Development environment in Docker - docker

Due to a hardware issue, I had to change my work station to another Mac for a few weeks.
It took me a couple of hours to setup everything: Android Studio, git, Apache, MySql, etc...
Could I use a docker image to bundle all my development tools ?
(My goal is to have a "backup" of my development environment that I could start running right away on another machine)

Could I use a docker image to bundle all my development tools ?
That means all your dev tools would be Linux tools working in Linux container, on a Linux host.
You would need to provide that Linux host (on your Mac) through a boot2docker Virtual Machine.
But that also mean you could not directly type "git" from a Mac shell, you would need to connect to your VM first in order to launch your 'git' container and run dome docker run --name=git commands.
So no, this doesn't seem to be a good fit for your backup plan on Mac.

Not necessarily. It kinda depends what you are looking for in a development environment.
I do use it for part of my dev env though.
Vagrant + Docker
My personal approach is to rely on Vagrant to fire up a bunch of environments, some of which being full-fledged VMs and others being lightweight containers.
This is a rather controversial approach though, many people would not agree with it, as the tools overlap, both in terms of platform capability and provisioning.
Docker Containers for 3rd Party Services
My personal approach for this is to use Vagrant to fire up a bunch of different VMs, where one is my main dev VM with tools I use for development (IDEs, editors, SCM tools, etc...), and the rest are Docker containers for 3rd party apps that relate to my daily activities (IRC client, database servers like MySQL or MongoDB, etc...).
This fits my cycle decently as these types of tools (like databases) are not something you generally interact with directly through a tty, but something I'd rather connect to with another tool via an API. So I don't need direct access to them, and I do want them to be isolated and easy to jumpstart and dispose of when I jump between projects.
So, docker containers fit part of my idea of a dev environment, but not necessarily all of it.
Just my use case though. Hope it helps.

Shameless plug: Docker Shell
This tool lets you set up a uniform cross platform development environment inside a docker container.


Is there any way to isolate an app without using container under cygwin windows

I am using cygwin under windows server 2008 to have linux capability (to some degree) and ssh and be able to run apps without using a gui.
On another server that is ubuntu 18.04 I use containers to some how isolate my apps so that when I run an app and it spawns child processes and probabley modifies file descriptors etc (and so now I can not keep track of which processes are running now) I can stop my app and all the mess that it has done, with just stopping the container.
Containers made starting and stopping an app a clean and simple way.
Is there any way to have such thing on windows (without using docker on windows)? by saying this I mean the file and process isolation and not network or other stuff.
Is it possible to only isolate processes so that i can get rid of them with a single command?
Is there any tool for that? particularly for cygwin under windows?
I don't know about other languages but if you're using Python, it has a feature called Virtual Environment and developer can create and run applications in isolated environments. you can learn more about it here.
I myself come to the conclusion that using services and creating a service in windows would be the only way to manage an app without using a container.

what programs can be installed in a docker container

I am a Windows user.
I have looked at the official Docker tutorial "Get Started". The example focus is a python app. I don't know python and I guess a Docker container can have many programs installed as an environment, not just python.
Is Docker good for testing a program I download from the internet in an isolated environment (like a sandbox in firewalls or antivirus) ?
How for example can I make a container that has an environment containing installed programs like Visual Studio, VLC player, Office, etc.?
Yes; you can have an isolated environment with docker. You can set your desired configurations, download from internet, install, and whatever you do in a Virtual Machine.
Yes, you can. What your container contains depends on the base image you create it FROM and packages you install inside of it.
You can build your container from an empty OS (e.g. ubuntu), configure the OS, download/install/configure/run whatever you want.
You can create a base image which derives FROM a suitable OS, then install any basic application (e.g. firefox) which you may use in a lot of containers on it. Then you should push it in a registry (e.g. Github). After that, you can use it as a base image for other containers, so your new containers have installed applications by default; no need to install them again. It reduces complexity and repetitions in Dockerfile.

Docker on Windows in Production

I've been asked to research Docker. The question that I cannot get a definitive response to is "can you run Docker on Windows in production?".
I keep seeing "Docker image containers can run natively on Linux and Windows. However, Windows images can run
only on Windows hosts and Linux images can run only on Linux hosts, meaning a host server or a VM."
I'm not interested in running containerized windows applications (.net). We have Spring Boot (java) applications & are creating a microservices architecture. These containerized apps. don't need an OS running in the same container.
We also need an orchestration engine like Kubernetes and its unclear if this is something that can run in production on windows either.
I've been fighting the good fight trying to get deployment environments switched to Linux but that's a loosing battle at this point.
Citing the docs:
Welcome to Docker for Windows!
Docker is a full development platform for creating containerized apps,
and Docker for Windows is the best way to get started with Docker on
Windows systems.
Take this literally. It's meant by the vendor as a dev tool to develop your Docker environment on Windows, not a production environment. To run it in production, they expect a Linux host.
It's not clear if the OP is asking "Can I run Docker on Windows in production" (like from a licensing perspective), or "should I run it" (like from an experience perspective.) I have an answer that should address both points.
It's indeed interesting to note first that as I write this, all the answers and comments so far are from 2018 or (like the question) 2017.
Here's at least one 2019 post on the topic from Docker (including listing clients running in production, so it addresses both points):
And while the title refers to Docker Enterprise, the article does say "Hundreds of enterprises now run Windows container nodes in production", without that Enterprise caveat.
Even so, folks who may "not want to pay to run Docker Enterprise" should note that Windows 2016 and 2019 include a license of Docker Enterprise, free. (As for the recent upheaval of Docker where the Enterprise product was sold to Mirantis, there's no indication yet that will change the included Windows licensing of it.)
Still, I realize that the OP and other readers may seek still more (documented) evidence of production Docker deployment on Windows. I'll leave that for others to elaborate. Just didn't think this should stand here without anything more recent than July 2018.
Check out this blog, it quotes "Windows Server 2016 is the where Docker Windows containers should be deployed for production".
First of all, I suspect this question is rather stale after 3 years. I don't know if you are still struggling with the problem, I would love to hear your experience and the route you had taken.
This is probably a biased answer but I will try to answer with my experience. Like you, we have also lost the good fight to persuade our client to use a Linux server. We have 2 metals and a small bunch of virtual machines running Windows Server 2019 - Server version 1809 (Which is not the cutting edge, but the most recent stable version) It was indeed an improvement on top of WS2016. However it still had some problems. The major problem was with the docker swarm. The overlay networking with routing mesh was not working properly. So we had to fall back to containers with docker-compose and manual service discovery, which kinda beats the purpose of docker.
That being said, the problem with the Swarm network could be because of the fact that we are using virtual machines and Hyper-v switches. On top of that, we had no direct access to host network and we had to jump through some bureaucratic hoops whenever we require changes in the network, which got super old super fast when we want to test stuff. Additionally, we did not have Active Directory because of our lack of confidence to network. I am still not sure if DCs would play with docker in a virtual environment. Still not having AD was manageable since we did not have many machines.
Another problem was that we did not have nested virtualization (i.e. cannot run moby) due to CPU issues, and WSL2 with support for Docker is not available on WS19 LTSC editions. So I had to write our own images for many stuff that we use. Like Jenkins, Redis, etc. You can find the dockerfiles here if interested But obviously keeping them up to date and tidy was a huge work and I did not have much time to invest.
Performance-wise, we seemed to have no issues but we did not really make a comparative analysis.
All in all, I love Docker, it is a great product. But after this project I am thinking not to touch Docker on windows in a production environment with a 10 foot pole. In fact, I don't know if I will ever use a Windows machine as production environment in the future. It is cool to have it in development though.
My understanding is that Containers on Windows Server should be fine for production while Containers on Windows Desktop should be only for dev and test, not production. I saw one post "MICROSOFT SOFTWARE SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE FOR WINDOWS CONTAINER BASE IMAGE", not sure how this one is related to this question?
I can highly recommend not to use Docker Desktop for Windows in Production.
The host machines (Windows 10 Pro) where configured to restart everyday at a certain time and the Docker Container where Linux containers which as recommended where using the WSL2 based engine.
I was testing it on 20 devices for a over one year now and from 20 Pc's had at least 5 now the problem that Docker Desktop cannot be initialized. Which means that Docker Desktop is not starting anymore until you remove some folder(s) in %APPDATA% but when you do so it worked only 3 out of 5 times for me that Docker Desktop was able to start after that. One time needed to reinstall Docker Desktop the remaining One I needed to reload all the docker images and configure them again. Most of the issues seemed to have been a result of a power cut.
Most annoying are the updates from my perspective, because from one to the other version all images and running containers where gone and I needed to reconfigure them, happend with 2 Version in the past but not on all computer.
The Linux machines on the other hand no issues.

Can I use Docker like this ...?

My work laptop is running LinuxMint as the base OS, plus Virtualbox to run Windows 7 which is the actual work environment, usually plus an additional Virtualbox VM to run a different Windows installation in which I do my client project work (I have one VM per client, to avoid messing up my main OS).
But I'm wondering if it's feasible and beneficent to switch to using Docker for the client project stuff? That is, I'd like to keep LinuxMint (to preserve my sanity), and keep Windows ('cause I have to use some MS products), but then instead of that series of "client VM's" use Docker containers?
I'm not entirely clear on how containers are useful. Can I, for instance, have a container in which I've installed dotNET and MS SQL; and then another container where I've installed an Azure Powershell; and a third container where I've installed Java and Eclipse -- and then decide which of these "sets" of software is available on the same common base OS (Windows, with VPN and Outlook and Notepad++)?
This post makes me think I'm asking for a solution from the wrong tool?
Or should I perhaps attack the root problem from a different angle, and ask the following over at Workplace.SE: How to work as a consultant without "cluttering up" one's (Windows) OS with more or less temporary installations of all sorts of software necessary for client projects?
AFAIK there is no WindowsOS ready to be run INSIDE a docker container localy, but they are anounced. See and msdn windowscontainers
What you can do is run Linux OSs in docker containers within Windows. But in your case you should run the docker engine in your Mint Linux
Not really an answer, more like several comments -- though it's too long to fit within a comment
First of all I would not run Mint, but that's off the question.
Then, it may probably worth to take a look at How is Docker different from a normal virtual machine?.
Also, as you linked, Docker does not aim (at all) to run several programs. Indeed, their policy is Caas: Container as a Service. So basically one program per container. Saying all that, you can probably run wine within container and run one application on each container (over wine).
Have fun!

Using Vagrant and Docker together, by example

So this weekend I installed both Vagrant and Docker on my laptop and played around with them a little bit. I totally understand that they are different beasts with different intentions in mind. But I can't help to think: how could they be used to complement each other?
If you Google "Docker vs Vagrant" you'll get an ocean of blogs and articles stating how these two technologies are different. But I have yet to come across a single concrete article demonstrating how these two technologies can be used with each other. I assume there has to be specific scenarios where one would use both, otherwise there would be no reason to have the Vagrant-Docker provisioner.
So I ask: Can someone please provide me with a concrete scenario(s) in which a dev would use both Docker and Vagrant? Perhaps using Vagrant to manage a local VM and then perhaps Docker for "converting" that configured (with deployed application in tow) VM to a container, or something thereabouts?
I'm looking for specific, fairly detailed scenarios here! Thanks in advance!
This question is very broad but for dev environments you can use as your creativity spans.
So one scenario that I can think of is that you are running say Ubuntu in your production environment with Docker containers. Say your developers have Mac OS X machines running VirtualBox, but you want want their environment to be as close as possible to the production environment. So use Vagrant with Ubuntu VM and in that VM run Docker containers.
The same can be said about Windows machines, what if your production environment is all Ubuntu with Docker. You can emulated with Vagrant and VirtualBox too.
Often considered two alternative tools, Docker and Vagrant can be used
together to build isolated and repeatable development environments. We
will prove it setting up a Docker container for development of a Java
application and taking advantage of Vagrant powerful features to solve
some real life practical issues.
