpdating(SPItemEventProperties properties)
using (SPSite site = properties.OpenSite())
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
//determine list
if (properties.List.Title.ToLower() == "mytestlist")
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
this.EventFiringEnabled = false;
} //endif
} //end using
} //end using
catch (Exception ex) {
//abort the update
properties.Status = SPEventReceiverStatus.CancelWithError;
properties.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
properties.Cancel = true;
} //end try
} //end function
Here is my Elements.xml file also.
Thank you in advance.

neo4j 2.0 findNodesByLabelAndProperty not working

I'm currently trying the Neo4j 2.0.0 M3 and see some strange behaviour. In my unit tests, everything works as expected (using an newImpermanentDatabase) but in the real thing, I do not get results from the graphDatabaseService.findNodesByLabelAndProperty.
Here is the code in question:
ResourceIterator<Node> iterator = graphDB
.findNodesByLabelAndProperty(Labels.User, "EMAIL_ADDRESS", emailAddress)
try {
if (iterator.hasNext()) { // => returns false**
} finally {
return null;
This returns no results. However, when running the following code, I see my node is there (The MATCH!!!!!!!!! is printed) and I also have an index setup via the schema (although that if I read the API, this seems not necessary but is important for performance):
ResourceIterator<Node> iterator1 =;
while (iterator1.hasNext()) {
Node result =;
UserDao.printoutNode(emailAddress, result);
And UserDao.printoutNode
public static void printoutNode(String emailAddress, Node next) {
ResourceIterator<Label> iterator1 = next.getLabels().iterator();
while (iterator1.hasNext()) {
System.out.print("): ");
for(String key : next.getPropertyKeys()) {
System.out.print(key + ": " + next.getProperty(key).toString() + "; ");
if(emailAddress.equals( next.getProperty(key).toString())) {
I already debugged through the code and what I already found out is that I pass via the InternalAbstractGraphDatabase.map2Nodes to a DelegatingIndexProxy.getDelegate and end up in IndexReader.Empty class which returns the IteratorUtil.EMPTY_ITERATOR thus getting false for iterator.hasNext()
Any idea's what I am doing wrong?
Found it:
I only included neo4j-kernel:2.0.0-M03 in the classpath. The moment I added neo4j-cypher:2.0.0-M03 all was working well.
Hope this answer helps save some time for other users.
#Neo4j: would be nice if an exception would be thrown instead of just returning nothing.
#Ricardo: I wanted to but I was not allowed yet as my reputation wasn't good enough as a new SO user.
