How to make nav bar transparent with white font? - ios

I just want to make my UINavigationBar to look like this:
If I tap on the translucent UIButton in Xcode, it's not translucent. The only solution is to set the alpha value to 0.5, but then I won't have my font opaque and the navigation items as on this image. So I think I am looking for translucent and blur effects.

I had no trouble getting this, simply as a black translucent nav bar:
It is definitely a dark blurred version of what's behind it; look how it's brighter on the right, where there's a bright patch in the picture.
I can get a gentler blur by using a clear navigation bar with a visual effect view behind it:
What they are actually using, however, is a matter of opinion.


iOS: the background of the home indicator(area below toolbar) grayed for a while during push

The toolbar's translucent is false. The color of the toolbar and the area below toolbar is white. When pushing a new view controller of the same class(both have toolbar in the bottom), the color of the area below toolbar will be changed to gray and then back to white at the end.
If I set the background color for the navigation controller or the key window to red, the red color will also be darkened a little bit during transition.
This problem occurs in iOS 13, 14, 15, and maybe present from the beginning since the introduction of iPhone X.
Any help is welcome, thanks in advance.
It seems during push transition, the old tableview are also grayed, which make the area below toolbar become gray.
My final solution is to make the toolbar extend to outside safe area by setting clip bounds to false.

Xcode Navigation Bar "Bar Tint" Clear Color is black

I'm attempting to achieve an effect where the navigation bar has the "transparent blurry" effect. I've been able to achieve the desired effect with one problem. The navigation bar is a "black transparent" color. I'm looking for it to be a "white transparent" color. Here's an image of the current output:
I've done a bunch of googling on the topic, and I can only find solutions that make the navigation bar completely transparent, or remove the transparency effect altogether.
Here is a screen shot of my storyboard settings for the navigation bar:
No matter how I modify these settings, the only way I can get the desired transparent blur effect is with it being "black transparent". Any ideas? Thanks!
The default clear color is black with 0% opacity. Change the tint color of the navigation bar to white.
The opacity of the color does not matter in this case. You can test this by setting the tint color to black and comparing it with the results with black color with a different opacity.

remove tab bar blurred effect

Is there any away to remove tab bar blurred effect
I set background image and it looks like the first picture.
If I make it transparent, you can see the table through it like the second picture.
I want to make it like the third picture
You can make it transparent using
the barTintColor property.
nameOfTabBar.barTintColor = .clear
This property is incharge of the tint color to apply to the tab bar background.
You can find more information on

iPhone not displaying accurate color

I'm working on a simple WebView app where I want the Statusbar to be the same color as the Taskbar from the website.
What I did was setting the background color of the View to the same color as the Taskbarby using the color picker. However when I run the app I'm getting a completely different color as you can see below:
These are the settings for the view:
The color code of the Taskbar is: #242424
However the color code the statusbar gets is: #1b1b1b even though I've selected the #242424 color via the color picker.
Why does it seem to do this?
It has to do with the translucency of the bar, as explained in these answers.
You also have to consider that the view extends under the translucent bar, and the view's background color will slightly change the appearance of any translucent bars above it, because of the visual effect used by the bar.
You may want to not set a specific color for the status bar, and let it inherit the bar's color, to give the task bar and status bar a uniform appearance.
Xcode Colour picker not pick exact same colour. Try this macro(set your colour code)
#define CODE_1_COLOR [UIColor colorWithRed:(140.0f/255.0f) green:(132.0f/255.0f) blue:(124.0f/255.0f) alpha:1.0f]
Also take care about Translucent property in case of navigation bar
[[UINavigationBar appearance] setTranslucent:NO];

Weird grey tint in top right of screen on navigation segue

I have a strange, unwanted graphic effect when I navigate to and from views. There is a temporary grey tint in the top right of the screen. As it's difficult to describe, I made a short screen capture of what is happening.
View it here:
I was just curious if any of you have seen this and/or know where I can look to modify/get rid of this behavior?
Thanks so much,
Alright, I figured it out. It had to do with my navigation bar being translucent and one of my covered background layers being grey. I checked off 'Translucent' on my navigation bar and it fixed it.
