Upgrade Youtube Feeds API2 to API3 - youtube

I have two deprecated youtube-API-v2 feeds. Someone can help me to upgrade these lines to the new YT-API-3?
$feedURL = "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?vq={$vq}&orderby={$s}&max-results={$i}&start-index={$o}&lr={$l}&key=xxxxx";
var url = "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=" + this.searchTerm + "+music&alt=json&orderby=relevance&start-index=" + this.offset + "&max-results=" + this.maxResults + "&v=2";

Solution from this post
Partial false alarm! /u/foreander has a solution:
Unlike the v2 endpoints, this one is severely rate-limited. Query it more than a few times in a row and you'll start getting empty responses.
They offer an OPML file with all your subscriptions in it as separate feeds under http://youtube.com/subscription_manager?action_takeout=1


Jira: Producing a report containing the stories & blocking issues associated with a release

The Company I work for uses Jira to support the requirement capture & test phases of a project. We assign stories (i.e. requirements) to a release. As a Test Engineer, I raise bugs which I then reference in the story as "Is Blocked By".
I need to create a report which lists each of the releases and the stories associated with that release. As I raise bugs, I need the report to also be populated by the bugs (or actually any other issue raised).
I cannot see a way of doing this within Jira directly but I have found a Jira module for Python... I've got the following working but now I'm stuck;
from jira import JIRA
server = {"server" : "https://jira.pxr5.hw"}
login = ('bob', 'dave')
jira = JIRA (options = server, basic_auth = login)
myProject = jira.project ("QSC")
for eachVersion in myProject.versions:
print eachVersion.name + " - " + eachVersion.id
This produces the expected output;
Release 0 - 10518
Release 0.1 - 10602
Release 0.2 - 10603
Release 1.0 - 10519
Release 2.0 - 10520
Release 3.0 - 10521
closed - 10616
work complete - 10617
From the documentation I've found, I cannot see how to return anything further by which I mean the stories under each Version and (where they exist) the bugs I've raised.
Please can you help? Thanks for your attention.
I got there in the end... Kind of... Here's a solution I found by unpicking the "raw" property...
from jira import JIRA
import sys
userName = "Dave"
userPassword = "Bob"
server = {"server" : "https://jira.pxr5.hw"}
login = (userName, userPassword)
# Open a link to Jira
jira = JIRA (options = server, basic_auth = login)
# Return an object comprising the project we're working on
myProject = jira.project ("quark")
# Get a list of the releases in the project. Notice that the version
# has to be surrounded by single quotes as it may have spaces in it
for eachVersion in myProject.versions:
jqlStatement = "project=quark AND fixVersion='" + eachVersion.name + "'"
print eachVersion.name
# Get a list of stories accociated with each release of the project
theStories = jira.search_issues (jqlStatement)
# Go through each story in the current release
for eachStory in theStories:
# The story is indented one tab with it's ID and summary name
print "\t" + eachStory.raw["key"] + " " + eachStory.raw["fields"]["summary"]
# Now get a list of issue links and go through each one
issueLinks = eachStory.raw["fields"]["issuelinks"]
for eachLink in issueLinks:
print "\t\t" + eachLink["inwardIssue"]["key"] + " " + \

How to export a csv from Google Sheet API?

I can't find any reference to an API that enables Rest API clients to export an existing Google Sheet to a csv file.
I believe there should be a way to export them.
The following URL gives you the CSV of a Google spreadsheet per sheet. The sheet must be accessible by the public, by anyone with the link (unlisted).
The parameters you need to provide are:
sheet ID (that is simply the ID in the URL of a Google Spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/{{ID}}/edit)
sheet name (that is simply the name of the sheet as given by the user)
With that URL you can run a GET-request to fetch the CSV.
Or paste it in your browser address bar.
You can use the Drive API to do this today -- see https://developers.google.com/drive/v3/web/manage-downloads#downloading_google_documents, however that will limit you to the first sheet of the document. The Sheets API doesn't expose exporting as CSV today, but may offer it in the future.
Nobody's mentioned gspread yet, so here's how I did it:
#open sheet
sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id)
#select worksheet
worksheet = sheet.get_worksheet(0)
#download values into a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(worksheet.get_all_records())
#save dataframe as a csv, using the spreadsheet name
filename = sheet.title + '.csv'
df.to_csv(filename, index=False)
Firstly you should make document accessible for anyone. Then you get url. From this url you should extract long id composed from big and small letters and numbers. Then use this script.
wget --output-document=temp.csv "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/$long_id/export?gid=$g_id&format=csv&id=$long_id"
If you use only one card in document, their number is: g_id="0"
The problem you will probably have is connected with strange spaces in obtained file. I use this second script to process it
#Delete all lines beginning with a # from a file
sed '/^#/ d' temp.csv |
# reomve spaces
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9953448/how-to-remove-all-white-spaces-from-a-given-text-file
tr -d "[:blank:]" |
# regexp "1,2" into 1.2
# http://www.funtoo.org/Sed_by_Example,_Part_2
sed 's/\"\([−]\?[0-9]*\),\([0-9]*\)\"/\1.\2/g' > out.csv
As Sam mentioned, api is better solution. There is now great documentation on address:
With example that generate output having CSV structure.
If you don't have easy access to or familiarity with PHP, here's a very barebones Google Apps Script Web App that once deployed and the caller permission accepted, should allow clients with an appropriately scoped access token or api key to export an existing Google Sheet to a csv file. It takes a Google Sheets spreadsheet id and sheet name (and optional download filename) as query parameters, and returns the corresponding theoretically RFC 4180 compliant CSV file.
Further instructions on deploying an Apps Script project as a web app are here: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/web#deploying_a_script_as_a_web_app.
You can deploy it and test it out easily in the browser just by visiting the "Current web app URL" (as provided when you publish as web app from the script editor), and accepting the consent screen, or even just visit the one that I deployed (configured to execute as the accessing user, and unverified/scary consent) at the example URL.
The tricky part (as usual) is getting the OAuth token or API key set up, but if you're already calling the Google Sheets V4 API, you've probably already got that dialed in. I used CURL to make sure that it behaved as a REST api, but the technique I used to get an OAuth token there is both a distraction and frankly a little scary to include here since it's really easy to mess up. If you don't already have a way to get one, that's probably a good topic for a separate SO question in any case.
One related (and big!) caveat: I'm not 100% sure how the consent and verification interact with a pure Rest client (i.e. how that works if you DON'T visit this in the browser first...), and/or whether this script would need to be in the same GCP project as the other code that uses the Sheets API. If there's interest, and/or it doesn't work right out of the box, please let me know and I'll happily dig deeper and follow up.
// Example URL, assuming:
// "Current web app URL": https://script.google.com/a/tillerhq.com/macros/s/AKfycbyZlWAW6bpCpnFoPjbdjznDomFRbTNluG4siCBMgOy2qU2AGoA/exec
// spreadsheetId: 1xNDWJXOekpBBV2hPseQwCRR8Qs4LcLOcSLDadVqDA0E
// sheet name: Sheet1
// (optional) filename: mycsv.csv
// https://script.google.com/a/tillerhq.com/macros/s/AKfycbyZlWAW6bpCpnFoPjbdjznDomFRbTNluG4siCBMgOy2qU2AGoA/exec?spreadsheetid=1xNDWJXOekpBBV2hPseQwCRR8Qs4LcLOcSLDadVqDA0E&sheetname=Sheet1&filename=mycsv.csv?spreadsheetid=1xNDWJXOekpBBV2hPseQwCRR8Qs4LcLOcSLDadVqDA0E&sheetname=Sheet1&filename=mycsv.csv
'spreadsheetid', // example: "1xNDWJXOekpBBV2hPseQwCRR8Qs4LcLOcSLDadVqDA0E"
'sheetname' // Case-sensitive; example: "Sheet1"
// Returns an RFC 4180 compliant CSV for the specified sheet in the specified spreadsheet
function doGet(e) {
REQUIRED_PARAMS.forEach(function(requiredParam) {
if (!e.parameters[requiredParam]) throw new Error('Missing required parameter ' + requiredParam);
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(e.parameters.spreadsheetid);
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(e.parameters.sheetname);
if (!sheet) throw new Error("Could not find sheet " + e.parameters.sheetname + " in spreadsheet " + e.parameters.spreadsheetid);
var filename = e.parameters.filename || (spreadsheet.getName() + "_" + e.parameters.sheetname + ".csv");
var numRows = sheet.getLastRow();
var numColumns = sheet.getLastColumn();
var values = sheet.getSheetValues(1, 1, numRows, numColumns);
function quote(s) {
s = s.toString();
if ((s.indexOf("\r") == -1)
&& (s.indexOf("\n") == -1)
&& (s.indexOf(",") == -1)
&& (s.indexOf("\"") == -1)) return s;
// Fields containing line breaks (CRLF)*, double quotes, and commas should be enclosed in double-quotes;
// anything other than that we already returned, so if we get here -- escape it and quote it.
// *That's what the text of the RFC says, but the ABNF (...and Excel) treat EITHER CR or LF as requiring quotes.
// Replace any double quote with a double double quote, and wrap the whole thing in quotes
return "\"" + s.replace(/"/g, '""') + "\"";
var csv = values.map(function(row) {
return row.map(quote).join();
}).join("\r\n") + "\r\n";
return ContentService

Get length of videos calling youtube playlist API (v3)

I used the playlistItems but couldn't get the statistic part which contain duration of the video. Do I need to call twice? Get the video Id and make another call? or I'm missing something in this case?
For whatever reason, playlistItems do not include some things like statistics or category. You'll need to make a separate call using the video ID and https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videos/list in order to get those fields.
This is how I do it (using Python but you can adapt it for whatever language you are using with http requests and JSON parsing)
url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id=" + videoId
+ "&key=" + DEVELOPER_KEY + "&part=snippet,contentDetails"
r = requests.get(url)
metadata = r.json()["items"][0]
channelName = metadata["snippet"]["channelTitle"]
publishedTime = metadata["snippet"]["publishedAt"]
duration = metadata["contentDetails"]["duration"]
duration is in a strange format that looks like
meaning 4 minutes 11 seconds. You will have to "parse" this.

Removing "undefined" in pre populated url form link (from Modified Google Expense Report script)

I've modified the standard google drive expense report system to use it as a competency and experience matrix where the manager can approve/reject a form.
The problem i'm encountering is when a form is rejected by the manager it sends a link back to the employee with a link to a form pre-populated by the url.
However if the employee didn't enter a value in the original form the url populates it as "undefined".
Question, can I pre-populate a form via url removing or replacing the "undefined" values?
Perhaps the code will explain better than I can.
+ "<P><b>" + 'Please re-submit your form <a href=' + USER_FORM_URL +
'&entry_2=' + encodeURIComponent(row.forename) + '&entry_3=' +
encodeURIComponent(row.surname) + '>here</a></b>'
Any help would be much appreciated, struggled to find a solution "out there".
image link http://s11.postimage.org/dyd1olkoz/url_stack.jpg as i'm a new poster.
Looks like the getObjects() function in the script may skip adding a value to the row object, later used in sendReportToManager(), if the value is empty in the expense report spreadsheet. So, later trying to append something like row.bananas (or something empty in sheet and thus not defined on object) will result in 'undefined' being appended to the string instead. If you look at your querystring for the form with the 'undefined' values, you should see 'undefined' in the url's querystring.
You can avoid this by wrapping your encodeURIComponent(row.XXXX) calls for potentially empty columns to be something like this: row.XXXX ? encodeURIComponent(row.XXXX) : ""
So, replace the likes of:
+ "<P><b>" + 'Please re-submit your form <a href=' + USER_FORM_URL +
'&entry_2=' + encodeURIComponent(row.forename) + '&entry_3=' +
+ "<P><b>" + 'Please re-submit your form <a href=' + USER_FORM_URL +
'&entry_2=' + (row.forename ? encodeURIComponent(row.forename) : "") + '&entry_3=' +

context menu demo app not working crossrider

I am generating context menu when user selects some text and right click it. I tried implementing it, problem is even sample application is not working.
appAPI.contextMenu.add("key1", "Display data object", function (data) {
var sAlertText = 'pageUrl: ' + data.pageUrl + '\r\n' +
'linkUrl: ' + data.linkUrl + '\r\n' +
'selectedText:' + data.selectedText + '\r\n' +
'srcUrl:' + data.srcUrl;
}, ["all"]);
Only data.pageUrl is available rest of all are "undefined". I want selectedText.
Disclaimer: I work at Crossrider.
Indeed there was an issue with the contextMenu due to a change in the Chrome API.
We've fixed this and now the demo app works.
Thank you for reporting this and please feel free to let us know if you encounter any issues!
