Best approach for iOS social integration - ios

I have recently faced up to integrate social networks with iOS.
In the past, I have done so many things that deal with social networking integration and I thought, it was quite easy thing for me.
But had no chance to work with it more than a year and now I was trying to do it and there are too much complex things which is related to this.
It was much different when I was doing in iOS 5 and FacebookSDK was upgraded too much.
Found that ShareKit have the most potential to be used but it seems like too heavy for simple integration.
Was liked to use Social.framework or iOS Facebook SDK and it also have confusion.
What happens if the social account registered in settings and Facebook app are different?
Seems like UIActivityViewController is the easiest way but seems like to have iOS specific version issues.
So I need any suggestions for experienced developers which is the best way to integrate social networking and do whatever I want.
I want to build a new module which do login, get basic info, and publish photo and videos


Dropbox iOS Chooser in the Simulator

I am working on using the iOS Dropbox Chooser. I was able to integrate as expected via their documentation
However, in the simulator, the chooser will ask you to have the dropbox app installed to authenticate. Is there any way that I can deal with this so that I can actually get a file from my dropbox while in the simulator?
I don't think you can, no. In recent OS versions Apple has done a great job of making more functionality available in the simulator (you used to be able to use hardly any external functionality at all, but many things work there now). However the Dropbox app is completely separate from Apple. It doesn't come pre-installed on the Simulator, and short of having the Dropbox App's source code and building that to your simulator first, there's no way to do this.
It's unfortunate, but really it's best to test things on-device anyway, so you're probably better off going that route. Good luck! :)

How to implement Login with FaceBook in iOS app

I want to implement an app which uses FaceBook login to enter the app. How can I do this. I have seen few guidelines like this
I want to support iOS 3.0 and above. But really confused how to implement this. Can some one point some useful tutorials ?
What you are looking for is called SSO (single sign on) for Facebook.
You can use Facebook code as a starting point.
You would have a serious difficulties supporting iOS 3.x because Apple doesn't support it anymore, With the new xCode you can submit apps from 4.3 and above so consider if you want to waste your precious time debugging on something irrelevant in most cases.
you can use this code

iOS Changing App icon at runtime

I want to change my app icon at runtime. I read other similar threads on SO, and they say that it is not possible using Apple sanctioned APIs. One of the responses mentioned that its possible using restricted APIs, but did not elaborate.
I understand that if I use restricted APIs, my application scope will be reduced to jail-broken devices only. I'm ok with that, but how do I implement this feature.
Sorry, I cannot indicate any research effort for this question because I have no idea how to go about it or even how to get started on this.
Thanks in advance :)
Although this is an old question, I recently discovered this is now possible, as of iOS 10.3:
...using the UIApplication.setAlternateIconName(_:completionHandler:) API.
Note however you are limited to using icons which are already shipped as part of the app bundle.

Facebook 3.0 SDK Beta - should i use it in a final deploy?

i need to integrate Facebook to share some links within my app. I´ve never used the "old" SDK before. Just created a dummy project to test it.
After reading the announcement about the 3.0 SDK beta, i´m interested about using this beta version within a final app-store app. What do you think about? Does that make sense? I just would need it for sharing links.. I would love to use 3.0 because of the easier integration, so therefore my question...
Thanks for your opinion..
It actually depends on how much risk you are willing to take.
My opinion is that the integration of the old sdk is not that difficult. More over it is safe. Besides there are official tutorials showing you step by step what to do:
iOS Tutorial #socialchannels
Mobile Feed Dialog
The sdk 3.0 is a gigantic step forward. Anyway I'd just wait until it is out of beta and then push an update.
I'm using it in an app. I haven't encountered any show stopping bug as of now.

Adding in app purchases to an Open Feint powered game

I am developing a game with cocos2d-iphone and I am going to add in app purchases.
AFAIK my options are Open Feint X and MKStoreKit.
I still don't get what's the benefit of using Open Feint over MKStoreKit. Why would someone pick Open Feint?
Why would someone use any 3rd party library over Apple's?
I think the question is moot because OpenFeint added IAP as a service to their existing developers. Meaning developers who use OF primarily as a social platform. And anyone who likes to use an all-in-one solution, from FB, Twitter via Game Center right down to IAP. From what I understand MKStoreKit is just an IAP wrapper with no other features.
I ended up adding some logic to MKStoreKit.
You can get the code from my fork.
