Any way to get MVC Authorization statistics of an application? -

I'm now building an application in MVC5. Data of different corporations are stored in the same database and people access them under the control of "[Authorize(...)]" and some other costumed filters. With the growing of controllers and actions, I'm more and more worried about the security, for example: is there any actions without authorization or with wrong authorization?
So the question is: Is there any
1. Report views in Visual Studio (might not designed to do the work)
2. Third part tools
3. Something else
that give a clear map of authorization of all controllers/actions? This is a critical work and I think there should be some solutions rather than check through all those code files.

I like to use FluentSecurity because of this. From their docs:
Ignoring missing configurations
By default FluentSecurity will throw an exception if a missing
configuration is encountered for a controller action. If you don't
want FluentSecurity to handle security for all controllers you can
tell it to ignore missing configurations. You can do this by adding
configuration.IgnoreMissingConfiguration(); to your configuration
It puts security configurations in a single file, makes them unit testable, and is generally useful. There is a small learning curve to figuring out how to bootstrap it and get it set up. You can install it and get going quickly using nuget.
Besides this, there arent really any tools that I know of that can do the reporting that you are asking about... unless you want to write a battery of unit tests against each actionmethod:
public class AccountControllerTests {
public void Verify_ChangePassword_Method_Is_Decorated_With_Authorize_Attribute() {
var controller = new AccountController();
var type = controller.GetType();
var methodInfo = type.GetMethod("ChangePassword", new Type[] { typeof(ChangePasswordModel) });
var attributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AuthorizeAttribute), true);
Assert.IsTrue(attributes.Any(), "No AuthorizeAttribute found on ChangePassword(ChangePasswordModel model) method");


Where does an MVC Controller get it's database context at run time

Given this code:
namespace Eisk.Controllers
public class EmployeesController : Controller
DatabaseContext _dbContext;
public EmployeesController(DatabaseContext databaseContext)
_dbContext = databaseContext;
public ViewResult Index()
var employees = _dbContext.EmployeeRepository;
return View(employees.ToArray());
Note that the constructor doesn't new up a database.
When accessed from a unit test I can inject a databaseContext and the controller will use that for the duration of the test. What I can't figure out is where this code is getting the database context it's using at run time. If I could find that out I might be able to figure out how to circumvent that behavior and have it use a mocked/in memory DB instead.
More explanation:
I don't have access to a legacy database for this application right now so I'm trying to Mock up an in memory data source that gets filled from xml files. That's why I need to be able to circumvent the default database context creation.
More Information:
Thanks for all the help so far you wonderful people you.
Steven seems to have directed me down the correct path.
In the Global.asax file is this call:
Following that through the code I get to:
public static void Initialize()
_container = new UnityContainerFactory().CreateConfiguredContainer();
var serviceLocator = new UnityServiceLocator(_container);
ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => serviceLocator);
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new UnityDependencyResolver(_container));
At least that gets me headed in the right direction. Now I have to figure out how Unity is going about creating the context so I can do my intervention.
Let me plug the EISK MVC Employee Info Starter Kit here. It's a well thought out system developed by Mohammad Ashraful Alam Et al. that includes a well fledged example of how many of the new technologies fit together. MVC 5, Entity Framework 6, Unity, Authentication, OpenAuth, DI, Moq, and a couple of other things. Can be used as a template, general learning, or training.
Employee Info Starter Kit
With the default configuration of ASP.NET MVC, a controller should have a default constructor (i.e. a public constructor with no parameters). If not ASP.NET MVC will throw the following exception:
Type 'Eisk.Controllers.EmployeesController' does not have a default
If this however works, this means that you (or another developer) overwrote the default configuration by either using a custom IControllerFactory or custom IDependencyResolver. Most developers do this by using an open source Dependency Injection library (such as Simple Injector, Autofac or Castle Windsor). If you pull in the NuGet MVC integration packages for such library, it will usually do this configuration for you. So somebody on your team might have done this for you.
My advice is: talk to your team and ask them how they did this and which container they used and where you can find the configuration for that.

Using NHibernate.AspNet.Identity

I am attempting to use identity and NHibernate.
I have created a new blank MVC site using .NET framework 4.5.1 and I have installed and followed the instructions for using nuget package NHibernate.AspNet.Identity as described here:
which involves making the following changes to the AccountController class default constructor:
var mapper = new ModelMapper();
var mapping = mapper.CompileMappingForAllExplicitlyAddedEntities();
var configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.AddDeserializedMapping(mapping, null);
var schema = new SchemaExport(configuration);
schema.Create(true, true);
var factory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
var session = factory.OpenSession();
UserManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(
new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(session));
I am getting the following exception:
No persister for: IdentityTest.Models.ApplicationUser
The ApplicationUser class doesn't have any additional properties to IdentityUser (which works fine for a Entity Framework implementation of Identity).
Can anyone offer suggestions as to how I can get identity to work with this NuGet package?
I have struggled very much with this library, which is making me question why this is the recommended library for using OWIN with NHibernate.
Anyway, to answer your question, the code you provided that you got from the github website adds NHibernate mappings for the library's classes. NHibernate doesn't have a mapping for ApplicationUser, it only has a mapping for it's base class. NHibernate needs a mapping for the instantiated class. This is problematic because you don't have access to the mapping code in the library's assembly, so you can't change it to use the ApplicationUser class instead. So the only way to get past this using the library as it is, is to remove the ApplicationUser class and use the library's IdentityUser class. Or, you could copy the mapping code from github and try using the same mapping for ApplicationUser.
Also, the library code and the code he gives for the AccountController does not ever open an NHibernate transaction, so even though the library calls Session.Save and Session.Update the data won't ultimately be saved in the database. After you open the session you need to open a transaction and save it as a private field on the class:
transaction = session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
Then you need to call transaction.Commit() after your action in the AccountController finishes executing, so you will need to override OnResultExecuted:
protected override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
Keep in mind this example is oversimplified, and in a production application you need to have error checking where you will Rollback instead of Commit if there are errors, and you need to properly close/dispose of everything, etc.
Furthermore, even after you solve those problems, there are other issues with the library. I ended up having to download the source from github so I could modify the library in order to use it. There are at least 3 other blatant errors in the library's code:
1) In NHibernate.AspNet.Identity.UserStore:
public virtual async Task<TUser> FindAsync(UserLoginInfo login)
if (login == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("login");
IdentityUser entity = await Task.FromResult(Queryable
(IQueryable<IdentityUser>)Queryable.Select<IdentityUserLogin, IdentityUser>(
// This line attempts to query nhibernate for the built in
// UserLoginInfo class and then cast it to the NHibernate version IdentityUserLogin,
// which always causes a runtime error. UserLoginInfo needs to be replaced
// with IdentityUserLogin
(IQueryable<IdentityUserLogin>)this.Context.Query<UserLoginInfo>(), (Expression<Func<IdentityUserLogin, bool>>)(l => l.LoginProvider == login.LoginProvider && l.ProviderKey == login.ProviderKey)),
(Expression<Func<IdentityUserLogin, IdentityUser>>)(l => l.User))));
return entity as TUser;
2) In NHibernate.AspNet.Identity.DomainModel.ValueObject:
protected override IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetTypeSpecificSignatureProperties()
var invalidlyDecoratedProperties =
p => Attribute.IsDefined(p, typeof(DomainSignatureAttribute), true));
string message = "Properties were found within " + this.GetType() +
#" having the
[DomainSignature] attribute. The domain signature of a value object includes all
of the properties of the object by convention; consequently, adding [DomainSignature]
to the properties of a value object's properties is misleading and should be removed.
Alternatively, you can inherit from Entity if that fits your needs better.";
// This line is saying, 'If there are no invalidly decorated properties,
// throw an exception'..... which obviously should be the opposite,
// remove the negation (!)
if (!invalidlyDecoratedProperties.Any())
throw new InvalidOperationException(message);
return this.GetType().GetProperties();
3) In NHibernate.AspNet.Identity.UserStore: For some reason, at least when creating a user/user login using an external provider like facebook, when the user/user login is initially created, the Update method is called instead of the Add/Create causing NHibernate to try to update an entity that doesn't exist. For now, without looking more into it, in the UserStore update methods I changed the library's code to call SaveOrUpdate on the NHibernate session instead of Update which fixed the problem.
I have only ran simple tests with the library that have worked after my changes, so there is no telling how many other runtime / logic errors are in this library. After finding those errors, it makes me really nervous using it now. It seems there was absolutely no testing done with even simple scenarios. Take caution using this library.
I also struggled to use NHibernate.AspNet.Identity. I found it was much easier just to make my own implementation using NHibernate, which I've turned into a minimal worked example here:
They key parts are a simple implementation of IUserStore<TUser, TKey> and IUserPasswordStore<TUser, TKey> using an NHibernate session for persistence. Then it's just a matter of writing a bit of glue to tell Owin to use that code.

MVC3, Ninject, MvcSiteMapProvider - How to inject dependency to overridden method

I have an MVC3 application that is using Ninject and MvcSiteMapProvider.
I have created this class which MvcSiteMapProvider uses to dynamically add nodes to my sitemap:
public class PageNodeProvider : DynamicNodeProviderBase
public override IEnumerable<DynamicNode> GetDynamicNodeCollection()
// need to get repository instance
var repository = // how do I get this???
foreach (var item in repository.GetItems())
yield return MakeDynamicNode(item);
The MvcSiteMapProvider instantiates this type itself, so I'm not sure how to inject my repository into it.
I thought about using service location by getting a handle on my kernel and calling Get<Repository>() in the method. But, I saw this property when looking at the definition of NinjectHttpApplication:
// Summary:
// Gets the kernel.
[Obsolete("Do not use Ninject as Service Locator")]
public IKernel Kernel { get; }
Do not use Ninject as Service Locator ?! How else am I supposed to do this?
I then found this question here on stackoverflow and all answers say don't use Service Location.
What am I supposed to do?
This seems to be another chapter from the book "Why providers are bad design?". You have the same problem as with any kind of ASP.NET providers. There are no really good and satisfying solutions for them. Just hacks.
I think the best option you have is to fork the project and change the DefaultSiteMapProvider to use DepencencyResolver instead of the Activator and provide the implementation back to the community. Then you can use constructor injection in your PageNodeProvider implementation. This will solve the problem once for all types and everyone.
Of course you could also use the DependencyResolver just in your implementation. But this is by far not the best solution because you should get the instances as close to the root as possible, it makes testing more complicated and it solves the problem just for you.
Even though I see that you've decided to ditch the provider altogether, I'd like to elaborate on using the DependencyResolver. Basically, you can manually get the correct repository instance via Ninject using
var repository = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IRepository>();
This is less robust, as you have to maintain this as well as the NinjectMVC3.cs class should the stuff change, and it is a bit more complicated to test.

Binding action parameters to request cookies in ASP.NET MVC - what happened?

In several early previews of ASP.NET MVC, arguments to controller methods would be resolved by inspecting the query string, then the form, then the cookies and server variables collections, as documented in this post from Stephen Walther.
For example, this code used to work:
public class MyController : Controller {
// This should bind to Request.Cookies["userId"].Value
public ActionResult Welcome(int userId) {
WebUser wu = WebUser.Load(userId);
ViewData["greeting"] = "Welcome, " + wu.Name;
but now running against the release candidate, it throws an exception because it can't find a value for userId, even though userId definitely appears in the request cookies.
Was this change covered anywhere in the release notes? If this is a change to the framework, is there now a recommended alternative to binding cookies and server variables in this way?
EDIT: Thanks to those of you who have responded so far. I may have picked a bad example to demonstrate this; our code uses cookies for various forms of "convenient" but non-essential persistence (remembering ordering of search results, that kind of thing), so it's by no means purely an authentication issue. The security implications of relying on user cookies are well documented; I'm more interested in current recommendations for flexible, easily testable techniques for retrieving cookie values. (As I'm sure you can appreciate, the above example may have security implications, but is very, very easy to test!)
I believe it was the security implications that persuaded them to take these out:
The comments in Stephen Walther's post ASP.NET MVC Tip 15, leading to Phil Haack's posting User Input in Sheep's Clothing, especially his comment here:
#Troy - Step one is to dissuade devs from that line of thinking in the first place. ;) Step one prime (in parallel) is for us to remove the possibility of this line of thinking in this case.
The larger point still stands, we can make this change (after discussing it, we probably will), but that doesn't mean that it's suddenly safe to trust action method parameters.
Coupled with the complications of how you would call these methods from the various action builder classes.
I can't seem to find any explicit documentation one way or another about the controllers behaving like this other than Stephen's post, so I guess it was "quietly dropped".
I don't believe the cookies are checked anymore, and I'm not sure if it is intentional or not.
In an app against the RC I wrote recently I used the CookieContainer code from this post and a custom authorize attribute on classes like this:
public class LoginRequiredAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
IAppCookies a = new AppCookies(new CookieContainer());
return a.UserId != null; /* Better checks here */
My AppCookies.cs just has a method for UserId like this (auto resolves to int/null for you):
public int? UserId
get { return _cookieContainer.GetValue<int?>("UserId"); }
set { _cookieContainer.SetValue("UserId", value, DateTime.Now.AddDays(10)); }
Then just make sure your web.config is setup to point to your login page like this:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Login"/>
This means in my controller to get a UserId I need to do something like this to retrieve my cookie:
public class RandomController : Controller
BaseDataContext dbContext = new BaseDataContext();
private readonly IAppCookies _cookies = new AppCookies(new CookieContainer());
public ActionResult Index()
return View(new RandomViewData(dbContext, _cookies.UserId));
Besides the obvious security implications, why would you need to pass the cookie through in the route anyway?
Surely you would be better off having an Authorize attribute on the action, indicating that the user should be authenticated before the action is executed.
At the end of the day, I think (hope) Microsoft has closed this as it's quite a large security issue. If this is the case, you should consider rewriting your application to comply with this.

NHibernate session management in ASP.NET MVC

I am currently playing around with the HybridSessionBuilder class found on Jeffrey Palermo's blog post:
Using this class, my repository looks like this:
public class UserRepository : IUserRepository
private readonly ISessionBuilder _sessionBuilder;
public UserRepository(ISessionBuilder sessionBuilder)
_sessionBuilder = sessionBuilder;
public User GetByID(string userID)
using (ISession session = _sessionBuilder.GetSession())
return session.Get<User>(userID);
Is this the best way to go about managing the NHibernate session / factory? I've heard things about Unit of Work and creating a session per web request and flushing it at the end. From what I can tell, my current implementation isn't doing any of this. It is basically relying on the Repository to grab the session from the session factory and use it to run the queries.
Are there any pitfalls to doing database access this way?
You should not wrap your ISession in a using statement -- the point of passing the ISessionBuilder into the repository constructor (dependency injection) is that the calling code is responsible for controlling the life cycle of the ISession. By wrapping it in a using, Dispose() is called on the ISession and you won't be able to lazy load object members or persist it.
We do something similar by just passing in an ISession to the repository constructor. Mr. Palermo's code, as I understand it, simply adds lazy initialization of the ISession. I don't think that's needed because why would you new up a repository if you're not going to use it?
With ASP.Net MVC you want to make sure the life of the session is maintained during the Action method on your controller, as once your controller has exited all your data should be collected. I am not sure if this mechanism will help with that.
You might want to look into S#arp Architechure which is a set of libraries and guidance for building ASP.Net MVC application using nHibernate.
This is the setup I used after researching this more. Seems to work great and doesn't have that annoying habit of creating an ISession on static file requests like most guides out there:
I wouldn't open and close sessions on each data request to NHibernate. I would use the Unit of Work libraries that many others suggest or do some more reading. is getting started and I believe that there are some practices on setting up NHibernate for a general web application.
One of the "oh wow that's cool moments" that I've gotten from NHibernate was taking advantage of lazily loading collections during development. It was a neat experience being able to not have to do all those joins in order to display data on some associated object.
By closing the session like this, the above scenario would not be possible.
There might be something that is going on with transactions as well.
Just found a clean solution using Unity to inject a session per request:
