UIViewController in iOS app launch screen - ios

Is it possible to add a view controller to launch screen in iOS?
if yes How could i do that?
I have dragged a UIViewController to the LaunchScreen.xib file its run correctly, but when I changed the class for the view controller in the LaunchScreen.xib from "identity inspector" from UIViewController to myLaunchScreenViewControllerName
I faced this error
Illegal Configuration : Launch screen may not use instance of myLaunchScreenViewControllerName

Launch screen is is not a fully customizable view controller. You cannot specify a custom class name in the storyboard and expect the system to give you the option to execute code at this stage by calling viewDidLoad. Remember, the app hasn’t launched yet


Main interface can not be changed to my own storyboard

I'm happy to know that zero code is needed to create interface for iOS app using storyboard somehow, but failed to show my own storyboard by changing 'main interface' of project setting in XCode.
Launching app brought me to a black screen which is expected to be a tableview within a navigation.
Having set Colorboard.storyboard as interface should add a grey arrow line pointing to navigation controller in the storyboard....however there wasn't such line.
Xcode I am using is 6.3...I am wondering if there is something I missed?
As far as I see you didn't set the initial view controller for storyboard.
In Attributes inspector select the param called "Is Initial Controller"
More details in documentation.

iOS Launch Image without Storyboard or Images

I am trying to programmatically set up a Launch Image without using storyboards or images. I understand the two ways to set up a launch image are 'Launch Image Source(image)' & 'Launch Screen File (storyboard)'. Within storyboard it launches a UIViewController then you drag and drop items into the storyboard VC. I don't want to do any drag and drops is there a way to just do it all in code. I am completely want to avoid storyboards I don't want to have an empty one then it launches a simple VC then I go do designated VC I want simple VC then designated VC. I am looking for an answer in Swift, I assume I would have to have code in AppDelegate but thats just a guess.
There is no way to do this. You either have to provide images or a storyboard file. You can choose to show a custom launch screen afterwards that is programmatic, but you cannot create the initial one programmatically.

Why Main.storyboard doesn't show?

I'm new to ios develop,I learned about storyboard recently and I'm trying to use it.But at last the storyboard file looks doesn't be loaded.
What I have done is:
1.add some ui elements like Button to initial xib file of storyboard
2.modify Main Interface in project - General page to Main.(my storyboard file name is Main.storyboard)
When I start the app,the screen is all white with nothing.Anyone can tell me why this happened and how can I solve this bug.Thanks!
Update1:As this image shows,I have set initial xib for storyboard.
Since you said you didn't created the project with a storyboard template, look for this line in your info.plist
This could happen because the subview frames are being created outside the view frame. Try setting some alignment constraints in your subviews.
You have to set your controller as initial view controller.
You can find it in your Main.Storyboard on the right site, if you select your first controller.
Here in 2021, a default Xcode project uses scenes, but that requires iOS 13 and I wanted to support iOS 12. I deleted the SceneDelegate file from my project and the scene delegate functions from the AppDelegate file, but then my storyboard wasn't loading either. The problem is that I also needed to remove the Application Scene Manifest section from info.plist.

How do I associate a Storyboard UIViewController with my custom UIViewController class?

I'm running Xcode 7 beta 5 and I have a storyboard with a tab bar controller featuring 4 items. Each item is a UIViewController. I created a custom class that is a subclass of UIViewController.
When I go to the storyboard, click on one of the UIViewControllers, go to the Identity Inspector, click on custom class, and try to name my custom class it says,
"Launch screens may not set custom classnames"
Am I doing something wrong? I thought this was the way to associate a storyboard's UIViewController with your custom view controller.
The problem is that you are trying to assign a custom class to launch screen. Launch screens main function is to display a view until application loads (not to implement application logic). You should create a new view controller representing object in storyboard (this one should be displayed after application load) and assign a custom class to it.
As the error message says, custom classes are now forbidden in Launch Screens in Xcode 7. See e.g. here as well
If you are trying to customize your Splash Screen then you can create your first view controller as Splash Screen and then set a custom class there.
To tell the system that not to load launch screen just change the settings as mentioned below...
General Tab --> Launch Screen File --> Select "Main" (Basically it's Main Storyboard).
You can set a custom class to any storyboard component except the launchscreen.xib file.
This worked for me. I deleted LaunchScreen.storyboard and in main.storyboard I added the custom class which did not give any error later. Hope it helps someone else too.

xcode: Problems connecting main storyboard

I am following the tutorial here. I just created my first storyboard and tried to set it as the main storyboard. After following the tutorial I clicked the run button and the simulator doesn't render any of the changes ive created.
I have a screen shot of my xcode project here(not sure how else to display it): https://app.box.com/s/okw7jlzq5zmcetd5cehu
What am I doing wrong?
Here is another screenshot of the storyboard itself: https://app.box.com/s/jt6i0an3maowwvgsamk7
Place a checkmark in the box "Is Initial View Controller" for the view controller you want to load.
I think your problem is the code in the app delegate. When you use a storyboard, you don't need anything in there except "return YES". The storyboard creates the window, so the code you have in there is making another window, not the one that your storyboard controller is a subview of.
Using this tutorial might teach you some things about the structure of an iOS app, but if you just want to make an app with a storyboard, you should start with the "single view" template instead of the "empty" one. It will give you a storyboard and an initial controller.
