Handling hidden input on Google Sheets - google-sheets

How would you tackle the following problem, using Google Sheets:
User A and B bot need to submit an input (some text) to a shared sheet. The input must be hidden from the other user until both have submitted. Both users can change the input until the reveal, but not afterwards. Think of it as simultaneous action selection, except it's on different time zones so we can't just shout one two three go.
Currently, we are using salted hashes. That is inefficient and time consuming. I'd like to automate it. However, I don't know of any tool inside Google Sheets that allows you to hide inputs from other users under certain conditions, or anything that locks the input after both submit either (the submission shouldn't be tampered with unless both users agree, unless it's done before the other user submits).
This might need to be done with external coding, and I'm up to that (although I currently have no idea how to integrate it in google sheets). However I have never programmed something that read input from anything other than a terminal (or a txt file that one time it was required in class) so please provide some reference for that too. :)
Many thanks in advance!

Use a Google Form as the input tool. Then after both users have sent the input, share the spreadsheet with them. This could be done manually or with Google Apps Script.
Create a survey using Google Forms - Docs editors Help
Extend Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms with Apps Script - Docs editors help


How can I automate the process of converting G-Sheets/M-Excel into a PDF report containing graphs generated from the spreadsheet software?

I have experimented with Google services, App Script, Integromat and done some research and cannot find the automated solution I am looking for.
Basically, via an Integromat (now called Make) workflow, once a client has completed an online survey, a unique Google Sheet will be generated for them by duplicating a template G-Sheet and inserting their data, based on answers to the survey.
The template, and each subsequent duplicate made for clients, contains graphs that are mapped according to the users input from the survey.
One of the "tabs" or "worksheets" in these G-Sheets contain a summary of the clients graphs, among some text. This tab is neatly formatted to look like a report, all it requires is a conversion into a PDF, so that it may be uploaded to our G-Drive and emailed to the client.
Hope that all makes sense and hope someone has a solution!

How to generate a filled PDF from Google sheets data from web form?

I've been asked to create an automated way to generate filled PDF reports from google sheet data that comes from a web form. I've been looking for places to start for a while and can't find anything helpful.
Is this something that Google can even do? Or would it have to be moved to another system like O365 or a custom app with something like filemaker? Are there any 3rd party apps that can take google sheet data and put it into a custom pdf?
I'm pretty new to this and am not really sure where to begin. Do you guys have any suggestions on what to read, places to go, or how to start? Thanks!
create form: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/
entered data will come into the spreadsheet...
use FILTER or QUERY to shift your incoming dataset as you need
export it like pdf:

iOS: Create dynamic contracts with iOS

I want to create a native ios application where people have to sign different contracts. Each contract contains text and input fields such as drop down and textbox. Now each contract might have different number of input fields and these might be totally different.
Any input in the best way to solve this problem? It seems like a lot of work to dynamically generate UI in code and reformat the contracts in a way that can be rendered by ios? As I cant send the pdf or doc itself.
One solution may be you can have categories(sector-1,sector-2 etc) and related sample contract from. In those sample forms you can handle dynamic controls which definitely a few.

Labview to google spreadsheet information transfer

I have been using LabVIEW to collect measurement data, and I would like to know if it is possible for LabVIEW to communicate the results to a Google Spreadsheet. If so, where could I find resources to learn how to make LabVIEW transmit information to the Google Spreadsheet ?
EDIT AND FOLLOW-UP- I used Jonathan's suggestion below and experimented with the LabVIEW http Post.vi. It's very simple, all you need to do is enter the URL of the Google form (replacing the final "viewform" with "formResponse") and a string with the data you want to enter (with rough syntax = ). A big thanks for that answer, it was really helpful !
However, when I try to use this method for a Google form with more than one page, the data isn't read properly... The form is still sent but every field not present on the first page of the form remains blank on the Spreadsheet. I feel that this is somehow linked to the fact that in the Google form, the URL of all the pages after page 1 are the URL of page 1 with the final "viewform" replaced with "formResponse". Is this what is causing the error or is it something else altogether, and how can I fix it ?
I can think of two ways to do this:
You can create a form in google spreadsheets. The form appears as an html document with standard tags. From here, I would use labview's http functionality to submit data to that form using a POST request. This would be the easiest way to get data in there.
Using the Google Apps API, you can manipulate google spreadsheets and dump data in there directly. This is going to be more complicated in terms of development time, but more configurable in the long run. https://developers.google.com/google-apps/spreadsheets/#what_can_this_api_do There are .net and java code examples throughout the documentation, so it would take some work to port this to LabVIEW, but it could be done.

Query data from Google Spreadsheet generated by Form

Currently we're having a request to integrate the Google Form functionality into our system. I'd done some searching on the web, and found that there's no way we can change the post processing of a Google Form unless we do some heavy customization using 3rd party tools.
Thus i have an idea that, when someone fill in the Google Form, he/she will need to fill in a 'user id' in the form. This will be collected as a field in the Google Spreadsheet generated by the form.
In my back end application, i would query the spreadsheet and look for the user id field input by the user. Then i would be able to know whether he/she completed the form or not.
I'm trying to look at the Google Docs API for the spreadsheet and found that there are list-based feed and cell-based feed but i'm not sure which one can achieve what i want to do. Anyone has experience in this can shed a light?
Thank you
Think of a list based feed as being like SQL. You can read rows, insert rows(at the bottom), delete rows and update rows. - you can only store data, not formulas. In contrast, A CELL based feed lets you read and write to cells, any cell, using the cell reference (R1C1 style). CELL FEED give you more control, and includes batch updates.
some sample CELL FEED code is here:
Another option is too use google apps script, this is maybe less work if you just want to extract data. The html service is probably the tool for the job https://developers.google.com/apps-script/html_service - as you can dont need OAuth to do the read.
