Error in angular Controller -

Below is my code in AngularJS. i have created controller but i am getting error :
Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'forgetController' is not a function, got
app.controller("forgetController", function ($scope, forgetService) {
$scope.OperType = 1;
function GetAllUserRecords() {
var promiseGet = userService.GetUserRecords();
promiseGet.then(function (p1) { $scope.User = }, function (err) {
$scope.submit = function () {
var user = {
FirstName: $scope.FirstName,
LastName: $scope.LastName,
Email: $scope.Email,
Password: $scope.Password,
Phone: $scope.Phone,
Postcode: $scope.Postcode,
Address: $scope.Address,
Street: $scope.Street,
Town: $scope.Town,
CreateDate: new Date()
if ($scope.OperType === 1) {
var promisePost = userService.AddUser(user);
promisePost.then(function (p1) {
alert("New Record Inserted");
$("#addUserTable").css('display', 'none');
}, function (err) {
function clearClientDetail() {
i am stuck over here, i google everything but i do not get any result.

Add this line of code just above controller code
var app = angular.module('myapp', ['forgetService']);


cloud functions return error when using local parse database: "fail Error: The server returned an invalid response."

using parse dashboard in local system, implemented cloud functions and getting an error when call cloud function
Parse.Cloud.define('cloudFunctions', function (req, res) {
const query = new Parse.Query("Test");
if (req.params.Name) {
query.equalTo('Name', req.params.Name);
.then((results) => {
var testArray = new Array();
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
testArray[i] = {
id: results[i].id,
Name: results[i].get("Name"),
Description: results[i].get("Description")
var obj={
}, (error) => {
res.success("Save failed! " + error);
client side:
var gettestparams = {
Name: ""
}'cloudFunctions', gettestparams).then(function (callback) {
console.log("get test call", callback);
}).catch((error) => {
console.log("fail", error);

Difficulty with upload csv to knockout js table (ASP MVC)

I've been working with these two tutorials, but am having difficulty merging them together to get an upload csv to populate the table. It most likely is my lack of understanding of the view model.
Here's the tutorial for the knockout js editable table from the knockout js site: KnockoutJS: Editable Grid Table
And here's the tutorial for uploading a csv I'm referencing:
KnockoutJS - Upload CSV
Here's the javascript code I've been working on to upload a csv to my table. I keep getting "JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property 'push' of undefined or null reference" - I marked in comments the problem spot. As you can see, I'm having trouble with the view model.
var UserModel = function (users) {
var self = this;
self.users = ko.observableArray(users);
self.addUser = function () {
id: "",
firstName: "",
lastName: ""
self.removeUser = function (user) {
}; = function (form) {
sendData = ko.toJSON(self.users);
url: '/Users/CreateMultiple',
contentType: 'application/json',
async: true,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: sendData,
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.log("FAIL: " + errorThrown);
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var viewModel = new UserModel([
{ id: "", firstName: "", lastName: "" }
// Activate jQuery Validation
$("form").validate({ submitHandler: });
/////Upload CSV
$('#lnkUpload').click(function () {
var FileToRead = document.getElementById('UserFile');
if (FileToRead.files.length > 0) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = Load_CSVData;
function Load_CSVData(e) {
CSVLines =\r\n|\n/);
$.each(CSVLines, function (i, item) {
var element = item.split(",");
var csvID = (element[0] == undefined) ? "" : element[0].trim();
var csvFirstName = (element[1] == undefined) ? "" : element[1].trim();
var csvLastName = (element[2] == undefined) ? "" : element[2].trim();
UserModel.users.push(new UserModel()//here's my problem
I was able to identify the fully qualified for the observable array which in turn made it work:
function Load_CSVData(e) {
CSVLines =\r\n|\n/);
$.each(CSVLines, function (i, item) {
var element = item.split(",");
var csvID = (element[0] == undefined) ? "" : element[0].trim();
var csvFirstName = (element[1] == undefined) ? "" : element[1].trim();
var csvLastName = (element[2] == undefined) ? "" : element[2].trim();
id: csvID,
firstName: csvFirstName,
lastName: csvLastName

Rally sdk - get list of tasks from a story object

Know how to get list of tasks from a Rally story object? The Tasks is list in story. I tried with story.get("Tasks") and story.getCollection("Tasks"). But both the methods throw undefined error in debugger
Ext.Array.each(stories, function(story){
var storyTasks = ***story.get('Tasks');***
fetch: ['Owner', 'FormattedID'],
callback: function(records, operation, success){
Ext.Array.each(records, function(record){
taskOwners.push({owner: record.get('Owner'),
points: story.PlanEstimate});
}, this);
scope: this
There's a really nice example of how to do this in the docs:!/guide/collections_in_v2-section-collection-fetching
Here is an example that does it with promises:
launch: function() {
var stories = Ext.create('', {
model: 'UserStory',
fetch: ['Tasks']
success: this.loadTasks,
scope: this
success: function() {
//great success!
failure: function(error) {
//oh noes!
loadTasks: function(stories) {
var promises = [];
_.each(stories, function(story) {
var tasks = story.get('Tasks');
if(tasks.Count > 0) { = story.getCollection('Tasks');
return Deft.Promise.all(promises);

Cloudboost logout function

When I try to log out the current user of my app I get this message : TypeError: CB.CloudUser.current.logOut is not a function
Here is my code :
$scope.logout = function() {
success: function(user) {
//log out successfull
var currentUser = user;
$timeout(function() {
$scope.userConnected = false;
document.getElementById("body-container").className = "hold-transition login-page";
error: function(err) {
//Error occured in user registration.
Thank you for your help.
Here is what I have in CB.CloudUser.current:
CB.CloudObject {document: Object}
ACL: (...)
createdAt: (...)
document: Object
_id: "OUVrZf9T"
_tableName: "User"
_type: "custom"
_version: 1
createdAt: "2016-02-27T21:15:09.013Z"
email: ""
expires: null
password: ""
updatedAt: "2016-02-27T21:15:27.403Z"
username: "malignois"
__proto__: Object
expires: (...)
id: (...)
updatedAt: (...)
__proto__: CB.CloudObject
I know this is old but this is what works for me. I am using Ionic 2, but the syntax should be the same. Hope this helps.
success: function (user) {
// Success getting current user
success: function () {
// Success logging out
error: function () {
// Error logging out
error: function () {
// Error getting current user

Checking if all data has been returned from server in Knockout

I am displaying data from the user on the user page and i would like to notify the user once all the data has been loaded and there is no more data to retrieve from the server using knockout.
Knockout script
$.views.Roster.GetPage = function ( pageNumber) {
Url: Views.Roster.Properties.Url,
DataToSubmit: { pageNumber: pageNumber, id: Views.Roster.Properties.Id },
DataType: "json",
OnSuccess: function (data, status, jqXHR) {
OnError: function (jqXHR, status, errorThrown) {
var _response = $.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
$.pnotify({ title:_response.title, text: _response.Message, type: _response.TypeString});
$.views.Roster.ViewModel = {
RosterUsers: ko.observableArray([]),
TotalRoster: null,
CurrentPage: ko.observable(1)
$.views.Roster.BindModel = function (data) {
var self = $.views.Roster.ViewModel;
$.views.Roster.ViewModel.TotalRoster = ko.computed(function () {
return self.RosterUsers().length;
Next = function () {
var _page = $.views.Roster.ViewModel.CurrentPage() + 1;
$.views.Roster.RosterViewModel = function (data) {
$.views.Roster.RosterViewModel.AddUsers = function (data) {
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
$.views.Roster.RosterViewModel.PushUser = function (user) {
$.views.Roster.ViewModel.RosterUsers.push(new $.views.Roster.UserViewModel(user));
When you say 'once all the data has been loaded', I assume you mean when the GetPage method finishes loading a single page of users, as that is the only data loading that I see in the code above. Here is one way you can do it:
First, create an observable somewhere that you can bind to to tell the user if data is loading
$.views.Roster.ViewModel = {
RosterUsers: ko.observableArray([]),
TotalRoster: null,
CurrentPage: ko.observable(1),
DataIsLoading: ko.observable(false)
And add some markup that shows something in the UI when data is loading
<div data-bind="visible:DataIsLoading">Data is Loading, please wait...</div>
Then set DataIsLoading before you make the ajax call, then reset it when the call is done
$.views.Roster.GetPage = function ( pageNumber) {
$.views.Roster.ViewModel.DataIsLoading(true); // Add this!
Url: Views.Roster.Properties.Url,
DataToSubmit: { pageNumber: pageNumber, id: Views.Roster.Properties.Id },
DataType: "json",
OnSuccess: function (data, status, jqXHR) {
$.views.Roster.ViewModel.DataIsLoading(false); // Add this!
OnError: function (jqXHR, status, errorThrown) {
var _response = $.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
$.pnotify({ title:_response.title, text: _response.Message, type: _response.TypeString});
$.views.Roster.ViewModel.DataIsLoading(false); // Add this!
