How to setup QuotaGuard Static for a Rails app hosted on heroku? - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to setup my heroku app to have an static IP using QuotaGuard (I know proximo is the other option, but it's pretty expensive).
I added the heroku QuotaGuard Static addon and got the two IPs it generates as well as the proxy url.
What is my next step? (aka how do I tell my Rails app to use the proxy provided by QuotaGuard)
I see they have ruby code samples using REST-client and HTTParty, but do I put that somewhere like in the application.rb??

Most likely a bit too late to answer this question, but still.
Like you said, the first step to configuring QuotaGuard Static is provisioning the addon on Heroku (either via the Web Interface or the Heroku CLI). From there, you are able to get your two outbound IPs, and your proxy URL. The two IPs you were given should be whitelisted on whichever remote service you are trying to access.
As you mentioned, the documentation gives you a couple of samples using Rest Client for Ruby on Rails. This snippet should pretty much go anywhere you want to access whichever resource you need to access via the static IP Addresses. Assuming you want to access a Web Service hosted on an Amazon EC2 instance with elastic IP, your would write:
res = RestClient.get("")
And from there process the response stored in res appropriately. This code would go in say whichever controller's method you'll be using to access the remote web service. In this case, you also need to add the Rest Client to your controller, so at the top of that file you shoud also add require "rest-client" . Don't forget to add the rest-client gem to your Gemfile.
Summing up, basically the snippets from the documentation go wherever it is you want to use the proxy to access a remote service requiring a fixed, whitelisted set of IP addresses.


How to use FTP via a proxy in Rails?

There is an FTP server that I can connect to on my development machine using FileZilla or the Rails app I'm working on. But as soon as I deploy the app to Heroku, the exact same connection parameters time out. My best guess is that the server blocks IP ranges that include Heroku, or dynamic IPs in general. It is not a configuration problem because the deployed app can connect to other FTP servers without issue.
To get around this problem, I'm trying to use a QuotaGuard static URL as a proxy, the add-on for which I've already provisioned and have an ENV variable for. The problem is that this static URL is in the form
How can I use this to handle an FTP connection?
Current code (works locally, times out on Heroku):, username, password) do |ftp|
# some logic here about which files to download
I've checked the Ruby docs for Net::FTP and Net::HTTP for more information. FTP only seems able to use a SOCKS proxy, but HTTP seems more flexible. Could I use the static URL as a SOCKS proxy by ignoring the http:// prefix? Could I restructure the logic so that I can GET each FTP URL I need via HTTP?
I've also looked into using ProxyChainRB to do this but so far not having any luck since I'm running into the same issue of passing the proxy into an FTP connection.
Are there existing libraries that do this? Is there maybe a simpler solution I'm not seeing here?

Using IP Proxy with Ruby on Rails

How would one go about using another IP address to make API calls? I want to hide my original IP.
Maybe some vpn service or gem?
I am using an Amazon API gem but want to make sure I can't get traced to the usual IP that I use. I would like to be making requests from an IP that I can buy/lease, for example.
I have looked into this here: ...but not sure if this will do what I want it to do.
Any feedback or suggestions? Thanks!

Forcing Gibbon Gem (or Faraday) to use QuotaGuard Static HTTP proxy on Heroku

Full disclaimer; I'm not a strong Ruby dev, but I am learning quickly :)
I've set up a simple Ruby script on a Heroku dyno that listens for calls from our donation platform.
When a donation is made, it hits a webhook endpoint within my app, which then sends a donation receipt via Mandrill (which works fine), and updates/inserts a record in a Mailchimp list, via the 'upsert' method of the wonderful Gibbon gem.
That all works fine; except when the Heroku box happens to come up on an IP address that has done something bad in the past, and Mailchimp's API drops with a 403 (Forbidden) error.
I've had this confirmed by the Mailchimp API team; they suggest using something like QuotaGuard Static to tunnel the API requests to Mailchimp through, removing the issue of API calls from inconsistent (and sometimes untrusted) IP addresses.
I'd love some advice on how to make this happen. I can see that Gibbon uses Faraday to handle HTTP requests, but I'm not an advanced enough Ruby dev to fork the code and add in HTTP proxy functionality.
If there's a way to globally force the Faraday calls to use a HTTP proxy (ie QuotaGuard Static), that's what I'm looking for. A config setting for Faraday, for example.
Or perhaps there's a tweak I can make to my Procfile:
web: bundle exec ruby webhooks.rb -p $PORT
...that will force the outbound traffic to go via the QuotaGuard Static proxy. I know Proximo has this functionality, but it also blocks inbound access to the app, which doesn't work for this app.
Appreciate any ideas the community can offer. Thanks!
Gibbon Author here. You can simply set the proxy value to the proxy URL in Gibbon 2.2.0 and later.
From the Faraday documentation (here) the Connectionclass uses the proxy specified in the http_proxy environment variable. I have never tried it, but looking at the source code it should work.
I wanted to provide a bit more information, since the two answers pointed me on the right track but still required me to do some digging. I solved this issue by first adding the QuotaGuard Static add-on in Heroku (free for up to 250 uses per month) and then initializing Gibbon like so:
g =
And here is the relevant section from the Gibbon docs:

Rails: test mailgun on localhost

I have a Rails app running on Heroku that uses Mailgun to process incoming emails. I haven't been able to figure how I can debug my email processing locally (on localhost) instead of having to push everything up to heroku every time I make a change. (this is just a test app - I'm the only one using it)
Is it possible to work with Mailgun locally? If so, how do I go about it?
Thank you in advance
Mailgun gives you the option to store a message for later retrieval. If you configure it that way, you'll be able to fetch messages from development for processing without having to set up a publicly-accessible webhook for Mailgun to hit.
But I'm assuming you have production configured with an HTTP endpoint, and it's no fun to do things differently between environments. There are a few tools that will let you set up a public endpoint that routes to localhost:
ngrok, which I've used to good effect to test Twilio. You can set up a permanent subdomain so you don't have to constantly change your Mailgun configuration.
UltraHook, which I haven't personally used, but looks the same.
Localtunnel which looks easiest to start up, but like you get a different host at every boot.
If you have a permanent publicly-accessible server, you can also maintain your own tunnel.
mailgun provides a sandbox that you can use for localhost the only downside to this is that you have to add the test email to valid recipient.
using this gem might be another possible solution: or for more advanced features
follow installation from repo
mail will open in new tab

How to disable discovery and specify OpenID server for omniauth-openid

I am trying to do OmniAuth OpenID with Google Apps in Ruby on Rails. I know it should work out-of-the-box if I specify ":identifier => ''" where is the domain that my targeted users come from.
The user can get redirected to Google when accessing /auth/google without a problem, and this openid.identity can be returned from Google:
... &openid.identity= ...
However, the I am working with does not have the correct "rel='openid2.provider'" <link /> tags set up at, therefore the discovery fails when omniauth-openid tries to check with Google again.
Is there a quick and clean way to work around the default discovery behavior so that I can define as the server directly without performing the automatic discovery?
I think omniauth-openid uses ruby-openid. If so, you should be able to get it work easily:
gem install ruby-openid-apps-discovery
Then throw in somewhere before making the request
require 'gapps_openid'
Google Apps has a slightly different discovery protocol, which is what that gem provides.
Before using the gem that Steve recommended, I came up with a workaround to make the entire discovery process happen locally only, which I find might be useful to some people. If you only accept users from a single Google Apps domain, you might want to:
Add a line like in your /etc/hosts.
set up a lightweight HTTP server like nginx, create a file called openid (do not append .html), and add your <link rel="openid2.provider" ... > tag there.
This is slightly faster than using ruby-openid-apps-discovery since it saves your application from sending some requests to an external https server.
