Twitter share button for iOS app - ios

I'm creating a separate Twitter share button for my iOS app. The image for the twitter share button, am I allowed to make my own version of Twitter's logo for my app as long as users know the button is for twitter? Or am I only supposed to use the exact white bird and blue background image for my share button to indicate twitter? I can't seem to find anywhere on twitter for developers to download the twitter icon button to use for my iOS share button?

The rules for using twitter's logo can be found here as well as links to download the logo for your use.
Use any other artwork from our site, such as the verified badge.
Create your own buttons or images using our logos unless technically necessary, such as in signature bars. If you do, use this resized
version of the Twitter bird
Use old versions or any other marks or logos to represent our brand


How do I share a link to Whatsapp on Xamarin.iOS?

I'm working on a cross-platform PLC project on Xamarin.Forms. Specifically on iOS and Android.
In one of the views I have 3 sharing buttons, one for Whatsapp, one for Snapchat and one for general sharing. The idea is that when the user taps on one of these he sends an invitation (a deep link) to his friends trough social media.
I've implemented some android-specific code to share a link trough Whatsapp or Snapchat when tapping those buttons, and to show the normal sharing screen to pick an app on the other share button. For this I just used Intent.SetPackage method to share on the specific apps.
On iOS however, even tho there's a code to open the general sharing screen, I couldn't find any code to send the link to Whatsapp or Snapchat specifically.
My question would be, is there a way to achieve this on iOS?
This could maybe be a solution for WhatsApp,
Snapchat: Snapchat url scheme not working properly - camera opens but not profile
On the end we didn't find what we where looking for, but we noticed apps usually just have a common share button on iOS, so we left only the normal sharing code in iOS.

How to add the Cover image of your iOS App in the App store

As, shown in the picture the picture a cover image of instagram app has displayed but on most of the app we have not seen this. So how can i add this kind of cover image in my app for app store
Only featured apps can have customized cover image or header. These applications are selected by Apple. This isn't a setting that we can control.
Here is an article on how to get featured in the App Store:
Apple selects popular apps and allows them to add the Cover Photo and Themes. It isn't upto the developers.
From official confirmation on this:
Applications that have custom background art on the App Store are selected editorially by Apple. If your application is selected to be receive custom art, you will be contacted by an Apple representative.

Sharing a photo from an ios app

Given that I have a UIImage instance in my app how could I get
ios to show the image sharing dialog (Mail, add to notes, twitter, fb,
save image, etc)
Upon a cursory look to PHAsset I haven't found anything prominent :-(
You can search for UIActivityViewController. This class will display a dialog, having all sharing apps listed within dialog.

Facebook App Review: confusion with share button

We have Facebook Share button in our app.
However i get this review notes: "on iPhone - Your app's Login with Facebook button needs to be easily recognizable and consistent with the Facebook brand. "
App users don't need authorization in FB, they only need to share posts.
Now this is a square shaped button. It looks like Facebook logo: white letter f on dark blue background. Sorry can't post images...
We are using ShareKit.
What's wrong with our button?

Social Sharing Palette in iOS6

I noticed in iOS6 that when you select a photo in your photo library, and push the the "arrow in a square button", it brings up a palette with icons that enable the user to share the photo (ie icons for mail, message, photo stream, twitter, Facebook, etc). I'm wondering, is there any library in iOS6 that has a palette like this built in? (I know separately there is SLComposeViewController and MFMailComposeViewController). If there isn't, would Apple have issue if you built a palette identical to the one they have (same icons, etc)?
This is a UIActivityViewController.
