create a UILabel when view appears and destroy it when view disappears - ios

For the tutorial for my app, I am trying to create a UILabel that drifts across the displayed screen when a view appears and then is destroyed so that if the user comes back to that view during the tutorial, the UILabel will be created anew and again drift across the page. Here's a sample of one of the custom view controllers I am displaying with my UIPageViewController:
//this is just a custom UILabel with some padding
#property (nonatomic) PaddedLabel *directionsLabel;
//I have tried setting UILabel to nil or removing it from view
NSLog(#"view is disappearing");
//this does not remove the label
self.directionsLabel = nil;
//nor does this
[self.directionsLabel removeFromSuperview];
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
[self messageTutorial];
- (void)messageTutorial
CGFloat width = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.width;
CGFloat height = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height;
PaddedLabel *directionsLabel = [[PaddedLabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(_width/2, _height/2, 100, 100)];
directionsLabel.text = #"test";
CGRect f = directionsLabel.frame;
f.size = size;
directionsLabel.frame = f; =;
f = directionsLabel.frame;
f = directionsLabel.frame;
f.origin.y = .1*height;
directionsLabel.frame = f;
[self.view addSubview:directionsLabel];
[UIView animateWithDuration:TUTORIAL_DISAPPEAR_TIME animations:^{
directionsLabel.alpha = .5;
CGRect f = directionsLabel.frame;
f.origin.y = height - f.size.height*1.4;
directionsLabel.frame = f;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[directionsLabel removeFromSuperview];
//this also doesn't actually remove the label
The problem is that if the user pages back to see this view she now sees a new label and the old one, so that if you page back and forth back and forth you end up with many many labels all saying the same thing, in different stages of progressing across the screen.
How can I remove the UILabel when the view disappears and add/create a new one when the view appears/reappears?
Thank you.

The code in your viewWillDisappear method is backwards. You need:
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
NSLog(#"view is disappearing");
[self.directionsLabel removeFromSuperview];
self.directionsLabel = nil;
As you had it, setting self.directionsLabel to nil before trying to remove it results in a no-op.
Also, be sure to set self.directionsLabel when you create the label.

Instead of setting your label to nil and effectively destroying the label object (assuming automatic reference counting is on) rather use the following method to hide and show the label as and when your need it.
[self.directionsLabel setHidden:YES]; // hides it
[self.directionsLabel setHidden:NO]; // shows it
You've got the right idea setting objects you're not using to nil and removing them from the super view but it's over kill. A UILabel object uses a negligible amount of memory and you're better off creating the object once and then changing it's properties as you need to.

You don't seem to be setting self.directionsLabel to anything when you create the directionsLabel inside the messageTutorial method. It is a local instance of the label there. You should set it in the method somewhere.
Afterwards, removing it from the superview in viewWillDisappear will work (tested to verify).


UISearchBar - internal UITextField height issue

I'm working on an app where I place a UISearchBar at the top of a UIViewController that contains a UITableViewController. The UISearchBar filters the contents of the UITableView.
I've left things alone so far (aside from customizing the colors to match my app's theme, which was hard enough!), but on anything except iPhone 4/5, the UISearchBar is dramatically too small.
Therefore, I'm trying to update the size of the font and the height of the internal UITextField.
All of this has proved remarkably difficult to accomplish, requiring quite a bit of customization. So, if you know of a library that makes this easier, please let me know in the comments.
Here's the code I'm using right now:
// In a category for UISearchBar
- (void)setup {
self.tintColor = [UIColor offWhite];
for (UIView *view in self.subviews) {
[self configureView:view];
- (void)configureView:(UIView *)view {
if ([view isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]]) {
CGFloat fontSize, frameHeight;
if (IS_IPHONE_4) {
fontSize = 14.0f;
frameHeight = 24.0f;
} else if (IS_IPHONE_5) {
fontSize = 14.0f;
frameHeight = 24.0f;
} else if (IS_IPHONE_6) {
fontSize = 17.0f;
frameHeight = 28.0f;
} else if (IS_IPHONE_6PLUS) {
fontSize = 20.0f;
frameHeight = 32.0f;
} else {
// iPad
fontSize = 24.0f;
frameHeight = 36.0f;
UITextField *textfield = (UITextField *)view;
textfield.font = [UIFont buttonFontOfSize:fontSize];
textfield.textColor = [UIColor offWhite];
textfield.tintColor = [UIColor offWhite];
CGRect frame = textfield.frame;
frame.origin.y = (self.frame.size.height - frameHeight) / 2.0f;
frame.size.height = frameHeight;
textfield.frame = frame;
if (view.subviews.count > 0) {
for (UIView *subview in view.subviews) {
[self configureView:subview];
Note: I structured my code this way in case Apple changes the internal structure of the UISearchBar. I didn't want to hard-code index values.
So, this code "works", in that the end result is what I desire, namely, a taller UISearchBar with text sized as specified and the internal UITextField also taller, as specified. What I don't understand is the process of getting there.
If I call [self.searchBar setup] in my general AutoLayout process, it doesn't work (the internal UITextField is the wrong height). This makes sense to me, since the frame is (0,0,0,0) until the view is actually laid out.
If I call [self.searchBar setup] in my -viewWillAppear: method, it doesn't work (the internal UITextField is the wrong height). This doesn't make sense to me, since debugging shows the frames to still be (0,0,0,0), but I thought -viewWillAppear: was called when everything was laid out and set up.
If I call [self.searchBar setup] in my -viewDidLayoutSubviews method, it "works", but the internal UITextField starts out the "normal" height and then "jumps" to the correct height some time after the view actually appears.
I set up the entire UIViewController in code, using pure AutoLayout. I simply cannot get the UISearchBar set up the way I want BEFORE the view finished loading and is displayed on screen. I've seen some funky stuff in the past, but I've always been able to force a view to render as desired. Is there something special behind the scenes with UISearchBar? Does anybody know how to get this done?
You're mixing auto-layout and manual layout (someView.frame = …) on the same view. You can't do that.
Instead, to change the height, set the constant on your view's height constraint to frameHeight. Let the auto-layout engine set the frame for you.

iOS - UIView Always on Front without BringSubviewToFront

Can I have some UIView which will always appear on top in iOS?
There are lots of addSubview in my project but I need to have one small view which will always appear. SO is there any other option than
[self.view bringSubViewToFront:myView];
One more option (especially if you want to overlap several screens, with logo for example) - separate UIWindow. Use windowLevel to set the level of new window.
UILabel *devLabel = [UILabel new];
devLabel.text = #" DEV ";
devLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:10];
devLabel.textColor = [UIColor grayColor];
[devLabel sizeToFit];
CGSize screenSize = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size;
static UIWindow *notificationWindow;
notificationWindow = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:
CGRectMake(screenSize.width - devLabel.width, screenSize.height - devLabel.height,
devLabel.width, devLabel.height)];
notificationWindow.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
notificationWindow.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
notificationWindow.windowLevel = UIWindowLevelStatusBar;
notificationWindow.rootViewController = [UIViewController new];
[notificationWindow.rootViewController.view addSubview:devLabel];
notificationWindow.hidden = NO;
Another option is set layer.zPosition of your UIView.
You need to add
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
Framework to your .m file.
And set such like
myCustomView.layer.zPosition = 101;// set maximum value as per your requirement.
For more information about layer.zPosition read this documentation.
The default value of this property is 0. Changing the value of this property changes the the front-to-back ordering of layers onscreen. This can affect the visibility of layers whose frame rectangles overlap.
The other option is to add other subviews below this always-on-top subview. For example:
[self.view insertSubview:subview belowSubview:_topSubview];
There's no solution with Interface Builder if you search for this kind. It should be done programmatically. If you don't want to use bringSubviewToFront: everytime, just insert other subviews below this one.
Many times your view did not appear in viewDidLoad or, if your view comes from parentViewController (for example in many transitions like modal segue..) your can see parentViewController only in viewDidAppear so:
Try to put bringSubviewToFront in :
-(void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[self.view bringSubViewToFront:myView];
// or if your view is attached in parentViewController
[self.parentViewController.view bringSubViewToFront:myView];
Good luck!

iOS: Autolayout causing UIScrollView to not scroll

I have set up a UIScrollView with which I want to display 12 images (only 8 fit on screen) laid out horizontally. In the following image you can see the problem I'm having (which makes my scroll view not scroll), my constraints and the UIScrollView which I have added on storyboard:
I have called the following method on -(void)viewDidLoad, where I "set up"my scrollview (itemList is my scroll view property and itemNames a array with the images'names):
- (void)setupHorizontalScrollView
self.itemList.delegate = self;
[self.itemList setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO];
[self.itemList setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
[self.itemList setCanCancelContentTouches:NO];
self.itemList.indicatorStyle = UIScrollViewIndicatorStyleWhite;
self.itemList.clipsToBounds = NO;
self.itemList.scrollEnabled = YES;
self.itemList.pagingEnabled = NO;
NSInteger tot=0;
CGFloat cx = 0;
for (; ; tot++) {
if (tot==12) {
UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:[self.itemNames objectAtIndex:tot]]];
CGRect rect = imageView.frame;
rect.size.height = 40;
rect.size.width = 40;
rect.origin.x = cx;
rect.origin.y = 0;
imageView.frame = rect;
[self.itemList addSubview:imageView];
cx += imageView.frame.size.width;
[self.itemList setContentSize:CGSizeMake(cx, [self.itemList bounds].size.height)];
I have added the [self.itemList setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO]; because I saw this suggestion on other posts, but it doesn't work with or without it. The only way it works is if I uncheck use AutoLayout on the storyboard, but that moves the UIImageViewI use to look as a navigation bar to the bottom of the screen.
I don't know what to do anymore, any help is appreciated :)
Try to set your scrollView's Content size int "viewDidLayoutSubviews" method with keeping the autolayouts set.
[self.itemList setContentSize:CGSizeMake(required_width, required_height)];
Two Solutions:
Create different constraints that can be satisfied simultaneously (you will have to edit). I think the problem is your bottom space and top space constraints are mutually exclusive. please remove one and try again. IF this is difficult for you, try adding another UIView to contain the UIScrollView to help manage your constraints, it might seem odd at first, but sometimes adding another view to contain your view actually makes it simpler at each level.
Turn off Autolayout, and change the autoresize masks of your UIImageView to be what you wish.
Insert: [scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(x,y)]; in the following method:

UIScrollView Height Not Working After Showing Modal

I'm retrieving json data from server. The json data includes some images and more text and last but not least json size is not predictable.
Here is how I retrieve json:
-(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
if (self.jsonUrl == nil) {
// This control is about MWPhotoBrowser. If user returned from photo browser do not retrieve data twice
self.view.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.75f;
self.view.layer.shadowRadius = 10.0f;
self.view.layer.shadowColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
if (![self.slidingViewController.underRightViewController isKindOfClass:[DetailContextViewController class]]) {
self.slidingViewController.underRightViewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"DetailAbout"];
self.jsonUrl = [self.exampleAd getAdJSONLink];
NSLog(#"%#", self.jsonUrl); //
[self backgroundTask]; // retrieving data
} else {
// User returned from MWPhotoBrowser so set the current height again/
// This is not working somehow.
[self.scrollView setContentSize:(CGSizeMake(320, currentHeight + 10))];
I'm adding all those data to an UIScrollView as a subview. Let's say this is B view. So height of scrollview is uncertain. I'm calculating the height and setting like this:
[self.scrollView setContentSize:(CGSizeMake(320, currentHeight + 10))];
That's working well. Here is my problems: If I go back to A from B and again go A to B, content size is not working. Scrolling not working too, but my currentHeight is showing the right value. Even the retrieving method is not working enough, actually there is something like cache.
There is same problem while using MWPhotoBrowser. When I use present modal controller than return to B view again scroll is not working.
What am I doing wrong, any approach or clue would be great.

Is UIView being displayed?

I have a UIViewController. The root UIView contains a custom UIScrollView I'm using for displaying thumbnail images in a grid (ThumbnailGrid class). This grid can contain a lot of UIViews which display images (GridTile class). Because there are so many grid tiles, the user can scroll down the ThumbnailGrid. I want to only load images for grid tiles which the user can actually see, I don't want to load ones for grid tiles which are off the edges of the screen.
How do I determine whether or not one of these GridTile UIViews is being displayed on the screen or not?
I've tried the following but it always seems to return false.
- (bool) isViewDisplayed:(UIView*)view
CGRect viewFrame = view.frame;
CGRect appFrame = [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame];
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(viewFrame, appFrame)) return true;
return false;
Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Turns out the coordinate systems were wrong, so I was getting some strange occurrences where the method should have returned true and instead it returned false, and vice versa.
- (bool) isViewDisplated:(UIView*)view
CGRect viewFrame = [parentOfView convertRect:view.frame toView:nil];
CGRect appFrame = [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame];
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(viewFrame, appFrame)) return true;
return false;
You also need to convert rect to the correct coordinate system:
- (bool)isViewDisplayed:(UIView*)view
if (view.window) {
CGRect viewFrame = [view.window convertRect:view.frame fromView:view.superview];
CGRect screenFrame = view.window.bounds;
return CGRectIntersectsRect(viewFrame, screenFrame);
return false;
I know it doesn't directly answer your question, but still: why don't you use a UICollectionView? It's able to handle most of the heavy parts for you. You don't have to care about the ones they are outside of the screen. You just to care about the behavior (delegation) and the content (data source).
Honestly, I think you are going about this the wrong way. There are a ton of existing frameworks designed to do exactly this. I don't know if I would spend the time to hand roll my own solution and handle all of the memory and view management. Check out this post: Grid of images in iOS
You could do a compare like this:
NSMutableArray *outArray = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray *inArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (UIView *vw in rootView.subViews){
if(vw.frame.origin.x <0 || vw.framew.origin.x >rootView.frame.size.width){
[outArray addObject:vw];
}else if(vw.frame.origin.y <0 || vw.framew.origin.y >rootView.frame.size.height){
[outArray addObject:vw];
[inArray addObject:vw];
So in the end your outArray will contain all the views which are partially/fully out of super view and inArray will have all those views which is completely inside the super view.
If you want to check for a single view using a method (say -(bool)isViewDisplayed:(UIView*)vw ), the same code inside the for loop would suffice, only thing is you would have to return true/false instead of adding to an array
PS: If you want to get only views completely out of your super view then instead of comparing against zero check against -vw.frame.size.width & -vw.frame.size.height.
Make use of tags pretty easy to manage.
something like this
UIView *view1 = [UIView]alloc]init];
view1.tag = 1;
[mainView addSubview:view1
and to check
UIView *temp = [mainView.view viewWithTag:1];
if(temp!=nil)return YES;
else NO;
see if this helps
