Here maps free evaluation iOS mobile SDK for 90 days, no link available on the web to download - sdk

As part of our mobile app development we need to work on offline maps. Recently we have registered for HERE maps iOS free evaluation sdk(90 days), however we are not able to download HERE maps sdk and explained samples since there is no download link available on website( We have sent several mails to support team but nobody responded to my mails.
Someone help us to proceed further like how to get this sdk, so that we can integrate this free evaluation HERE sdk in our apps. If we are happy with this maps we are ready to purchase business license also.
Note: Google Maps(no offline), Skobbler maps are giving sdks and sample programs but not Here Maps.

The native HERE Maps SDK which includes offline map support can now be evaluated by anyone, no business license required. You just need to create a HERE account and request an evaluation copy.
Go to > Mobile SDKs > Sign up for a 90-day free trial

I contacted HERE a few days ago. They said that the SDK is available only for business contracts, not for free contracts. And it's not possible to get the sdk for evaluation. We need first a business contract...

Click on the below link to download Here maps mobile SDKs for android and iOS:
Currently there are two types of mobile SDKs are available
1.Starter Evaluation(90-day free trial) : Some feature will not be available here.
For ex a).We cannot download maps with this.
b).Hybrid mode will not work here etc.
Hybrid version will work both online and offline modes whereas online version will only work in online mode. You can download the maps with Here mobile SDK and then you can navigate to the places without internet. In hybrid version app will switch to offline automatically whenever net is not available.
2.Premium Evaluation(90-day free trial) : We can download maps.


Can Google Pay be used in webviews

Can Google Pay be implemented in Webviews/WKWebview/SFSafariViewController for both IOS device and Android devices?
Google pay FAQ page said "For Android apps which use WebViews, you must invoke platform specific Android Google Pay APIs." - I'm not sure what does that mean...
Most other question I saw involves Stripe, I'm not using Stripe however.

Google Assistant no longer available for commercial use?

Is Google Assistant seriously no longer available for commercial use? Previously, you were able to but you had to get permission from them. Then at this page and even on their support page I run into this text:
Warning: You can't launch commercial devices that integrate with the Google Assistant SDK. It's available for experimental and non-commercial uses only.
So am I understanding correctly that Google is no longer allowing 3rd party hardware developers to add Google Assistant to their product? If this is indeed true, anyone know why?
Not quite. They're just saying that the Assistant SDK is no longer the route to go to embed the Assistant in your own commercial hardware. Given there are third party platforms that have the Assistant, I assume that they have a different platform that you need to partner with Google to use.
I can only speculate about why this is necessary, however my guesses are some combination of the following:
The Assistant SDK does not provide a way to update itself on devices when necessary, which they would expect on a consumer device.
The Assistant SDK doesn't support all the features that the Assistant now supports. In particular, it doesn't support streaming audio, which is the most popular feature for the Assistant.
Likely at the core of both of these, many of the features of the Assistant are implemented on the client side, while the Assistant SDK implements nearly everything (except wake word) on the server side.

Does anybody know is google assistant sdk available for commercial use?

Does anybody know that google assistant SDK is available for commercial use or not?
If available how can I buy its License?
Per the Google Assistant SDK Terms of Service, you may not commercialize your Project without written permission from Google:
Google provides the Assistant API only for developmental use on your
Project devices. You may not:
a. commercialize your Project without written permission from Google;
b. incorporate or use the Assistant API with any standalone software
applications that are not necessary for operation of your Project
device; or
c. circumvent the limits Google places on the number of
queries your Project may issue, Users it may support, or any other
limit Google may put in place.

iOS apps authentication and API

I am pretty much newbie in iOS app developments. I have a question about authentication from iOS app.
Consider Android where a Google account is mandatory for each device and using the same account we can authenticate in any Android application.
Is there any similar approach available in iOS? May be using that we can authenticate user directly into iPhone application?
Apple provides iCloud features for authentication purposes. It lets you save data and files in iCloud storage and it will be synced between all devices logged in with the same iCloud account.
If you want to keep using your Google accounts on iOS devices as well there is no native way of doing so. However there are several libraries and pods available for this purpose. Google has a good SDK for working with Google Authentication and it is well documented as well.

Google VR SDK for iOS target audience, when to consider Unity API?

When started reading Google VR developer docs, I found that there seemingly exist two API sets for supporting iOS audience
API for iOS;
"Unity Cardboard on iOS" support.
Can someone elaborate what's the difference between them? e.g.,if I want to target my VR apps to iOS users, which API set shall I use?
If the above question is too general, let me further ask a more specific one. Say, if my app is just a VR video watching app (think of videos shot by GoPro Omni), will both API sets give me the same result?
