Unable to use both Swift and Obj-C libs with Cocoapods - ios

I have just started a new Swift project and I would like to use different libraries. In particular, I would like to use Realm.io, an Obj-C library. But, I would also like to use pure Swift libraries such as Alamofire or Dollar.
I use Cocoapods for managing my dependencies. I use the latest version (0.37.0) and the new use_frameworks! flag. pod install is successful anytime.
Unfortunately, when I try to build my project I get two errors (for my main target):
Umbrella header Realm.h not found from module.modulemap
Could not build Objective-C module Realm from any file using import Realm
Other imports work fine.
I have noticed the following: if I remove pure Swift libs and use_frameworks, everything works fine. I am aware about this current issue from Cocoapods. However, it should not be a problem for Realm asks developers to use that flag.
Here is my Podfile:
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'rothrock' do
pod 'Realm'
pod 'Cent'
pod 'SwiftyJSON'
pod 'Alamofire'
target 'rothrockTests', :exclusive => true do
I use no bridging header. Should I?
Any idea or workaround?

Alright, here is the full walkthrough:
Install dependencies using Cocoapods and the use_frameworks! flag.
As you need to use a Objective-C dependency, create a Bridging header. You can create one easily by importing an Objective-C class to your Swift project, than remove it (the wizard should ask you if need a bridging header). Otherwise, create a new header file. Then, navigate to your target configuration and enter the name of your file in Swift Compiler - Code Generation > Objective-C Bridging header.
Still in your target configuration, add a new entry in Search Paths > User Header Search Paths: Pods as value and flag it as recursive.
Remove any import instruction from your code, relative to your Objective-C library.
Build your project. You should have a success.

You need a bridging header and import your Objective-C library headers there.
If you are using only Realm you can check out this documentation for Swift http://realm.io/docs/cocoa/ (go to CocoaPods down in the tabs)
Install CocoaPods 0.36.0 or later ([sudo] gem install cocoapods).
In your Podfile, add use_frameworks! and pod 'Realm' to your app target.
From the command line, run pod install.
Use the .xcworkspace file generated by CocoaPods to work on your project!
Download the latest release of Realm and extract the zip.
Drag the file at Swift/RLMSupport.swift into the File Navigator of your Xcode project, checking the Copy items if needed checkbox.

I just installed the Realm library in a project I have with some of the libraries you mention above like Alamofire and SwiftyJSON and others and it works fine when you build the project and even put the import Realm, no compilation errors at all.
I'm using Cocoapods 0.36.0, the stable version and this is my PodFile :
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'
link_with 'ApiWorkflow', 'ApiWorkflowTests'
pod 'SwiftyJSON', '~> 2.2'
pod 'Alamofire', '~> 1.2'
pod 'Typhoon', '~> 3.0'
pod 'SwiftCSV', '~> 0.1'
pod 'Realm'
I hope this help you


How to integrate both Objective-C and Swift pods in same project in iOS app

I am doing Objective-C in iOS app. But the problem is I want to add few Objective-C apis into that I added successfully earlier with cocoa pods, But, now I want to add Swift Api through cocoa pods, but the problem getting while installing is following.
[!] Pods written in Swift can only be integrated as frameworks; add use_frameworks! to your Podfile or target to opt into using it. The Swift Pods being used are: apis
But I can't add this manually due to its large api and it contains sub folders.
But, if I remove "#" key from use_frameworks!, its getting installed, but, the old Objective-C apis getting file not found in my project.
Even I have very basic knowledge at installing frameworks/apis through cocoa pods.
Can any one suggest me how to over come this.
use_frameworks! will work with Objective-C pod only if they are dynamic frameworks not static libraries. Most of the popular third party libraries are using dynamic frameworks like AFNetworking, GoogleMaps etc.
Make sure all your Objective-C pods are dynamic frameworks. If you are not sure just create a sample project with cocoapods and use use_frameworks!. Try adding one by one, all the pods and find out which one is the culprit.
I had that problem once, what I did was use use_frameworks! like you mentioned, and then I changed how the Objective-C imports are written.
The command use_frameworks! turns each pod into a Framework, so in your projects the .h and .m files are no longer visible to the import like they would usually.
As a result, instead of using for example #import <AFNetworking/AFNetworking.h>, you do #import AFNetworking;
From my own experience, and maybe it was just a special case for my project. But turning everything into frameworks slowed down the compile time on Xcode and it made my App Package bigger for some reason.
Podfile file:
platform :ios, '10.0'
def pods
pod 'Alamofire', '= 4.4'
pod 'SwiftyJSON' '= 3.1.4'
pod 'MBProgressHUD'
target 'YourProject' do
#import <MBProgressHUD/MBProgressHUD.h>
Build Settings

adding 'use_frameworks!' in podfile is breaking app

My iOS app contains both objective-C and Swift code. Now i have added use_frameworks! at the top of pod file to use some swift library. Unfortunately it started giving compilation errors.
My pod version : 0.39.0
It started complaining about imports in bridge.h file
Pod file contains objective-C libraries. Now i want to add swift libraries.
How can i fix this issue. Let me know if needs more details
platform :ios, '9.0'
xcodeproj 'Test.xcodeproj'
def devDependecies
pod 'SocketRocket'
pod 'CocoaLumberjack'
pod 'MRProgress'
pod 'GRMustache', '~> 7.3.0'
pod 'Realm', '=0.96.2'
pod 'ADALiOS'
pod 'Office365/Outlook'
pod 'Office365/Discovery'
pod 'AFNetworking'
pod 'youtube-ios-player-helper', :git=>'https://github.com/youtube/youtube-ios-player-helper', :commit=>'head'
pod 'iOSCalendarEventParser', '=0.0.4'
pod 'OneDriveSDK'
target 'Test' do
Sample error in bridge.h file :
But this file exists under pod directory.
'youtube-ios-player-helper' can compile as a framework.
So remove it from the bridge header and just add an import line in your Swift classes
import youtube-ios-player-helper
Do the same for all pods that can compile as a framework
At this moment Xcode does not allow that. use_frameworks works only with swift pods or libraries. If you add an objective C library you need to use the bridging header, therefore you need to remove the use_frameworks instruction in order to make it work. The only work around I found is to only import through pods the objective C libraries and the swift libraries you can add them manually. You can copy the classes names and content and use them as if you would have created them.

Can't import AFNetworking from CocoaPods in swift project

In Podfile I
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.6.0'
pod update and I open project using xcworkspace.
And everything gone my way,but:
when i import AFNetworking ,Xcode prompt 'No such module AFNetworking'
I searched the solution for this question, and did like this: in 'Built setting ->User Header Search Paths ' add ${SRCROOT} and choose recursive.
But it didn't work . Xcode throw the same mesage :'No such module AFNetworking'
Okay,I just did a mistake operation .
platform :ios, '8.0'
Two line above is necessary ! After I added them and run pod update, my project's Link Binary With Libraries add a row contain Pods_.framework .Then I import AFNetworking is OK.
check out there :No such module 'RestKit' with cocoapods and swift
Go to
Project > General > Linked Frameworks and Libraries
When press "Plus" and add your framework from list.

Install 'JSONWebToken' library without cocoapods

Is there a way to install this library without cocoapods ? because when i install it with pod i get this error :
[!] Pods written in Swift can only be integrated as frameworks; add `use_frameworks!`
to your Podfile or target to opt into using it. The Swift Pods being used are:
CryptoSwift and JSONWebToken
And when i add 'use_framewords!' i got error on the other libraries written with objective-c that use pod also
Here is my podfile :
source “https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git”
platform :ios, '8.1'
pod 'GoogleMaps'
pod 'RSKImageCropper'
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 3.0'
pod 'DZNEmptyDataSet'
pod 'Instabug'
Thank's in advance
You can drag and drop the
sources into your project. If you add the library in this way, you
will update the library manually as you know.
The second option is using cocoapods and solving the problem. When you use use_frameworks! cocoapods tries to convert the whole pods as framework, so the error should be in your bridging header. Try to import your frameworks in your files.

Could not build Objective-C module 'zipzap'

I would like to use zipzap library in my swift ios project.
I use cocoapods to integrate it. When I run pod install everything works fine, but when I do import zipzap, it says Could not build Objective-C module 'zipzap'.
I've done everything that people recommend here and in similar questions. But no luck.
Is it possible that this library simply not compatible with swift-based projects?
This is my Podfile:
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '6.0'
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
target 'MyProject-iOS' do
pod 'Reachability', '~> 3.2'
pod 'SwiftyJSON', '~> 2.1'
pod 'zipzap', '~> 8.0'
target 'MyProject-iOSTests' do
I faced the same issue. Looks like the podspec for zipzap is missing. Due to which pod ends up making all header files public. And that is what causes the issue.
I wrote my own podspec file which only makes five headers public, rest are private. This decision was based on the podspec.json found in the zipzap repo.
I included zipzap in my project as follows:
pod 'zipzap', :podspec => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tahasamad/zipzap/master/zipzap.podspec'
I'm the author of ZipZap. Version 8.0.4 now properly supports iOS and OS X frameworks, both with and without CocoaPods. After updating with CocoaPods, you should just be able to import ZipZap in Swift and "it just works".
In order to get correct exception handling, you'll have to use CocoaPods 0.36 or later, otherwise you may get some build warnings.
