Is there a way to render the images from the stream of youtube video data or any video stream data? - image-processing

I want to know how to get the images of a particular video strem data?
What are the ways to do this?

Use one of your favorite downloading tools/extensions to download the video file to your computer. Then get and use ffmpeg, with the following command line:
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 image_%3d.jpg


tool to export YouTube video with its chapters

I want to download YouTube video along with its chapters. Chapters should be embedded as a bookmark in downloaded video. Is there a tool or way to do this?
Using yt-dlp just execute:
yt-dlp --embed-chapters "VIDEO_ID"
Note that the video download is far more slow with the argument --embed-chapters.

How to: Playm3u8 files offline in VLC

I'm using an offline terminal to create an .m3u8 file but I would like to play it using VLC. Every example so far has shown examples of using m3u8 online but this isn't an option for me. If you can play it offline using VLC how do you do so?
You have to download the playlist from m3u8 to watch it offline and to do that you have to either use youtube-dl or ffmpeg
i would recommend ffmpeg , and the command for downloading the m3u8 file goes like this :-
ffmpeg -i "here your m3u8 link" -c copy Output.mp4
This will download the highest quality video available in that m3u8 file.
To change quality you can use map command or simply download the m3u8 file and open it with notepad and there you will find links for other resolution.
m3u8 files are just playlists without actual contents, but just URL pointers. Those files are mostly being used these days for HLS.
While you can play the files while offline, you won't see anything unless you are also hosting the referenced Contents.

Getting .mp4 from .f4m stream url

Currently I have the following url,400,600,800,1200,1800,.mp4.csmil/manifest.f4m?hdcore=1
which contains an .f4m file, which directs to an mp4 file.
I can't find a way to get that mp4 from that file (i just need the direct mp4 url or file).
How should I proceed? I have tried using ffmpeg or simply reading the file, with no luck.
I'm not much familiar with FFMpeg but you can try livestreamer :-)
Command line:
livestreamer "hds://,400,600,800,1200,1800,.mp4.csmil/manifest.f4m?hdcore=1" best -o video.ts
I tried in .mp4 format but it didn't like that, the file header shows FLV, you can use VLC Media Player to open the video.ts file.
Good luck!

How to download HLS stream into a local machine?

Sometimes it is useful to download a stream into our local machine.
Reasons could be
To make a manual modification to the manifest
For getting fast access to files of a server with poor networking.
If we try to use curl or wget to download the asset which is pointed by the URL for the stream, we end up downloading a small text file. It is surely not the video asset.
So how can we download the stream itself?
The actual script which does the download is given in the link at the bottom of my answer. But before we proceed to the how-to, let's first understand the steps for downloading a stream.
Without going into too much details, the URL pointing to the stream is typically named with the m3u8 extension. That file is called the manifest of the stream and is actually a text file containing, among other things, a list of pairs: a bitrate and a corresponding URL for the matching playlist file. Here is an excerpt from a manifest file:
A playlist file is another text file which tell the player which TS file is to be playing on each position of the playback head.
Here is the beginning of a typical playlist file:
So after downloading the playlist file for each of the bitrates, we can start downloading the TS files required to play the stream at each of the possible bitrates.
All this is done using a quite simple and self-explaining script which I was putting in GitHub:
I hope it will be useful for others.
You can simply use ffmpeg. Like this:
fmpeg -i "" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc output.mp4

Can I extract or convert a video file to audio?

I have a case where i need to get audio out from video file. Is this possible in iOS ??
I need only the output file as an audio any type. I have the video file in my documents directory which I record earlier in application.
1.Convert Video Reverse
2.Extract audio from a video file
3.Add Audio & Video Together
Download Code From Here
may be helpful to you.
Yes, it can be done. See Extract audio from video file for ideas.
Extracting is probably the more accurate term.
