Decode a signed cookie in rails? - ruby-on-rails

So I have a signed cookie that has the following value
I need to decode it and get the following value
I tried something like
but it gives me the wrong value, it adds these damn slashes in the string so I end up with

but it gives me the wrong value, it adds these damn slashes in the
string so I end up with
Its not adding any slashes. The issue here is your returned string is included between double quotes ". \" here is escape character.
Base64.decode64 "IjVvVGdIOW1pUU44Qkk5NFZZUl9Udnci"
# => "\"5oTgH9miQN8BI94VYR_Tvw\""
puts Base64.decode64 "IjVvVGdIOW1pUU44Qkk5NFZZUl9Udnci"
# "5oTgH9miQN8BI94VYR_Tvw"
As the problem is unwanted "s. You can remove them as follows:
# => "5oTgH9miQN8BI94VYR_Tvw"

Please try this
require 'rack'
Also you can decrypt it.

I ended up using the following:
probably works only with rails 4.1 +, although I am not sure


How to get the hostname from a url with accented letters inside in Ruby

I have the following url inside a field of model:à_non_rispettare_il/?sort=new
Inside the URL there is an accented letter (à). If I use URI.parse to get hostname gives me the following error:
URI::InvalidURIError: URI must be ascii only "\u00E0_non_rispettare_il/?sort=new"
The method URL.encode resolves the problem, but I discover that the URL.encode is obsolete and should not be used.
Which method should I use for replacing URI.encode?
this is encoding issue and you need to do it as below
first lets encode your URI first
encoded_url = URI.encode('à_non_rispettare_il/?sort=new')
And then parse it
good luck
The only solution that I find uses the gem Addressable(
Perhaps this could be an inelegant solution:
# => #<URI::HTTPS>
Then I use the method host
# => ""

Remove SubString from String base on two strings or parameters in Ruby

Say I have the following string:
I would like the output to be:
So I am trying to build a method like this:
def remove_this_block('<remove','/remove>')
# some code here
I've tried gsub, strip_tags, etc... Nothing seems to work.
Please help.
String#gsub would do:
gsub /<remove.*?\/remove>/, ''
#⇒ "<p>Apple.</p><span>Orange.</span>"

Ruby on Rails 4 on Heroku, Environment variables with backslash escape

I have an environment variable along the lines of:
MY_VALUE: "EFINbA\u003d\u003d\n"
When I read it through ruby it is returned as:
=> "EFINbA\\u003d\\u003d\\n"
... but only on Heroku, not on Mac (where it was set through a local_env.yml file, admittedly)
So first of all, I just don't understand why it is doing that.
Secondly, when I attempt to remove the \ and replace them with \, I have found nothing that works.
=> "EFINbAxu003dxu003dxn"
... doesn't work because the last double-quote is escaped, while:
... effectively does nothing at all.
Evidently I am missing something basic here, and it's too late in the day for me to spot it.
You can try YAML's unescape
require 'yaml'
def unescape(s)
or if you don't bring in the yaml module you can use eval
def unescape(s)
eval %Q{"#{s}"}
The advantage to YAML over eval is that it is presumably safer.
YAML.safe_load sometimes changes characters in the env string - so it is not an optimal solution.
As eval is also not the solution as it is not that safe, .undump was the answer I was looking for.

Avoid using # encoding: UTF-8

I ran into a problem with a Rails controller where it choked on a Unicode string:
syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting ']'
...conditions => ['url like ?', "%日本%"])
The solution to this problem was to set the encoding at the top of the controller file using
# encoding: UTF-8
Is there any way to set this globally? I keep on getting into trouble by forgetting to set it in files. Alternatively, is there a default somewhere that will make sure that all strings are thought of as Unicode? Are there any problems with setting everything to be Unicode?
In less than a month, Ruby 2.0 will be released, which will have UTF-8 as the default encoding. Then, you will not need to do that any more.
You can try setting environment variable RUBYOPT to -Ku value:
export RUBYOPT="-Ku"

How can I output an "&" in RoR without getting "&"?

Controller code:
class HelpController<ApplicationController
def index
#url = ""
View code:
And it redirects to THIS:
This: & amp; redirect_to=
(without spaces)
In Rails 3, you can call the .html_safe method to tell rails that you have verified the content is safe to send unescaped.
See for an explanation of the motivation for the default escaping behavior.
The idiom is reversed from older versions of rails, where you had to explicitly call .h (.html_escape).
No Ruby expert, but I think escaping is the default behavior. You have to force it to output as an unescaped string by wrapping the thing in raw().
