iOS app using as3 not fitting screen dimensions - ios

I'm building an iOS app using as3 and air to package the app onto my iPhone 6. My issue is that I get a black bar above and below the app, the app itself is not going fullscreen. The stage screen is set to the iPhone 6 screen dimensions.
I have tried by adding the following launch images into the app folder; Default-667h#2x.png, Default-568h#2.png, and Default#2x.png. In the AIR for iOS Settings under general, I've added them to the 'Included files' section but the bars are still there. Dropbox link to image.
Does anyone have any fixes for this?

iPhone 6 requires the Default image of Default-375w-667h#2x.png to be included. (and iPhone 6+ needs Default-414w-736h#3x.png).
This is a handy web page to bookmark which lists file sizes and names.

You should set your apps to not scale (looks like yours is scale to fit) and align top left:
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;

Resently had the same problem and splash screens didn't help. For me solution was only this How do I create launch images for iPhone 6 / 6 Plus Landscape Only Apps?


iOS LaunchScreen.storyboard handling different screen ratios

I need help getting a very basic LaunchScreen.storyboard working. My launch screen is just an image. I need the storyboard to handle the image by letterboxing it if the device ratio is not 4:3 (iPad).
I have a Universal app (iPad/iPhone) created with Xcode 8 with iOS 10.3 as deployment target. I used Xcode's app template for this new Swift 3 SpriteKit project. Its a simple SpriteKit app. The app is viewed on iPad and iPhone in 4:3 ratio, landscape only. AspectFit is properly respected in my SpriteKit views on all devices. So on iPhone its letterboxed, which looks and works great for my needs.
The app is well tested on multiple devices and today tested through xcode 9 builds on iOS 11.
All good!
Now I'm dealing with LaunchScreen.storyboard madness. All I want is my launch image (same size as my other SpriteKit background images) do display in letterbox form, for non 4:3 devices, to fit the screen.
I feel like I've done 100 Google queries, read as many blog posts and forums and tried a couple hundred different things in Xcode and am getting nowhere.
Any help appreciated.

how to upscale Iphone 4in screen to 4.7/5.5in screen?

Ok so my old apps which were written for the 3.5in and 4in iphone screens are downloaded on the and iphone with an 4.7/5.5in they seem to upscale and run perfectly fine with everything where it's suppose to be on the screen. So now I'm writing a new app just for the 4in screens because my thinking is that it will upscale when ran on 4.7/5.5in screen but this doesn't seem to be the case.
When I run my new app on a device with a 4.7/5.5in screen there is no upscaling. Why is this so? is there any setting to force the iphone to perform the upscaling or do I have to actually tune everything for 4.7/5.5in screens?
Ok I figured it out. To get your apps designed for the 4in screen to zoom in/upscale to fit the 4.7/5.5in screens you have delete the LaunchScreen.storyboard file from your project and add the Default-568#2x file.
iOS apps detect the screen size using the launch screen. The made the OS zoom out the app in order to support older apps.
If you want to let the app take full usage of the screen resolution you should use a LaunScreen storyboard or provide the assets for all the screen sizes. If this assets are not found and you use the asset catalog for the splash screen you will get the zoom to fit larger screens

Swift - Issue with using webviews when launch screen images are used instead of launch screen file

I'm working on a iOS project and this one issue is bugging me for days. I have a simple webview wrapper in my application and the issue that I'm having is that if I use launch screen images and not the launch screen file the webview content gets badly scaled. I cannot relate why the launch screen images should have any impact on the webview that is being presented later. My goal IS to use the launch screen images.
This is mostly noticeable on iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus.
Example with launch screen images:
Example with launch screen storyboard:
Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.
This issue is because of the missing launch image for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. Make sure that you have added all the launch screen images.

iOS View Controller size is 4 inch on iPhone 6

I have iPhone oriented application, the UI created using a storyboard, when I run it on 4.7 or 5.5 inch devices it presented as 4 inch screen with black empty space on top and bottom of window.
The project was created on Xcode 6 and I got the issue when I compile it with Xcode 7 but I'm not sure if it's related.
On Xcode 7 you must add the launch screens (on "images.xcassets") of your desired resolution (iphone6 , iphone5...) or instead you can add the splash screen that automatically will work for all resolutions (YourProjectName/General/App Icons and Launch Images).
Hope this helps.
You haven't add added Launch Images with proper resolution in proper place. So your app is considering it only for iphone5 not above so.Place launch Images properly.It will help.Thanks
Here are Apple's answers:
If you don't use launch images, but you do have a Launch Screen (nib
or storyboard) then we synthesize your launch screen at install time.
If you don't have any launch images, and you don't have a launch nib
or storyboard, then you are declaring that you don't support any
screen sizes aside from 320x480
A brand new project should not demonstrate any of these issues
With the iPad Pro you will need a Launch Screen to support the new
screen size (and you need Launch Screens to support multitasking on
iPad in general).

Orientation issue in iOS 7.1 or iPhone landscape

I am developing an app support iOS 6.0 and up and only in landscape mode for both device.
I have an issue in splash screen/launch screen for landscape mode, I have used 2 approach but didn't work properly.
Approach 1: When I use Images.xcassets to set Launch images. It work fine in iPad device of any OS but don't work in iPhone device as specially in 4" screen phones and 4.7" screen phones.
I have attached image of Images.xcassets as below:
Approach 2
Now because of above problem, I have used lauchscreen.xib for iPhone and iPad. Now problem is, when i use this approach, Splash screen display as a portrait mode rather than landscape in iOS 7.1 only.
Supported Device Orientation:
I was shock when I read this and heard about it..
Till iOS 7, Apple don't support Landscape mode for iPhone and iPod. Apple supports Landscape mode only for iPad.
So what if we develop app and give support from iOS 6 / iOS 7?
In Images.xcassets, select iPhone for portrait mode and add rotated image with 90 degree.
Let's understand with Step by step process :-
Suppose you have image with 480x320 dimension image.
Open that image in preview(Image editor)/photoshop.
Now rotate that image and save it.
Add rotated image at respective place in Images.xcassets.
Clean Project and run.
Please make sure your orientations are set appropriately. Also please refer this link for more details :- iOS 6: How do I restrict some views to portrait and allow others to rotate?
