Blob data in Ensembles - ios

Im using a strategy where I'm saving images and pdfs as NSData in the respective managed objects where they belong. I'm having a problem syncing with Ensembles that the pdf doesn't always carry over from one device to another. Now I'm not sure if this is due to some flaws in my code or if it's not a good way of syncing chunks of data like this. Does anyone have experience of this?
I'm using Ensembles 2.2 syncing through CloudKit.

Ensembles should handle this fine. I use it for exactly this purpose, syncing image data including PDF.
I would look closer at the handling of the data. Is the value transformer working (if you are using one)? Is the device capable of unpacking and displaying the PDF data?
An alternative to syncing the PDF directly is transforming to a format like PNG before putting it in your store.

Transformable data type is really just binary under the covers with some additional metadata. Have you tested a simple lightweight migration on an existing store? I suspect the migration would work and would leave the existing data in the store.
If you are looking to get the existing binary data actually moved out of the SQLite file then you are looking at something a bit more involved.
A heavy migration will accomplish what you are looking for but if the stores are large it may take took long and potentially not provide enough feedback for a good user experience. I personally do not use heavy migrations, ever, on IOS but it will accomplish your goal.
An export/import will also work. I generally recommend export/import when a lightweight migration won't work. It involves a medium amount of code but in the end you own the code, understand the entire process and can tweak it to your exact needs.


Is it possible to use Core Data in a document-based application?

I'm working on an iOS app that will need to save data onto files. I chose to go for a Document Based app, precisely an app based on a UIDocumentBrowserViewController so that I can easily save and load files from the system's Files app.
Since the data I need to save/load on a file is quite complex: big hierarchy of different objects, with meta-data, image files, etc. I'm wondering what is the best technology to use going forward.
I came across NSFileWrapperand its ability to save different files as one. And I could definitely use that. But I also saw UIManagedDocument and the ability to use Core Data in my project while maybe saving the content of the Core Data database (I know it's not quite a database, but you know what I mean) into a file that I could write somewhere in the File App.
Is this a behavior I can expect?
To reformulate: I'm wondering if I can read/write files through a UIDocumentBrowserViewController, with data described by a UIManagedDocument that works with Core Data.
Thank you in advance. 🙂
As you have discovered, UIManagedDocument is there for your kind of application. And it does feature methods to write and read additional content like the metadata or image files you have, within the document package.
That being said, I have never used UIManagedDocument, and have never seen it used by others. A quick search of GitHub finds only this one project with two contributors who wrote a wrapper around it in 2013. Also, there does not seem to be any sample code from Apple, and the remark in the the writeAdditionalContent(_:to:originalContentsURL:) documentation that Additional content is not supported on iCloud leaves me a little concerned, but maybe it's a good sign that the Core Data team knows where to draw the line.
I have used the macOS counterpart of UIManagedDocument, NSPersistentDocument. It is in a similar situation of not being used very much, but with many more known technical issues. So a few years ago I switched to BSManagedDocument, which purportedly mimics UIManagedDocument to support Core Data in all its modern glory. I have been happy with BSManagedDocument.
In summary, if I was in your situation, yes I would give UIManagedDocument a try. But don't be surprised if you need to use a DTS support incident or two during your development.

What's the best way to store a JSON file with complex data structure for later use?

So I have an iOS app and this JSON file (about 50 MB) that has a deep tree structure. The goal is to store this file locally and use its content later on the app, with the possibility of updating the data or some parts of it in the future..
After some research, I found out that I can use core data, but it seems inconvenient for such complex structure.
So, I thought maybe I'll persist the data in a class object, but this may end up consuming the whole mobile memory.
Now, I'm thinking if it is plausible to store the data in a plist then map the hell out of it to present its content.
What do you think guys? Do you have any other ideas or thoughts?
Just store the JSON as you received it, as NSData. It doesn't care one bit about the structure, so you can parse it again.
After a lot of research and reflexion, I ended up using Realm for its simplicity and effectiveness.

Fastest and light way(Sqlite or core data or plist or csv or flat file)

I have a simple problem to solve but want to know which is better pattern to use and understand the reason for the choice.
Problem :
I want to create a utility which developers can use to check whether the feature should be enabled/disabled depending on the server package version.
eg : server package versions like 10.234, 11.1 etc and client versions 9.3,10.2 etc
Validation on client to see min version on server package for feature to be enabled/disabled.
example data would be like "search lookup feature >= 10.234". And sometimes complex situation need to even check client version whether the feature should be supported.
Note: Application is very huge and memory is full for most of the time. (thousands of records of organisation data.) So memory is bottle neck.
Just it even flashed to mind to used macro as to do all comparisons and returning value.
I think Plist would be heavy as all the objects would be in NSDictionary and even to access one object, I'll be holding all data.
I want to reduce memory overhead and comparisons too.
For Light data, Use NSUserDefaults or PList. SQLite and Core Data is overkilled.
Updated Answer for Updated Question:-
For server package versions/your app version or other light weight data, you can always use NSUserDefaults or PList.
For records of organisation data, you might want to consider Core Data.
Yes, you can use 2 different types of persistent storage inside your app.
If your data is never going to change, or grow you better use NSUserDefaults, plist or csv file. If you think that user should have the ability to change or add new entries to this data file you better go ahead with CoreData
Plists, csv, and flat files have low overhead for small to medimum amounts of data (and for data where you use all or nearly all) of it.
Systems that only use some of the data on any given run AND have large amounts of data AND have the data structured so SELECT can use an index can be faster (lots and lots faster) with a database (SQLite, or CoreData with the SQL Persistant store).
As a gut feel I expect your problem could be handled well by SQL, but only if you are talking about 1000s of configurations not 10s or even 100s...but you would be better served by benchmarks then my guesses. Go code :-)

iPhone local storage -- Core Data, NSFileManager, ...?

I am making a simple iPhone app that will basically be an editor.
As such, I need some way to store the documents the user creates.
Since on iPhone, the concept of the filesystem is not present for the user, I searched around to see what I should use.
I found this question & answer that basically says to use Core Data, but I recently found out about NSFileManager.
My question simply is, for user-created documents, what is the best storage system to use? Traditional files by using NSFileManager? Core Data? Something else?
Personally, I would use CoreData because it will abstract away all of the file-management code for you. If you are making simple text documents then this isn't such a big deal, but if you are working with a complex document architecture (i.e., a collection a numerous objects) then it can save you a lot of effort.
If the user wants to export their document it is very easy to write a function to do so with your CoreData objects.
The only downside to CoreData is that if you are using non-standard attributes it can get a little bit tricky, but it is certainly not a deal breaker in most cases.
People create document formats without CoreData all of the time, so there are plenty of examples out there, and it will just come down to personal preference. There really isn't any generalized right answer to this - it a design decision that should be evaluated on a per-app basis.
If all of your data for displaying the file is contained in one long string (like HTML) then I would recommend that you use the file manager, since it will be easy to get a list of files in a certain directory to display to the user for opening. However, if they are not self contained (like NSAttributedString, which has many stored formatting regions along with the actual content) then you should use CoreData, as it will be easier to keep all the pieces together.

Best practice to deliver Core Data App with content?

Hey guys,
what would you say is the best way to ship initial data with an Core Data iOS App?
Is it maybe to once run the app, store the data and then insert the datafile in the build?
There must be a better way..
I have had good experiences with loading the data into a sqlite backing in the simulator, and then bundling the resulting sqlite file with the app.
Especially for bigger datasets, first-run filling of the database is not really an option.
I've been toying around with the same problem myself, recently; and what I opted for was to store the data in the app in some easily parsable (for me) format, and parse and incorporate it on first run.
