How to achive facebook kind of SSO in iOS sdk? (The way the opens a view for login and loading ) - ios

How to achive facebook kind of SSO in iphone sdk?
(The way they open a view for login and loading).
I Don't want to use UIViewController and want to show Login/Loading view
and want to put Login/Loading code at one place
as that view is going to be opened from lots of controllers.
Is there any way to achieve this? (protocol?)

Not sure if this is what you mean, but the following tutorial shows a handy mechanism for allowing you to design a popup overlay window using a UIViewController.
You design a UIViewController in storyboard which contains your overlay popup view. The surroundings remain transparent. You can create an instance of this UIViewController in your code and then ask it to overlay its view onto your existing controller view. The result is a popup window similar to a UIAlertView, into which you can put whatever you wish.
I use this for doing popup help overlays, but I image you could easily use it for your facebook like content.
Benefit 1) Since you design it in a UIViewController, you can use all the size class related layout and you can see how it will look on all the different device types.
Benefit 2) It is totally reusable. From any controller, create an overlay UIViewController instance and ask it to overlay its content on your current controller. Reverse is to ask it to remove the overlay.


How to mimic Android Bar on iOS?

my designer created this layout:
How can I mimic that on iOS? I tried creating a Segmented Control but didn't work well because it can't be customized after iOS7. So at the moment I'm thinking about a UIPageControl with custom dots like explained here: Customize dot with image of UIPageControl at index 0 of UIPageControl
My problem is also with the concept. Segmented controls are said to be used to flatten/filter results according to iOS human guidelines while UIPageControl has actually different pages...
Is this the best approach? If so, can I make it look like the Android Tab bar?
Segmented control with custom image
UIPageControl with custom image
UITabBar on top (read too many bad things about this approach)
something else
If UIPageControl is indeed the best/correct/possible approach how can I make it look as close as the image? And also move it to the top?
Short answer: Don't do that. You're trying to implement Android controls on iOS. That leads to user confusion and an app that doesn't feel like a native app.
Instead, have your designer create a native app design for both platforms.
It looks to me like the closest analog to what you're trying to do is a tab bar and a tab bar controller (UITabBarController).
If you must implement this UI on iOS, you might have to roll your own. You'd create a new custom parent view controller with a child view controller that you could swap out, and a custom control that triggers the swapping. Conceptually it would be a lot like a tab bar controller.
You could probably set it up using a container view and an embed segue (The embedded view controller would be the starting child view controller) and then use the built-in support for managing child view controllers to swap out the child view controller when the user taps on your control. I've done this sort of thing before. It isn't that hard, and is pretty well documented.

Use storyboard in share extension

The extension Share when we created it, is automatically created one file called mainInterface.storyboard, which in this case seems to be a kind of custom screen for the share Extension.
In my case I changed this screen and to my surprise when I select my application to give share, it besides pulling the custom screen, it also commonly pulls the original screen on the share (that with the text field two buttons).
How can I make to no push original screen, but push the custom screen?
Most likely your view controller is still a subclass of SLComposeServiceViewController. That class will always display the default share UI if you use it. If you don't want that UI, you should change your view controller to inherit from UIViewController instead.

Creating a reusable control which can be embedded in UIViews and handle its own modals

There's a particular control which I'm trying to build properly. I refer to it as an ImageTile. It's basically a little square box, which, when the user taps it, will present the user (via an action sheet in a popover) the option of selecting an image from the library, or taking a photo. Depending on the response, I then either present the UIImagePickerController inside a popover (for selecting an image) or modally (for taking a new picture). Once they take/select the image, I have a modal view which appears and allows them to edit the picture in a few simple ways. When they finish editing, the modal dismisses, and the original ImageTile, rather than being a blank square box, gets filled up with the user's edited image.
The issue is that this ImageTile control is going to be used profusely throughout several different parts of the application, across numerous View Controller hierarchies, and so on... and I really want it to be a basically totally self-contained unit, such that whenever I stick an ImageTile inside a UIView onscreen, all the above functionality is handled by the ImageTile itself.
Initially, I made it a UIViewController subclass (so it could present modals etc), and just added its view as a subview of a "holder" view onscreen. I know this isn't recommended, as the controller isn't part of the VC hierarchy then... and also, I wound up with some really weird behavior regarding things like autorotation, especially when the camera was involved.
What's the "right" way to implement something like this?
I think what you've done by making it a UIViewController subclass is correct. You should just use the methods that UIViewController exposes for adding child view controllers, such as - addChildViewController:.
You will also note that Interface Builder has a Container View object designed specifically for holding a place in the hierarchy for a child View Controller:

IBOutlets/actions and custom subview

Apologies if this seems a straightforward question! I'm using AVFoundation to build a custom camera app that allows the user to draw on the image after it's taken (similar to snapchat).
I have the camera functionality working. Currently, after the shutter button is pressed I add (as a subview) a standard UIImageView to display the photo taken. Seeing as I want there to be custom options at this stage (including drawing on the image), I proceeded to create my own subclass of UIImageView. I am designing this view in Interface Builder (xib file).
Say for instance I have a button on this custom view, that when pressed, simply deletes the image and takes me back to the camera view to take another image. Can I handle the IBActions for this custom view within the ViewController for my camera view? Is this bad practice?
Any guidance on how best to implement this would be really appreciated! Thanks.
I would not suggest putting the button on your custom view.
I would have the UIViewController display the custom view and also give display a button for your action. Most likely the UIViewController will want to display a UIToolBar at the bottom of the screen which will allow for multiple buttons/actions, but that's up to you.
But why do I say this? Compartmentalization. Your custom view has no need or use for the button. It's meaningless to what your doing... displaying the image. Your custom view will also probably be used in many locations, several of which won't want this button displayed. Even if your custom view had the button it wouldn't know what to do if someone tapped it. It would then have to pass that interaction off the view controller which cares about the action and and handle it. Your custom view will mostly likely have public methods allowing other code to give it directions (like clear or undo).
Depending on the say things go, you may decide you want a custom UIViewController which handles interactions on your custom view. Then any other view controllers could just add it in as a containerized view controller and you could have the same functionality with no code duplication at several places in your applications.

Adding a subview that stays in place as you navigate through views

I am looking to create a subview that looks like a banner drop down view from the Navigation Bar.
or like this
I feel like I see this effect all the time but have been struggling for a while to recreate this. I have it working on single view applications but I would like it to stay in place as I navigate from view to view. Right now I have the view setup in the storyboard and would like use this because I had issues attempting this programatically.
To create this "drop down banner view" and have it stay in place (until the user dismisses it) as a user navigates from screen to screen I see two solutions, each of which I have stumped myself on.
Create my own master view as the window.rootViewController
I see this as the cleaner solution in the end, but a bit harder to implement. Would it be possible to create a blank UIView as the rootViewController and whenever the app needs to drop down an alertBanner it could tell the rootController to do so? The view hierarchy would be something like
window -> masterViewController -> alertBannerController -> Navigation Controller -> otherViewControllers
but I cannot seem to have this set up the proper way.
Create an instance of my AlertBannerView from a subclass of the UINavigationController
Instead of calling the method to create a dropDownBanner from the rootViewController another option I see is subclassing the navigationController to be able to drop down this subview. This way it could still persist as the user navigates around views.
Once again I am having problems setting this up properly to work with the existing NavigationControllers
I do not know what is the best approach here.
This is different than the Apple Push Notifications drop down screen because I would like to customize it for the apps UI
Any tips on how to properly set up a custom view as the rootViewController would be great (where do I do this? what methods do I need to call?)
The problem to solve here is to have the alert banner view remain in the window until the user dismisses it even if they are navigating from screen to screen.
Depending on which version of iOS you're working with, yeah there are a lot of possibilities and ways of doing this. In fact, there are a lot of people who already have.
Best place for getting some ideas on how to attack this problem, to me, is by looking at an existing solution. CocoaControls is a great place for this.
For instance, here is a relatively recent one:
And here is a list of a bunch of them ( they aren't sorted in any particular order unfortunately though ) :
