I have a table view in my Chat app that holds Users that are logged in to the application. This app is in Swift and the table view is embedded in a Navigation controller. I'm also using Parse.
When I click on a User, it sends me to a chat screen which it's suppose to do. Then when I click the Back button, it takes me back to the User table view as it should, but something strange happens. It has the Users that are logged in, but shows them twice. For example, If User1 is logged in to the app, I click on it to chat, then go back to the table view, it now shows User1 twice. If I repeat the process, it then shows User1 three times. Hopefully someone can help...
import UIKit
// Global Variable
var userName = ""
class usersVC: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var resultsTable: UITableView!
var resultsUsernameArray = [String]()
var resultsProfileNameArray = [String]()
var resultsImageFile = [PFFile]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
let theWidth = view.frame.size.width
let theHeight = view.frame.size.height
resultsTable.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, theWidth, theHeight-64)
// PFUser.currentUser().username is part of Parse framework
userName = PFUser.currentUser()!.username!
Then here is the viewDidAppear where I believe is the issue:
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "username != '"+userName+"'")
var query = PFQuery(className: "_User", predicate: predicate)
var theObjects = query.findObjects()
for object in theObjects! {
// object.username is the name of the username class in Parse, as well as "profileName" and "photo"
self.resultsUsernameArray.append(object["username"] as! String)
self.resultsProfileNameArray.append(object["profileName"] as! String)
self.resultsImageFile.append(object["photo"] as! PFFile)
Not sure if this is needed but it had some of the same variables and deals with the Table View:
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
var cell : ResultsCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell") as! ResultsCell
cell.usernameLbl.text = self.resultsUsernameArray[indexPath.row]
cell.usernameLbl.hidden = true
cell.profileNameLbl.text = self.resultsProfileNameArray[indexPath.row]
resultsImageFile[indexPath.row].getDataInBackgroundWithBlock {
(imageData: NSData?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
let image = UIImage(data: imageData!)
cell.profileImg.image = image
return cell
Let me know if more code is needed!
Thank you,
You should change your viewDIdAppear() method little bit way like this,
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "username != '"+userName+"'")
var query = PFQuery(className: "_User", predicate: predicate)
var theObjects = query.findObjects()
self.resultsUsernameArray.removeAll(keepCapacity: true)
self.resultsProfileNameArray.removeAll(keepCapacity: true)
self.resultsImageFile.removeAll(keepCapacity: true)
for object in theObjects! {
// object.username is the name of the username class in Parse, as well as "profileName" and "photo"
self.resultsUsernameArray.append(object["username"] as! String)
self.resultsProfileNameArray.append(object["profileName"] as! String)
self.resultsImageFile.append(object["photo"] as! PFFile)
HTH, Enjoy Coding !!
The problem: I cannot get data downloaded into arrays in a singleton class to populate table views in two view controllers.
I am writing a bank book iOS app with a Parse backend. I have a login viewController and four other view controllers in a Tab Bar Controller. I have a singleton class that gets data from the Parse server and loads four arrays. I want that data to populate table views in two other view controllers. I want to make as few data calls as possible. The initial view controller is where user enters debits and credits. So my plan was to call GetData class from the viewDidLoad to populate tables in case user visits them without entering a debit or a credit.
When a debit or credit is entered, there is one function where after the debit or credit is saved to Parse server, the GetData class is called again to update the arrays in the GetData class.
The two view controllers access the arrays in the GetData class to fill the tables, and there is a tableView.reloadData() call in the viewDidAppear in each view controller when the view is accessed via the tab controller.
It works intermittently at best. sometimes I get five successful updates and then it keeps displaying old data, then it will suddenly display all the data.
Looking at my cloud DB, all the entries are there when made, and I have verified the viewWillAppear is firing in each view controller who accessed.
What I need is a reliable method to get the data to update in the other view controllers every. time. I will gladly scrap this app and rewrite if needed.
Here is the code of my singleton class:
class GetData {
static let sharedInstance = GetData()
var transactionArray = [String]()
var dateArray = [String]()
var toFromArray = [String]()
var isDebitArray = [String]()
func getdata() {
let query = PFQuery(className:"Transaction")
query.findObjectsInBackground { (objects, error) in
print("query fired")
if objects != nil {
for object in objects! {
if let amount = object.object(forKey: "amount") as? String {
if let date = object.object(forKey: "date") as? String {
if let toFrom = object.object(forKey: "toFrom") as? String {
if let isDebit = object.object(forKey: "isDebit") as? String {
Here is a sample of one of the view controllers:
class RecordVC: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
#IBOutlet var recordTableView: UITableView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
recordTableView.delegate = self
recordTableView.dataSource = self
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
print("recordVC viewWillAppear fired")
#IBAction func resetFoundButton(_ sender: Any) {
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = recordTableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "RecordCell", for: indexPath) as! RecordCell
cell.amountLabel?.text = "$\(GetData.sharedInstance.transactionArray[indexPath.row])"
cell.dateLabel?.text = "\(GetData.sharedInstance.dateArray[indexPath.row])"
cell.toFromLabel?.text = "\(GetData.sharedInstance.toFromArray[indexPath.row])"
let cellColor = backGroundColor(isDebit: GetData.sharedInstance.isDebitArray[indexPath.row])
cell.backgroundColor = cellColor
cell.backgroundColor = cellColor
return cell
func backGroundColor(isDebit:String) -> UIColor{
if isDebit == "false" {
return UIColor.green
} else {
return UIColor.blue
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return GetData.sharedInstance.transactionArray.count
Thank you
I would say that instead of reloading the tables by calling tableView.reloadData() in viewWillAppear() , after your query execution and data updates in GetData Class , then you should fire a notification or use a delegate to reloadData() in tableview.
Whats happening is that sometimes when the tableView.reloadData() gets called the Data in the singleton class (GetData class) has not yet updated.
func getdata() {
let query = PFQuery(className:"Transaction")
query.findObjectsInBackground { (objects, error) in
print("query fired")
if objects != nil {
for object in objects! {
if let amount = object.object(forKey: "amount") as? String {
if let date = object.object(forKey: "date") as? String {
if let toFrom = object.object(forKey: "toFrom") as? String {
if let isDebit = object.object(forKey: "isDebit") as? String {
// Here you should fire up a notification to let the 2 ViewControllers know that data has to be reloaded.
In my Xcode Project I will like to have a similar view like Snapchat's "Send To..." screen (I have attached a screenshot). I have already made a tableview and populate it and have allowed multiple selection on. I am currently having trouble with two things:
1) Multiple Selection: I can select an cell I want, but when I tap on the search bar and start typing, all my previous selections go away. I am assuming that I need to add all of the names in a array and somehow communicate the array with the table so it shows if this username is in the array then make it selected in the tableview. But I am not sure how to do that. How can I do this?
2) Sending to Bottom Bar (blue in photo): As you may know, in Snapchat as you press on which users you want to send the snap to, their names get added to the bar at the bottom, as you fill up the bar, it because swipe able where you can horizontally scroll through the names you have added. I can append the names to an array and show the array in a label like theirs, but I do not know how to make it so a user can horizontally scroll through it.How do I implement this same feature?
Feel free to answer ANY of the questions! You do not need to do all of them, I just need them answered. Here's my code so far:
class User {
var userID:String?
var userFullName:String?
var userUsername:String?
var userProfileImage:PFFile?
var isPrivate:Bool
init(userID : String, userFullName : String, userUserName : String, userProfileImage : PFFile, isPrivate : Bool) {
self.userID = userID
self.userFullName = userFullName
self.userUsername = userUserName
self.userProfileImage = userProfileImage
self.isPrivate = isPrivate
var userArray = [User]()
func loadFriends() {
//STEP 1: Find friends
let friendsQuery = PFQuery(className: "Friends") //choosing class
friendsQuery.whereKey("friendOne", equalTo: PFUser.current()?.objectId ?? String()) //finding friends
friendsQuery.limit = self.page //number of users intitally showing
friendsQuery.findObjectsInBackground (block: { (objects, error) -> Void in
if error == nil { //if no error
//clean up
self.friendsArray.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
//STEP 2: Find related objects depending on query setting
for object in objects! {
self.friendsArray.append(object.value(forKey: "friendTwo") as! String) //hold array info of friend
//STEP 3: Find friend info
let query = PFUser.query()
query?.whereKey("objectId", containedIn: self.friendsArray)
query?.addDescendingOrder("createdAt") //how to order users
query?.findObjectsInBackground(block: { (objects, error) -> Void in
if error == nil {
for object in objects! {
var user : User
let fullname = (object.value(forKey: "fullname") as! String)
let username = (object.object(forKey: "username") as! String)
let profilePhoto = (object.object(forKey: "profilePhoto") as! PFFile)
let objectID = (object.objectId!)
let isPrivate = (object.object(forKey: "isPrivate") as! Bool)
user = User(userID: objectID, userFullName: fullname, userUserName: username, userProfileImage: profilePhoto, isPrivate: isPrivate)
} else {
} else {
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell") as! FriendCell
let user = userArray[indexPath.row]
//add user info to cells
cell.fullnameLabel.text = user.userFullName
cell.usernameLabel.text = user.userUsername
cell.objectID = user.userID!
cell.isPrivate = user.isPrivate
user.userProfileImage?.getDataInBackground (block: { (data, error) in
if error == nil {
cell.profilePhoto.image = UIImage(data: data!)
1) Multiple Selection:
You should have a User class (e.g User) that holds user properties instead of maintaining array for each property. Store User object in a Array. User class could be like below:
class User {
var userID:String
var userFullName:String
var userName:String
var userProfileImageUrl:String
init(userID:String,userFullName:String,userName:String,userProfileImageUrl:String) {
self.userID = userID
self.userFullName = userFullName
self.userName = userName
self.userProfileImageUrl = userProfileImageUrl
You could have a User extension to check if that user is selected or not(e.g isSelected).
import UIKit
import Foundation
private var selectedKey: UInt8 = 0
extension User {
var isSelected:Bool{
get {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &selectedKey) as! Bool
set {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &selectedKey, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
Now in your func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell check that user.isSelected == true/false and update your selected/deselected image accordingly.
And update the value of isSelected in func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
2) Sending to Bottom Bar:
For bottom bar add a UICollectionView as a subview in UIView. Create a class overriding UICollectionViewCell that holds a UILabel. You can add flow layout in UICollectionView.
I have given just an idea to start with.Hope it will help you.
I think, you set bool check for every cell in tableView. If cell load again, it will not show check. Because, It check is false.
I need your help! I don´t know how to change an array that is inserted on a TableCell from information I have in another ViewController. It’s a little bit messed up, but I’m gonna show you by my code.
Here I have a ViewController conformed by many switches that correspond to different categories of coupons, this is the code:
class FiltersViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var restaurantsSwitch: UISwitch!
#IBOutlet weak var sportsSwitch: UISwitch!
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func returnHome(_ sender: Any) {
let vc = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "home") as! HomeViewController
self.present(vc, animated: false, completion: nil)
#IBAction func restaurants(_ sender: UISwitch) {
if restaurantsSwitch.isOn == true{
tuxtlaSwitch.isOn = false
sevillaSwitch.isOn = false
coapaSwitch.isOn = false
coyoacanSwitch.isOn = false
universidadSwitch.isOn = false
polancoSwitch.isOn = false
#IBAction func sports(_ sender: UISwitch) {
if sportsSwitch.isOn == true{
tuxtlaSwitch.isOn = false
sevillaSwitch.isOn = false
coapaSwitch.isOn = false
coyoacanSwitch.isOn = false
universidadSwitch.isOn = false
polancoSwitch.isOn = false
I’ve only show you two switches at the example with the purpose of not filling this with many code, but there are like 15 switches.
And in the other ViewController, which is connected to this one, the HomeViewController, contains coupons that comes from a JSON, and conforms an array of ten items displayed on a TableViewCell, the code:
class HomeViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {
var data : NSArray = []
var mainData : NSArray = []
var couponsImg : [UIImage] = []
var couponsTitle : [String] = []
var couponsDesc : [String] = []
var couponsCat : [String] = []
func getCoupons(){
let miURL = URL(string: RequestConstants.requestUrlBase)
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: miURL!)
request.httpMethod = "GET"
if let data = try? Data(contentsOf: miURL! as URL) {
do {
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableContainers) as? NSDictionary
let parseJSON = json
let object = parseJSON?["object"] as! NSDictionary
let mainCoupon = object["mainCoupon"] as! NSArray
let coupons = object["coupons"] as! NSArray
self.mainData = mainCoupon
self.data = coupons
self.couponImg1 = (mainCoupon[0] as AnyObject).value(forKey: "urlImage") as! String
self.couponImg2 = (mainCoupon[1] as AnyObject).value(forKey: "urlImage") as! String
self.couponTitle1 = (mainCoupon[0] as AnyObject).value(forKey: "nameStore") as! String
self.couponTitle2 = (mainCoupon[1] as AnyObject).value(forKey: "nameStore") as! String
self.couponDesc1 = (mainCoupon[0] as AnyObject).value(forKey: "promoDescription") as! String
self.couponDesc2 = (mainCoupon[1] as AnyObject).value(forKey: "promoDescription") as! String
self.couponCat1 = (mainCoupon[0] as AnyObject).value(forKey: "category") as! String
self.couponCat2 = (mainCoupon[1] as AnyObject).value(forKey: "category") as! String
self.couponsImg = [couponImage1!, couponImage2!, couponImage3!, couponImage4!, couponImage5!, couponImage6!, couponImage7!, couponImage8!, couponImage9!, couponImage10!]
self.couponsTitle = [couponTitle1, couponTitle2, couponTitle3, couponTitle4, couponTitle5, couponTitle6, couponTitle7, couponTitle8, couponTitle9, couponTitle10]
self.couponsDesc = [couponDesc1, couponDesc2, couponDesc3, couponDesc4, couponDesc5, couponDesc6, couponDesc7, couponDesc8, couponDesc9, couponDesc10]
self.couponsCat = [couponCat1, couponCat2, couponCat3, couponCat4, couponCat5, couponCat6, couponCat7, couponCat8, couponCat9, couponCat10]
} catch {
let error = ErrorModel()
error.phrase = "PARSER_ERROR"
error.code = -1
error.desc = "Parser error in get Notifications action"
#IBAction func showFilters(_ sender: Any) {
let vc = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "filters") as! FiltersViewController
self.present(vc, animated: false, completion: nil)
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath) as! HomeTableViewCell
cell.couponImg.image = couponsImg[indexPath.row]
cell.couponTitle.text = couponsTitle[indexPath.row]
cell.couponDescription.text = couponsDesc[indexPath.row]
cell.couponCategory.text = couponsCat[indexPath.row]
return cell
(Again I’ve only showed you two coupons for the example). The thing is that I need to apply some filters to the coupons on the TableCell. The first time the view appear it shows the 10 coupons correctly, but when I go to the filters an put it some of them ON it doesn’t make a difference, the method I was trying to use was something like this, first have an instance of the FiltersViewController class:
var filters = FilterViewController()
if filters.isMovingToParentViewController == true {
if filters.restaurantsSwitch.isOn == false {
self.couponsImg.remove(at: 0)
self.couponsImg.remove(at: 1)
self.couponsImg.remove(at: 2)
if filters.sportsSwitch.isOn == false {
self.couponsImg.remove(at: 3)
self.couponsImg.remove(at: 4)
self.couponsImg.remove(at: 5)
In the example bellow I’m trying to say that if a have the restaurant switch off, I’m going to delete the corresponding coupons of the restaurant category, and the same with the sports switch. But first of all I don’t know where to include this logic, in which method? And also I don’t know if this instruction is correct for my purposes. Can somebody give me a hand please???
Your logic is not working because you're instantiating a new FilterViewController, different from the FilterViewController associated with you screen.
You can solve this using delegate.
First, create the delegate:
protocol FilterDelegate {
func updateTable() }
Then, In your FilterViewController add this line:
weak var delegate:FilterDelegate?
You HomeViewController have to conform with this delegate, so:
class HomeViewController: FilterDelegate ... {
func updateTable() {
In your FilterViewController:
#IBAction func returnHome(_ sender: Any) {
let vc = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "home") as! HomeViewController
self.delegate = vc
self.present(vc, animated: false, completion: nil)
I think that should work.
Another approach is to create a segue between these two vcs and pass the which filters are active using the "prepare" function . Then you can take this information in your HomeVC and load your table based on the filters in the viewDidLoad function.
1 - Create a object Filters:
class Filters {
var tuxtlaSwitchIsOn: Bool
var sevillaSwitchIsOn: Bool
init(tuxtlaSwitchIsOn: Bool, sevillaSwitchIsOn: Bool, ...) {
self.tuxtlaSwitchIsOn = tuxtlaSwitchIsOn
self.sevillaSwitchIsOn = sevillaSwitchIsOn
2 - Add a attribute Filters to your HomeVC
class HomeViewController : ... {
var filtersActive: Filters?
3 - In your FilterViewController instantiate a Filter object indicating which filters are on
4 - In your FilterViewController prepare funs pass the Filter object to HomeVC
5 - In your HomeVC, get the Filter object and filter your data based on it.
Sure here is what you need. So you have a set of array filled with data and you want to apply filter on them. First, you need to create another array for filter results. This is because when user removes the filter, you still want to show the full list. To simplify, say you only have an array Foo: [String]. So you need to create another array called FooFiltered: [String] to hold the search result. Your can leave it empty when the view controller is loaded.
Next, in your filter section, it's recommended to use array filter technology like this post, but it's okay if you want to do it in your way. So all you need to do is to get elements from Foo array that match certain criteria and copy them into FooFiltered array. Here let me show you an example of doing filter manually
func filter() {
FooFiltered = [String]() //Clean up every time before search
for str in Foo {
if str == "criteria" {
Now you have a list of filtered items. You need a flag to tell table view which set of array to display. Say you have a flag called showSearchResult that is set to false originally. When you do the filter, set it to true. So your cellForRow will look like
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
if showSearchResult {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell") as! Cell
cell.textField.text = FooFiltered[indexPath.row]
return cell
} else {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell") as! Cell
cell.textField.text = Foo[indexPath.row]
return cell
You also need to update this flag to all your table view delegate method, like numberOfRowsInSection, etc.
Finally, with these codes, your table view is configured to show full results or filtered results base on the flag and you are setting that flag in the filter() function. The last thing to do is to ask tableView to reload data when the filter is done. So modify your filter function like this and you should be all set.
func filter() {
FooFiltered = [String]() //Clean up every time before search
showSearchResul = true
for str in Foo {
if str == "criteria" {
I've been on stack for a while now but never needed to ask a question as I've always found the answers after some searching, but now I'm stuck for real. I've been searching around and going through some trial and error for an answer and I keeping getting the same error. I'm basically making a profile page with a tableView on the bottom half of the screen. The top half is loading fine filling in the current user's information. All connections to the view controller and cell view controller seem good. The table view, however, will appear with no data and crash while loading with the fatal error:
unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an optional value.
I also believe the cellForRowAtIndexPath is not being called at all because "test" is not printing to the logs.
I'm using the latest versions of Swift and Parse.
I'm relatively new to swift so I'll go ahead and post my entire code here and any help at all is appreciated.
import UIKit
import Parse
import ParseUI
class profileViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
#IBOutlet var tableView: UITableView!
#IBOutlet var profilePic: UIImageView!
#IBOutlet var userName: UILabel!
#IBOutlet var userBio: UILabel!
var image: PFFile!
var username = String()
var userbio = String()
var content = [String]()
#IBAction func logout(sender: AnyObject) {
let Login = storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ViewController")
self.presentViewController(Login!, animated: true, completion: nil)
override func viewDidLoad() {
profilePic.layer.borderWidth = 1
profilePic.layer.masksToBounds = false
profilePic.layer.borderColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor
profilePic.layer.cornerRadius = profilePic.frame.height/2
profilePic.clipsToBounds = true
tableView.delegate = self
tableView.dataSource = self
self.tableView.rowHeight = 80
if let nameQuery = PFUser.currentUser()!["name"] as? String {
username = nameQuery
if PFUser.currentUser()!["bio"] != nil {
if let bioQuery = PFUser.currentUser()!["bio"] as? String {
userbio = bioQuery
if PFUser.currentUser()!["icon"] != nil {
if let iconQuery = PFUser.currentUser()!["icon"] as? PFFile {
image = iconQuery
self.userName.text = username
self.userBio.text = userbio
if image != nil {
self.image.getDataInBackgroundWithBlock { (data, error) -> Void in
if let downIcon = UIImage(data: data!) {
self.profilePic.image = downIcon
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
var postsQuery = PFQuery(className: "Posts")
postsQuery.whereKey("username", equalTo: username)
postsQuery.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock( { (posts, error) -> Void in
if error == nil {
if let objects = posts {
self.content.removeAll(keepCapacity: true)
for object in objects {
if object["postText"] != nil {
self.content.append(object["postText"] as! String)
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
// #warning Potentially incomplete method implementation.
// Return the number of sections.
return 1
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
// #warning Incomplete method implementation.
// Return the number of rows in the section.
return content.count
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let profCell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("profCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! profTableViewCell
profCell.userPic.layer.borderWidth = 1
profCell.userPic.layer.masksToBounds = false
profCell.userPic.layer.borderColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor
profCell.userPic.layer.cornerRadius = profCell.userPic.frame.height/2
profCell.userPic.clipsToBounds = true
profCell.userPic.image = self.profilePic.image
profCell.name.text = self.username
profCell.content.text = content[indexPath.row]
return profCell
I let it sit for a few days and I came back to realize a very dumb mistake I made. I working with around 15 view controllers right now and realized I had a duplicate of the one I posted above with the same name. I now understand why you say working with storyboards is very sticky. Though, I did not need it, I appreciate the help and I can say I learned a few things.
You probably need to register the class you are using for the custom UITableViewCell:
self.tableView.registerClass(profTableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "profCell")
Unless you're using prototyped cells in IB, this registration isn't done automatically for you.
As such when you call the dequeue method (with the ! forced unwrap) you're going to have issues. The dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath: asserts if you didn't register a class or nib for the identifier.
when you register a class, this always returns a cell.
The older (dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:) version returns nil in that case, and you can then create your own cell.
You should use a ? during the as cast to avoid the crash, although you'll get no cells!
One other reminder, you should always use capitals for a class name, ProfTableViewCell not profTableViewCell, it's just good pratice.
Much more information here in the top answer by iOS genius Rob Mayoff: Assertion failure in dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath:
You have to create a simple NSObject Class with image, username and userbio as optional values. Then you have to declare in your profileviewcontroller a var like this:
var allProfiles = [yourNSObjectClass]()
In your cellForRowAtIndexPath add:
let profile = yourNSObjectClass()
profile = allProfiles[indexPath.row]
cell.username.text = profile.username
And go on.
Use also this:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
instead of this:
Attached at very bottom of this question is my inventory controller file. My problem is I'm getting duplicate results in all the sections. I narrowed down the reason to
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
My code in that function does not account for how many rows there are in each section. As such I'm just printing out the same duplicate results every section.
The actual question is listed after the images below...
Refer to images below:
I also have the ability to change the index from my settings menu so it can index by numbers, like 0-9. Refer to image below:
That said, I currently load the data from Core Data. Attached is reference image of the entities I use and there relationships.
The Question:
My question is, how can I get the results from coreData to be sorted into the A,B,C type sections or 1,2,3 sections so that navigating the table will be simple.
My hunch is the line that says let inventoryRecords = try moc.executeFetchRequest(inventoryFetchRequest) as? [Inventory] needs a sort descriptor to sort based on how I like, but how I then take the data and put into the correct array structure to split into the sections I need...I have no idea.
import Foundation
import CoreData
//Array of Inventory & Store Core Data Managed Objects
var g_inventoryItems = [Inventory]()
var g_storeList = [Store]()
var g_appSettings = [AppSettings]()
var g_demoMode = false
import UIKit
import CoreData
class InventoryController: UIViewController, UISearchBarDelegate, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var searchBar: UISearchBar!
#IBOutlet weak var inventoryTable: UITableView!
var numberIndex = ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]
var letterIndex = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"]
var moc = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate).managedObjectContext //convinience variable to access managed object context
// Start DEMO Related Code
func createInventoryDummyData(number: Int) -> Inventory{
let tempInventory = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName("Inventory", inManagedObjectContext: moc) as! Inventory
tempInventory.name = "Test Item # \(number)"
tempInventory.barcode = "00000000\(number)"
tempInventory.currentCount = 0
tempInventory.id = number
tempInventory.imageLargePath = "http://website.tech//uploads/inventory/7d3fe5bfad38a3545e80c73c1453e380.png"
tempInventory.imageSmallPath = "http://website.tech//uploads/inventory/7d3fe5bfad38a3545e80c73c1453e380.png"
tempInventory.addCount = 0
tempInventory.negativeCount = 0
tempInventory.newCount = 0
tempInventory.store_id = 1 //belongs to same store for now
//Select a random store to belong to 0 through 2 since array starts at 0
let aRandomInt = Int.random(0...2)
tempInventory.setValue(g_storeList[aRandomInt], forKey: "store") //assigns inventory to one of the stores we created.
return tempInventory
func createStoreDummyData(number:Int) -> Store{
let tempStore = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName("Store", inManagedObjectContext: moc) as! Store
tempStore.address = "100\(number) lane, Miami, FL"
tempStore.email = "store\(number)#centraltire.com"
tempStore.id = number
tempStore.lat = 1.00000007
tempStore.lng = 1.00000008
tempStore.name = "Store #\(number)"
tempStore.phone = "123000000\(number)"
return tempStore
// End DEMO Related Code
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
print("InventoryController -> ViewDidLoad -> ... starting inits")
//First check to see if we have entities already. There MUST be entities, even if its DEMO data.
let inventoryFetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Inventory")
let storeFetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Store")
do {
let storeRecords = try moc.executeFetchRequest(storeFetchRequest) as? [Store]
g_demoMode = true
print("No store entities found. Demo mode = True. Creating default store entities...")
var store : Store //define variable as Store type
for index in 1...3 {
store = createStoreDummyData(index)
let inventoryRecords = try moc.executeFetchRequest(inventoryFetchRequest) as? [Inventory]
g_demoMode = true
print("No entities found for inventory. Demo mode = True. Creating default entities...")
var entity : Inventory //define variable as Inventory type
for index in 1...20 {
entity = createInventoryDummyData(index)
print("finished creating entities")
fatalError("bad things happened \(error)")
print("InventoryController -> viewDidload -> ... finished inits!")
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
print("view appearing")
//When the view appears its important that the table is updated.
//Look at the selected Store & Use the LIST of Inventory Under it.
inventoryTable.reloadData()//this is important to update correctly for changes that might have been made
// MARK: - Navigation
// In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little preparation before navigation
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
// Get the new view controller using segue.destinationViewController.
// Pass the selected object to the new view controller.
if segue.identifier == "inventoryInfoSegue" {
let vc = segue.destinationViewController as! InventoryItemController
if let cell = sender as? InventoryTableViewCell{
vc.inventoryItem = cell.inventoryItem! //sets the inventory item accordingly, passing its reference along.
print("sender was something else")
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, sectionForSectionIndexTitle title: String, atIndex index: Int) -> Int {
//This scrolls to correct section based on title of what was pressed.
return letterIndex.indexOf(title)!
func sectionIndexTitlesForTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> [String]? {
//Use correct index on the side based on settings desired.
return letterIndex
return numberIndex
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
//TODO: Need to figure out how many rows for ...column A,B,C or 1,2,3 based on indexType using~
//To do this we need to organize the inventory results into a section'ed array.
if(g_appSettings[0].selectedStore != nil){
return (g_appSettings[0].selectedStore?.inventories!.count)! //number of rows is equal to the selected stores inventories count
return g_inventoryItems.count
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("InventoryTableCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! InventoryTableViewCell
if(g_appSettings[0].selectedStore != nil){
//Get the current Inventory Item & Set to the cell for reference.
cell.inventoryItem = g_appSettings[0].selectedStore?.inventories?.allObjects[indexPath.row] as! Inventory
//This only happens for DEMO mode or first time.
cell.inventoryItem = g_inventoryItems[indexPath.row]//create reference to particular inventoryItem this represents.
cell.drawCell() //uses passed inventoryItem to draw it's self accordingly.
return cell
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? {
if(g_appSettings[0].indextype == "letter"){
return letterIndex[section]
return numberIndex[section]
func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
if(g_appSettings[0].selectedStore != nil){
return letterIndex.count
return numberIndex.count
return 1//only one section for DEMO mode.
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
//dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
//[unowned self] in
print("didSelectRowAtIndexPath")//does not recognize first time pressed item for some reason?
let selectedCell = self.tableView(tableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath: indexPath) as? InventoryTableViewCell
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("inventoryInfoSegue", sender: selectedCell)
#IBAction func BarcodeScanBarItemAction(sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
print("test of baritem")
#IBAction func SetStoreBarItemAction(sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
print("change store interface")
func searchBar(searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) {
print("text is changing")
func searchBarCancelButtonClicked(searchBar: UISearchBar) {
print("ended by cancel")
searchBar.text = ""
func searchBarSearchButtonClicked(searchBar: UISearchBar) {
print("ended by search")
func searchBarTextDidEndEditing(searchBar: UISearchBar) {
print("ended by end editing")
#IBAction func unwindBackToInventory(segue: UIStoryboardSegue) {
print("unwind attempt")
let barcode = (segue.sourceViewController as? ScannerViewController)?.barcode
searchBar.text = barcode!
inventoryTable.reloadData()//reload the data to be safe.
//Extention to INT to create random number in range.
extension Int
static func random(range: Range<Int> ) -> Int
var offset = 0
if range.startIndex < 0 // allow negative ranges
offset = abs(range.startIndex)
let mini = UInt32(range.startIndex + offset)
let maxi = UInt32(range.endIndex + offset)
return Int(mini + arc4random_uniform(maxi - mini)) - offset
Update:: **
So I was looking around and found this article (I implemented it).
I'm really close now to figuring it out. Only problem is I can get it to auto create the sections, but only on another field, like for example store.name, I can't get it to section it into A,B,C sections or 1,2,3.
This is my code for the fetchedResultsController using the methods described in that article.
//Create fetchedResultsController to handle Inventory Core Data Operations
lazy var fetchedResultsController: NSFetchedResultsController = {
let inventoryFetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Inventory")
let primarySortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: "name", ascending: true)
let secondarySortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: "barcode", ascending: true)
inventoryFetchRequest.sortDescriptors = [primarySortDescriptor, secondarySortDescriptor]
let frc = NSFetchedResultsController(
fetchRequest: inventoryFetchRequest,
managedObjectContext: self.moc,
sectionNameKeyPath: "store.name",
cacheName: nil)
frc.delegate = self
return frc
Question is what to put for sectionNameKeyPath: now that will make it section it on A B C and I got this !
Found a stackoverflow post very similar to my issue, but need swift answer.
A-Z Index from NSFetchedResultsController with individual section headers within each letter?
Here is another similar article but all objective-c answers.
NSFetchedResultsController with sections created by first letter of a string
Found another article I think with my exact issue (How to have a A-Z index with a NSFetchedResultsController)
Ok I figured it out, phew was this confusing and took a lot of research.
Okay, so first thing you have to do is create a transient property on the data model. In my case I called it lettersection. To do this in the entity just create a new attribute and call it lettersection and in graph mode if you select it (double click it), you will see option in inspector for 'transient'. This means it won't be saved to the database and is used more for internal reasons.
You then need to manually set up the variable in the extension area of the model definition. Here is how it looks for me.
import Foundation
import CoreData
extension Inventory {
#NSManaged var addCount: NSNumber?
#NSManaged var barcode: String?
#NSManaged var currentCount: NSNumber?
#NSManaged var id: NSNumber?
#NSManaged var imageLargePath: String?
#NSManaged var imageSmallPath: String?
#NSManaged var name: String?
#NSManaged var negativeCount: NSNumber?
#NSManaged var newCount: NSNumber?
#NSManaged var store_id: NSNumber?
#NSManaged var store: Store?
var lettersection: String? {
let characters = name!.characters.map { String($0) }
return characters[0].uppercaseString
Once you do this, you simply call this new 'lettersection' with the fetchedResultsController like so...
let frc = NSFetchedResultsController(
fetchRequest: inventoryFetchRequest,
managedObjectContext: self.moc,
sectionNameKeyPath: "lettersection",
cacheName: nil)
and everything will work! It sorts by the name of my inventory items, but groups them by the first letters, for a nice A,B,C type list!
"My question is, how can I get the results from coreData to be sorted into the A,B,C type sections or 1,2,3 sections so that navigating the table will be simple."
Using "Store" as your entity and property "name" to be what you want to sort the records by.
override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad()
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest()
let entity = NSEntityDescription.entityForName("Store", inManagedObjectContext: managedObjectContext)
fetchRequest.entity = entity
let sortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: "name", ascending: true)
fetchRequest.sortDescriptors = [sortDescriptor]
do {
let foundObjects = try managedObjectContext.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest)
locations = foundObjects as! [Location]
} catch {
fatalCoreDataError(error) }
You are going to use this function to set the number of sections:
func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return letterindex.count // if that is how you want to construct sections
I learned this from the Ray Wenderlich e-book "iOS Apprentice". From Lesson 3 - MyLocations. Highly recommend this and their e-book book on CoreData.