How to make text is constant in edit text in android app? - android-edittext

I have one edit text in one activity,
I make the text inside it as number and saved that number in shererdPreference.. and make that activity is visible once at the begging of the app, and return to that activity from the setting we made.
How to make that text is visible to user ( fixed ) in edit text?

If the user should not be able to modify the text, use setEnabled(false).


Entering/Clearing specific UITextfields?

My aim is to have text boxes - a set amount per level for people to guess a hidden word. I don't want the UITextfield to be tapped and then bring up the keyboard, I'd like to have a different button that brings up the keyboard - if that's possible.
If each box is a separate text field how could I go about entering text. When a user types on the standard apple keypad, how could each character be inputted into a certain text field. I'd preferably like the text to show in the box as soon as a key is tapped.
I'm also having trouble clearing certain letters. Say a user mis-spells something and doesn't realise until the keyboard has resigned as first responder, how could I make it so that a user can tap on maybe two boxes if the rest of the word is spelt right and the program clear it?
Is there any way of writing the program so that it inputs text only if the text field is empty? Continuing with the example above they switch two letters, they tap to clear, they then bring up the keypad and the next key then pressed fills the empty boxes. Not allowing the program to input text in a used text field that only contains a single character?
I'm using Cocos2d - I don't know if that makes a difference. I hope you understand what I mean, although I'm rather bad at explaining.
Thank you in advance for your time and any help :).
Instead of having a textbox that you don't want users to edit, why not use a label?
To show the keyboard, you need to have it linked to some UITextField (or similar). You could use an invisible UITextField, and then monitor the input and send the characters to the correspinding labels. Refer to this question.
To check if a textfield has anything in it:
[textField.text length] > 0, but I would use labels instead of textfields.
I dont really understand the other parts of your question.

Dynamically change certain text in textarea with drop-down selection

I have a text area that has names within the default value. For example the textarea reads..
(dynamic registrant name) just registered to become
a donor in (dynamic from pull-down above)
honor. This text is editable
So in the same form I have an input that asks the user for their name and a select box where they can choose among a selections of names. I am trying to change the names within the text area based on the values they enter in the input and drop-down fields above the text area. Can someone help with this? I am completely stuck. I have read through some of the forums here and it looks like a lot of the solutions are to use ajax. I have zero experience in ajax and would like to find a solution that does not use it possible? Or could someone help with a solution?
I don't think textarea is what you want exactly. What if the user takes off the (dynamic from pull-down above) part? How would you know where to put the text at? Even if you somehow could, I suggest you make regular text input elements for contents that the user can change and put the other dynamically changing text as uneditable html text elements (or however you want to format them).

How can I add selectable suggestion on textfield

I'm not sure if I use the phrase correctly.
The function I want is that after user typed some characters (or clicked a button), a list will be shown under the textfield.
An easy example is Google search. After you typed "fb" or "faceb", it shows "facebook" in the suggestion list.
The content of the list is stored in an array, which comes from the return of web services.
You've got to intercept the keystrokes with UITextView textViewDidChange. Then, with each keystroke, you implement the lookup algorithm and display your list of selections above or below the UITextView where the data entry is occurring. The list has to somehow be "touchable" to select from it.
Ray Wenderlich has a tutorial that shows how this can be done over at his blog
He creates a table below the text field that is touchable.
There is also a sample project there.

How to access filed on the screen using Screen Object ( UiApplication.getUiApplication().getActiveScreen())

My Query is How to access Fields on the stacked screen using Screen Object ?
The exact problem is as follows:
I have one screen which has one text field (ClientName) when user clicks on that field , application will then push a new screen and it will allow the user to search in remote database using MyWebSerivces. and when user selects the one client from the search result ,i want to set the text Field on the previous screen with the text that user has selected on the current screen..
i have tried the pushScreen( new screen("text) ) and that might be the result if i want to do this operation only once but this is not the option for me since there is two more such field which will go to other screen to fetch the data from webservices . and if i every time i push new screen then after every pushscreen operation i will only get one field set with the desired text
This not a blackberry (or any specific programming language) related question. This is a question of application architecture and common sense. If one screen should change a Field of another screen, then just pass a reference of the Field to the screen that will change it.
hi i once had same problem and i did like this:
Client Name | text field |
When user clicks on this text field or any button you push Screen2
In screen 2 when user selects a particular value then u do this.
1) take a static variable in main class say clientName.
2) set value of this variable.
3) pop active screen
when this code is called then u come back to Screen1
Now in screen1 a method is called
public void onExposed()
//here u can set the text in textfield using the static variable
invalidate(); // for repainting
i have found the answer to my question. the solution was there lying in my question but at first i was not able to find it.
solution was very simple
when i wrote i want to use
that was almost the right way and i was proceeding in right direction but the thing that i was missing was " I was not casting the screen (that i have just retrieved form the stack top ) to its type
only thing i should have done is "should have casted screen to its this
(MyScreen1) UiApplication.getUiApplication().getActiveScreen()
now i am able to access all the fields on the retrieved screen (MyScreen1)
things to keep in mind
make sure u cast the screen to its type only otherwise bb will give u resource not found error
Benifits of using screen on Stack
u can use already created screen from the stack no need to create new one
if u will create new screen it will be stacked in memory and will consume more and more memory even if its of no use ( make habit to pop the screen if it is of no use instead of leaving it on stack))
no need to create any static variable since u will be able to set all the field right away from other screen

read-only Textbox

The form window(chat window) that i am creating for a lan messenger is similar to the one in google talk with two textboxes. What i need to do is to transfer characters typed in the lower textbox(textbox2) to the upper textbox(textbox1 which is read-only) when i click the submit button without showing that textbox1 is read-only because the characters are appearing in grey.please help with code if possible.
Use a label for this instead of a textbox. If the only thing it is doing is display the characters and not a direct edit, you won't lose any functionality and the text would not be greyed out...
If you're going to use a Texbox, set it to Locked. That shouldn't gray the characters out. Otherwise in KeyDown/KeyUp events, set the e.Handled property to true (which will tell the box that you want to handle the input yourself and don't want the message to filter down).
That oughta do it for you.
