UITextView fix character width - ios

My problem is that I have to two UITextView displaying different Text, but always the same number of characters. I could not find a way to set a fix character-width and space width in UITextView/NSAtrrStr/UIFont.
Is there a way to do that?

As far as I know, Courier New is the only fixed-width font shipped with iOS.
Also, you can always import custom fonts to your xcode project which you know are fixed-width. Here is how: Embed Custom Font in iOS


Which font / font size is used by apple for the placeholder in iOS

I try to clone a placeholder behavior for a tableCell. It must look exactly like the placeholder used within a UITextField. Does anybody know which Font is used by Apple as well as which Font size?
The default font in UITextfield is HelveticaNeue 14

I need font with centered plus sign

Hello I'm making the Add button for my iOS project. It has to use material style, so i've found BFPaperButton project on github. Now I need to find font where plus sign is vertically and horizontally centered. I've try many fonts, but not all. The most suitable is Times New Roman. Maybe someone now better font for my goal? I think if UIBarButton System items have their font - Add symbol has to be suitable, but I can't find it.
P.S.: Text in button centered
Here is an image of what I already have.
And what I have to make
P.P.S. I'm sorry for my English, I'm trying to write question without any translators.
Just used
contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(-12, 0, 0, 0);
It helped.

Chinese font cut off in iOS app with custom font

We're currently localizing our iPhone app to various languages, one of them being Chinese. Throughout the app we use Menlo as font, but now when iOS has to display Chinese characters those are cut off at the top. I guess this is because Menlo does not feature these characters and thus iOS has to fall back to the system font for Chinese which has a different line height?
What is the recommended approach here?
If you are using a custom table cell try to increase the height of the textView.
If you are using default tableview cell you can try setting the font size to 0, the text should be auto-sized as appropriate.
Hope this helps.. :)

ios label with attributed text fonts not displaying correctly

labels in xcode aren't correctly displaying some fonts even though attributed text is selected...
In storyboards I have some labels that I changed the text from "plain" to "attributed" but the fonts I wont to use wont display correctly - instead xcode, or whatever is controlling it, displays what seems to be a fall-back font.
Any workaround?
Reasons why?
I'm trying to use schoolhouse cursive b (and yes it does show up in the list of fonts)...
The iOS Devices don't have the font schoolhouse cursive b preinstalled:
Font list iOS7
Font list iOS6
If you want to add a custom font, have a look at this answer.

Self installed fonts have wrong line height in UILabel

I have installed two custom TTF fonts in my iPhone app (Cardo and New Athena Unicode). These are used in a multi-line UILabel, but for some reason the line height seems messed up: the lines have a lot of overlap.
What could cause this? Is it a bug in UILabel, or are the fonts not right? How can I edit or examine the contents of a TTF font file?
It's probably the fonts. Please try changing only the font used in your app. Use an included iOS font. If the label displays correctly by just changing the fonts used, it is the font's fault. If not, post the code so we can track down the problem.
You can edit fonts with a number of programs such as Fontlab, Fontographer, TypeTool, FontForge, etc. As BobC mentions in a comment, there may be licensing issues.
