How to Render Many SpriteKit Nodes at Once? - ios

I am using SpriteKit to render a large (20 x 20) dot grid that looks like this:
I'd like to highlight rows or columns based on user input. For example, I'd like to change rows 1-10 to a red color, or columns 5-15 to a blue color.
What is the most performant way to do this?
I've tried:
Naming each GridNode based on the column it's in (e.g. #"column-4). Then use enumerateChildNodesWithName: with the string as #"column-n", changing the color of each node (by changing SKShapeNode setFillColor:) in the enumerate block.
Giving all the columns a parent node associated with that column. Then telling the parent node to change its alpha (thus changing the alpha of all its children).
Making arrays for the different columns, then looping through each node and changing its color or alpha.
I've tried making the GridDot class an SKEffectNode with shouldRasterize: set to YES. I've tried both an SKShapeNode and a SKSpriteNode as its child. I've also tried taking away the SKEffectNode parent and just render an SKSpriteNode.
Each of these options makes my whole app lag and makes my framerate drop to ~10 FPS. What is the correct way to change the color/alpha of many nodes (without dropping frames)?
At its heart, the issue is rendering this many nodes, yes?

When I faced similar performance problems while using SKShapeNode I came up with this solution:
Create SKShapeNode with required path and color.
Use SKView's method textureFromNode:crop: to convert SKShapeNode to an SKTexture
Repeat steps 1,2 to create all required textures for a node.
Create SKSpriteNode from a texture
Use created SKSpriteNode in your scene instead of SKShapeNode
Change node's texture when needed using SKSpriteNode's texture property
If you have a limited set of collors for your dots, I think this aproach will fit fine for your task.

In contrast to #amobi's statement, 400 nodes is not a lot. For instance, I have a scene with ~400 nodes and a render time of 9.8ms and 9 draw calls.
If you have 400 draw calls though, you should try to reduce that number. To determine the amount of draw calls needed for each frame rendered, implement (some of) the following code. It is actually taken from my own SpriteKit app's ViewController class which contains the SpriteKit scene.
skView.showsFPS = YES;
skView.showsNodeCount = YES;
skView.showsDrawCount = YES;
Proposed solution
I recommend using SKView's ignoresSiblingOrder. This way, SKSpriteNodes with equal zPosition are drawn in one draw call, which (for as many nodes/draw you appear to have) is horribly efficient. Set this in the -viewDidLoad method of the SKView's ViewController.
skView.ignoresSiblingOrder = YES;
I see no reason to burden the GPU with SKEffectNodes in this scenario. They are usually a great way to tank your frame rate.
Final thoughts
Basic performance issues mean you have a CPU or a GPU bottleneck. It is difficult to guess which you're suffering from with the current information. You could launch the Profiler, but Xcode itself also provides valuable information when you are running your app in an attached device. FPS in the Simulator is not representative for device performance.


How to draw a dynamic line or curve per frame in SceneKit

I have a Metal-backed SceneKit project where I'd like to draw a curve that is modified on the CPU every frame. This seems like it should be a simple task; one that I've done in OpenGL many times.
Something like:
array_of_points[0].x = 25
array_of_points[0].y = 35
It seems that modifying the SCNGeometrySource of an SCNNode is not possible. Recreating and setting the node.geometry works but the position lags / jitters compared to other nodes in the scene. Recreating the entire node each frame also lags.
One possible avenue might be a geometry shader modifier, but I'd still have to somehow pass in my cpu-computed curve positions.
Another option is to use metal APIs directly. Though this approach seems like it will require lots more code, and I couldn't find too much info about mixing SceneKit with Metal.
I also tried setting the preferredRenderingAPI to OpenGL, but it doesn't change the renderingAPI.

Wierd gaps appearing in between SKSpriteNode - swift

Note: I have tried this answer: Gap between SKSpriteNodes in SpriteKit collision detection
I am getting gaps in between my SKSpriteNodes, after 5 minutes of letting my game run. Here is my code to make the node:
let tileNode = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "world1Tile\(tileNumber).png")
tileNode.position.x = x
tileNode.position.y = y
tileNode.size.width = 128
tileNode.size.height = 128
tileNode.zPosition = 10
tileNode.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOf: tileNode.size)
tileNode.physicsBody!.isDynamic = false
tileNode.physicsBody!.restitution = 0
tileNode.physicsBody!.allowsRotation = false = "Tile"
When I remove the physics body, it is running fine. Here is are some images to show you what I mean:
This image has a physics body, and was taken after immediately after running the app.
This image was taken 5 minutes after running the app.
Why is this happening? I assume it has something to do with the physics body, because my app looks exactly like the first picture, even an hour after running the app if there is no physics body. What physics body property should I change to stop this from happening? Any help would be appreciated.
I had a similar issue not too long ago, where gaps were appearing between nodes that were tiled (although I didn't use physics). Based on this answer, I found that if you want perfect alignment between nodes, it is best to ensure that the positions of nodes as well as the nodes' width and height are whole numbers.
I would suggest to round-off the x and y values of the position of tileNode and see if it will make any difference .
I'm guessing there is no gap. you probably have 'showPhysics' to true in your gameviewcontroller, and the line appears as a gap to me.
compare position with and without the pb to verify.
I had similar problem where gaps between sprites started appearing after around 5 minutes of scrolling with constant speed (game with infinite scroll). I did not use physics and I even had all positions, widths, heights rounded to integer value. I was scrolling the camera and adding new sprites one right after another and everything was working fine except after around 5 minutes of that infinite scrolling gaps begin to appear just as in your case. I spent some time in looking for a solution and it turned out that the problem was that when positions of my objects were becoming big that is in my case X position in the scene was around 150000 then those gaps started to appear and also I noticed that this problem occurred only on devices which had to scale the scene. I was using aspect fill with default scene size for iPhone 6 resolution and those gaps only appeared on iPhone 5 but on iPhone 6 I did not notice them. I was able to fix that issue by subtracting some constant value from X position of all objects (including camera position) from time to time so that everything on the scene relatively did not change position to the camera and look the same but actually absolute positions were changed to keep them low. I guess that larger position values like 150000 and scene scaling cause some floating point rounding issue in SpriteKit and that is why gaps are then becoming visible.
So based on my experience if you have similar gaps I recommend using integer values for all positions, widths, heights and additionally keep values of objects positions of all objects low.
For future reference in case someone is still searching for this, here are my experiences:
If tiles have PhysicsBodies, they are prone to making gaps. A solution for me was making a blank SKNode as a child of the tile, and assigning the PhysicsBody to that.
If possible, make sure bit masks are set in a way that tiles can't collide with each other.
As stated in a previous answer, make sure all measurements are integers and rounded in a way that doesn't leave a one unit gap between them.
A related problem is also SpriteKit's PhysicsBody drifting. There are some threads about this (e.g. ), and it seems to be abug. In my case, the problem was a combination of PhysicsBodies causing random small gaps, and the drifting making some of them larger. The steps above removed the small gaps. Unfortunately the only workaround for the drifting problem in my case was to only generate PhysicsBodies for nodes that are within a certain distance from the player and destroying them after they are left behind.
For future reference for anyone who needs, I found an different answer specific to my problem. As JohnV said, I may need to round of values when setting the position, but when running the code, I found out that I also need to do that when running SKActions.

Updating geometry in SpriteKit (or SceneKit)

We are porting a game to SpriteKit and I've run in to a bit of a problem. Some objects in our game have triangle-strip trails attached to them. The vertex buffers of the trails are continuously updated as the objects move in the world to create a seamless and flowing effect (there are constraints on how many vertices are in the buffer and how often we emit new vertices).
In the previous implementation we simply updated the affected vertices in the corresponding buffer whenever we emitted new vertices. In SceneKit it seems I am unable to update geometry sources, unless I use geometrySourceWithBuffer:vertexFormat:semantic:vertexCount:dataOffset:dataStride:. To do this however, it seems I need a Metal device, command queue and encoder, to be able to submit commands to update my buffer before it renders.
Is there any way I can do this with a normal SCNView, or do I have to do everything manually with a CAMetalLayer, creating my own metal device etc?
In essence, everything we need, bar this trail geometry is available in SpriteKit, so I was hoping there was some way I could get a hold of the metal device and command queue used by the SKView and simply use that to upload my geometry. This would make things a lot simpler.
I've used a particle system to get a similar effect. The particle emitter is attached to the moving object, with particles set to fade out and eventually die. You might need to set the emitter's targetNode to your scene, depending on the effect you want.
emitter = SKEmitterNode() = marbleNodeNames.trail.rawValue
emitter.particleTexture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "spark")
emitter.particleAlphaSpeed = -1.0
emitter.particleLifetime = 2
emitter.particleScale = 0.2

Adjacent SKPhysicsBody not working properly

I am having a problem when trying to put two blocks that have physics bodies on top of one another.
As you can see in the video I am able to place my block on top of the stacked blocks even though they are placed right on top of one another.
Both the player block and the other blocks inherit from a base Block class which looks like this
#import "Block.h"
#implementation Block
+ (void)loadSharedAssets {
- (id)initWithColor:(UIColor *)color size:(CGSize)size {
self = [super initWithColor:color size:size];
if (self) {
self.texture = [SKTexture textureWithImageNamed:#"tile"];
self.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize: self.size];
self.physicsBody.usesPreciseCollisionDetection = YES;
self.physicsBody.dynamic = NO;
return self;
I've added a picture to make the problem a little more clear. Essentially the problem is that even though the blue blocks are right above one another, I am still able to jump up (w/ the red block) and sit on the edge of the bottom blue block (which shouldn't be possible). It seems something is off w/ the physics bodies or something.
You can see that the red block is slightly higher than the adjacent blue block for some reason and "sits" on the edge of the bottom blue block. when I jump up against it.
EDIT: replaced original suggestion with answer
Scrolling to section 4.5 Edge Shapes of the box2d documentation and you will find the cause of this (SpriteKit uses Box2D under the hood for it's physics implementation)
In many cases a game environment is constructed by connect several edge shapes end-to-end. This can give rise to an unexpected artifact when a polygon slides along the chain of edges. In the figure below we see a box colliding with an internal vertex. These ghost collisions are caused when the polygon collides with an internal vertex generating an internal collision normal.
The two edges here (edge1 and edge2) are the left hand side edges of the two blue boxes in your game (so picture it rotated 90 digs counter-clockwise)
Box2D introduced ChainShapes to get around this issue (which you can find referenced in section 5.6 Edge Shapes.
The idea is to replace groups of square physics bodies with a chain of these vertices whenever generating more than one box at the same time.
I believe you can access these within SpriteKit by using bodyWithEdgeChainFromPath and passing in a Core Graphics path consisting of the corner points of the boxes you want to combine to form the collision chain
I could imagine that tiny numerical errors in the simulation run by SpriteKit, in particular regarding collision detection and motion will make the red box indeed sit on the edge of the lower blue box. This position may be stable simply because the blue box accelerates the red box leftwards for the short amount of time it remains on screen.
A solution could be to use specific body types that merge the different configurations of boxes with smooth left vertical surfaces that occur in your game. In the specific case, it would be a box that is twice as high than wide. Before you spend a lot of time on this, you could test first of all, if removing the lower blue box stops the red box from getting stuck.
You don't need to define different Block classes for different box configurations: your initWithColor:(UIColor *)color size:(CGSize)size already appears to accept different sizes, but you might want to provide additional texture tiles and identifiers for those to select from.
EDIT: since you've clarified your question a bit and you seem to want the red one to fall back to the ground, while the blue blocks stay where they were, it seems that the bodies may be too rough, which makes them stick, and the red one doesn't slide off.
There's the friction property - modifying it can turn the body from a rough one (1.0) to one that's as smooth as an ice cube (0). Per the documentation, the default value is 0.2, which may still be too rough for your needs. Try setting it to physicsBody.friction = 0.0 in all involved bodies.
EDIT 2: it seems that it's a deeper bug. You can try the following workarounds to achieve your desired effect, if you want to sacrifice a little accuracy:
set your first blue block physics body to the target rectangle size, then make each subsequent lower block body 1-2 pixels narrower, so that you evade the 'lip'
set your physics bodies to circles rather than rectangles if all else fails - bodyWithCircleOfRadius:self.size.width*0.5. For a fast enough simulation, this might do.

How to apply full-screen SKEffectNode for post-processing in SpriteKit

I'm trying out SpriteKit with the following setup:
An SKScene with two child nodes used merely for grouping other
nodes: foreground and background.
background is really empty as of now, but would eventually hold some
type of background sprite / layers.
foreground is a SKEffectNode and whenever the user taps on the
screen, a new intance of a SKnode subclass which represents a game
element is added as child to it.
This SKNode subclass basically creates 3 SKShapeNodes and two labels: an outter
circumference, an inner circumference, 2 labels and an inner quarter circumference. The inner quarter circumference has an SKAction that
makes it rotate forever about its origin / center.
Now here's the issue, as long as foreground doesn't have any CIFilter or has shouldEnableEffects = NO, everything is fine. That is, I can tap on the screen and my game elements are instantiated and added to the main scene. But the minute I try adding a CIGaussianBlur or CIBloom to the foreground, I notice two things:
The framerate drops to about 2fps. Mind you, this happens even with
as little as 6 nodes alive in the scene.
The effect seems to be constantly cropping its contents or adjusting
it's frame. That is, if I have one node, the "full screen" effect
seems to try and constantly crop or adjust its bounds to the minimum
area required to hold all nodes. This is for one node:
And this is for 2 nodes:
In OpenGL ES 2, one would do a post blur / bloom by basically rendering the whole framebuffer (all objects) to texture, then doing at least one more pass to blur,etc on that texture and then either present that in the framebuffer attached to the display or compose that with the original render back to the framebuffer. I'd expect SKEffectNode to work in a similar way. However the cropping and the poor performance makes me think I might be using the effect node the wrong way. Any thoughts?
It seems to be a bug with the SKEffectNode trying to apply a filter on children SKShapeNodes as far as I can tell. I played around with this and achieved your results, but when I switched out the SKShapeNodes for SKSpriteNodes (using a simple png of a circle) the cropping no longer appears. It's a bug in that SKEffectNode doesn't handle the stroke of the SKShapeNode very well. If you take off the stroke (lineWidth = 0) and give it a fill color, you'll see that there is no cropping.
As for the frame rate, SKShapeNodes perform poorly. Doing the switch to SKSpriteNodes I mentioned earlier boosted my fps from 40 to 50 when I had 35 nodes on the screen (iPhone 5) with the filter applied.
