what's meaning of function predict's returned value in OpenCV? - opencv

I use function predict in opencv to classify my gestures.
float ret = svm.predict(mat);//mat is my feature vector
I defined 5 labels (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), but in fact the value of ret are (0.521220207,-0.247173533,-0.127723947······)
So I am confused about it. As Opencv official document, the function returns a class label (classification) in my case.
update: I don't still know why to appear this result. But I choose new features to train models and the return value of predict function is what I defined during train phase (e.g. 1 or 2 or 3 or etc).

During the training of an SVM you assign a label to each class of training data.
When you classify a sample the returned result will match up with one of these labels telling you which class the sample is predicted to fall into.
There's some more documentation here which might help:

With Support Vector Machines (SVM) you have a training function and a prediction one. The training function is to train your data and save those informations on an xml file (it facilitates the prediction process in case you use a huge number of training data and you must do the prediction function in another project).
Example : 20 images per class in your case : 20*5=100 training images,each image is associated with a label of its appropriate class and all these informations are stocked in train.xml)
For the prediction function , it tells you what's label to assign to your test image according to your training DATA (the hole work you did in training process). Your prediction results might be good and might be bad , it's all about your training data I think.
If you want try to calculate the error rate for your classifier to see how much it can give good results or bad ones.


Specifying class or sample weights in Keras for one-hot encoded labels in a TF Dataset

I am trying to train an image classifier on an unbalanced training set. In order to cope with the class imbalance, I want either to weight the classes or the individual samples. Weighting the classes does not seem to work. And somehow for my setup I was not able to find a way to specify the samples weights. Below you can read how I load and encode the training data and the two approaches that I tried.
Training data loading and encoding
My training data is stored in a directory structure where each image is place in the subfolder corresponding to its class (I have 32 classes in total). Since the training data is too big too all load at once into memory I make use of image_dataset_from_directory and by that describe the data in a TF Dataset:
train_ds = keras.preprocessing.image_dataset_from_directory (training_data_dir,
I use label_mode 'categorical', so that the labels are described as a one-hot encoded vector.
I then prefetch the data:
train_ds = train_ds.prefetch(buffer_size=buffer_size)
Approach 1: specifying class weights
In this approach I try to specify the class weights of the classes via the class_weight argument of fit:
train_ds, epochs=epochs, callbacks=callbacks, validation_data=val_ds,
For each class we compute weight which are inversely proportional to the number of training samples for that class. This is done as follows (this is done before the train_ds.prefetch() call described above):
class_num_training_samples = {}
for f in train_ds.file_paths:
class_name = f.split('/')[-2]
if class_name in class_num_training_samples:
class_num_training_samples[class_name] += 1
class_num_training_samples[class_name] = 1
max_class_samples = max(class_num_training_samples.values())
class_weights = {}
for i in range(0, len(train_ds.class_names)):
class_weights[i] = max_class_samples/class_num_training_samples[train_ds.class_names[i]]
What I am not sure about is whether this solution works, because the keras documentation does not specify the keys for the class_weights dictionary in case the labels are one-hot encoded.
I tried training the network this way but found out that the weights did not have a real influence on the resulting network: when I looked at the distribution of predicted classes for each individual class then I could recognize the distribution of the overall training set, where for each class the prediction of the dominant classes is most likely.
Running the same training without any class weight specified led to similar results.
So I suspect that the weights don't seem to have an influence in my case.
Is this because specifying class weights does not work for one-hot encoded labels, or is this because I am probably doing something else wrong (in the code I did not show here)?
Approach 2: specifying sample weight
As an attempt to come up with a different (in my opinion less elegant) solution I wanted to specify the individual sample weights via the sample_weight argument of the fit method. However from the documentation I find:
[...] This argument is not supported when x is a dataset, generator, or keras.utils.Sequence instance, instead provide the sample_weights as the third element of x.
Which is indeed the case in my setup where train_ds is a dataset. Now I really having trouble finding documentation from which I can derive how I can modify train_ds, such that it has a third element with the weight. I thought using the map method of a dataset can be useful, but the solution I came up with is apparently not valid:
train_ds = train_ds.map(lambda img, label: (img, label, class_weights[np.argmax(label)]))
Does anyone have a solution that may work in combination with a dataset loaded by image_dataset_from_directory?

what does lightgbm python Dataset reference parameter mean?

I am trying to figure out how to train a gbdt classifier with lightgbm in python, but getting confused with the example provided on the official website.
Following the steps listed, I find that the validation_data comes from nowhere and there is no clue about the format of the valid_data nor the merit or avail of training model with or without it.
Another question comes with it is that, in the documentation, it is said that "the validation data should be aligned with training data", while I look into the Dataset details, I find that there is another statement shows that "If this is Dataset for validation, training data should be used as reference".
My final questions are, why should validation data be aligned with training data? what is the meaning of reference in Dataset and how is it used during training? is the alignment goal accomplished with reference set to training data? what is the difference between this "reference" strategy and cross-validation?
Hope someone could help me out of this maze, thanks!
The idea of "validation data should be aligned with training data" is simple :
every preprocessing you do to the training data, you should do it the same way for validation data and in production of course. This apply to every ML algorithm.
For example, for neural network, you will often normalize your training inputs (substract by mean and divide by std).
Suppose you have a variable "age" with mean 26yo in training. It will be mapped to "0" for the training of your neural network. For validation data, you want to normalize in the same way as training data (using mean of training and std of training) in order that 26yo in validation is still mapped to 0 (same value -> same prediction).
This is the same for LightGBM. The data will be "bucketed" (in short, every continuous value will be discretized) and you want to map the continuous values to the same bins in training and in validation. Those bins will be calculated using the "reference" dataset.
Regarding training without validation, this is something you don't want to do most of the time! It is very easy to overfit the training data with boosted trees if you don't have a validation to adjust parameters such as "num_boost_round".
still everything is tricky
can you share full example with using and without using this "reference="
for example
will it be different
import lightgbm as lgbm
importance_type_LGB = 'gain'
d_train = lgbm.Dataset(train_data_with_NANs, label= target_train)
d_valid = lgbm.Dataset(train_data_with_NANs, reference= target_train)
lgb_clf = lgbm.LGBMClassifier(class_weight = 'balanced' ,importance_type = importance_type_LGB)
test_data_predict_proba_lgb = lgb_clf.predict_proba(test_data_with_NANs)
import lightgbm as lgbm
importance_type_LGB = 'gain'
lgb_clf = lgbm.LGBMClassifier(class_weight = 'balanced' ,importance_type = importance_type_LGB)
test_data_predict_proba_lgb = lgb_clf.predict_proba(test_data_with_NANs)

how to do Classification based on the correlation of multiple features for a Supervised scenario

I have 2 features: 'Contact_Last_Name' and 'Account_Last_Name' based on which I want to Classify my data:
The logic is that if the 2 features are same i.e. Contact_Last_Name is same as Account_Last_Name - then the result is 'Success' or else it is 'Denied'.
So. for example: if Contact_Last_Name is 'Johnson' and Account_Last_Name is 'Eigen' - the result is classified as 'Denied'. If both are equal say - 'Edison' - then the result is 'Success'.
How, can I have a Classification algorithm for this set of data?
[please note that usually we discard High Correlation columns but over here the correlation between columns seems to have the logic for Classification]
I have tried to use Decision Tree(C5.0) and Naive Bayes(naiveBayes) in R but both of these fail to Classify the dataset correctly.
First of all its not a good use case for machine learning, because this can be done with just string match, but still if you want to give to a classification algorith, then create a table with values as 'Contact_Last_Name' and 'Account_Last_Name' and 'Result' and give it for decision tree and predict the third column.
Note that you partition your data for training and testing.

How to get jlibsvm prediction probability in multi-class classification

I am new to SVM. I am using jlibsvm for a multi-class classification problem. Basically, I am doing a sentence classification problem. There are 3 Classes. What I understood is I am doing One-against-all classification. I have a comparatively small train set. A total of 75 sentences, In which 25 sentences belongs to each class.
I am making 3 SVMs (so 3 different models), where, while training, in SVM_A, sentences belong to CLASS A will have a true label, i.e., 1 and other sentences will have a -1 label. Correspondingly done for SVM_B, and SVM_C.
While testing, to get the true label of a sentence, I am giving the sentence to 3 models and I am taking the prediction probability returned by these 3 models. Which one returns the highest will be the class the sentence belong to.
This is how I am doing. But I am getting the same prediction probability for every sentence in the test set for all models.
A predicted:0.012820514
B predicted:0.012820514
C predicted:0.012820514
These values repeat for all sentences in the training set.
The following is how I set parameters for training:
C_SVC svm = new C_SVC();
MutableBinaryClassificationProblemImpl problem;
ImmutableSvmParameterGrid.Builder builder = ImmutableSvmParameterGrid.builder();
// create training parameters ------------
HashSet<Float> cSet;
HashSet<LinearKernel> kernelSet;
cSet = new HashSet<Float>();
kernelSet = new HashSet<LinearKernel>();
kernelSet.add(new LinearKernel());
// configure finetuning parameters
builder.eps = 0.001f; // epsilon
builder.Cset = cSet; // C values used
builder.kernelSet = kernelSet; //Kernel used
builder.probability=true; // To get the prediction probability
ImmutableSvmParameter params = builder.build();
What am I doing wrong?
Is there any other better way to do multi-class classification other than this?
You are getting the same output, because you generate the same model three times.
The reason for this is, that jlibsvm is able to perform multiclass classification out of the box based on the provided data (LIBSVM itself supports this too). If it detects, that more than two class labes are provided in the given data, it automatically performs multiclass classification. So there is no need for a manually 1vsN approach. Just supply the data with class-labels for each category.
However, jlibsvm is still in beta and relies on a rather old version of LIBSVM (2.88). A lot has changed. For a more intiuitive Java binding (in comparison to the default LIBSVM version), you can take a look at zlibsvm, which is available via Maven Central and based on the latest LIBSVM version.

How does Caffe determine test set accuracy?

Using the BVLC reference AlexNet file, I have been training a CNN against a training set I created.  In order to measure the progress of training, I have been using a rough method to approximate the accuracy against the training data.  My batch size on the test net is 256.  I have ~4500 images.  I perform 17 calls to solver.test_nets[0].forward() and record the value of solver.test_nets[0].blobs['accuracy'].data (the accuracy of that forward pass).  I take the average across these.  My thought was that I was taking 17 random samples of 256 from my validation set and getting the accuracy of these random samplings.  I would expect this to closely approximate the true accuracy against the entire set.  However, I later went back and wrote a script to go through each item in my LMDB so that I could generate a confusion matrix for my entire test set.  I discovered that the true accuracy of my model was significantly lower than the estimated accuracy.  For example, my expected accuracy of ~75% dropped to ~50% true accuracy.  This is a far worse result than I was expecting.
My assumptions match the answer given here.
Have I made an incorrect assumption somewhere?  What could account for the difference?  I had assumed that forward() function gathered a random sample, but I'm not so sure that was the case.  blobs.['accuracy'].data returned a different result (though usually within a small range) everytime, so this is why I assumed this.
I had assumed that forward() function gathered a random sample, but I'm not so sure that was the case. blobs.['accuracy'].data returned a different result (though usually within a small range) everytime, so this is why I assumed this.
The forward() function from Caffe does not perform any random sampling, it will only fetch the next batch according to your DataLayer. E.g., in your case forward() will pass the next 256 images in your network. Performing this 17 times will pass sequentially 17x256=4352 images.
Have I made an incorrect assumption somewhere? What could account for the difference?
Check that the script that goes through your whole LMDB performs the same data pre-processing as during training.
