No ".includes?" ruby method when running RSpec Test - ruby-on-rails

I've recently got into RSpec and i'm writing some tests for my code, one of things my code has is a section where it starts by going if and then it does something, running this code in production is fine however whenever i'm testing that piece of code with RSpec I get the following error:
undefined method 'includes?' for "category21":String
To clear some things up, my factories do clearly define the categories name, i'm mainly wondering if I need to include some form of library to get it to play nicely?
Thanks, Grant

You should use include?, not includes?.


Fails to run Rspec due to Reform error: "undefined method `feature' for Reform::Form:Class (NoMethodError)"

I'm just trying to run some tests, and I get this error:
undefined method `feature' for Reform::Form:Class (NoMethodError)
It happens in /usr/local/bundle/gems/reform-2.2.3/lib/reform/form.rb:75,
that line in form.rb is the first time the DSL word feature is used.
Of course this does not happen when I run my rails app but only when I run rspec..
It is defined in the Disposable gem used by reform. At first I thought that the problem is with an older version of rspec but even after I updated to the latest versions, things are still broken. Reading the code or documentation did not lead me to any specific behavior of loading that is different between tests and application runs.
The versions of gems I use are:
rspec-3.3.0, reform-2.2.3, disposable-0.3.2
Does anyone have a clue?
-- Update --
After removing the entire test framework (removing RSpec and deleting all related files) and installing again I got to the point that RSpec is running by itself but when trying to load my environment in the test file it fails on the same error.
Well, the problem was that we added an override of Reform's Contract and did not do it too gracefully, thus not requiring all the things the original Reform Contract required. As a fix we now created a base
Contract that inherits from Reform::Contract instead of overriding it and now all works well. The only reason we found it when running RSpec and not in running Rails c is because of different loading order of things.

it-block does not accept extra javascript argument anymore

I got a strange problem with minitest and capybara.
I am using rails 3.2.8 and test with minitest/capybara/poltergeist. Until now every went fine. I always could test my javascript stuff.
For a new project I downloaded rails 4 to get into it a little bit. And since minitest will be the testing framework I thought it would be easy. It was not. Truth be told, I am not a hero when it comes to setting up all the stuff. I just follow Ryan Bates. After a lot of adding and removing and updating a lot of gems I decided it wasn't worth to continue to use Rails 4. I had so many issues with getting into the groove with my integration tests. All the stuff I knew did not work as expected. The axe fell when almost everything worked until I wanted to test a javascript thing. I got this error:
.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/minitest-4.6.1/lib/minitest/spec.rb:190:in `it': wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) (ArgumentError)
because of this
describe "blabla" do
it "does not do what i want it to do", js: true do
It will not accept the js: true argument. Funny thing is that the describe block will accept the js: true argument.
When I went back to Rails 3.2.8, because I thought it was a Rails 4 thing, this baby followed me right into a new testsuite. I tried hard to find an answer on Google but I can't find any. My other rails 3.2.8 projects still test fine, no complains about the javascript argument. But with the new apps: no javascript testing.
I am at a loss here. I have no idea where this is coming from. Since my other 3.2.8 apps still work fine, it has probably something to do with renewed gem versions? Has anybody seen this error message? I checked the complaining minitest/spec.rb file from the error message, line 190 for several minitest versions and nothing changed in the it-method.
Please let me know if you want to see stuff (Gemfile? test_helper.rb?) if you have any clue about what might be wrong. Thanks in advance!
Minitest's spec DSL does not accept a second parameter for the it blocks. The minitest-metadata gem adds support for the second argument, and the example shows how to configure Capybara to use it. Perhaps your existing projects use minitest-metadata and configure Capybara with it, and your new projects don't?

how would I go about 'starting over from scratch' with Rails tests?

I have an existing Rails app that I built using Rails 3, Mongoid/Mongodb and Devise. The app is running fine. I'd now like to add some tests to it (sure, shoulda done this in the beginning but the learning curve for just Rails was enough...).
I've used several pages to get it going, especially the Rails guide and this blog post about Mongo and Cucumber/Rspec. My concern here is that between all of the "add this to this and such file" that I've done to try and get this working (and it's not) I've made such a mess of things that it might be better to start over from scratch. With the testing portion of the app.
I thought I would just delete the spec and test directories and re-gen the tests but I can't find a command to do that (the regen).
I've built a very simple test (assert true) but I'm getting:
D:/Dev/TheApp/test/test_helper.rb:10:in `<class:TestCase>':
undefined method `fixtures' for ActiveSupport::TestCase:Class (NoMethodError)
I think the real issue here is that I'm using MongoDb and the test architecture in Rails seems to really really want to do ActiveRecord. Not sure if those two are compatible.
Is there a quick way to build a barebones test directory? My short term solution is to just roll back those directories. Hoping for a better solution.
The blank tests are really worthless. If you didn't have tests/specs of value, then just start from scratch. And if you want to start over, you should just delete them and start new.
You could treat your code as "legacy code" as defined by Michael Feathers in Working Effectively with Legacy Code -- that is, code without tests.
Take a look at this getting started with rails testing guide over at 10gen:

How can 'parse' be undefined for Time class in test environment, but not development or production?

I'm encountering a strange issue while running a test (Steak + Capybara) that requests a certain page where I get the error:
undefined method parse for Time:Class
The method call occurs in a Sunspot file called type.rb:
def value_to_utc_time(value)
if value.respond_to?(:utc)
elsif value.respond_to?(:new_offset)
rescue ArgumentError
When I run my server in RAILS_ENV=test, I get the same error. When I run the server in development, everything is fine and dandy. This would seem to indicate that it's not just my test framework, but the whole test environment that's promoting this error.
The only info I could find online so far about Time.parse being undefined has been quite unhelpful, with most people saying that adding require 'time' will solve the problem.
My problems with this are twofold:
It's hacky
I've tried it in various places (in config/environments/test.rb, in the test file itself, etc.), and it just doesn't work.
If anyone has any ideas what is going on, I welcome them!
I figured it out! Someone had created another file called time.rb in the Rails app's test directory, so method calls on the Time class in the test environment were invoking that file rather than the actual Time class. I got the inspiration to check for this possibility from this Github issue thread

Cucumber/Selenium newbie trying to use RoR session-data in step-definitions ... and failing

I'm spending my first few days with cucumber/selenium trying to figure out whether RBB is the thing I want to use in my latest RoR project.
My setting: Rails 2.3.5, selenium-client 1.2.17, cucumber 0.4.4 etc, quite current in my view.
Following the instructions on I got cucumber/selenium sorts of up and running. Simple step-definitions do work and do produce outpout that makes sense (I dont usually expect more on my first few days with anything :-) ).
My problem: I am trying to access the rails session-hash in my step-definition...and failing miserably. Refering to "session" in any "given"-clause just presents me with "undefined method `session' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)"
Is there any secret handshake I am missing in the docs???? Anything that has to be configured my my environment so using the session-hash is possible?
This should happen right out of the box. If you add a debugger line right to a step definition you should be able to type "session" and see something like:
{:session_id=>"f978d4220252b7e1ca51fb7319d5a365", "flash"=>{}}
