Assume that I have the following statements:
A p B, A p C, B p C ( p is a symmetric property, i.e. B p A, C p A and C p B)
A v 2, B v 1, C v 1,
I want to use a rule to do something like:
?a p all(?b)
if ?b v 1
than ?a q 'Yes'
that means that you can infer (A q 'Yes'), but B can't since B p A and A v 2(although B p C and C v 1).
[rule: (?a eg:p ?b), (?b eg:v 1) -> (?a eg:q 'Yes')]
I've used the above rule in Jena, but I got A,B,C eg:q 'Yes', which is wrong.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Update (originally posted as an answer)
the meaning of (?a p all(?b)) is that I like to get a set which all ?mem in this set fulfill the (?a p ?mem). And all member must fulfill (?mem v 1) to infer (?a q 'Yes').
For example,
A p B and A p C,so I get a set which contains (B, C).since B and C v 1,so A q 'Yes.
B p A and B p C,so I get a set(A, C),but A v 2,so can't infer that B q 'Yes'.
Problem Solved
Thanks to Joshua Taylor.
Firstly, these two rules can't use at the same time.The rule2 should be used after rule1.
And, the rule2 should be [rule2: (?s ?p ?o) noValue(?s, connectedToNonOne) -> (?s q 'Yes')].
but I got A,B,C eg:q 'Yes', which is wrong.
The rule you have actually written in Jena says
For any two individuals X and Y, if (X p Y) and (Y v 1) then (X q 'Yes').
From the rule you've written, this is correct, by:
(A p C), (C v 1) → (A q 'Yes')
(B p C), (C v 1) → (B q 'Yes')
(C p B), (B v 1) → (C q 'Yes')
What you're actually trying to say is:
For any individual X, if for every individual Y, (X p Y) implies (Y v 1), then (X q 'Yes').
In first order logic, your original rule could be written as:
∀ x,y ([p(x,y) ∧ v(y,1)] → q(x,'yes')
What you're actually trying to capture would be:
∀x[(∀y[p(x,y) → v(y,1)]) → q(x,'yes')]
That's harder to capture in Jena rules, because to check whether (∀y[p(x,y) → v(y,1)]) holds or not, all Jena can do is check whether there are currently any counterexamples. If one were added later, you might have incorrect inferences.
Using the builtins available in the rule reasoner, you could do something with noValue and notEqual along the lines of:
#-- If an individual is disqualified by being
#-- connected to a something that is connected
#-- to something that is not equal to 1, then
#-- add a connectedToNonOne triple.
(?x p ?y), (?y v ?z), notEqual(?z,1)
(?x connectedToNonOne true)]
#-- Mark everything that is *not* disqualified
#-- with `q 'Yes'`.
noValue(?x, connectedToNonOne)
(?x q 'Yes')
I've been trying to develop a component system in Purescript, using a Component typeclass which specifies an eval function. The eval function for can be recursively called by a component for each sub-component of the component, in essence fetching the input's values.
As components may wish to use run-time values, a record is also passed into eval. My goal is for the rows in the Record argument of the top-level eval to be required to include all the rows of every sub-component. This is not too difficult for components which do not use any rows themselves, but their single sub-component does, as we can simply pass along the sub-components rows to the component's. This is shown in evalIncrement.
import Prelude ((+), one)
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, SProxy(..))
import Record (get)
import Prim.Row (class Cons, class Union)
class Component a b c | a -> b where
eval :: a -> Record c -> b
data Const a = Const a
instance evalConst :: Component (Const a) a r where
eval (Const v) r = v
data Var (a::Symbol) (b::Type) = Var
instance evalVar ::
( IsSymbol a
, Cons a b r' r) => Component (Var a b) b r where
eval _ r = get (SProxy :: SProxy a) r
data Inc a = Inc a
instance evalInc ::
( Component a Int r
) => Component (Inc a) Int r where
eval (Inc a) r = (eval a r) + one
All of the above code works correctly. However, once I try to introduce a component which takes multiple input components and merges their rows, I cannot seem to get it to work. For example, when trying to use the class Union from Prim.Row:
data Add a b = Add a b
instance evalAdd ::
( Component a Int r1
, Component b Int r2
, Union r1 r2 r3
) => Component (Add a b) Int r3 where
eval (Add a b) r = (eval a r) + (eval b r)
The following error is produced:
No type class instance was found for
Processor.Component a3
while applying a function eval
of type Component t0 t1 t2 => t0 -> { | t2 } -> t1
to argument a
while inferring the type of eval a
in value declaration evalAdd
where a3 is a rigid type variable
r35 is a rigid type variable
t0 is an unknown type
t1 is an unknown type
t2 is an unknown type
In fact, even modifying the evalInc instance to use a dummy Union with an empty row produces a similar error, like so:
instance evalInc :: (Component a Int r, Union r () r1)
=> Component (Increment a) Int r1 where
Am I using Union incorrectly? Or do I need further functional dependencies for my class - I do not understand them very well.
I am using purs version 0.12.0
r ∷ r3 but it is being used where an r1 and r2 are required, so there is a type mismatch. A record {a ∷ A, b ∷ B} cannot be given where {a ∷ A} or {b ∷ B} or {} is expected. However, one can say this:
f ∷ ∀ s r. Row.Cons "a" A s r ⇒ Record r → A
f {a} = a
In words, f is a function polymorphic on any record containing a label "a" with type A. Similarly, you could change eval to:
eval ∷ ∀ s r. Row.Union c s r ⇒ a → Record r → b
In words, eval is polymorphic on any record which contains at least the fields of c. This introduces a type ambiguity which you will have to resolve with a proxy.
eval ∷ ∀ proxy s r. Row.Union c s r ⇒ proxy c → a → Record r → b
The eval instance of Add becomes:
instance evalAdd ∷
( Component a Int r1
, Component b Int r2
, Union r1 s1 r3
, Union r2 s2 r3
) => Component (Add a b) Int r3 where
eval _ (Add a b) r = eval (RProxy ∷ RProxy r1) a r + eval (RProxy ∷ RProxy r2) b r
From here, r1 and r2 become ambiguous because they're not determined from r3 alone. With the given constraints, s1 and s2 would also have to be known. Possibly there is a functional dependency you could add. I am not sure what is appropriate because I am not sure what the objectives are of the program you are designing.
As the instance for Var is already polymorphic (or technically open?) due to the use of Row.Cons, ie
eval (Var :: Var "a" Int) :: forall r. { "a" :: Int | r } -> Int
Then all we have to is use the same record for the left and right evaluation, and the type system can infer the combination of the two without requiring a union:
instance evalAdd ::
( Component a Int r
, Component b Int r
) => Component (Add a b) Int r where
eval (Add a b) r = (eval a r) + (eval b r)
This is more obvious when not using typeclasses:
> f r = :: Int
> g r = :: Int
> :t f
forall r. { foo :: Int | r } -> Int
> :t g
forall r. { bar :: Int | r } -> Int
> fg r = (f r) + (g r)
> :t fg
forall r. { foo :: Int, bar :: Int | r } -> Int
I think the downside to this approach compared to #erisco's is that the open row must be in the definition of instances like Var, rather than in the definition of eval? It is also not enforced, so if a Component doesn't use open rows then a combinator such as Add no longer works.
The benefit is the lack of the requirement for the RProxies, unless they are not actually needed for eriscos implementation, I haven't checked.
I worked out a way of requiring eval instances to be closed, but it makes it quite ugly, making use of pick from purescript-record-extra.
I'm not really sure why this would be better over the above option, feels like I'm just re-implementing row polymorphism
import Record.Extra (pick, class Keys)
instance evalVar ::
( IsSymbol a
, Row.Cons a b () r
) => Component (Var a b) b r where
eval _ r = R.get (SProxy :: SProxy a) r
data Add a b = Add a b
evalp :: forall c b r r_sub r_sub_rl trash
. Component c b r_sub
=> Row.Union r_sub trash r
=> RL.RowToList r_sub r_sub_rl
=> Keys r_sub_rl
=> c -> Record r -> b
evalp c r = eval c (pick r)
instance evalAdd ::
( Component a Int r_a
, Component b Int r_b
, Row.Union r_a r_b r
, Row.Nub r r_nub
, Row.Union r_a trash_a r_nub
, Row.Union r_b trash_b r_nub
, RL.RowToList r_a r_a_rl
, RL.RowToList r_b r_b_rl
, Keys r_a_rl
, Keys r_b_rl
) => Component (Add a b) Int r_nub where
eval (Add a b) r = (evalp a r) + (evalp b r)
eval (Add (Var :: Var "a" Int) (Var :: Var "b" Int) ) :: { a :: Int , b :: Int } -> Int
eval (Add (Var :: Var "a" Int) (Var :: Var "a" Int) ) :: { a :: Int } -> Int
The problem generally appears if I have a class containing, for example, a couple of slots that would be filled with vectors. If I want to make the object of this class more-or-less transparent, I implement print-object for it. And here I am faced with the problem:
If I print everything in one line, REPL's heuristics are not good enough to determine how to arrange printable parts in multiple lines, causing everything to be shifted to the right (see example below).
If I decide to split the output into multiple lines manually, I have a problem of how to indent everything properly, such that if this object is a part of another object, indentation is preserved (see example below for more clarity).
Here is the code. Consider two classes:
(defclass foo ()
((slot1 :initarg :slot1)
(slot2 :initarg :slot2)))
(defclass bar ()
((foo-slot :initarg :foo)))
And I have the following instances:
(defparameter *foo*
(make-instance 'foo
:slot1 '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v)
:slot2 #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
(defparameter *bar*
(make-instance 'bar
:foo *foo*))
What I want to see, is something like this:
> *bar*
foo-slot = #<FOO
slot1 = (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V)
slot2 = #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)>>
Case 1: Printing everything in one line
Definitions of print-object for these classes can be something like these:
(defmethod print-object ((obj foo) out)
(with-slots (slot1 slot2) obj
(print-unreadable-object (obj out :type t)
(format out "slot1 = ~A slot2 = ~A" slot1 slot2))))
(defmethod print-object ((obj bar) out)
(with-slots (foo-slot) obj
(print-unreadable-object (obj out :type t)
(format out "foo-slot = ~A" foo-slot))))
However, their printable representation is less than ideal:
> *foo*
#<FOO slot1 = (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V) slot2 = #(1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8)>
> *bar*
#<BAR foo-slot = #<FOO slot1 = (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V) slot2 = #(1
Case 2: Attempt to multiple line printing
Using multiple line printing, I don't know how to control indentation:
(defmethod print-object ((obj foo) out)
(with-slots (slot1 slot2) obj
(print-unreadable-object (obj out :type t)
(format out "~%~Tslot1 = ~A~%~Tslot2 = ~A" slot1 slot2))))
(defmethod print-object ((obj bar) out)
(with-slots (foo-slot) obj
(print-unreadable-object (obj out :type t)
(format out "~%~Tfoo-slot = ~A" foo-slot))))
Thus, *foo* prints OK, but *bar* isn't:
> *foo*
slot1 = (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V)
slot2 = #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)>
foo-slot = #<FOO
slot1 = (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V)
slot2 = #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)>>
In the past I tried to play around with print-indent, but without a success (I couldn't see any effect from it, maybe wasn't using it correctly, SBCL 1.2.14).
Is there a (preferably simple) way to solve this?
Try something like this (might require more polishing):
(defmethod print-object ((obj foo) out)
(with-slots (slot1 slot2) obj
(print-unreadable-object (obj out :type t)
(format out "~<~:_slot1 = ~A ~:_slot2 = ~A~:>" (list slot1 slot2)))))
(defmethod print-object ((obj bar) out)
(with-slots (foo-slot) obj
(print-unreadable-object (obj out :type t)
(format out "~<~:_foo-slot = ~A~:>" (list foo-slot)))))
It uses ~< and ~:>, which are format operations for logical blocks. Then it uses ~:_, which is a conditional newline. You should read the relevant hyperspec section.
I am writing a basic monadic parser in Idris, to get used to the syntax and differences from Haskell. I have the basics of that working just fine, but I am stuck on trying to create VerifiedSemigroup and VerifiedMonoid instances for the parser.
Without further ado, here's the parser type, Semigroup, and Monoid instances, and the start of a VerifiedSemigroup instance.
data ParserM a = Parser (String -> List (a, String))
parse : ParserM a -> String -> List (a, String)
parse (Parser p) = p
instance Semigroup (ParserM a) where
p <+> q = Parser (\s => parse p s ++ parse q s)
instance Monoid (ParserM a) where
neutral = Parser (const [])
instance VerifiedSemigroup (ParserM a) where
semigroupOpIsAssociative (Parser p) (Parser q) (Parser r) = ?whatGoesHere
I'm basically stuck after intros, with the following prover state:
-Parser.whatGoesHere> intros
---------- Other goals: ----------
---------- Assumptions: ----------
a : Type
p : String -> List (a, String)
q : String -> List (a, String)
r : String -> List (a, String)
---------- Goal: ----------
{hole4} : Parser (\s => p s ++ q s ++ r s) =
Parser (\s => (p s ++ q s) ++ r s)
It looks like I should be able to use rewrite together with appendAssociative somehow,
but I don't know how to "get inside" the lambda \s.
Anyway, I'm stuck on the theorem-proving part of the exercise - and I can't seem to find much Idris-centric theorem proving documentation. I guess maybe I need to start looking at Agda tutorials (though Idris is the dependently-typed language I'm convinced I want to learn!).
The simple answer is that you can't. Reasoning about functions is fairly awkward in intensional type theories. For example, Martin-Löf's type theory is unable to prove:
S x + y = S (x + y)
0 + y = y
x +′ S y = S (x + y)
x +′ 0 = x
_+_ ≡ _+′_ -- ???
(as far as I know, this is an actual theorem and not just "proof by lack of imagination"; however, I couldn't find the source where I read it). This also means that there is no proof for the more general:
ext : ∀ {A : Set} {B : A → Set}
{f g : (x : A) → B x} →
(∀ x → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g
This is called function extensionality: if you can prove that the results are equal for all arguments (that is, the functions are equal extensionally), then the functions are equal as well.
This would work perfectly for the problem you have:
<+>-assoc : {A : Set} (p q r : ParserM A) →
(p <+> q) <+> r ≡ p <+> (q <+> r)
<+>-assoc (Parser p) (Parser q) (Parser r) =
cong Parser (ext λ s → ++-assoc (p s) (q s) (r s))
where ++-assoc is your proof of associative property of _++_. I'm not sure how would it look in tactics, but it's going to be fairly similar: apply congruence for Parser and the goal should be:
(\s => p s ++ q s ++ r s) = (\s => (p s ++ q s) ++ r s)
You can then apply extensionality to get assumption s : String and a goal:
p s ++ q s ++ r s = (p s ++ q s) ++ r s
However, as I said before, we don't have function extensionality (note that this is not true for type theories in general: extensional type theories, homotopy type theory and others are able to prove this statement). The easy option is to assume it as an axiom. As with any other axiom, you risk:
Losing consistency (i.e. being able to prove falsehood; though I think function extensionality is OK)
Breaking reduction (what does a function that does case analysis only for refl do when given this axiom?)
I'm not sure how Idris handles axioms, so I won't go into details. Just beware that axioms can mess up some stuff if you are not careful.
The hard option is to work with setoids. A setoid is basically a type equipped with custom equality. The idea is that instead of having a Monoid (or VerifiedSemigroup in your case) that works on the built-in equality (= in Idris, ≡ in Agda), you have a special monoid (or semigroup) with different underlying equality. This is usually done by packing the monoid (semigroup) operations together with the equality and bunch of proofs, namely (in pseudocode):
= : A → A → Set -- equality
_*_ : A → A → A -- associative binary operation
1 : A -- neutral element
=-refl : x = x
=-trans : x = y → y = z → x = z
=-sym : x = y → y = x
*-cong : x = y → u = v → x * u = y * v -- the operation respects
-- our equality
*-assoc : x * (y * z) = (x * y) * z
1-left : 1 * x = x
1-right : x * 1 = x
The choice of equality for parsers is clear: two parsers are equal if their outputs agree for all possible inputs.
-- Parser equality
_≡p_ : {A : Set} (p q : ParserM A) → Set
Parser p ≡p Parser q = ∀ x → p x ≡ q x
This solution comes with different tradeoffs, namely that the new equality cannot fully substitute the built-in one (this tends to show up when you need to rewrite some terms). But it's great if you just want to show that your code does what it's supposed to do (up to some custom equality).
I have a question for the Follow sets of the following rules:
L -> CL'
L' -> epsilon
| ; L
C -> id:=G
|if GC
|begin L end
I have computed that the Follow(L) is in the Follow(L'). Also Follow(L') is in the Follow(L) so they both will contain: {end, $}. However, as L' is Nullable will the Follow(L) contain also the Follow(C)?
I have computed that the Follow(C) = First(L') and also Follow(C) subset Follow(L) = { ; $ end}.
In the answer the Follow(L) and Follow(L') contain only {end, $}, but shouldn't it contain ; as well from the Follow(C) as L' can be null?
However, as L' is Nullable will the Follow(L) contain also the Follow(C)?
The opposite. Follow(C) will contain Follow(L). Think of the following sentence:
where X is some terminal and thus is in Follow(L). This could be expanded to:
and further to:
So what follows L, can also follow C. The opposite is not necessarily true.
To calculate follows, think of a graph, where the nodes are (NT, n) which means non-terminal NT with the length of tokens as follow (in LL(1), n is either 1 or 0). The graph for yours would look like this:
|/_ \
(L, 1)----->(L', 1) _(C, 1)
| \__________|____________/| |
| | |
| | |
| _______ | |
V |/_ \ V V
(L, 0)----->(L', 0) _(C, 0)
Where (X, n)--->(Y, m) means the follows of length n of X, depend on follows of length m of Y (of course, m <= n). That is to calculate (X, n), first you should calculate (Y, m), and then you should look at every rule that contains X on the right hand side and Y on the left hand side e.g.:
Y -> ... X REST
take what REST expands to with length n - m for every m in [0, n) and then concat every result with every follow from the (Y, m) set. You can calculate what REST expands to while calculating the firsts of REST, simply by holding a flag saying whether REST completely expands to that first, or partially. Furthermore, add firsts of REST with length n as follows of X too. For example:
S -> A a b c
A -> B C d
C -> epsilon | e | f g h i
Then to find follows of B with length 3 (which are e d a, d a b and f g h), we look at the rule:
A -> B C d
and we take the sentence C d, and look at what it can produce:
"C d" with length 0 (complete):
"C d" with length 1 (complete):
"C d" with length 2 (complete):
e d
"C d" with length 3 (complete or not):
f g h
Now we take these and merge with follow(A, m):
follow(A, 0):
follow(A, 1):
follow(A, 2):
a b
follow(A, 3):
a b c
"C d" with length 0 (complete) concat follow(A, 3):
"C d" with length 1 (complete) concat follow(A, 2):
d a b
"C d" with length 2 (complete) concat follow(A, 1):
e d a
"C d" with length 3 (complete or not) concat follow(A, 0) (Note: follow(X, 0) is always epsilon):
f g h
Which is the set we were looking for. So in short, the algorithm becomes:
Create the graph of follow dependencies
Find the connected components and create a DAG out of it.
Traverse the DAG from the end (from the nodes that don't have any dependency) and calculate the follows with the algorithm above, having calculated firsts beforehand.
It's worth noting that the above algorithm is for any LL(K). For LL(1), the situation is much simpler.
F#'s pattern matching is very powerful so it felt natural to write:
match (tuple1, tuple2) with
| ((a, a), (a, a)) -> "all values are the same"
| ((a, b), (a, b)) -> "tuples are the same"
| ((a, b), (a, c)) -> "first values are the same"
// etc
However, the first pattern match gives a compiler error:
'a' is bound twice in this pattern
Is there a cleaner way to do it than the following?
match (tuple1, tuple2) with
| ((a, b), (c, d)) when a = b && b = c && c = d -> "all values are the same"
| ((a, b), (c, d)) when a = c && b = d -> "tuples are the same"
| ((a, b), (c, d)) when a = c -> "first values are the same"
// etc
This is a perfect use case for F#'s "active patterns". You can define a couple of them like this:
let (|Same|_|) (a, b) =
if a = b then Some a else None
let (|FstEqual|_|) ((a, _), (c, _)) =
if a = c then Some a else None
And then clean up your pattern matching with them; note how the first case (where all values are equal) uses the nested Same pattern to check that the first and second elements of the tuple are equal:
match tuple1, tuple2 with
| Same (Same x) ->
"all values are the same"
| Same (x, y) ->
"tuples are the same"
| FstEqual a ->
"first values are the same"
| _ ->
failwith "TODO"
Performance tip: I like to mark simple active patterns like these with inline -- since the logic within the active patterns is simple (just a few IL instructions), it makes sense to inline them and avoid the overhead of a function call.
You can use parameterized active patterns to remedy the issue.
let (|TuplePairPattern|_|) ((p1, p2), (p3, p4)) ((a, b), (c, d)) =
let matched =
[(p1, a); (p2, b); (p3, c); (p4, d)]
|> Seq.groupBy fst
|> (snd >> Set.ofSeq)
|> Seq.forall (fun s -> Set.count s = 1)
if matched then Some () else None
Particularly, you should define a pattern in a form of literals (chars, strings, etc).
match tuple1, tuple2 with
| TuplePairPattern(('a', 'a'), ('a', 'a')) -> "all values are the same"
| TuplePairPattern(('a', 'b'), ('a', 'b')) -> "tuples are the same"
| TuplePairPattern(("a", "b"), ("a", "c")) -> "first values are the same"
// etc
I think, the most elegant way can be accomplished by combining two excellent answers provided by #Stephen Swensen and #pad.
The first idea is that the structure (a tuple containing two tuples) can be unpacked once, instead of doing it in every match case.
The second idea is working with sequences of values, all of which must be equal to each other.
Here's the code:
let comparer ((a,b),(c,d)) =
let same = Set.ofSeq >> Set.count >> ((=) 1)
if same[a; b; c; d] then "all values are the same"
elif same[a; c] && same[b; d] then "tuples are the same"
elif same[a; c] then "first values are the same"
else "none of above"
You may change elif's into a match, but does not seem feasible to me.
In practice, I would probably unpack the tuples up-front and then do a series of if / then / else expressions:
let a,b = tuple1
let c,d = tuple2
if a = b && b = c && c = d then "all values are the same"
elif a = c && b = d then "tuples are the same"
elif a = c then "first values are the same"
If you find yourself doing this frequently, an active pattern might be warranted (and in the case of 2-tuples, a complete active pattern would be doable and likely preferable - exhaustive matches are "safer" than non-exhaustive matches). Or, perhaps you need a more sophisticated data structure.