Grails 2.4.3 app auto reloading not working - grails

Unable to reload grails application at runtime, My current development environment:
Grails app version 2.4.3
JDK: 1.7.0_21
I have added following setting in my BuildConfig file
grails.servlet.version = "3.0"
grails.reload.enabled = true
Some links
After going through different stack overflow links such as,
Grails auto-reloading new controller actions
I Checked springloaded jar file, tested app by replacing jar with snapshot jar from here.
Checked java version required by Grails 2.4.3
After checking some JIRA issues, I upgraded my Java version to latest java 1.7 version and tested app.
What is affecting to reload app at runtime?

grails -reloading run-app
after this your application starts reloading automatically.

After lots many debugging and checking online resources I succeeded to reload my app
While running my grails app, I come across some java ioexception (user limit of inotify watches reached) which was restricting reloading of my grails app.
Updated system inotify watch limit link
Replaced springloaded jar shipped with grails 2.4.3 with snapshot version
(Check this link


Grails 3.0 and Spring Security

I'm using Grails 3.0.1 with IntelliJ Idea and I'm trying to use Spring Security plugin on my project.
I know that old spring-seurity-core plugin is not compatible with Grails 3.0 version. Thus I've tried to follow this tutorial:
I've added the compile line in build.gradle file in dependencies. I've also added the logger line in logback.groovy file.
Problems start after that. There is no such file as SecurityConfiguration.groovy and there is no package so I can't import them and it gives an error. So I can't create the file either.
So I am assuming that your question is: «How do I get this to work?»
spring security plugin 3.0.0 (for grails 3.x) was released just a few days ago. Documentation is quite good. Start here:
There are some problems with Intellij. I tried to add spring security to a slightly older grails project (started with intellij 15.0.1 and grails 3.0.9). Adding the dependencies was successful and rebuilding it made the plugin available, also in the grails console. But when I launched a debug instance of the application directly from the IDE, it would not show spring security among the loaded/installed plugins. I made a pristine project with IntelliJ 15.02, grails 3.0.10 and just copied my code over to the new project. Now it works.
Note there are some issue with IntelliJ not major. do the following it will work:
on your build.gradle add compile 'org.grails.plugins:spring-security-core:3.0.0.M2'
run command compile
run comand s2-quickstart yourAppName User Role
now you should see "application.groovy" file under conf folder
as usual use #Secured annotation in your controller

ggts null pointer "Retrieving available scripts"

I installed a fresh copy of GGTS on a fresh copy of windows 8 with JDK 1.7 installed.
I tried to get it to compile my existing project which was based on 2.3.6 and it failed miserably as GGTS comes with grails 2.4.2.
I know serveral people who had problems with 2.4.x so decided to stick with 2.3.
So I downloaded 2.3.11 (latest 2.3) and created a GRAILS_HOME pointing to 2.3.11 dir, and JAVA_HOME pointing to the root of the JDK.
On command line, I can now type grails - version and get back 2.3.11.
I restarted GGTS, and deleted the project and createde it again, adding 2.3.11 as a new Grails version, and set the project to use that.
It fails to compile, saying version is wrong. Fair enough. But when I try to launch the command line from GGTS using the gree circular button at the top which looks like 3 cups, it says:
Retrieving available scripts
Retrieving available scripts
An internal error occurred during: "Retrieving available scripts".
Any ideas?
In my case the problem was, that I had moved grails to a different folder. I just had to change the location of grails in the settings. Hope that helps somebody.
check all grails-project's 'app.grails.version' in, then open window - preferences - groovy -grails, make sure that all VERSIONs were defined ( I use sts, maybe a little difference ).
update all set app.grails.version=2.3.11 ( the version your ggts defined )
Check if your environment variable of GRAILS_HOME is set to the right version of Grails.
I ran into this same issue, and the problem was caused by the Grails installation it was trying to use. It wanted to use the default version that comes with GGTS rather than the one I installed myself.
To fix, go to Window > Preferences > Groovy > Grails, then "Edit" the Grails installation it shows. I had to switch mine from C:\ggts-bundle\grails-2.4.4\ to C:\grails-2.4.2\.

What Grails Version is Needed for WeCeem

I have literally tried every possible combination that I can think of to install weceem as a plugin into an existing sample application that I'm practicing grails development on, nothing has worked. I've tried all the recommended repositories in various combinations and that did not work. I have tried several versions of grails between 2.3.7 to 2.4.2 and cannot get it to work. I followed the documentation on the site for installing the plugin and was not able to get it to successfully work.
Is there another CMS that runs in grails applications that's worth looking at?
Yes, there is one (indeed a new one) called spud cms which can be used. BTW, what was the error you were getting while using weceem plugin?
The plugin should be defined in the plugin section in BuildConfig.groovy as:
plugins {
compile ":weceem:1.2"
The plugin should work for version of grails-2.3.x (version 2.3.7 should be ok -- the demo application for weceem you can find there ); the version of grails-2.4 is not supported yet in weceem-1.2 (but should be supported in new release that is planned in month or two). Please, provide the error stack-trace, to see the problem.
After some help from July Antonicheva, this is what I did to get it working:
1) Switched to NetBeans IDE
2) I downloaded version 7 of Java (Oracle)
3) Created a brand new project based on Grails 2.3.7
4) Added weceem plugin and made some adjustments to Datasource.groovy to add MySQL support
Everything is working fine now without errors. The current version of weceem needs Grails 2.3.7 and Java 7 in order for it work. I mentioned that I switched to NetBeans IDE, I found it to be a little easier to work with than eclipse and for some reason it seemed to run a little faster.

how to find your project current versions in grails

I want to know the versions of the software used while developing the project, Suppose If there is an existing project In grails ,so I want to know the version of grails as well as version of Groovy for that project
Metadata regarding a project in Grails is kept in
Within this file you will find the version of Grails used for the project under the key app.grails.version.
The version of Groovy used however is not kept in this file and is determined by the version of Grails being used. To determine the version of Groovy used by a specific version of Grails visit the introduction section of the Grails documentation.
As pointed out in another answer, if you have target version of Grails already downloaded you can search for the version of Groovy being used by that version of Grails.
$ cd grails-X.X.X
$ find . -name "groovy*jar"
> cd grails-x.x.x
> dir /s "groovy*.jar"
From controllers/services:
def appVersion=Metadata.current.'app.grails.version'
def appName=Metadata.current.''
From gsp:
App Version <g:meta name="app.version"/>
Built with Grails <g:meta name="app.grails.version"/>
Added extra information to figure out a grails application version from raw text files :
If you have a grails 3 application, you should find a build.gradle in the main root of your application folder:
version "0.1" According to this grails 3 project the version of this application is 0.1
Grails version is 3.1.1 according to
On a grails 2 project you will find in the main project root:
According to this grails 2 project
grails version is 2.4.4
App version is 0.1
If you already have a project and want to learn which grails version it uses. You can find it in file.
The content of the file is like the following
As of Grails 3, this is:
Version <g:meta name=""/>
Notice the info.
use in the root of the grails application
To find out which version of groovy is used with particular version of grails I always use simple find:
$ cd grails-X.X.X
$ find . -name "groovy*jar"
Maybe I'm just too lazy to dig into websites... ;-)
You can see application name,grails version,application version from file of grails project
I face the same issue, I found simplest way to find version by simple command.
grails clean
then it prints
Welcome to Grails 1.3.7 -

How do I upgrade the Grails version for an existing application?

I have an example Grails application (from Grails in Action) that was created a while ago under version 1.1.1 on a different PC.
I am now loading Grails 1.2.0 and want to revisit the app. However, when I try to run it I get this message:
Application expects grails version [1.1.1], but GRAILS_HOME is version [1.2.0] - use the correct Grails version or run 'grails upgrade' if this Grails version is newer than the version your application expects.
After reading around a bit I cleared out the 1.2.0 folder under .grails in my home directory (from previous attempts while exploring the issue), ran "grails clean" and "grails upgrade" (answering "y" where prompted).
However, I consistently get "Invalid duplicate class definition" conflicts between classes in \grails\qotd\src\java and \grails\qotd\grails-app{controllers,services,conf}.
Are there any additional manual steps that I need to perform?
I understood your problem.
The solution is just modify the grails vesion to 1.2.0 in file in your application
If, as you pointed out in the comments, your /src/java contains .groovy files - that could definitely cause unexpected behavior. I haven't hit your particular issue, but any time I had a .groovy file mismatched with the class name inside it, I'd get strange compilation issues - so I guess you could be having a similar issue.
If you have files / classes with the same names in two locations, that's the likely culprit. If you have .groovy files in /src/java, that's another potential source.
Also, putting BootStrap, Config, DataSource and URLMappings into /src/java, that's another potential source of issues. I'd clear out your /src/java by making sure all the files are in their appropriate places under grails-app.
You can upgrade grails version with 5 steps
Project -> Clean -> Change app.grails.version
Your project -> Properties -> Grails -> Change grails installation
to new grails version.
Your project -> Grails tools -> Refresh Dependencies
I think this may be help you
