Poeple often use
for i in [0 .. 10] do something
but afaik that creates a list which is then iterated through, it appears to me it would make more sense to use
for i = 0 to 10 do something
without creating that unnecessary list but having the same behaviour.
Am I missing something? (I guess that's the case)
You are correct, writing for i in [0 .. 10] do something generates a list and it does have a significant overhead. Though you can also omit the square brackets, in which case it just builds a lazy sequence (and, it turns out that the compiler even optimizes that case). I generally prefer writing in 0 .. 100 do because it looks the same as code that iterates over a sequence.
Using the #time feature of F# interactive to do a simple analysis:
for i in [ 0 .. 10000000 ] do // 3194ms (yikes!)
last <- i
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do // 3ms
last <- i
for i = 0 to 10000000 do // 3ms
last <- i
for i in seq { 0 .. 10000000 } do // 709ms (smaller yikes!)
last <- i
So, it turns out that the compiler actually optimizes the in 0 .. 10000000 do into the same thing as the 0 to 10000000 do loop. You can force it to create the lazy sequence explicitly (last case) which is faster than a list, but still very slow.
Giving a somewhat different kind of answer but hopefully interesting to some
You are correct in that the F# compiler fails to apply the fast-for-loop optimization in this case. Good news, the F# compiler is open source and it's possible for us to improve upon it's behavior.
So here's a freebie from me:
fast-for-loop optimization happens in tastops.fs. It's rather primitive at the moment, great opportunity for us to improve upon.
// Detect the compiled or optimized form of a 'for <elemVar> in <startExpr> .. <finishExpr> do <bodyExpr>' expression over integers
// Detect the compiled or optimized form of a 'for <elemVar> in <startExpr> .. <step> .. <finishExpr> do <bodyExpr>' expression over integers when step is positive
let (|CompiledInt32ForEachExprWithKnownStep|_|) g expr =
match expr with
| Let (_enumerableVar, RangeInt32Step g (startExpr, step, finishExpr), _,
Let (_enumeratorVar, _getEnumExpr, spBind,
TryFinally (WhileLoopForCompiledForEachExpr (_guardExpr, Let (elemVar,_currentExpr,_,bodyExpr), m), _cleanupExpr))) ->
let spForLoop = match spBind with SequencePointAtBinding(spStart) -> SequencePointAtForLoop(spStart) | _ -> NoSequencePointAtForLoop
| _ ->
let DetectFastIntegerForLoops g expr =
match expr with
| CompiledInt32ForEachExprWithKnownStep g (spForLoop,elemVar,startExpr,step,finishExpr,bodyExpr,m)
// fast for loops only allow steps 1 and -1 steps at the moment
when step = 1 || step = -1 ->
mkFastForLoop g (spForLoop,m,elemVar,startExpr,(step = 1),finishExpr,bodyExpr)
| _ -> expr
The problem here is that RangeInt32Step only detects patterns like 0..10 and 0..1..10. It misses for instance [0..10]
Let's introduce another active pattern SeqRangeInt32Step that matches these kind of expressions:
let (|SeqRangeInt32Step|_|) g expr =
match expr with
// detect '[n .. m]'
| Expr.App(Expr.Val(toList,_,_),_,[TType_var _],
[Expr.App(Expr.Val(seq,_,_),_,[TType_var _],
[Expr.Op(TOp.Coerce, [TType_app (seqT, [TType_var _]); TType_var _],
[RangeInt32Step g (startExpr, step, finishExpr)], _)],_)],_)
valRefEq g toList (ValRefForIntrinsic g.seq_to_list_info) &&
valRefEq g seq g.seq_vref &&
tyconRefEq g seqT g.seq_tcr ->
Some(startExpr, step, finishExpr)
| _ -> None
How do you figure out that this is what you need to pattern match for? The approach I often take is that I do a simple F# program with the right properties and put a breakpoint during compilation to inspect the expression. From that I create the pattern to match for:
Let's put the two patterns together:
let (|ExtractInt32Range|_|) g expr =
match expr with
| RangeInt32Step g range -> Some range
| SeqRangeInt32Step g range -> Some range
| _ -> None
CompiledInt32ForEachExprWithKnownStep is updated to use ExtractInt32Range over RangeInt32Step
The complete solution would be something like this:
let (|SeqRangeInt32Step|_|) g expr =
match expr with
// detect '[n .. m]'
| Expr.App(Expr.Val(toList,_,_),_,[TType_var _],
[Expr.App(Expr.Val(seq,_,_),_,[TType_var _],
[Expr.Op(TOp.Coerce, [TType_app (seqT, [TType_var _]); TType_var _],
[RangeInt32Step g (startExpr, step, finishExpr)], _)],_)],_)
valRefEq g toList (ValRefForIntrinsic g.seq_to_list_info) &&
valRefEq g seq g.seq_vref &&
tyconRefEq g seqT g.seq_tcr ->
Some(startExpr, step, finishExpr)
| _ -> None
let (|ExtractInt32Range|_|) g expr =
match expr with
| RangeInt32Step g range -> Some range
| SeqRangeInt32Step g range -> Some range
| _ -> None
// Detect the compiled or optimized form of a 'for <elemVar> in <startExpr> .. <finishExpr> do <bodyExpr>' expression over integers
// Detect the compiled or optimized form of a 'for <elemVar> in <startExpr> .. <step> .. <finishExpr> do <bodyExpr>' expression over integers when step is positive
let (|CompiledInt32ForEachExprWithKnownStep|_|) g expr =
match expr with
| Let (_enumerableVar, ExtractInt32Range g (startExpr, step, finishExpr), _,
Let (_enumeratorVar, _getEnumExpr, spBind,
TryFinally (WhileLoopForCompiledForEachExpr (_guardExpr, Let (elemVar,_currentExpr,_,bodyExpr), m), _cleanupExpr))) ->
let spForLoop = match spBind with SequencePointAtBinding(spStart) -> SequencePointAtForLoop(spStart) | _ -> NoSequencePointAtForLoop
| _ ->
Using a simple test program
let print v =
printfn "%A" v
let main argv =
for x in [0..10] do
print x
Before the optimization the corresponding C# code would look something like this (IL code is better to inspect but can be a bit hard to understand if one is unused to it):
// Test
public static int main(string[] argv)
FSharpList<int> fSharpList = SeqModule.ToList<int>(Operators.CreateSequence<int>(Operators.OperatorIntrinsics.RangeInt32(0, 1, 10)));
IEnumerator<int> enumerator = ((IEnumerable<int>)fSharpList).GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable;
if (disposable != null)
return 0;
F# creates a list and then uses the enumerator to iterate over it. No wonder it's rather slow compared to a classic for-loop.
After the optimization is applied we get this code:
// Test
public static int main(string[] argv)
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
return 0;
A significant improvement.
So steal this code, post a PR to https://github.com/Microsoft/visualfsharp/ and bask in glory. Of course you need to add unit tests and emitted IL code tests which can be somewhat tricky to find the right level for, check this commit for inspiration
PS. Probably should support [|0..10|] as well seq {0..10} as well
PS. In addition for v in 0L..10L do print v as well as for v in 0..2..10 do print v is also inefficiently implemented in F#.
The former form requires a special construct in the language (for var from ... to ... by), it is the way followed by ancient programming languages :
'do' loop in Fortran
for var:= expr to expr in Pascal
The latter form (for var in something) is more général. It works on plain lists, but also with generators (like in python) etc. A construction of the full list may not be needed before running the list. This allows to write loops on potentially infinite lists.
Anyway, a decent compiler/interpreter should recognize the rather frequent special case [expr1..expr2] and avoid the computation and storage of the intermediate list.
Myello! So I am looking for a concise, efficient an idiomatic way in F# to parse a file or a string. I have a strong preference to treat the input as a sequence of char (char seq). The idea is that every function is responsible to parse a piece of the input, return the converted text tupled with the unused input and be called by a higher level function that chains the unused input to the following functions and use the results to build a compound type. Every parsing function should therefore have a signature similar to this one: char seq -> char seq * 'a . If, for example, the function's responsibility is simply to extract the first word, then, one approach would be the following:
let parseFirstWord (text: char seq) =
let rec forTailRecursion t acc =
let c = Seq.head t
if c = '\n' then
(t, acc)
forTailRecursion (Seq.skip 1 t) (c::acc)
let rest, reversedWord = forTailRecursion text []
(rest, List.reverse reversedWord)
Now, of course the main problem with this approach is that it extracts the word in reverse order and so you have to reverse it. Its main advantages however are that is uses strictly functional features and proper tail recursion. One could avoid the reversing of the extracted value while losing tail recursion:
let rec parseFirstWord (text: char seq) =
let c = Seq.head t
if c = '\n' then
(t, [])
let rest, tail = parseFirstWord (Seq.skip 1 t)
(rest, (c::tail))
Or use a fast mutable data structure underneath instead of using purely functional features, such as:
let parseFirstWord (text: char seq) =
let rec forTailRecursion t queue =
let c = Seq.head t
if c = '\n' then
(t, queue)
forTailRecursion (Seq.skip 1 t) (queue.Enqueu(c))
forTailRecursion text (new Queue<char>())
I have no idea how to use OO concepts in F# mind you so corrections to the above code are welcome.
Being new to this language, I would like to be guided in terms of the usual compromises that an F# developer makes. Among the suggested approaches and your own, which should I consider more idiomatic and why? Also, in that particular case, how would you encapsulate the return value: char seq * char seq, char seq * char list or evenchar seq * Queue<char>? Or would you even consider char seq * String following a proper conversion?
I would definitely have a look at FSLex. FSYacc, FParsec. However if you just want to tokenize a seq<char> you can use a sequence expression to generate tokens in the right order. Reusing your idea of a recursive inner function, and combinining with a sequence expression, we can stay tail recursive like shown below, and avoid non-idiomatic tools like mutable data structures.
I changed the separator char for easy debugging and the signature of the function. This version produces a seq<string> (your tokens) as result, which is probably easier to consume than a tuple with the current token and the rest of the text. If you just want the first token, you can just take the head. Note that the sequence is generated 'on demand', i.e. the input is parsed only as tokens are consumed through the sequence. Should you need the remainder of the input text next to each token, you can yield a pair in loop instead, but I'm guessing the downstream consumer most likely wouldn't (furthermore, if the input text is itself a lazy sequence, possibly linked to a stream, we don't want to expose it as it should be iterated through only in one place).
let parse (text : char seq) =
let rec loop t acc =
seq {
if Seq.isEmpty t then yield acc
let c, rest = Seq.head t, Seq.skip 1 t
if c = ' ' then
yield acc
yield! loop rest ""
else yield! loop rest (acc + string c)
loop text ""
parse "The FOX is mine"
val it : seq<string> = seq ["The"; "FOX"; "is"; "mine"]
This is not the only 'idiomatic' way of doing this in F#. Every time we need to process a sequence, we can look at the functions made available in the Seq module. The most general of these is fold which iterates through a sequence once, accumulating a state at each element by running a given function. In the example below accumulate is such a function, that progressively builds the resulting sequence of tokens. Since Seq.fold doesn't run the accumulator function on an empty sequence, we need the last two lines to extract the last token from the function's internal accumulator.
This second implementation keeps the nice characteriestics of the first, i.e. tail recursion (inside the fold implementation, if I'm not mistaken) and processing of the input sequence on demand. It also happens to be shorter, albeit a bit less readable probably.
let parse2 (text : char seq) =
let accumulate (res, acc) c =
if c = ' ' then (Seq.append res (Seq.singleton acc), "")
else (res, acc + string c)
let (acc, last) = text |> Seq.fold accumulate (Seq.empty, "")
Seq.append acc (Seq.singleton last)
parse2 "The FOX is mine"
val it : seq<string> = seq ["The"; "FOX"; "is"; "mine"]
One way of lexing/parsing in a way truly unique to F# is by using active patterns. The following simplified example shows the general idea. It can process a calculation string of arbitrary length without producing a stack overflow.
let rec (|CharOf|_|) set = function
| c :: rest when Set.contains c set -> Some(c, rest)
| ' ' :: CharOf set (c, rest) -> Some(c, rest)
| _ -> None
let rec (|CharsOf|) set = function
| CharOf set (c, CharsOf set (cs, rest)) -> c::cs, rest
| rest -> [], rest
let (|StringOf|_|) set = function
| CharsOf set (_::_ as cs, rest) -> Some(System.String(Array.ofList cs), rest)
| _ -> None
type Token =
| Int of int
| Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Mod
| Unknown
let lex: string -> _ =
let digits = set ['0'..'9']
let ops = Set.ofSeq "+-*/%"
let rec lex chars =
seq { match chars with
| StringOf digits (s, rest) -> yield Int(int s); yield! lex rest
| CharOf ops (c, rest) ->
let op =
match c with
| '+' -> Add | '-' -> Sub | '*' -> Mul | '/' -> Div | '%' -> Mod
| _ -> failwith "invalid operator char"
yield op; yield! lex rest
| [] -> ()
| _ -> yield Unknown }
List.ofSeq >> lex
lex "1234 + 514 / 500"
// seq [Int 1234; Add; Int 514; Div; Int 500]
I've been trying to get my head round various bits of F# (I'm coming from more of a C# background), and parsers interest me, so I jumped at this blog post about F# parser combinators:
One of the samples here was this:
/// If the stream starts with c, returns Success, otherwise returns Failure
let CharParser (c: char) : Parser<char> =
let p stream =
match stream with
| x::xs when x = c -> Success(x, xs)
| _ -> Failure
in p //what does this mean?
However, one of the things that confused me about this code was the in p statement. I looked up the in keyword in the MSDN docs:
I also spotted this earlier question:
Meaning of keyword "in" in F#
Neither of those seemed to be the same usage. The only thing that seems to fit is that this is a pipelining construct.
The let x = ... in expr allows you to declare a binding for some variable x which can then be used in expr.
In this case p is a function which takes an argument stream and then returns either Success or Failure depending on the result of the match, and this function is returned by the CharParser function.
The F# light syntax automatically nests let .. in bindings, so for example
let x = 1
let y = x + 2
y * z
is the same as
let x = 1 in
let y = x + 2 in
y * z
Therefore, the in is not needed here and the function could have been written simply as
let CharParser (c: char) : Parser<char> =
let p stream =
match stream with
| x::xs when x = c -> Success(x, xs)
| _ -> Failure
The answer from Lee explains the problem. In F#, the in keyword is heritage from earlier functional languages that inspired F# and required it - namely from ML and OCaml.
It might be worth adding that there is just one situation in F# where you still need in - that is, when you want to write let followed by an expression on a single line. For example:
let a = 10
if (let x = a * a in x = 100) then printfn "Ok"
This is a bit funky coding style and I would not normally use it, but you do need in if you want to write it like this. You can always split that to multiple lines though:
let a = 10
if ( let x = a * a
x = 100 ) then printfn "Ok"
I'm stuck with a seemingly trivial problem: I'm unable to handle an exception in a function if it's written in a point-free manner.
Consider these two functions:
let divide1 x y =
x / y
| :? System.DivideByZeroException -> 42
let divide2 =
| :? System.DivideByZeroException -> fun _ _ -> 42
let x1 = divide1 5 0 // works fine
let x2 = divide2 5 0 // doesn't handle an exception
Although both functions are seemingly same, they have different types:
val divide1: int -> int -> int
val divide2: (int -> int -> int)
Obviously, divide2 does not even attempt to handle an exception. It simply returns an operator.
What can I do in order to make divide2 handle the exception in a proper manner (except specifically declaring its arguments)?
This is one of the reasons why I find the point-free style problematic. It makes it difficult to use standard language constructs like try .. with (or standard loops and other F# features) and you need to replace them with custom combinators. In this case, you could define combinator tryWith2 that wraps a two-argument function in an exception handler:
let tryWith2 f h a b =
try f a b // Call the function with two arguments
with e ->
// Try running the error handler with the exception
match h e with
| Some g -> g a b // Error handler provided another function
| _ -> reraise() // Error was not handled - reraise
Then you could write the function in a point-free style like this (the error handling is still not-point-free, but I do not want to make this too silly :-))
let divide2 =
tryWith2 (/) (function
| :? System.DivideByZeroException -> Some(fun _ _ -> 42)
| _ -> None)
let x1 = divide2 5 0 // returns 42
let x2 = divide2 5 1 // returns 5
Of course, the point free style is useful, even in F#. For example, when writing a DSL, it is a great way to compose declarative specification (because the primitives express something using higher-level of abstraction). Here, you need to express something that is quite close to normal F# code and, I believe, that is best expressed as normal F# code.
What you need to remember is that in divide2, you aren't returning the result of X divided by Y, you're returning a function that divides X by Y. The code for the let binding is being executed immediately because it isn't given function syntax. Let's look at both divide bindings with the longer function syntax:
let divide1 =
fun x ->
fun y ->
x / y
| :? System.DivideByZeroException -> 42
let divide2 =
fun x ->
fun y ->
x / y
| :? System.DivideByZeroException -> fun _ _ -> 42
When displayed this way, it should be clearer how the two definitions are different. The try block is in a completely different location, and executed at different points in time.
The only way to add logic such as exception handling to an existing function is to wrap it, either as you do in divide1, or with a higher order function as Tomas has shown.
What am I doing wrong here? Does it have to to with lists, sequences and arrays and the way the limitations work?
So here is the setup: I'm trying to generate some primes. I see that there are a billion text files of a billion primes. The question isn't why...the question is how are the guys using python calculating all of the primes below 1,000,000 in milliseconds on this post...and what am I doing wrong with the following F# code?
let sieve_primes2 top_number =
let numbers = [ for i in 2 .. top_number do yield i ]
let sieve (n:int list) =
match n with
| [x] -> x,[]
| hd :: tl -> hd, List.choose(fun x -> if x%hd = 0 then None else Some(x)) tl
| _ -> failwith "Pernicious list error."
let rec sieve_prime (p:int list) (n:int list) =
match (sieve n) with
| i,[] -> i::p
| i,n' -> sieve_prime (i::p) n'
sieve_prime [1;0] numbers
With the timer on in FSI, I get 4.33 seconds worth of CPU for 100000... after that, it all just blows up.
Your sieve function is slow because you tried to filter out composite numbers up to top_number. With Sieve of Eratosthenes, you only need to do so until sqrt(top_number) and remaining numbers are inherently prime. Suppose we havetop_number = 1,000,000, your function does 78498 rounds of filtering (the number of primes until 1,000,000) while the original sieve only does so 168 times (the number of primes until 1,000).
You can avoid generating even numbers except 2 which cannot be prime from the beginning. Moreover, sieve and sieve_prime can be merged into a recursive function. And you could use lightweight List.filter instead of List.choose.
Incorporating above suggestions:
let sieve_primes top_number =
let numbers = [ yield 2
for i in 3..2..top_number -> i ]
let rec sieve ns =
match ns with
| [] -> []
| x::xs when x*x > top_number -> ns
| x::xs -> x::sieve (List.filter(fun y -> y%x <> 0) xs)
sieve numbers
In my machine, the updated version is very fast and it completes within 0.6s for top_number = 1,000,000.
Based on my code here: stackoverflow.com/a/8371684/124259
Gets the first 1 million primes in 22 milliseconds in fsi - a significant part is probably compiling the code at this point.
#time "on"
let limit = 1000000
//returns an array of all the primes up to limit
let table =
let table = Array.create limit true //use bools in the table to save on memory
let tlimit = int (sqrt (float limit)) //max test no for table, ints should be fine
let mutable curfactor = 1;
while curfactor < tlimit-2 do
curfactor <- curfactor+2
if table.[curfactor] then //simple optimisation
let mutable v = curfactor*2
while v < limit do
table.[v] <- false
v <- v + curfactor
let out = Array.create (100000) 0 //this needs to be greater than pi(limit)
let mutable idx = 1
let mutable curx=1
while curx < limit-2 do
curx <- curx + 2
if table.[curx] then
idx <- idx+1
There have been several good answers both as to general trial division algorithm using lists (#pad) and in choice of an array for a sieving data structure using the Sieve of Eratosthenes (SoE) (#John Palmer and #Jon Harrop). However, #pad's list algorithm isn't particularly fast and will "blow up" for larger sieving ranges and #John Palmer's array solution is somewhat more complex, uses more memory than necessary, and uses external mutable state so is not different than if the program were written in an imperative language such as C#.
EDIT_ADD: I've edited the below code (old code with line comments) modifying the sequence expression to avoid some function calls so as to reflect more of an "iterator style" and while it saved 20% of the speed it still doesn't come close to that of a true C# iterator which is about the same speed as the "roll your own enumerator" final F# code. I've modified the timing information below accordingly. END_EDIT
The following true SoE program only uses 64 KBytes of memory to sieve primes up to a million (due to only considering odd numbers and using the packed bit BitArray) and still is almost as fast as #John Palmer's program at about 40 milliseconds to sieve to one million on a i7 2700K (3.5 GHz), with only a few lines of code:
open System.Collections
let primesSoE top_number=
let BFLMT = int((top_number-3u)/2u) in let buf = BitArray(BFLMT+1,true)
let SQRTLMT = (int(sqrt (double top_number))-3)/2
let rec cullp i p = if i <= BFLMT then (buf.[i] <- false; cullp (i+p) p)
for i = 0 to SQRTLMT do if buf.[i] then let p = i+i+3 in cullp (p*(i+1)+i) p
seq { for i = -1 to BFLMT do if i<0 then yield 2u
elif buf.[i] then yield uint32(3+i+i) }
// seq { yield 2u; yield! seq { 0..BFLMT } |> Seq.filter (fun i->buf.[i])
// |> Seq.map (fun i->uint32 (i+i+3)) }
primesSOE 1000000u |> Seq.length;;
Almost all of the elapsed time is spent in the last two lines enumerating the found primes due to the inefficiency of the sequence run time library as well as the cost of enumerating itself at about 28 clock cycles per function call and return with about 16 function calls per iteration. This could be reduced to only a few function calls per iteration by rolling our own iterator, but the code is not as concise; note that in the following code there is no mutable state exposed other than the contents of the sieving array and the reference variable necessary for the iterator implementation using object expressions:
open System
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
let primesSoE top_number=
let BFLMT = int((top_number-3u)/2u) in let buf = BitArray(BFLMT+1,true)
let SQRTLMT = (int(sqrt (double top_number))-3)/2
let rec cullp i p = if i <= BFLMT then (buf.[i] <- false; cullp (i+p) p)
for i = 0 to SQRTLMT do if buf.[i] then let p = i+i+3 in cullp (p*(i+1)+i) p
let nmrtr() =
let i = ref -2
let rec nxti() = i:=!i+1;if !i<=BFLMT && not buf.[!i] then nxti() else !i<=BFLMT
let inline curr() = if !i<0 then (if !i= -1 then 2u else failwith "Enumeration not started!!!")
else let v = uint32 !i in v+v+3u
{ new IEnumerator<_> with
member this.Current = curr()
interface IEnumerator with
member this.Current = box (curr())
member this.MoveNext() = if !i< -1 then i:=!i+1;true else nxti()
member this.Reset() = failwith "IEnumerator.Reset() not implemented!!!"
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() = () }
{ new IEnumerable<_> with
member this.GetEnumerator() = nmrtr()
interface IEnumerable with
member this.GetEnumerator() = nmrtr() :> IEnumerator }
primesSOE 1000000u |> Seq.length;;
The above code takes about 8.5 milliseconds to sieve the primes to a million on the same machine due to greatly reducing the number of function calls per iteration to about three from about 16. This is about the same speed as C# code written in the same style. It's too bad that F#'s iterator style as I used in the first example doesn't automatically generate the IEnumerable boiler plate code as C# iterators do, but I guess that is the intention of sequences - just that they are so damned inefficient as to speed performance due to being implemented as sequence computation expressions.
Now, less than half of the time is expended in enumerating the prime results for a much better use of CPU time.
What am I doing wrong here?
You've implemented a different algorithm that goes through each possible value and uses % to determine if it needs to be removed. What you're supposed to be doing is stepping through with a fixed increment removing multiples. That would be asymptotically.
You cannot step through lists efficiently because they don't support random access so use arrays.
In ML-family languages, people tend to prefer pattern matching to if/else construct. In F#, using guards within pattern matching could easily replace if/else in many cases.
For example, a simple delete1 function could be rewritten without using if/else (see delete2):
let rec delete1 (a, xs) =
match xs with
| [] -> []
| x::xs' -> if x = a then xs' else x::delete1(a, xs')
let rec delete2 (a, xs) =
match xs with
| [] -> []
| x::xs' when x = a -> xs'
| x::xs' -> x::delete2(a, xs')
Another example is solving quadratic functions:
type Solution =
| NoRoot
| OneRoot of float
| TwoRoots of float * float
let solve1 (a,b,c) =
let delta = b*b-4.0*a*c
if delta < 0.0 || a = 0.0 then NoRoot
elif delta = 0.0 then OneRoot (-b/(2.0*a))
TwoRoots ((-b + sqrt(delta))/(2.0*a), (-b - sqrt(delta))/(2.0*a))
let solve2 (a,b,c) =
match a, b*b-4.0*a*c with
| 0.0, _ -> NoRoot
| _, delta when delta < 0.0 -> NoRoot
| _, 0.0 -> OneRoot (-b/(2.0*a))
| _, delta -> TwoRoots((-b + sqrt(delta))/(2.0*a),(-b - sqrt(delta))/(2.0*a))
Should we use pattern matching with guards to ignore ugly if/else construct?
Is there any performance implication against using pattern matching with guards? My impression is that it seems to be slow because pattern matching has be checked at runtime.
The right answer is probably it depends, but I surmise, in most cases, the compiled representation is the same. As an example
let f b =
match b with
| true -> 1
| false -> 0
let f b =
if b then 1
else 0
both translate to
public static int f(bool b)
if (!b)
return 0;
return 1;
Given that, it's mostly a matter of style. Personally I prefer pattern matching because the cases are always aligned, making it more readable. Also, they're (arguably) easier to expand later to handle more cases. I consider pattern matching an evolution of if/then/else.
There is also no additional run-time cost for pattern matching, with or without guards.
Both have their own place. People are more used to If/else construct for checking a value where as pattern matching is like a If/else on steroids. Pattern matching allows you to sort of compare against the decomposed structure of the data along with using gaurds for specifying some additional condition on the parts of the decomposed data or some other value (specially in case of recursive data structures or so called discriminated unions in F#).
I personally prefer to use if/else for simple values comparisons (true/false, ints etc), but in case you have a recursive data structure or something which you need to compare against its decomposed value than there is nothing better than pattern matching.
First make it work and make it elegant and simple and then if you seem some performance problem then check for performance issues (which mostly will be due to some other logic and not due to pattern matching)
Agree with #Daniel that pattern matching is usually more flexible.
Check this implementation:
type Solution = | Identity | Roots of float list
let quadraticEquation x =
let rec removeZeros list =
match list with
| 0.0::rest -> removeZeros rest
| _ -> list
let x = removeZeros x
match x with
| [] -> Identity // zero constant
| [_] -> Roots [] // non-zero constant
| [a;b] -> Roots [ -b/a ] // linear equation
| [a;b;c] ->
let delta = b*b - 4.0*a*c
match delta with
| delta when delta < 0.0 ->
Roots [] // no real roots
| _ ->
let d = sqrt delta
let x1 = (-b-d) / (2.0*a)
let x2 = (-b+d) / (2.0*a)
Roots [x1; x2]
| _ -> failwithf "equation is bigger than quadratic: %A" x
Also notice in https://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/learning-fsharp/ that it is discouraged to use if-else. It is considered a bid less functional.
I did some testing on a self writen prime number generator, and as far as i can say there is "if then else" is significantly slower than pattern matching, can't explain why though, but I as far as I have tested the imperativ part of F# have a slower run time than recursive functional style when it come to optimal algorithms.