Desire2Learn: Maximum length of ShortTitle parameter in creation of link topic - desire2learn

In the Desire2Learn Valence API, when making a call to the endpoint
/d2l/api/le/[LE API VERSION]/[ORG UNIT ID]/content/modules/[PARENT MODULE ID]/structure/
to create a link topic, there is a ShortTitle parameter, which determines how the item will appear in the D2L gradebook.
There seems to be a maximum length for this parameter, resulting in many items that share initial text to appear identically (and thus unhelpfully) in the gradebook. What is that maximum length and can it be configured?

I'm not sure if there's an upstream limit, but at the database layer the content ShortTitle field is limited to length 50. (As this is a schema item the upper bound would not be configurable)


MS Graph API: What is subscription ID max length?

What is MS Graph "subscription id" property max length?
In examples length of id is 36 characters (e.g. "7f105c7d-2dc5-4530-97cd-4e7ae6534c07").
It will be always like this? I can't find info in documentation.
The documentation doesn't explicitly states it is an UUID... though it certainly looks line one, probably will be one, and will most likely always be one. However, imho, unless you really have problems in terms of storage, it is best to reserve a reasonable size and assume this ID is a "opaque string" that you just store, and assume is unique (so you can make some key of it, or build an index on it, if you would be referring to a database as the storage). If there are other reasons why you need to know the side, please clarify...

TFF: What is difference between two type?

Please refer to this question for detailed code.
My question is the difference between the parts marked in red on the photo. In terms of the FL algorithm, I think client_outputs is a individual client' output and collected_output is SequenceType because each client_outputs is combined. Is this correct? If my guess is correct, is member a set of individual client members with client_outputs?
The terminology maybe a bit tricky. client_outputs isn't quite an "individual client's output", it still represents all client outputs, but they aren't individually addressable. Importantly TFF distinguishes that the data lives ("is placed") at the clients, it has not been communicated. collected_outputs is in some sense a stream of all individual client outputs, though the placement has changed (the values were communicated) to the server via tff.federated_collect.
In a bit more detail:
In the type specification above .member is an attribute on the tff.FederatedType. The TFF Guide Federated Core > Type System is a good resource for more details about the different TFF types.
{int32}#CLIENTS represents a federated value that consists of a set of potentially distinct integers, one per client device. Note that we are talking about a single federated value as encompassing multiple items of data that appear in multiple locations across the network. One way to think about it is as a kind of tensor with a "network" dimension, although this analogy is not perfect because TFF does not permit random access to member constituents of a federated value.
In the screenshot, client_outputs is also "placed" #CLIENTS (from the .placement attribute) and follows similar semantics: it has multiple values (one per client) but individual values are not addressable (i.e. the value does not behave like a Python list).
In contrast, the collected_output is placed #SERVER. Then this bullet:
<weights=float32[10,5],bias=float32[5]>#SERVER represents a named tuple of weight and bias tensors at the server. Since we've dropped the curly braces, this indicates the all_equal bit is set, i.e., there's only a single tuple (regardless of how many server replicas there might be in a cluster hosting this value).
Notice the "single tuple" phrase, after tff.federated_collect there is a single sequence of values placed at the server. This sequence can be iterated over like a stream.

What should be the maximum length of the field considering it also have sub-fields/components?

If a field (for example in the PID segment) in an HL7 message contains sub-fields/components (e.g. the field PID.11.1 with & character delimiter) how I can calculate the length of the field?
Maximum length of field is total number of characters in all sub-fields/components.
Let us continue with your example PID.11.1. The maximum length of the field is 106 with datatype XAD (Extended Address). This datatype may have multiple sub-fields/components. Note that Length column in there is displayed zero.
So the maximum length of 106 can be consumed by only one component, or it can be split by two or more components.
Just a suggestion: Apart from standards, one must also take in to account the other party that is supposed to consume the message. There might be additional length related validations though does not match with specifications.

Google Dataflow custom metrics not showing on Stackdriver

I'm trying to get a deeper view on my dataflow jobs by measuring parts of it using Metrics.counter & Metrics.gauge but I cannot find them on Stackdriver.
I have a premium Stackdriver account and I can see those counters under the Custom Counters section on the Dataflow UI.
I can see droppedDueToLateness 'custom' counter though on Stackdriver that seems to be created via Metrics.counter as well...
Aside from that, there's something that could be helpful that is that when I navigate the message I get is this:
"You do not have any resources of this type being monitored by Stackdriver." and that's weird as well. As if our Cloud Dataflow wasn't properly connected to Stackdriver, but, on the other hand. Some metrics are displayed and can be monitored such as System Lag, Watermark age, Elapsed time, Element count, etc...
What am I missing?
Custom metric naming conventions
When defining custom metrics in Dataflow, you have to adhere to the custom metric naming conventions, or they won't show up in Stackdriver.
Relevant snippet:
You must adhere to the following spelling rules for metric label
You can use upper and lower-case letters, digits, underscores (_) in
the names.
You can start names with a letter or digit.
The maximum length of a metric label name is 100 characters.
If you create a metric with
Metrics.counter('namespace', 'name')
The metric shows up in stackdriver as, so 'name' should adhere to the rules mentioned above. The namespace does not seem to be used by Stackdriver.
Additional: labels
It doesn't seem possible to add labels to the metrics when defined this way. However, the full description of each time series of a metric is a string with the format
'name' job_name job_id transform
So you can aggregate by these 4 properties (+ region and project).

How do systems typically map an 997 or 999 acknowledgement back to the originating ISA?

The implementation guides (and most web resources I can find) describe the GS06 and ST02 Control Numbers as being unique only within the Interchange they are contained in. So when we build our GS and ST segments we just start the control numbers at 1 and increment as we add more Functional Groups and/or Transaction Sets. The ISA13 control numbers we generate are always unique.
The dilemma is when we receive a 999 acknowledgment; it does not include any reference to the ISA control number that it's responding to. So we have no way to find the correct originating Functional Group in our records.
This seems like a problem that anyone receiving functional acknowledgements would face, but clearly lots of systems and companies handle it, so what is the typical practice to reconcile 997s or 999s? I think we must be missing something in our reading of the guides.
GS06 and ST02 only have to be unique within the interchange, but if you use an ID that's truly unique for each one (not just within the message), then you can skip right to the proper transaction set or functional group, not just the right message.
I typically have GS start at 1 and increment the same way that you do, but the ST02 I keep unique (to the extent allowed by the 9 character limit).
GS06 is supposed to be globally unique, not only within the interchange. This is from X12-6
In order to provide sufficient discrimination for the acknowledgment
process to operate reliably and to ensure that audit trails are
unambiguous, the combination of Functional ID Code (GS01), Application
Sender's ID (GS02), Application Receiver's ID (GS03), and Functional
Group Control Numbers (GS06, GE02) shall by themselves be unique
within a reasonably extended time frame whose boundaries shall be
defined by trading partner agreement. Because at some point it may be
necessary to reuse a sequence of control numbers, the Functional Group
Date and Time may serve as an additional discriminant only to
differentiate functional group identity over the longest possible time
