Drawing marker top of a line - openlayers-3

I am trying to draw a line on top of another line using open layer. The idea is draw a second line top of the predefined line path.
How can we draw a line with starting coordinate and distance on top of the predefined line path?

You can do this by returning a 2nd style from your layer's style function, which has a custom geometry derived from the original one:
var lineStyle = new ol.style.Style(...); // your existing style
var secondLineStyle = new ol.style.Style({
... // styles for the 2nd line
geometry: function(feature) {
var geometry = feature.getGeometry().clone();
... // modify the geometry, e.g. using forEachSegment and getCoordinateAtM
return geometry;
var layer = new ol.layer.Vector({
style: function(feature, resolution) {
return [


Hot can I get Circle geometry when using ol.interaction.Draw?

I'm drawing a Circle using ol.interaction.Draw.
this.draw = new ol.interaction.Draw({
source: this.vectorSource,
type: 'Circle'
this.draw.on('drawend', function( evt ){
// evt.feature have no geometry !!!
But How can I get the Circle geometry or anything that tell me how to draw same circle again?
OL3.0 you can create/edit Features, but not Circles... http://openlayers.org/en/v3.0.0/examples/draw-and-modify-features.html
OL3.5 you can create circles, but you can't edit .... http://openlayers.org/en/v3.5.0/examples/draw-features.html
OL_Latest you can't edit circles too: http://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/draw-and-modify-features.html
I would be happy if I could reproduce the same circle later.
To get the center and radius of the circle feature drawn use the below code
this.draw.on('drawend', function( evt ){
var geometry = evt.feature.getGeometry();
var radius = geometry.getRadius();
var center = geometry.getCenter();
// .... your code
Since a circle is drawn the Geometry type would be of type ol.geom.Circle.
Using this Geometry object you can get the radius and center using getRadius() and getCenter() method. For more information about ol.geom.Circle go through this link.
Almost there!
I'm now able to reproduce the "circle" by adding a geometry function to the draw intaraction.
var geometryFunction = ol.interaction.Draw.createRegularPolygon(90);
this.draw = new ol.interaction.Draw({
source: this.vectorSource,
type: 'Circle',
geometryFunction: geometryFunction,
this will generate geometries to the feature so I can store it and load it again later, but it is not a real circle, it is just composed by a 90 points polygon. so I can't edit it as a circle.
Some idea to get the radius of this geometry?
{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-4804935.286197088,-2605909.2147242804],[-4804836.58537814,-2605831.0293000625],[-4804743.578928918,-2605746.149310523],[-4804656.719967494,-2605654.988282439],[-4804576.431661996,-2605557.9903431754],[-4804503.105168979,-2605455.6280569425],[-4804437.097727745,-2605348.4001225093],[-4804378.730919913,-2605236.8289435934],[-4804328.289102704,-2605121.458083764],[-4804286.018023582,-2605002.849618253],[-4804252.123622994,-2604881.581395582],[-4804226.771031053,-2604758.244222341],[-4804210.083763039,-2604633.4389848416],[-4804202.143117644,-2604507.773721655],[-4804202.987780893,-2604381.8606613115],[-4804212.613637674,-2604256.3132395847],[-4804230.973791778,-2604131.7431108924],[-4804257.978794381,-2604008.757168381],[-4804293.497079825,-2603887.954587199],[-4804337.355606593,-2603769.923905379],[-4804389.340700352,-2603655.2401565393],[-4804449.199094949,-2603544.462068375],[-4804516.639166305,-2603438.1293405974],[-4804591.332353169,-2603336.7600155673],[-4804672.914757844,-2603240.8479544464],[-4804760.988919055,-2603150.860431155],[-4804855.125748342,-2603067.2358558625],[-4804954.866620535,-2602990.3816390927],[-4805059.72560813,-2602920.672206864],[-4805169.19184868,-2602858.4471765244],[-4805282.732033666,-2602804.009702166],[-4805399.793006718,-2602757.6249976917],[-4805519.804458544,-2602719.5190447196],[-4805642.1817054115,-2602689.8774916218],[-4805766.328537677,-2602668.8447490656],[-4805891.640124453,-2602656.5232864586],[-4806017.505960285,-2602652.973132728],[-4806143.312839472,-2602658.211583866],[-4806268.447843544,-2602672.213118665],[-4806392.301327342,-2602694.909523055],[-4806514.269889141,-2602726.1902224356],[-4806633.759310369,-2602765.902820383],[-4806750.187450577,-2602813.8538411125],[-4806862.987083566,-2602869.809672071],[-4806971.608660867,-2602933.4977020747],[-4807075.522989073,-2603004.607649443],[-4807174.22380802,-2603082.793073661],[-4807267.230257243,-2603167.6730632004],[-4807354.089218667,-2603258.834091285],[-4807434.3775241645,-2603355.8320305482],[-4807507.704017182,-2603458.194316781],[-4807573.711458416,-2603565.4222512143],[-4807632.078266247,-2603676.99343013],[-4807682.520083456,-2603792.3642899594],[-4807724.791162578,-2603910.972755471],[-4807758.685563167,-2604032.240978142],[-4807784.038155108,-2604155.5781513825],[-4807800.725423122,-2604280.383388882],[-4807808.666068517,-2604406.0486520687],[-4807807.821405267,-2604531.961712412],[-4807798.195548487,-2604657.509134139],[-4807779.8353943825,-2604782.0792628312],[-4807752.83039178,-2604905.0652053426],[-4807717.312106336,-2605025.867786525],[-4807673.453579567,-2605143.8984683445],[-4807621.468485809,-2605258.5822171844],[-4807561.610091211,-2605369.3603053484],[-4807494.170019856,-2605475.693033126],[-4807419.4768329915,-2605577.0623581563],[-4807337.8944283165,-2605672.974419277],[-4807249.8202671055,-2605762.9619425684],[-4807155.683437819,-2605846.586517861],[-4807055.9425656255,-2605923.440734631],[-4806951.083578031,-2605993.1501668594],[-4806841.61733748,-2606055.375197199],[-4806728.077152494,-2606109.8126715575],[-4806611.016179442,-2606156.197376032],[-4806491.004727617,-2606194.303329004],[-4806368.627480749,-2606223.944882102],[-4806244.480648483,-2606244.977624658],[-4806119.169061707,-2606257.299087265],[-4805993.303225876,-2606260.8492409955],[-4805867.496346689,-2606255.610789858],[-4805742.361342616,-2606241.6092550587],[-4805618.507858818,-2606218.9128506687],[-4805496.539297019,-2606187.632151288],[-4805377.049875791,-2606147.9195533404],[-4805260.621735584,-2606099.968532611],[-4805147.822102594,-2606044.0127016525],[-4805039.200525293,-2605980.324671649],[-4804935.286197088,-2605909.2147242804]]]},"properties": null}
The Polygon's centroid can be the circle center I think.... the distance of this centroid to any point in the border can be the radius.... I don't know how to get this using JS.
To take the center:
this.draw.on('drawend', function( evt ){
var aa = evt.feature.getGeometry().getExtent();
var oo = ol.extent.getCenter(aa);
console.log( oo );
Now I must find a way to take the radius.

How to highlight the subdivision's outline programmatically in a GeoJson layer?

There is a GeoJson sourced layer in my map,and subdivision's outline will be highlighted when mouse overring it due to corresponded event registered.
Question is how to highlight a subdivision's outline programmatically(not by mouse overring)?
You have to find programmatically the feature (subdivision's outline) that you want highlight.
I suppose you have already defined a source, vector layer and overlay (it is a layer that contains only the features which are highlighted) in your code:
source = new ol.source.Vector({
url: '[your url]',
format: new ol.format.GeoJSON()
layer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: source
overlay = new ol.layer.Vector({
First it is necessary to find all the features
var _features = source.getFeatures();
Then you need a name or id to find the feature:
for (i = 0; i < _features.length; i++) {
if (_features[i].get('name') === name) {
_feature = _features[i];
The you will add the feature to the overlay vector layer:

Customize style of a vector layer ol3

I use a geojson file to build the layer added to a map. What I want is to customize style of the layer's polygons in order to have hatched polygons such as we can do that with mapserver symbols. Is it possible to do this with ol3? I tried to create an image and use it but it only works for point geometry. Thank you for your help.
Fill patterns for polygons are not (yet) supported in OpenLayers 3, see also https://github.com/openlayers/ol3/issues/2208
It is possible by now. The ol.style.Style object accepts a CanvasRenderingContext2D instance, where you can apply an image pattern to your polygons.
Example Code Snippet
var geojsonObject = 'someGeoJSON'
var source = new ol.source.Vector({
features: (new ol.format.GeoJSON()).readFeatures(geojsonObject)
var layer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: source
var cnv = document.createElement('canvas');
var ctx = cnv.getContext('2d');
var img = new Image();
img.src = 'https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/222/Canvas_createpattern.png';
img.onload = function() {
var pattern = ctx.createPattern(img, 'repeat');
layer.setStyle(new ol.style.Style({
fill: new ol.style.Fill({
color: pattern
A full example can be seen here: jsfiddle

Is it possible to add a icon symbol to a polygon

I am currently working on a openlayers 3 project and for better visulaizing i need to show both. The Polygon shape(attribute based color) which works great and an icon on the polygon position. I know that the polygon contains multiple coordinates and so its not so easy to define a position for the icon. Now i have some kind of workaround that creates an seperate overlay with the interior Points of the polygon to mark the position of the icons. To make the project more simple i want to combine these two styling. Does anyone know if its possible?
Kind Regards
I presumes that you use a ol.source.serversource for your data.
The trick is to test all your features for being a polygon. If it is, you create a point feature you add to your source.
First create the source and the layer:
var avlVectorSource = new ol.source.ServerVector({
format: new ol.format.GeoJSON(),
loader: function(extent, resolution, projection) {
var myLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: myVectorSource,
style: myStyleFunction
The layer has a style function to set the right icon.
The main thing is the loader:
var myLoader = function(resolution){
url: "http://myJsonSource.com",
timeout: 1000,
success: function(response) {
var layerJSONString = $.parseJSON(response);
var newFeatures = [];
j= 0;
var size=layerJSONString.features.length;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++){
var feat = layerJSONString.features[i];
var geom = feat.geometry;
var type = geom.type;
if(type == "Polygon")
var poly = new ol.geom.Polygon(geom.coordinates);
var extent = poly.getExtent();
var coord = [];
coord[0] = (extent[2]-extent[0])/2 + extent[0];
coord[1] = (extent[3]-extent[1])/2 + extent[1];
var point = new ol.geom.Point(coord);
newFeatures[j++] = new ol.Feature({
geometry : point,
StyleName : feat.properties.StyleName
error: myLoadError
The documentation says that ol.geom.Polygon has a method called getInteriorPoint(). It has but I can get it to work. So I calculate the center point of the extent of the polygon.
I use "StyleName" to set the right icon in my style function.

Rails how change google maps marker?

hello I would change the marker in a map , i use rails and i wrote this javascript function for set marker so if i change the marker with url: "icona.png" where icona.png is locate in the same folder of the resource promotions no show me the marker on map. Why? how change the default market there is another method?
function setMarkers(map, locations) {
// Add markers to the map
// Marker sizes are expressed as a Size of X,Y
// where the origin of the image (0,0) is located
// in the top left of the image.
// Origins, anchor positions and coordinates of the marker
// increase in the X direction to the right and in
// the Y direction down.
var image = {
url: "icona.png",
// This marker is 20 pixels wide by 32 pixels tall.
size: new google.maps.Size(20, 32),
// The origin for this image is 0,0.
origin: new google.maps.Point(0,0),
// The anchor for this image is the base of the flagpole at 0,32.
anchor: new google.maps.Point(0, 32)
var shadow = {
url: "icona.png",
// The shadow image is larger in the horizontal dimension
// while the position and offset are the same as for the main image.
size: new google.maps.Size(37, 32),
origin: new google.maps.Point(0,0),
anchor: new google.maps.Point(0, 32)
// Shapes define the clickable region of the icon.
// The type defines an HTML <area> element 'poly' which
// traces out a polygon as a series of X,Y points. The final
// coordinate closes the poly by connecting to the first
// coordinate.
var shape = {
coord: [1, 1, 1, 20, 18, 20, 18 , 1],
type: 'poly'
Try to put javascript in app/assets/javascripts/ and marker in app/assets/images/ folder. Then route to image: "/assets/marker.png"
You can read more there http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html
