Centering in Storyboard - ios

I am a little bit confused by Xcode 6 Storyboard.
The auto layout seems to be a very powerful tool to build UI for different devices. However, no matter what kinds of layout I chose (compact or any height/width) or even uncheck the "Use auto layout" and "Use size classes", what I mapped in the storyboard view always looks different when I am testing (using an iPhone 6).
For example if I left a UIButton at the center of the storyboard, it will be a little right down away from center when appears on my iPhone 6.
Could anyone please give me some help on this. Maybe just for iPhone6 instead of different devices. Thank you very much.

If you simply want to center an UI element check both Horizontal Center in Container and Vertical Center in Container in the storyboard constraints alignment popover.

The reason, you are having this issue is the mis-matched stimulator size. For example, the apple standard for iPhone 6 is a frame of 400 x 600 pt, meaning 2:3. So,
First, turn on the auto Layout and size classes. Then change "wAny hAny" to "compact hAny".
If, you change the Stimulated Size now, you will se the width as 400 and height as 600.
After this you need to add the UIButton at the centre and even without adding any constrain, you will see your button to be centered in the frame.


Constrains look different on my iPhone 5S

This is my first post. I just started coding. I want to make my first simple app. I own an iPhone 5S and when I add constrains in compact width / compact width & regular height(in XCode), it shows it right on the iPhone 6S plus simulator. When I try it on my iPhone it just looks weird. I know the sizes of the iPhones are different, but how can I correct this? Now, if I code in compact width / compact width & regular height, it feels like I am coding for an iPhone 6...
I hope someone can help me.
Here is the Storyboard:
I use compact/regular size classes for portrait, and any/compact for landscape, for those two phones you mention (actually, for all of the phones).
And, (squinting at your constraints in the tiny pic), it looks to me like the constraints are "wrong" (not optimal, at least). You've got the button pinned 550 down and 280 across from the edges, which won't look right for smaller devices.
Try aligning the button to horiz and vertical centers, and it will look right everywhere.
Or pin ONE of the edges of the button, and ONE of the top/bottom edges of the button, to the layout margins on one corner. Then it will look right on all devices.
Instead of removing the trailing and bottom constraints, as #Kevin suggests, set both of their constants to 0 (or whatever's reasonable), and make them greater than or equal, not equal.
For the constraints to appear fine for different screen sizes, one possible way is to add the required constraints to your button or label or any other component and have a preview look at it in the assistant editor section.(Click on assistant editor and in the split screen that comes up, find the Automatic section and within it the preview option)This helps to view the layout of your app for different screen sizes. This helps to manage your auto layout issues by a good extent.

Frame "will be different at run time".... Isn't that the whole point?

Maybe striving for a "warning free" project is futile, but I am nervous enough about Adaptive Layout/ AutoLayout that I am compelled to try and squash these warnings.
I have a uiview that I want to be dynamically sized based on the portrait screen width. I have my app set in the Build Info for Universal, Portrait only (and upside down). I have constrained the uiview the following ways:
Aligned the view's Center to Superview's center X
Made the view's width proportional to the Superview's width
Gave the view an aspect ratio constraint of 1:1
Given the view a vertical constraint to the superview's top
For details please see the screenshot below.
So now I get the warnings about the view's "frame being different at run time", in particular the size and position at runtime versus what is in the canvas. Not sure why Xcode "cares" about the canvas where the class sizes are set to Any height and Any width. I thought the whole point of Adaptive layout is that sizes and positions are resolved at runtime based on the devices screen size and orientation.
If I breakdown and let Xcode "Update frames"... yes the warning goes away, but with the super large views it is virtually impossible to work graphically in the tiny canvas in a WYSIWIG fashion. Any solution here to getting rid of the warnings without creating oversized views that make working inside the canvas nearly impossible?
To get rid of the warning, and let the constraints place the views "correctly", just select the view that is giving the warning, press the little triangle thing in the bottom right corner of the storyboard:
And then select "Update frames" for "All Views in Container"
(I wish there was some way of doing this to a whole storyboard. At least I haven't found it)
Select a view and press
Option + Command + =
This will update the frame size. Repeat for all offending views. It doesn't take that long, especially if you find them by clicking on the error messages.
Thanks to this answer for the idea.
After updating to Xcode 8, and choosing some View as device, I was getting this error. The menu is different than in Xcode 7, so #Spoek's answer was no longer working. Also clicking Update or Reset was not working for me.
Update Frames now has its own button. That's why I missed it before.
You can change simulated metrics size for example to 4-inch iPhone!
Or Freeform and then change the size to what suits you best.
I was getting this error on static tableview cells. I unchecked the Automatic option and the warnings went away

Xcode 6 Do I have to make an application for every screen size?

So I have created my webapplication and when I build it in xcode I have to under "Simulated Metrics" > "Size" set it to 3.5 inch since I have a iPhone 4s.
When I build it and run on the iPhone everything looks perfect, but I want this application to run on iPhone 5/6 aswell, but when I change the size to something else in the Simulated Metrics it gets really messed up on my iPhone. I'm using a webview of my responsive website which shouldn't really care about the screensize but I believe Xcode does. So, is there a solution where xcode automatically detects screensize and makes the webview take the whole viewcontroller? Or do I have to create a application for every screensize?
So, is there a solution where xcode automatically detects screensize
and makes the webview take the whole viewcontroller?
Yes - xcode provides ways to do this. Either through auto layout or using springs and struts. With auto layout you will define a set of rules that your UI will follow. If you want 1 layout for all devices it's fairly straightforward and any tutorial will get you started. with springs and struts you just tell your views how they should grow/stay put depending on screen growing. check this out for a quick introduction to auto layout:
Or do I have to create a application for every screensize?
Nope.. but you can set different constraints in auto layout for your views to behave very different on different sizes. This gets a little more tricky..
No you do not make a new app for every potential screen size, instead you uses XCode's "auto layout" with a set of "constraints" controlling the size and placement of your widgets. A constraint can be a fixed size for the widget or a given distance relative to another widget (or the parent's border). It is not necessarily a fixed distance, it can also be "my widget needs to be less than 10 pixels apart from this other widget".
The "Simulated Metrics" you refer to in the bottom of the drawing area is only a visual help when laying out you your GUI, it has no effect at runtime. You can safely stick with "Any" width and height.
Read this tutorial to understand XCode's auto layout and constraints:
Quickly, these are the tools used to setup constraints:
In your case, assuming you have only one big view (your webview), you need to set up 4 constraints stating that the webview's left, right, top and bottom sides are 0 pixels away from the parent's left, right, top and bottom borders respectively:
Lay your webview in the middle of your drawing area
Click on it
Click the "pin" button; you will see this view:
Look at the upper part of the dialog: the small square in the middle represents the view you just clicked and the four red lines represent the distances to the parent's side. Set them all to 0 and click "Add 4 constraints". (Note: the lines are initially dashed when not selected; they turn into solid lines when activated.)
Now the frames in the drawing area do not represent what you were expecting: your webview is still in the middle where you placed it initially and does not fill all the available space; XCode is aware that there is a mismatch between the frames and the constraints and shows a warning. You need to update the frames: click the "issues" button and "update all frames".
The image comes from this question on SO:
What is "Constrain to margin" in Storyboard in Xcode 6
Read it to learn about the "Constraints to margin" switch.

How to handle iPhone 4s, 5 and 6 screen size, and make all the contents look the same across al the devices

I am using Xcode 6.1 and in one of the views I have, contains many labels. However, these labels look different in each different devices. Although I have add constraints to all the labels, but still facing the same issue.
How can I get the same view layout across all devices?
How can I make the width and height for each label is flexible, depends on the screen size?
Do I need to design different xib for each device?
The following images showing the result am getting, with auto resize enabled, and constants been added.
on iPhone 6
on iPhone 5
on iPhone iOS 7.1
We have provided with a simple solution . Using Aspect ratio constraint we can get a relative look in all device screens.
I had the same issue and I found this >>
So when designing for lowest to highest screen resolution we can't set a specific width and height for all controls as it may look weird. So using this constraint we can have a relative look for all screens.
If you don't want to use constraints or you want to keep the same width & height , you can add scrollview to hold all controls. For that you can set a resizing frame for scrollview with fixed content size .
To solve this...
1) Go to xib file and uncheck the Auto layout
2) Then set the autosizing manually in the following manner for each and every subview.
Use self.view.bounds.size.width to get the width of screen, then use relative value to initialize all labels.
One soultion is that you can Design a story board for each screen size like one for iphone 5, one for iphone 6 and one for iphone 6+ and in your AppDelegate method "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" you can get the screen size and popup corresponding storyboard
in this wasy you can set different constraints according to different screen size

Views not laying out properly for iPhone 4

I have laid out my ViewControllers in Storyboard using Auto Layout, and everything looks perfect on an iPhone 5. Now I'm testing for iPhone 4 and things are not in their correct position. For example, I placed a UIView at the bottom of its parent UIView. It's width is the screen width and its height is 100. It shows up nicely on an iPhone 5 but doesn't appear at all on an iPhone 4 (I think it's because it's drawn at the height it should for an iPhone 5 which is too far below the screen for a 4)
If I'm using Auto Layout, do I still need to make adjustments to my Views? If so, what's the point of using Auto Layout at all?
Here is the approach to make your layouts fit to retina & non retina form factors.
I am not saying these are the rules, but I follow this approach & hardly get any conflicts which is difficult to resolve.
First & foremost : Always try to design your storyboard on non-retina form factor (I mean in your case design it on iPhone4 size & then apply retina-Form Factor & verify how it fits on iPhone5 size.).
Definitely your view at the bottom of its parent will be having a fix constraint for "Y" position. Usually, you need to make a relative constraint. So when you show it up on iPhone4, the Y & the height might be going beyond the maximum Y axis value.
Try checking these values for your layout in Assistant Editor like topSpace, leadingSpace, trailingSpace, bottomSpace .
AutoLayout doesn't mean that it will fit to your needs, however it adjusts the component accordingly.
In case of any warning in Storyboard, try using the help & suggestion provided like, add missing constraint or adjust frame to suggested
Storyboard will never behave in the same manner for each & every screen or view your design. You need to practise it more & more & you get to know how to add constraints.
Hope that helps.
