Front-end + Back-end development [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've been really getting into Ruby on Rails. I want make great apps that don't just function well but look really nice as well, and I'm worried I might not pick the right front-end language to compliment RoR development. My question is how do you simultaneously prepare for both back-end and front-end? Summer is coming up and I'm already enrolled in a few RoR classes, but am trying to choose some great front-end courses as well. Appreciate any guidance

Sam --
TLDR; Know HTML and CSS like the back of your hand. Spend time learning intermediate and advanced javascript. Its libraries are powerful, its frameworks provide a rich client experience, and its not going away anytime soon.
I've been a RoR developer for two years. When I was first learning Ruby, and coding principles in general, its common to want to learn and learn all kinds of different stuff. While it's tempting, I would suggest the opposite -> Hyperfocus.
Rails is a robust framework, spend some time with it. I will agree that Rails views are very bare bones and I do not like the way they organize javascript and stylesheet logic. It is very loose. But, unless you're building a huge app, organizing .js and .css files isn't super important.
As far as looks go, html and css are the backbone. There's literally a javascript library for everything you could want to do from a UI/UX perspective, so focus on intermediate/advanced js. That will make opening doors to robust client side js frameworks like angular, ember, and backbone much easier down the road using Rails as simply an API.
Lastly, one of the hardest things to find in the industry is a great designer who can also code, or a great software engineer who can also design. If you really care about UI/UX get some books on fundamental web design principles; they go a long way.

Well, I encourage you to first code a few apps with the default rails stack and after that start to poke other front end options with rails as back end api.
Stay comfortable with rails first, has a lot of good tools and is enough for most of the apps you may want to build, mainly on the first stage of your learning path.


Why learn Ruby on Rails [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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One of my college professors said that ruby on rails is used a lot for web, and I'm wondering how much Ruby on Rails is actually used vs JQuery, Node.js, PHP, etc. Also, what are the benefits?
You are mixing some stuff:
Ruby on Rails is a framework to create server side web applications using the Ruby language
jQuery is a client side JavaScript library that simplifies writing JavaScript web clients
Node.js is a server for the execution of server side JavaScript, thus providing a server version of JavaScript
PHP is a language popular for server side web application development
Thus: Ruby on Rails is a mature framework which offers a template engine, MVC architecture, a mapper between language objects and some relational database and a routing facility between URIs and controller.
Similiar designed frameworks exist for many programming languages / environments, e.g. Django for Python, or see Rails-inspired PHP frameworks in case of PHP.
About its popularity, see e.g.
Benefits: IMHO it is a very elegant framework and as the plethora of inspired frameworks shows, has found many developers who like it.
The concepts and techniques learned here might also turn out to be useful when working with other modern frameworks.
And I should note as well, that there are web applications that need less features, e.g. see the Sinatra framework for a lighter alternative.
Also, what are the benefits?
There are a lot of things that websites have in common, e.g. html pages with forms, various javascript features, database interactions, security issues, logging in, etc. If you start from scratch, and try to program all those things yourself, it will be difficult and time consuming, and most likely your code will be full of exploitable security holes.
The other option is to use a web framework. Ruby on Rails is a web framework for the ruby programming language. All the various server side programming languages, such as ruby, python, php, perl, java, etc., have web frameworks(and usually many different frameworks to choose from!). A lot of smart people have come up with the best code for various things that websites need, and you get to use their code for free in your website.
The disadvantage of frameworks is that they are often large and complex, e.g. Ruby on Rails, Java Servlets+JSP, so it can take awhile to learn how to use them. Even then, you will probably not have a good grasp of their inner workings, so you are always sort of feeling around in the dark trying to get them to work the way you want them to. It's sort of like trying to push a large boulder which is at rest to another spot of your choosing: sometimes the boulder rolls cleanly into position, and other times the boulder seems to have a mind of its own and wanders off course.

Why use Node.js if I don't require real-time functionality? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm considering using Node.js with a framework such as express, meteor, or sails (a directory with social features such as sharing, messaging and uploading media). I don't have any features planned that explicitly require real-time functionality, so does it make sense to use Node.js anyway instead of Rails?
There's so much buzz around Node.js that I am tempted to use it just so that I don't get left behind.
As DHH wisely noticed regarding Node vs Rails, "everything can be used instead of everything else". That's somewhat true in a sense that, for example, a site in Rails with promptly set up caching can be as fast as one written in Node.js.
Besides, Node is not necessarily about real-time. It's more about being able to handle many light (in terms of processing time needed) requests. If you expect high level of concurrency (I mean, really, expect, not just are dreaming of it) and every request is supposed to be relatively small, then you could consider using Node, just because handling bigger load (up to some point) will require less work with Node.
Bottom line, use what you are good at. Unless you want to try something new. And Node.js is definitely worth trying.
You're question does lack quite a bit of context.
This question all depends on the context.
If this is contract work or something you want to make money with in the near future and you're not sufficiently skilled with any of the mentioned nodejs frameworks.
Then I would recommend you use whatever you're already good at.
If this is a private project for fun or any other non serious purpose.
Then I would seriously recommend you to try one of mentioned nodejs frameworks.
In my opinion nodejs is currently the cutting edge web technology. As a developer
you should always try to stay on the cutting edge. That way when you learn how nodejs can be used you might find ways to use those things in your professional environment.
I've lately been using meteor a lot and I can highly recommend it, once you get the hang of it you can do truly amazing things that you could never even imagine doing(in a reasonable timespan) in a classic php project.
Also according to some meteor will replace RoR alltogether blog
Aside from real-time, main plus I've seen is having same team being able to develop JavaScript client code and server side code for UI web applications. "Code sharing" between client and server seems a pipe dream to me, but same language is really nice.

Best Ruby on Rails Front-end development strategy [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Hey all you ruby on railers...
I'm just a newbie as of right now.. currently work on my first rails project at work.
I'm going to be taking some time on my own time to dig deeper and I was wondering what the best strategy is to go about front-end development of a rails app.
is it better/easier to have a workflow like the following
1. Concept / Idea
2. Wireframe, Mockup
3. *** Design front-end of the app
4. Rails development
5. template all the views
or is it better to do it flipped?
1. Concept / Idea
2. Wireframe, Mockup
3. Rails development
4. Template all the views
5. *** Design front-end of the app
Maybe neither of these?
How do you go about your ruby on rails workflow.
I'm a complete mashup of developer / designer
But most of my inspiration comes from having an idea, then designing designing it, then doing all the front-end
What are some thoughts ideas for better rails workflows when you know exactly what you want the front-end of the site to look like.
This can work either way. Different companies -- or even different projects in the same company -- can reach success with different approaches.
That being said, I have a pretty strong preference for the following approach:
Concept / Idea
Wireframe, Mockup
Design front-end of the app
Template all the views
Rails Development
Basically, I usually describe it this way:
First, do the design to the point of having mockups and images laid out by a designer.
Have a UI specialist convert that to HTML/CSS (or HAML/SASS or whatever)
Do the rails implementation behind the html.
These steps will normally overlap -- and that's OK. You should start some basic development prior to getting everything eles final. But the more you have the design done ahead of time the better.
Note that this approach doesn't mean design the entire site in detail before anything else is done. It means that once you've decided to do some coding, do the design for that bit first. You'll want to implement things in small chunks and iterate as you do the development. Implement things in small chunks, but try to get the design for those pieces done before you start coding.

Should I learn Rails, Joomla or DHTML as a beginner? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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This is not a core programming problem as most posts on this website are, forgive me for that but I didn't know where else to ask this.
I am a beginner in web languages and want to build a small website for our family business, mostly a bunch of galleries that would display our different product lines with prices and some basic specs for customers to get an idea..currently I'm pursuing comp science at the undergrad level
So here is the problem, I can't decide between platforms
I started out with HTML and making a basic mock up but that didn't quite work out as i needed to have dynamic galleries that was quite hard to code by hand and since we need to update often it would be a pain even if I did manage to get it going
then I thought of Joomla as it would be easy to update but soon realized that its not that easy to customize templates
Then I started reading about Ruby on Rails and what it offers and it sounded really interesting might be useful in developing applications that we possibly would need in some time.
so I wanted to know from the community which course should one pursue: DHTML, Joomla, RoR
Please keep in mind that I want this to be a learning experience that will be useful possibly in the future in my professional career and at the same time get the job done.
I would also greatly appreciate any resources or suggestions that the community might have.
You are actually comparing apples to oranges here as DHTML, RoR, and Joomla are not the same thing. You are comparing a mark up language, to a programing framework, to a content management system. You could feasibly learn a CMS (Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, etc) and never learn to code a single line of HTML or PHP.
For the purpose of getting a site that you can manage and edit yourself, then what you are asking is which CMS should you use. There are dozens of CMSes and opinions on which one is the best. In general are the big 3 - Wordpress, Joomla, and Drupal. Wordpress is by far the easiest to learn. It has a very simple admin that shouldn't take more than a few minutes to figure out. There are tons of themes and extensions that go along with it. The downside is that it's coded to be a blogging platform, not an extensible CMS. That means that doing things other than blogging are harder to accomplish (relative to Joomla and Drupal). It can still be done, but the more complex the site, the harder it is to do in Wordpress.
Joomla is the next step in ease of use. The admin is significantly more complex than WordPress, but a tech savvy user will get the basics down in the first couple of hours or so. Extendding Joomla is much easier for both the developer since the framework is specifically designed to be extended, and the user since installing is very quick and easy for most extensions. It's a pretty good balance between ease of use for the admin and ease of extension for the developer.
Drupal is probably the most powerful of the 3, but the trade off is in the user admin. Most non-developers will struggle to understand how the admin works or what taxonomy is and how it works. Again, the trade off is that it allows developers much more power in extending Drupal. Drupal makes it easier for the developer to accomplish much more complex tasks than Joomla or Wordpress.
At the end of the day, all 3 can accomplish the exact same thing on a website. You need to determine which one will accomplish your particular needs the best.
That said, you should still learn HTML and a programming language. My recommendation would be to learn PHP and mySQL. That will give you a solid foundation on which to build on once you are well versed. Other languages and flavors of SQL will come easier, plus many of the large open source projects are done in PHP/mySQL.
Since what you are trying to do is a pure learning exercise, I suggest you look around into a lot of things(rails/css/javascript/php etc) until you finally find the one that you will have fun playing-with. You learn faster when you can tinker with it.
Ruby on Rails may 'seem' easy to an advanced web developer. Its an advanced framework and needs considerable amount of investment in terms of time and interest and most importantly you need to have an aptitude for it. If you REALLY want to do this, and you have a general aptitude for Web programming, I suggest you start with Wordpress. Its search-engine friendly and will get you running in no time.
Learning we development and design is not a small task. It'll take you years to get even moderately good, so if you need to get something up and running now, I'd not recommend you to build it yourself.
There are a lot of nice Joomla templates and plugins available if you are ready to pay a small price for it. Search around a bit more, and you might find something that works for you.
I would start with a CMS such as Joomla or perhaps even Wordpress. Grab a template and tweak it - this will be a good introduction to coding websites as the really hard parts are already taken care of.
Once you have finished the site that you are working on then you can think about moving on to a framework such as Rails or even a PHP based once like Code Igniter. The frameworks will take a lot longer to figure out but at the end of the day they will give you a better learning experience then just tweaking a CMS template.
I would say it depends on your goal. As mentioned they have different purposes. That said I would say Joomla or Rails.
If you are interested in CMS (or design), and don't want/care about getting down and dirty into coding then I would use Joomla and learn what you need to acccomplish your goal.
If your goal is to be able to develop custom web APPLICATIONS, I would probably learn Rails. There is much more of a learning curve but you will get experience with things like html5, javascript (or coffeescript), css3 (or sass), exposure to the MVC model (model view controller) and exposure to Ruby.
But with Rails there is a lot more to learn, but you will have a lot of knowledge.
If you want to go down the rails path, maybe start with a Rails CMS (like locomotive or refinery) b/c they are written in Rails, you could look at the code or have some insight into the CMS. Disclaimer I have not used a Rails CMS (just did some research)
I would choose Joomla. They have a vast array of components and modules that should meet your needs. As far as customization, if you are a beginner this will be difficult no matter the platform. DHTML is not a platform. DHTML is mainly javascript, css and php. I suggest you get some books on doing dynamic stuff with javascript and jquery, styling with css and creating MVC sites with PHP. When you learn all this first your job customizing an whatever platform will be much much easier.

Web Framework - Ruby on Rails or Django for beginner? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am still new to web framework and I am thinking of choosing either Ruby on Rails or Django. Which one should I go for as a beginner?
If you don't know either, you're maybe a little better off with Ruby on Rails...
If you are experienced with programming at all, try this: I have found that almost all of my developer colleagues decide on RoR or Django based on the language. Both are a quick pick-up, and more often than not, one of the two languages will just "speak" to you.
I'm somewhat OCD with my code (and life) and for me, Python was a better fit. I felt calm while writing it, and more importantly, calm while reading it. However, the guy that sits next to me - and I have a mountain of respect for - found Ruby to be more appealing.
So my suggestion? If you already know how to write code and the meaning of Object Oriented, spend a day with each language. Almost invariably, you'll respect one, and fall in love with the other.
THEN pick a framework :)
I have no experience in using RoR but 3 years of knowledge about Django. A very huge advantage of Django is its very good Documentation.
Especially for a beginner this might be the most important fact. Even most of the third party apps (pluggable modules/plugins) for django are document very good and are easy to use.
On the other hand Django code is in IMO more readable since its Python code - Ruby code tends to get messed up a bit faster.
I'll assuming you don't know Ruby or Python already, since that would be the number one determinate of which way to go. Having developed both Rails and Django projects, my take is that you probably can't go wrong with either, but my feeling is that Django is better oriented towards building sites for publishing, whereas Ruby is more oriented towards webapps. This is not to say that you can't build a great web app in Django build an awesome CMS in Rails, of course. But take a look at most of the high profile users of Django: NYTimes, The Guardian, Washington Post, LA Times, The Onion, AV Club, Everyblock. Those folks are more oriented towards publishing. Meanwhile, things like GitHub, BaseCamp and Twitter (partially) run Rails. So ask yourself what type of sites you are likely to be building and go from there. But really, like other posters have recommended, there's no reason no to spend a few days playing around with both and seeing what feels like a better fit.
Both are good. From experience, though, you'll get better and more up-to-date documentation most of the time for both Python and Django.
Both are GREAT!! by I prefer Rails because of:
MVC! Model View Controller.
The wide community of Rails.
Many big projects like Twitter, 37signals products are built on Ruby on Rails.
The BIG and the HUGE libraries and gems for Rails/Ruby.
and many other reasons. Well, you have to see this: Rails Django-Comparison and rails-vs-django
This is a little subjective since it can depend in no small part on your general programming background. Do you know Python? Do you know Ruby? In general, you're best off choosing the framework for a language you already know since then you're only learning one new thing instead of two.
If you don't know either, you're maybe a little better off with Ruby on Rails due to its greater mind-share in the general development community currently. This will make it easier to find help and example code online.
