Disable vector wrapping in ol3 >= v3.5.0 - openlayers-3

I just upgraded to ol3 v3.5.0 in the application I'm developing. I noticed that now, vector features are shown in each "wrapped map" (dunno how to call it), which is very nice!
Is there a way to disable this, though ? In a tool I developed, I manipulate some browser event coordinates on dragged vector features. This only works in the main "map", but not in the others.
Thanks !

Use wrapX false on the source see: http://openlayers.org/en/v3.5.0/apidoc/ol.source.Vector.html


How can I draw a Sphere with SharpDX *3.0*?

The SharpDX toolkit has been abandoned for 3.0 SharpDX :(
Unfortunately, we need/are using this for a current Windows 10 project.
What we need to do is create a Sphere object as a surface so we can project on to it. Can anybody lead me to some things (or simply provide said things) that might help me out?
I can help you with the toolkit side of things, I'm using this atm for my terrain color map building I'm not sure how it will go if you use it every frame for UI type stuff because the guy that converted it to sharpdx 3 used pinvoke instead of the native fixed call.
just download as zip, load into VS and remove all the test\projects that fail to load then just build and add a ref to you project like normal.

Is it possible to make cross browser compatible games with Dart as of right now?

What about just making it compatible with the three major browsers, IE9+, Chrome and Firefox?
I want to make games using Canvas 2D.
As far as I know, it works just fine. Unfortunately, I can't test it out right now because I don't have a Windows machine. However, there are a lot of samples showing how to do this sort of thing. See:
Canvas is supported by modern browsers: http://caniuse.com/#feat=canvas

Dart HTML5 Canvas Library?

I wanted to know if there were a Canvas external library for DART like Fabric.js ?
If it doesn't exist is there a project to make one ? Cause I'm thinking of starting this project, but I would prefer joining a existing project on GIT.
Or maybe there is things integrated in DART that I don't know ?
I've not worked with Fabric.js, but after taking a look at the website, I'd point you to the projects listed below. Neither project is exactly what you are looking for, but should give you a starting point.
2D (Flash object model) - The project changed to StageXL
I don't know of any serious Canvas abstraction libs for Dart but maybe these two projects could provide a good inspiration foundation to create one.
Drag & Draw approach
Animation approach

openCV from window to ios

I want to train openCV from a server and send the xml generated by openCV to an ios device where an app will recognize the face using the xml trainned by the server. I will use openCV in both app but the server has window (trainning) and the device has ios (recognition).
So my main question is very simple:
The xml generated in openCV window version can be used an openCV IOS version without any trouble? Somebody made something similar who can give me some tips?
In window I will use .Net.
I think they won't have trouble because they are same libraries (openCV), so I suppose they have same internal algorithms but I want to be sure before start the project.
Best Regards and thanks for your time
There is no problem, but you must train with images taken from your devices. It is normal to have multiple xml sets depending on your different cameras. Normally you release these with the binary, and not as a download but still...

How can I do a form with an image spinning in Delphi?

Like those we see in website. And where do I get the images?
Go to ajaxload to generate an image. Then find a delphi gif image component. Try here for a start.
The "spinning images" are usually animated GIFs. Do a google search for the phrase in quotes to learn about them, and you should also find software that will help you create them as well. Support for them has been included in Delphi for a couple of years now.
If animated GIFs aren't good enough, you can look into AVI files. They're what Windows uses to show files being copied, folders being scanned, and other things. TAnimate is the Delphi component that supports them.
I do suggest running your "work" in a separate thread. AsyncCalls is a good library which works well for helping you get there easily. Tight loops or blocking calls can cause your animation to look jumpy or stop completely.
