Linkedin authentication using auth0 Firebase and Ionic - oauth

I am using to create a seed project with Firebase and Ionic (under Apps / APIs).
However, I ran into this issue Invalid redirect_uri. This value must match a URL registered with the API Key. I did the following research:
linkedin : Invalid redirect_uri. This value must match a URL registered with the API Key
(Tried to use http://localhost:8100/auth/linkedin/callback in OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs and not working) (http://localhost:8100/signin-linkedin not working) (http://localhost:8100/linkedin/company/token is not working as well)
Regardless of what I changed in Linkedin app, the login popup url always has
That means for some reason my redirect url didn't get change and somehow auth0 forced a "wrong" url in it?
Anyone has an idea how to fix this? Or is it bug?

When using LinkedIn, you should follow the instructions on how to configure as an email provider from this link
The important part is that you must set https://{accountName} as the Callback URL in the LinkedIn app you create. Did you do that?
Does this help?


Correct Format of Harvest API OAuth2 Redirect URL in iOS Application

What is the correct format for a redirect URL when authenticating with OAuth2 and the Harvest API from an iOS application? states that a redirect URL for a native application can look like myapp://callback. Problem is, Harvest doesn't accept such a redirect URL. It seems to require prefixing it with http/https, which causes problems when redirecting back to the iOS application at the end of the authentication flow. I don't seem to find anything relevant in the Harvest API documentation.
I have added a URL Type in Xcode where I set the Identifier value to com.example.myapp and the URL Schemes value to MyApp. No matter what redirect URL I specify (given the format mentioned above) in Harvest the authentication flow always complains that Safari cannot open the page because the server cannot be found. I am able to open the app manually with the appname:// URL from the
It sounds like you're looking for the URL to use regarding redirection from a web call. I'm not certain on oath2, but on SAML it is something like
https://where you are signing in/SSOpage?RelayState=https://where you are going
I hope this helps get you to your answer.
If anyone else has this issue, the identifier and URL Schemes should not be com.example.myapp and MyApp, respectively. You only need to set the URL Scheme to com.example.myapp

react-native auth0 sign in with apple?

How to sign in with apple in react-native using auth0 web form authentication?
Tried following this guide:
But no luck. Testing the connection gives me: invalid_redirect_uri.
One problem with guide was this part about creating service id:
"After checking Sign In with Apple, click on Configure and define your Web Domain ( and your Return URL. Make sure that your Return URL is your Auth0 domain, such as (or your Auth0 custom domain if you have one) and follows this format: https://YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN/login/callback. "
Since I use react-native, the callback is not an url that starts with 'https', but a custom uri to return users back to the application. Apple won't allow me to put that custom uri when creating the service-id, but requires the https prefix.
Has anyone succeeded in implementing sign in with apple for react-native applying the auth0 web authentication? Any help is appreciated.
Just as I decided to ask, I got this solved.
Problem was that I was just copy-pasteing the login callback from my auth0 app's configuration directly. Instead of actually doing what reads in the guide.
So I changed the login callback to just follow this format: https://YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN/login/callback
And it works now.

Okta authentication failing in iOS App with valid details

I am trying to authenticate with Okta in my iOS app, Create a app is Okta dashboard and added client id and redirect url's. After setting up and installing app in simulator. app is throwing the below error:
Please let me know if i missed any settings.
Created a native app from dashboard.
It looks like the client ID you're sending in the request is not what you think it is. You should be able to copy the URL from your browser, paste it in something like Notes, and examine the client ID. Make sure it matches what you have in your Okta org and that it doesn't contain any unexpected characters in it.
That's a common problem being faced by every newbie.
Here are some steps which will guide you to make your Okta authentication without error.
Create an application in Okta Page.
At text field & you may put your domain id. ex
Provide the same detail in your okta.plist in iOS Application.
You may refer to the Okta 'GitHub Repositories' for working samples.

Callback URL not approved by Twitter

My application built upon spring-social-twitter that enables users to sign in with Twitter has stopped working recently.
I've got an error message as below:
Callback URL not approved for this client application. Approved callback URLs can be adjusted in your application settings
Note: I'm using Spring Social Twitter version 1.1.2.RELEASE. And if you use Spring Social Twitter version 1.1.0.RELEASE, you might get a slightly different error message as below:
POST request for "" resulted in 403 (Forbidden); invoking error handler
Twitter recently (in May 2018) enforced that sign-in-with-Twitter users must whitelist callback URLs for security reasons (see the announcement).
This means callback URLs have to be explicitly and identically set up for all supported third-party applications. You can setup the callback URLs in your Twitter's application setup page:
For example, if your callback URL is http://localhost:8080/myApp/signin/twitter, you must add it to the list of Callback URLs in your Twitter's application setup page exactly as it is: http://localhost:8080/myApp/signin/twitter
See also the documentation on Twitter callback URLs.
I struggled with this since Twitter made the changes to increase security. My android app would use a callback URL and the same URL in the Intent Filter. But since the change, the URL I was using had to be registered in the Twitter developer portal. I was using ouath://myapp, but Twitter does not accept that as a valid URL (website).
After a bit of digging, I found that for apps you can specify any scheme but only as a scheme. For example I used myapp:// as the callback URL.
In my app, my callback URL was myapp://whatever, and in the Intent filter, I used :
<data android:scheme="myapp" android:host="whatever">
Twitter accepted the callback URL and it correctly redirected back to my app after the user authenticated with their Twitter credentials.
I has originally used just a normal website, and that worked too, but after validation by Twitter, it asked if I wanted to redirect to My App, or to a Chrome browser. Using the above approach it will simply return to your app.
After I did all this, I realized that I could have just added Oauth:// as a call back URL and my app would have worked without change.
I fixed it by adding those callback URLs to Twitter's whitelist.
twitterkit-{Twitter API Key}:// for iOS.
twittersdk:// for Android.

Custom scheme URIs are not allowed for 'Web' client type - Google with Firebase

I am trying to implement google sign in using firebase in to my iOS app. I follow this tutorial.
I have setup the iOS app in firebase and use the google clientID and reversedClientID from the dowloaded GoogleService-Info.plist.
FYI: I have a custom sign-in button instead of the google sign in button. Anyway when i click the sign in button, google following error display in a webview.
I know my problem is the same as which described in this question.
Google 400 Error: invalid request Custom scheme URIs are not allowed for 'Web' client type
But, in my case, I have created the app in Firebase still I get the error. Any idea please...
The first step is to check if you have already the OAuth 2.0 ID for iOS. To do this please open the Credentials page in the API Console. I hope you will find iOS client for your application under OAuth 2.0 client IDs section. If not, please follow this Guide
The second step is to replace the Web Client ID with in iOS Client ID from OAuth 2.0 client IDs section. To do this, you should open the GoogleService-Info.plist and modify following keys: CLIENT_ID with [value] and REVERSED_CLIENT_ID with com.googleusercontent.apps.[value].
if you're using flutterfire ui package you need to change the client id parameter in your GoogleProviderConfiguration class with the iOS client id,
you can copy it from here Credential page
providerConfigs: [
clientId: "your copied key here"),
re-build you're app and you should be good to go
I've just faced this same issue using flutterfire_ui on Flutter.
The error appears to be from a couple of things. As Valeriy points out you need the ios client ID. But I still got the error if I used the scopes
Instead change these to
Strangely the opposite is true for Android, where the WebID and the first of the scopes should be used.
It also pays to be aware of the OAuth Content Screen..
In google cloud go to APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen > Edit.
You can add scopes here and fix any missing required fields that Firebase might not be filling out (I had 1). I believe this takes a while to propagate after a change, so give it an hour.
