How do I pass on my build file from Jenkins to Saltstack master - jenkins

We have a Jenkins system to automate build from Github, now we are implementing a Saltstack system. So I need to integrate my Jenkins with Salt-master so that it passes all the new builds to the master which then sends it across the salt-clients(minions).
The saltstack setup is in AWS cloud and and the Jenkins machine is outside the cloud in a local setup.

You could enable the salt-api and using the following plugin: then all of your jenkins builds can execute states / orchestrations etc. to any minions on a per job basis.
Another way of doing this is to have a minion running on the salt-master and install the jenkins slave on the same box. Then restrict the jenkins jobs to that jenkins slave and execute the commands as if you were at the command line. NOTE: this option requires a bit more configuration.


Trigger JMeter tests on a remote system via Jenkins

how can we tell Jenkins to download and run JMeter tests on a remote system rather than from the Jenkins server itself?
My requirement is to create a job in Jenkins to download the latest code from a repo to another system where JMeter is installed and run the JMeter tests on that remote system rather than from Jenkins server itself? I can trigger the tests from Jenkins server itself but unable to connect to remote server and download/trigger the server.
You need to get familiarized with the concept of Jenkins Distributed Builds, it's enough to start Jenkins agent proces on the "remote system" and bind your job to execute on that agent instead of Jenkins master.
With regards to tracking changes in the remote repo check out Generic Webhook Trigger and How to Integrate Your GitHub Repository to Your Jenkins Project articles

Jenkins pipeline using docker on existing slaves

We have the following jenkins setup:
Jenkins master
Jenkins Slave1
Jenkins Slave2
Jenkins Slave3
Those are all virtual machines and the slaves do always exist. They don't spawn automatically up and down.
Now we have builds which needs a lot of tools (maven, python, aws cli, ...). We can install every tool on every slave and everything will work fine.
But we want to build a docker approach.
Nearly all the tutorials I've seen are using slaves in Docker. They use some orchestration tool like Kubernetes and are creating slaves in Docker, do their stuff and delete the pod again.
We don't have the possibility to do this:
Question: Is it a decent approach to use an 'old' Jenkins setup with
real VM slaves on which we use docker?
What I'm thinking about is writing a pipeline and in each stage we use a docker container:
start build (it will choose a slave, e.g. Slave1)
pipeline will start
stage1: spin up e.g. a python container: git clone and execute python commands. mount volume to workspace??
stage2: sping up e.g. aws container and mount the content of the workspace and execute new commands etc.
Can someone evaluate this approach?
This is a very good approach. In fact the way to do that is documented under jenkins docs under Using multiple containers section.
In each stage you basically spin up a container with the necessary tools available and you can use a volume to presist output from the stage into the workspace so that other
stages can use it.

Can Jenkins be used for Docker Swarm deployment?

How to automate Jenkins for Docker Swarm deployment.
I am wondering if there are any plugins available in Jenkins which will help in Docker Swarm deployment or any other alternative way through which we can achieve the automation of Swarm deployment using Jenkins existing plugins?
Fixed this problem by using a plugin called Publish over SSH
Need to install a Jenkins plugins “Publish over SSH”, this plugin will allows us to
Sends files over SSH(SFTP)
Execute commands on a remote server
First step will be to add remote hosts and second will be to add an execution/build step where the commands will be executed
Follow this link for step by step instruction

Jenkins- Create Jobs on different servers

I want to configure Jenkins to build my code on 1 server. Then want to deploy it on another server using Jenkins.Both servers are using Linux I want to automate the entire process as much as possible. I went through some of plugins like pipeline, Job Import Plugin, etc
Can anyone guide me how to go about it ? Which plugins will be useful ? Any example or tutorial somewhere will be useful. The configuration of build pipeline plugin on jenkins was not seamless for me.
I would work it this way :
Install jenkins on your first server
Install the following plugins : ssh credentials, ssh slaves, copy to
slave, and restart jenkins
Go to Manage jenkins -> Manage credentials, and add ssh credentials
for your second server
Go to Manage jenkins -> Manage nodes, and create a passive slave.
The launch method should be "Launch slave agents on Unix machines
via ssh". You should use the credentials that you have added in step
Create a job to build your code. In the advanded options of job, you
should indicate that the job must only be built on master node.
Create a job to deploy your code on the second server. In the
avanded options of job, you should indicate that the job must only
be built on slave node.
In the "Build Environment" section, check the "Copy files into workspace before building" box and configure what files you want to copy from first server (
The code will be copied into the jenkins slave's workspace.

Jenkins building on a remote machine

I can only build my system on a FreeBSD 5 machine.
I am looking and introducing gerrit and Jenkins into my team.
I have setup the server running gerrit and Jenkins both on a Debian machine for now.
What is the standard way of dealing with Jenkins building on a remote server?
The standard way would be to install a Jenkins Slave on the remote server. See
You then setup the job that must be built on a FreeBSD 5 machine, to only only run on that slave/node. This is can be achieved within the job configuration by specifying the FreeBSD machine by name.
If you don't want other Jenkin jobs to run on that FreeBSD machine, you can configure the slave to only run jobs that are tied to it. See step 4 in the JENKINS Step by step guide to setup master and slave machines for the config page that you need to do this.
