GMail API retrieve From, To, etc. from a message? - message

How I can do to retrieve, from, to, subject, etc. from a message with this code ? Actually I can retrive list of message in a folder (label) but i want to retrieve fron, to, sender, etc. to display in a grid
Private Sub LoadMailGrid(ByVal FolderName As String)
Dim request As Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.UsersResource.MessagesResource.ListRequest = myGMailService.Users.Messages.List("")
request.Q = "label: " + folderName
Dim messagesList As ListMessagesResponse = request.Execute()
Dim SubjectList As List(Of GMailMessageSummary) = New List(Of GMailMessageSummary)
Dim mail As GMailMessageSummary
For Each Message In messagesList.Messages
mail = New GMailMessageSummary
mail.MessageID = Message.Id
**mail.From = Message.**
mail.Subject = "Courriel " + x.ToString
mail.Received = Today
grdGMail.DataSource = SubjectList
End Sub

List message just returns the message Ids and thread ids, not the full content (since that could be an entire email which could be huge like 25MB). So if you want certain info on all of them then call messages.get() in the loop. If you only want headers like To, From, Subject then you can call messages.get(format=METADATA), or however it looks in the language you're using.


How do I get User's Role within code portion of _LoginPartial?

I am using MVC Entity Framework and I need to get a user's role within the _LoginPartial for some role-specific functionality within the nav bar. What is the best way to get that there?
I've tried using Dim myRoles = Roles.GetRolesForUser(), but that comes up with nothing. Which is wrong, because I use role-specific functionality elsewhere and that works fine.
Following the link in Marco's comment, it mentions using ClaimsIdentity, but for me it says ClaimsIdentity is not declared (Rick left a comment there this past August explaining it's not working for him like something changed in the past 2 years).
I had also tried this, which is similar to code in a controller I have elsewhere which does work:
Dim context As IOwinContext = New OwinContext
Dim manager = New AppUserManager(New UserStore(Of AppUser(context.Get(Of MyAppIdentityDbContext)()))
Dim userInfo = manager.FindById(curUserID)
Dim userRole As String = userInfo.Roles(0).RoleId
myRole = db.Roles.Where(Function(x) x.Id = userRole).FirstOrDefault().Name
But at runtime I get an error on the "Dim manager" line that says
An exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework.dll but was not handled in
user code Additional information: Value cannot be null.
I have no idea what value it's talking about.
Thanks to Marco's help and the other question he linked, I got it using the following code:
#Imports Microsoft.AspNet.Identity
#Imports System.Security.Claims
Dim db = New MyAppIdentityDbContext
Dim curUserID = User.Identity.GetUserId()
Dim myFirstName As String = (From users In db.Users Where users.Id = curUserID Select users.FirstName).FirstOrDefault
Dim myRole As String = ""
If curUserID IsNot Nothing AndAlso curUserID <> "" Then
Dim userID = CType(User.Identity, ClaimsIdentity)
Dim claims = userID.Claims
Dim roleType = userID.RoleClaimType
Dim myRoles = claims.Where(Function(c) c.Type = roleType).ToList()
myRole = (myRoles.FirstOrDefault.ToString)
'Here myRole contains whole https string - need to strip it to actual value
Dim lastInd = myRole.LastIndexOf(" ")
myRole = myRole.Substring(lastInd + 1, myRole.Length - (lastInd + 1))
End If
End Code

I need to retrieve customer balance detail from Quick Books for the desktop

I am not sure the best way to retrieve customer balance detail from Quick Books. I tried using the TransactionQuery, but it was missing customer payments (see code below). I also tried using the GeneralDetailReportQuery, but this format is difficult to read directly into SQL since it needs some manipulation. What is the best way to get customer balance detail for a statement?
TransactionQuery Code:
Public Sub BuildCustomerStmtRq(ByRef inputXMLDoc As XmlDocument, ByRef qbXMLMsgsRq As XmlElement)
Dim TransactionQueryRq As XmlElement
TransactionQueryRq = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("TransactionQueryRq")
TransactionQueryRq.AppendChild(inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("IncludeRetElement")).InnerText = "TxnDate"
TransactionQueryRq.AppendChild(inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("IncludeRetElement")).InnerText = "Amount"
TransactionQueryRq.AppendChild(inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("IncludeRetElement")).InnerText = "Memo"
TransactionQueryRq.AppendChild(inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("IncludeRetElement")).InnerText = "EntityRef"
Dim TransactionAccountFilter As XmlElement
TransactionAccountFilter = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("TransactionAccountFilter")
TransactionAccountFilter.AppendChild(MakeSimpleElem(inputXMLDoc, "AccountTypeFilter", "AccountsReceivable"))
End Sub
'Copied this function from Intuit example code
Private Function MakeSimpleElem(doc As XmlDocument, tagName As String, tagVal As String) As XmlElement
Dim elem As XmlElement
elem = doc.CreateElement(tagName)
elem.InnerText = tagVal
Return elem
End Function
CustomerBalanceDetail from the GeneralDetailReport is probably the only request that will give you all of the information. A CustomerQuery is only going to give you the totals, if that would work for what you are needing.

Add menu item to Quickbooks

Is it possible to add a menu item to Quickbooks using the QBSDK?
I have found a couple of old examples that I can't make work.
I have created a custom application for my company and am trying to simplify it by making a menu item in Quickbooks.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is what I have tried so far, but I get an error message at the subAdd.SubscriberID.SetValue(Me.appGUID.ToString).
The error is: * Invalid GUID format. Must use zero for Custom Fields, or a GUID generated with GuidGen.exe for private data extensions.*
Dim subRq As ISubscriptionMsgSetRequest
subRq = MySessionManager.CreateSubscriptionMsgSetRequest(4, 0)
' Add a UIExtension subscription to our request
Dim subAdd As IUIExtensionSubscriptionAdd
subAdd = subRq.AppendUIExtensionSubscriptionAddRq
' set up the subscription request with the required information, we're adding to
' the file menu in this case, and just for fun, we're making it a cascading menu
subAdd.SubscriberID.SetValue(Me.appGUID.ToString) "<-----error happens here
' For the cascade fun, we're just going to add items to the cascade menu...
Dim subMenu As IMenuItem
For i = 1 To 5
subMenu = subAdd.MenuExtensionSubscription.ORMenuSubmenu.Submenu.MenuItemList.Append
' this is the text that the user will see in QuickBooks:
subMenu.MenuText.SetValue("Sub Item " & i)
' this is the tag we'll get in our event handler to know which menu item was
' selected:
subMenu.EventTag.SetValue("SubMenu" & i)
Next i
' Send the request and get the response, since we're sending only one request there
' will be only one response in the response list
Dim subRs As ISubscriptionMsgSetResponse
subRs = MySessionManager.DoSubscriptionRequests(subRq)
Dim resp As IResponse
' Check the response and display an appropriate message to the user.
resp = subRs.ResponseList.GetAt(0)
If (resp.StatusCode = 0) Then
MsgBox("Successfully added to QuickBooks File menu, restart QuickBooks to see results")
MsgBox("Could not add to QuickBooks menu: " & resp.StatusMessage)
End If
MySessionManager = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox("Encountered error subscribing: " & Err.Description)
If Not MySessionManager Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
The answer is yes.
The only purpose of UIExtensionSubscription is to add menu items to the top menus. Clicking the menus will then start your app, if it isn't already running, and pass it information about the current focused Quickbooks window.
Your application must be com accessible and registered.
As for your sample make sure you are passing { } around your GUID. I don't use function call unsure if you might need to cast to a string first or not.
There is a sample console app in C# in the current QBPOSSDK download from Intuit. I would thoroughly read the programmers guide and look at that sample.
One of my working requests, pretty close to the intuit sample:
Private Shared Function GetUIExtensionSubscriptionAddXML(ByVal strMenuName As String, ByVal strMainMenuName As String) As String
'strMainMenuName would be "Company" for example
'Create the qbXML request
Dim requestXMLDoc As New XmlDocument()
requestXMLDoc.AppendChild(requestXMLDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", Nothing, Nothing))
requestXMLDoc.AppendChild(requestXMLDoc.CreateProcessingInstruction("qbxml", "version=""5.0"""))
Dim qbXML As XmlElement = requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("QBXML")
'subscription Message request
Dim qbXMLMsgsRq As XmlElement = requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("QBXMLSubscriptionMsgsRq")
'UI Extension Subscription ADD request
Dim uiExtSubscriptionAddRq As XmlElement = requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("UIExtensionSubscriptionAddRq")
'UI Extension Subscription ADD
Dim uiExtEventSubscriptionAdd As XmlElement = requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("UIExtensionSubscriptionAdd")
'Add Subscription ID
uiExtEventSubscriptionAdd.AppendChild(requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("SubscriberID")).InnerText = MySubscriberGUID
'Add COM CallbackInfo
Dim comCallbackInfo As XmlElement = requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("COMCallbackInfo")
'Appname and CLSID
comCallbackInfo.AppendChild(requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("AppName")).InnerText = App_Name
comCallbackInfo.AppendChild(requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("CLSID")).InnerText = MyCLSID
' MenuEventSubscription
Dim menuExtensionSubscription As XmlElement = requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("MenuExtensionSubscription")
'Add To menu
menuExtensionSubscription.AppendChild(requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("AddToMenu")).InnerText = strMainMenuName
Dim menuItem As XmlElement = requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("MenuItem")
'Add Menu Name
menuItem.AppendChild(requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("MenuText")).InnerText = strMenuName
menuItem.AppendChild(requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("EventTag")).InnerText = "menu_" & strMenuName.Replace(" ", "_")
Dim displayCondition As XmlElement = requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("DisplayCondition")
displayCondition.AppendChild(requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("VisibleIf")).InnerText = "InventoryEnabled"
displayCondition.AppendChild(requestXMLDoc.CreateElement("EnabledIf")).InnerText = "InventoryEnabled"
Dim strRetString As String = requestXMLDoc.OuterXml
WriteLocalLog("GetUIExtensionSubscriptionAddXML: " & strRetString)
Return strRetString
End Function

Drop-down list not populating other controls

I am a complete newb to webapps but here goes.
I have web form with a drop-down list that populates a list of holiday resorts from a database procedure. That bit works fine. When I select an item from the list I need to populate a listbox with hotels specific to that resort.
This bit I am having trouble with, the list does populate if I click off the drop-down list onto a calendar control on the form.
Question: how do I get it to populate the list after I clcik on the value from the drop-down list?
Here is the code by the way:
Private Sub Page_Init(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
Me.Calendar1.SelectedDate = Now()
Dim connStr As String = Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ITC").ConnectionString
Dim conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(connStr)
Dim sqlProducts As String = "<<sql_string>>"
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlProducts, conn)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
da.Fill(ds, "Products")
DropDownList1.DataTextField = "Rcode"
DropDownList1.DataValueField = "Rcode"
DropDownList1.DataSource = ds.Tables("Products")
End Sub
Protected Sub DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DropDownList1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim connStr As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ITC").ConnectionString
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(connStr)
Dim sqlProducts As String = "sql_string '" & Me.DropDownList1.Text & "'"
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlProducts, conn)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
da.Fill(ds, "Products")
ListBox1.DataTextField = "accommDescription"
ListBox1.DataValueField = "accommCode"
ListBox1.DataSource = ds.Tables("Products")
End Sub

Good and full implementation of RSS feeds in MVC

I've seen a few examples of RSS Feeds in ASP.NET MVC, like this, and some samples in projects (like Oxite), but none of them are complete.
Eg. None of them check for the header
in the request, to save bandwidth.
I do not want to reinvent the wheel, so I stop here asking for some directions.
I haven't seen it implement HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, but I would look into using the SyndicationFeed class. It makes it very simple to handle feeds without any parsing. I am currently using it for Atom feeds, but it is supposed to work for RSS as well:
function SyndicationFeed GetFeed(string url) {
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(url);
SyndicationFeed feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader);
return feed;
public ActionResult ShowFeed()
string feedUrl = "somefeedurl";
SyndicationFeed feed = GetFeed(feedUrl);
return View(feed);
...then in the view:
<%foreach (var item in ViewData.Model.Items) { %>
<li><%=item.Title.Text %></li>
<% } %>
If you use HttpContext.Response.Cache.SetCacheability, SetExpires and SetMaxAge then the ASP.NET caching system will take care of this for you - it understands the If-Modified-Since header. This blog entry shows how you can create an MVC Action Filter to do the necessary in MVC.
I ended up with this. Please comment or edit the post if you find any error or better way to do it.
Imports System.ServiceModel.Syndication
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Web.HttpContext
Function MasterRSS()
Dim baseURL As String = ""
Dim feed As New SyndicationFeed("MySite - Master RSS", "", New Uri(baseURL))
''//Add a custom attribute.
Dim xqName As New XmlQualifiedName("CustomAttribute")
feed.AttributeExtensions.Add(xqName, "Value")
Dim sp As New SyndicationPerson("", "Jerry Seinfeld", "")
Dim category As New SyndicationCategory("Category")
feed.Contributors.Add(New SyndicationPerson("", "Cosmo Kramer", ""))
feed.Copyright = New TextSyndicationContent("MySite 2008")
feed.Description = New TextSyndicationContent("My description")
''//Add a custom element.
Dim doc As New XmlDocument()
Dim feedElement As XmlElement = doc.CreateElement("CustomElement")
feedElement.InnerText = "Some text"
feed.Generator = "Custom"
feed.Id = "MySiteFeedID"
feed.ImageUrl = New Uri("")
Dim ModifiedSince As Date
If Not Date.TryParse(Current.Request.Headers("If-Modified-Since"), ModifiedSince) Then
ModifiedSince = Date.Today.AddDays(-30) ''//Or whatever make sense to you.
ModifiedSince.AddMinutes(-5) ''//Just in case, we do not want to miss any item.
End If
''//the list of items.
Dim items As New List(Of SyndicationItem)()
Dim db As New mainDataContext
Dim textContent As TextSyndicationContent, Item As SyndicationItem
''//Then send the list of post, comments, whatever.
Dim Posts = (From p In db.Posts Where c.Date >= ModifiedSince Order By p.Date Descending)
For Each Post In Posts
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
sb.AppendFormat("<p>{0}</p>", Post.FullText)
textContent = New TextSyndicationContent(sb.ToString, TextSyndicationContentKind.Html)
Item = New SyndicationItem("Post " + Post.PostID.ToString, textContent, New Uri(baseURL + "/Post/View/" + Post.PostID.ToString), "Post" + Post.PostID.ToString, Post.Date)
If items.Count = 0 Then
''//send a 304 to the browser.
Return View("304")
End If
feed.Items = items
feed.Language = "es-ar"
feed.LastUpdatedTime = (From i In items Select i.LastUpdatedTime Order By LastUpdatedTime Descending).FirstOrDefault
''//Not needed in this sample.
''//Dim link As New SyndicationLink(New Uri("http://server/link"), "alternate", "Link Title", "text/html", 1000)
ViewData("feed") = feed
Return View("Rss")
End Function
Rss View (rss.aspx)
Dim htmlwriter As System.IO.Stream = Response.OutputStream
Dim rssWriter As System.Xml.XmlWriter = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create(htmlwriter)
Dim feed As System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed = ViewData("feed")
Dim rssFormatter As New System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Rss20FeedFormatter(feed)
This way, you can reuse the view
