How to Include Angular in a Rails App - ruby-on-rails

To include Angular in rails, I can think of three basic methods:
Use gem 'angularjs-rails' (which no one seems to do).
Download Angular, add it to /vendor and manually include it.
Use Bower to require it and then manually include.
I suppose the advantage of Bower is just the dependency model but apart from that, why would I pick any one of these over any of the other options?

A good approach is to use Rails Assets.
From their website:
Rails Assets is the frictionless proxy between Bundler and Bower.
It automatically converts the packaged components into gems that are
easily droppable into your asset pipeline and stay up to date.


Ruby on Rails Gem or Bower for CSS and Javascript?

In Ruby on Rails, which is better for CSS and Javascript dependencies?
To install them as Gem or as Bower dependency? Such as jQuery and or Bootstrap?
It is better to install CSS frameworks like Bootstrap as a Gem. Here is my favorite Bootstrap installation guide:
jQuery is already included in the default Rails setup.
This is very much a personal preference. There are schools of thought that go both ways.
I haven't looked in a long time, but oftentimes the gems are usually behind the current release of front-end libraries.
UI portability is greater if you keep the frontend/backend logic completely separate. If you wanted to switch to another backend tomorrow, how long would it take?
Using gems is faster, and you have a single tool (bundler) to handle the depedencies.
I have avoided providing my personal preference in favor of a neutral post.
AS my opinion ....
rather than gem/bower, you should download files and integrate to project
like for bootstrap download bootstrap files

How to add JavaScript framework in rails app without adding gems?

I just want to know how to include frameworks like angularjs, polymer js, bootstrap.... Into rails app without adding corresponding gems. Reason is the gems that are available are changing and some of them are given up. So instead of gem I want to download the library files given by the vendor directly. How to add them into rails app?
You can download the framework source files/folders, add them to your vendor folder and require those. Thats essentially what those gems do. If you're looking for a more advanced approach you can look into setting up a package manager like gulp and use the direct npm packages

Why use gems for serving assets instead of the vendor file?

I am relatively new to Rails and I have a question about serving assets from a gem vs just loading the files into the asset pipeline.
As far as I can tell, they do virtually the same thing in that they both make the files available in the asset pipeline to be called in the manifest.
What are the advantages to serving something like gem 'jquery-rails' as a gem instead of just putting /vendor/assets/javascripts/jQuery.js in the vendor assets and loading it that way?
The advantage is you don't have to add the file(s) to your repo and manage updates, you update the gem and you've updated the dependency. They can also add helpers to use the assets more easily.
Not all JS/CSS projects are out-of-the-box compatible with the asset pipeline too, so sometimes the gems will do that work for you as well.
Just because the files get served to clients doesn't make it much different than any other dependency in your application.
The gem includes the unobtrusive javascript for Rails as well as jQuery itself. It also allows you to user assert_select_jquery in tests.
jquery-rails is gem contains js file for both jquery.js, jquery_ujs.js. If you does not include jquery-rails, then you have include both jquery.js and jquery_ujs.js.If you are not using gem for jquery-rails, you have manually keep track what version jquery.js is used for jquery_ujs.js. Currently these dependency management is taken care by gem 'jquery-rails'.
You don't need to manually copy them when you get a new version of
jquery released, gem will make sure to add the latest codes only.
Check this link:
It provides couple of methods which helps while testing your code.

Sharing CSS through Ruby Gem

We have common CSS styling in our organisation that most of the projects use. These assets (css, images etc) are included in every project's source code.
I would like to have a gem that could host these assets and the projects that use this gem would be able to directly use them. At the moment, I can only find ways to use generators and 'install' the assets into a project, not to use them from the gem itself.
The main requirement is that if there's a bug fix/ improvement made to the assets, just updating the gem should get me the latest in all projects that use the upgraded gem.
how do I go about doing this?
You can do this quite easily in rails 3.1+ if you make your gem a rails engine. Among other things if you add assets to an engine then you can require those CSS files from your application's manifest files etc.
There's a walk through on how to do this here and quite a few gems out there that wrap js/CSS packages with that exact aim of being able to upgrade the assets used without having to run generators or anything. For example the jquery-rails gem does this for jquery. A more complicated example is jquery-ui-rails, which bundles all the jquery ui js,CSS, images etc and lets you load only the jquery ui components you actually need.

Create plugins or gems for Rails 3?

I have features I would like to be portable between my own Rails applications.
I wonder if I should create a gem or a plugin for each feature I want to be portable (sharable).
They are just for Rails (for now) because they include css, html, js and image files.
But I have been wondering, the things provided with plugins could be provided with gems too but not the opposite? So maybe it's better to learn how to create gems, because then you I don't have to learn how to create both gems and plugins? And gems seem to be more popular these days.
But then, from what I can understand one gem is shared between all rails app in the OS. So that means I can not customize it for each Rails app right? In that case, maybe creating a plugin is better cause it should be allowed to customize (editing css, js etc) each feature and to have it stored inside the Rails app itself and not in the OS level.
Some advices would be appreciated!
So gem works great with css, html, js and image files? In a plugin I think you can have a MVC, your own models, views and controllers. Quoted from Rails guides "Storing models, views, controllers, helpers and even other plugins in your plugins". Is this possible too in a gem? Eg. I want to add a extension that gives me a nice Shopping cart (with own migrations, mvc, asset files) that will be hooked into the current Rails app. Is this possible as gem or only as plugin?
You're right that gems offer a little more than plugins. Versioning and dependencies on other gems being the main ones for me.
One gem needn't be shared across everything using ruby. You can install multiple versions of a single gem and specify in your environment.rb that a gem requires a specific version. E.g.
config.gem 'my-gem', :version => '1.2.3'
Also you can freeze gems into your rails application so that you know you are working with a specific version.
You might want to look at the jeweler gem which makes creating your own gems easier.
To include CSS, javascript etc I think you'll need to make an Rails engine which can then be bundled as a plugin or a gem. I've not done this but there's some coverage here and here.
The push with Rails 3 seems to be towards gems and away from plugins as a lot of support has been added to make gems work as well or better than plugins ever did. A well constructed gem is a great thing to have and share between different applications, and also reduces the amount of testing you will have to do since you can test the gem thoroughly before integration.
For extensions to Rails that use CSS, HTML and other assets, it might be that you need to build an engine to bundle this all up and allow it to fit neatly into an application.
As of Rails 4, plugins will no longer be supported.
Gems are the way forward.
