jira-python - how do you update the fixVersions field? - jira

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, and am hoping someone else has the same problem. I don't get any error, and my json matches what should be correct both on Jira's docs and jira-python questions online. My versions are valid Jira versions. I also have no problem doing this directly through the API, but we are re-writing everything to go through jira-python for cleanliness/ease of use.
This just completely clears the fixVersions field in Jira.
issue.update(fields={'fixVersions':[{'add': {'name': 'add_me'}},{'remove': {'name': 'remove_me'}}]})
I can add a new version to fixVersions using issue.add_field_value(), but this won't work, because I need to add and remove in one request for the history of the ticket.
issue.add_field_value('fixVersions', {'name': 'add_me'})
Any ideas?

Here's a code example of how I got it working for anyone who comes across this later...
fixVersions = []
issue = jira.issue('issue_key')
for version in issue.fields.fixVersions:
if version.name != 'version_to_remove':
fixVersions.append({'name': version.name})
fixVersions.append({'name': 'version_to_add'})
issue.update(fields={'fixVersions': fixVersions})

I did it other way:
Create version in the target project.
Update ticket.
ver = jira.create_version(name='version_name', project='PROJECT_NAME')
issue = jira.issue('ISSUE_NUM')
i.update(fields={'fixVersions': [{'name': ver.name}]})}
In my case that worked.

A little bit more pythonic version of user797963 solution, may look like that.
def change_fix_version(tickets, remove_versions=[], add_versions=[]):
fix_versions={version.name for version in ticket.fields.fixVersions}
You would call it like that:
change_fix_versions(jira.issue('my_issue'), remove_versions=['draft'], add_versions=['master', 'release'])


BuildHTTPClient not able to get Build Definition Steps?

We are using the BuildHTTPClient to programmatically create a copy of a build definition, update the variables in memory and then save the updated object as a new definition.
I'm using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build2.WebApi.BuildHTTPClient 16.141. The TFS version is 17 update 3 (rest api 3.x)
This is a similar question to https://serverfault.com/questions/799607/tfs-buildhttpclient-updatedefinition-c-example but I'm trying to stay within using the BuildHttpClient libraries and not go directly to the RestAPIs.
The problem is the Steps list is always null along with other properties even though we have them in the build definition.
UPDATE Posted as an answer below
After looking at #Daniel Frosts attempt below we started looking at using older versions of the NuGet package. Surprisingly the supported version 15.131.1 does not support this but we have found out that the version="15.112.0-preview" does.
After rolling back all of our Dlls to match that version the steps were cloned when saving the new copy of the build.
All of the code examples we used work when you are using this package. We were unable to get Daniel's example working but the version of the Dll was the issue.
We need to create a GitHub issue and report it to MS
First Attempt - GetDefinitionAsync:
VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(DefinitionTypesDTO.serverUrl, new VssCredentials());
BuildHttpClient bdClient = connection.GetClient<BuildHttpClient>();
Task <BuildDefinition> resultDef = bdClient.GetDefinitionAsync(DefinitionTypesDTO.teamProjectName, buildID);
BuildDefinition updatedDefinition = UpdateBuildDefinitionValues(resultDef.Result, dr, defName);
updatedTask = bdClient.CreateDefinitionAsync(updatedDefinition, DefinitionTypesDTO.teamProjectName);
The update works on the variables and we can save the updated definition back to TFS but there are not any tasks in the newly created build definition. When we look at the object that is returned from GetDefinitionAsync we see that the Steps list is empty. It looks like GetDefinitionAsync just doesn't get the full object.
Second Attempt - Specific Revision:
int rev = 9;
Task <BuildDefinition> resultDef = bdClient.GetDefinitionAsync(DefinitionTypesDTO.teamProjectName, buildID, revision: rev);
BuildDefinition updatedDefinition = UpdateBuildDefinitionValues(resultDef.Result, dr, defName);
Based on SteveSims post we were thinking we are not getting the correct revision. So we added revision to the request. I see the same issue with the correct revision. Similarly to SteveSims post I can open the DefinitionURL in a browser and I see that the tasks are in the JSON in the browser but the BuildDefinition object is not populated with them.
Third Attempt - GetFullDefinition:
So then I thought to try getFullDefinition, maybe that's that "Full" means of course with out any documentation on these libraries I have no idea.
var task2 = bdClient.GetFullDefinitionsAsync(DefinitionTypesDTO.teamProjectName, "MyBuildDefName","$/","TfsVersionControl");
Still no luck, the Steps list is always null even though we have steps in the build definition.
Fourth Attempt - Save As Template
var task2 = bdClient.GetTemplateAsync DefinitionTypesDTO.teamProjectName, "1_Batch_Dev");
I tried saving the Build Definition off as a template. So in the Web UI I chose "Save as Template", still no steps.
Fifth Attempt: Using the URL as mentioned in SteveSims post:
Finally i said ok, i'll try the solution SteveSims used, using the webclient to get the object from the URL.
var client = new WebClient();
client.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
var json = client.DownloadString(LastDefinitionUrl);
//Convert the JSON to an actual builddefinition
BuildDefinition result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BuildDefinition>(json);
This also didn't work. The build definition steps are null. Even when looking at the Json object (var json) i see the steps. But the object is not loaded with them.
I've seen this post which seems to add the Steps to the base definition, i've tried this but honestly I'm having an issue understanding how he has modified the BuildDefinition Object when referencing that via NuGet?
After looking at #Daniel Frosts attempt below we started looking at using older versions of the NuGet package. Surprisingly the supported version 15.131.1 does not support this but we have found out that the version="15.112.0-preview" does.
After rolling back all of our Dlls to match that version the steps were cloned when saving the new copy of the build.
All of the code examples above work when you are using this package. We were unable to get Daniel's example working but we didn't try hard as we had working code.
We need to create a GitHub issue for this.
Found this in my code, which works.
Use this package, not sure if it could have an impact (joke).
private Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.WebApi.BuildDefinition GetBuildDefinition(string projectName, string buildDefinitionName)
var buildDefinitionReferences = _buildHttpClient.GetFullDefinitionsAsync(projectName, "*", null, null, DefinitionQueryOrder.DefinitionNameAscending, top: 1000).Result;
return buildDefinitionReferences.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == buildDefinitionName && x.DefinitionQuality != DefinitionQuality.Draft);
With the newer clients Steps will always be empty. In newer api-versions (which are used by the newer clients) the steps have moved to Phases. If you use GetDefinitions or GetFullDefinitions and look in
you'll find them. (GetDefinitions gets shallow references so the process won't be included.)
The Steps collection still exists for compatibility reasons (we don't want apps to crash with stuff like MethodNotFoundExceptions) but it won't be populated.
I was having this problem, although I able to get Phases[0] information at runtime, but could not get it at design time. I solved this problem using dynamic type.
dynamic process = buildDefTemplate.Process;
foreach (BuildDefinitionStep tempStep in process.Phases[0].Steps)
// do some work here
Not, it is working!
Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client version 16.170.0 I can get build steps through process.Phases[0].Steps only with process and step being dynamic as #whitecore above stated
var definitions = buildClient.GetFullDefinitionsAsync(project: project.Name);
foreach (var definition in definitions.Result)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\n {0} - {1}:", definition.Id, definition.Name));
dynamic process = definition.Process;
foreach (dynamic step in process.Phases[0].Steps)

Does Leshan support ObjLink?

I am trying to create my composite LWM2M object by using objlink type.
For Leshan, the only source on how to write the spec file in JSON seems to be the official oma-objects-spec.json, which does not contain examples of objlinks.
Can anyone provide an example on how to create an objlink object?
If it is not possible in Leshan, have anyone tried other implementations?
Hope it's not too late.
As of now there is no support of OBJLNK in Leshan API.
I was also needed OBJLNK support in Leshan so i have modified and created a pull request for supporting OBJLNK.
If you want to have objlnk support can use my branch which is forked from Leshan.
Leshan has added support to this feature. I have tested it with version 0.1.11-M14.
Reading can be done as usual, and writing is done as follows.
WriteRequest writeReq = new WriteRequest(
9, 0,
new ObjectLink(5566, 7788)

Base CRM Rails Gem legacy search?

It looks like Base CRM has upgraded their API and replaced all of their endpoints/parameters.
Previously I was able to retrieve "Won" deals using this call:
session = BaseCrm::Session.new("<LEGACY_ACCESS_TOKEN>")
session.deals.all(stage: :won, sort_by: :last_activity, sort_order: :desc, page: 1)
This query recently started ignoring my parameters, yet it continued to respond with unfiltered data (that was fun when I realized that was happening).
The new syntax is:
client = BaseCRM::Client.new(access_token: "<YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>")
client.deals.where(organization_id: google.id, hot: true)
yet this does not work:
client.deals.where(stage_name: :won)
client.deals.where(stage_name: "Won")
client.deals.where(stage_id: 8) # specified ID found in Base Docs for "Won"
I've looked into the most recent updates to the Base CRM Gem as well as the Base CRM API Docs but have not found a solution to searching by specific deal stage.
Has anyone had any luck with the new API and this kind of query?
Is there a way to use the legacy API?
I've left message with Base but I really need to fix this, you know, yesterday.
Thanks for your help!
The legacy API/gem responded with JSON where the v2 API/gem responds with a BaseCRM::Deal object:
$ session.deals.find(123456)
# <BaseCRM::Deal
name="Cool Deal Name",
custom_fields={:"Event Location"=>"New York, NY", :Source=>"Friend"},
Checkout stage_id. Is this a bug? According to the Docs stage_id should return an integer between 1 and 10.

.NET SDK for JIRA (Atlassian.SDK) wont allow me to add a custom field even though it exists on JIRA

I am using the latest Atlassian.SDK package for .NET to integrate my application with JIRA
I am trying to create an issue as follows
Jira jiraConn = new Jira("<theurl>", "<theuser>", "<thepasswd>");
Issue objIssue = jiraConn.CreateIssue("EF");
objIssue.Type = "Escalation";
objIssue.Priority = "Major";
objIssue.Summary = "Test with custom fields";
objIssue.CustomFields.Add("Field 1", "Anthony Drive");
However the line 'objIssue.CustomFields.Add' throws an exception stating 'Could not find custom field with name 'Field 1' on the JIRA server. Make sure this field is available when editing this issue. For more information see JRA-6857'
Is there something that i am missing ?
I am using the SDK ver 2.4.0 and JIRA version 6.3
So there is a bug in the API. When ever a custom field is added , the API fetches a random issue and checks if the field is present in it.
You would need to work with the source code to solve this issue yourself.
I had the same problem. If you use constructor Jira(...) so the API uses SOAP. But when you use Jira.CreateRestClient, client will use REST API. With REST API inserting epics works fine.
Jira jiraConn = Jira.CreateRestClient("<theurl>", "<theuser>", "<thepasswd>");

Using Jira's Python API, how can I set the epic link for an issue?

I am trying to assign issues to epics using Jira's python API. From the documentation, I found there is an add_issues_to_epic method in the GreenHopper class, but it doesn't seem to work for me. I have the following so far
from jira.client import JIRA
from jira.client import GreenHopper
jira = JIRA(options, basic_auth=(username, password))
greenhopper = GreenHopper(options, basic_auth=(username, password))
epicLink = 'IR-345'
issuesToAdd = ['IR-1459']
greenhopper.add_issues_to_epic(epicLink, issuesToAdd)
But that gives me the error that add_issues_to_epic is not found for class GreenHopper. I've tried jira.add_issues_to_epic(epicLink, issuesToAdd), but that gives me the same error.
What am I doing wrong?
I just had to upgrade to the new version of the API.
As of January 2022, add_issues_to_epic is not supported for next-gen projects (you'll get this error: "Jira Agile Public API does not support this request").
https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/ACJIRA-1634 explains how to do it now:
Move issues to epic - Edit the issue and set the parent field. Example: {"fields":{"parent":{"id":"11111"}}}
Code example:
issue = jira.create_issue(project='PRJ',
description='Can't reproduce it.',
issuetype={'name': 'Bug'})
issue.update(fields={'parent': {'id': epic.id}})
