How to get absolute coordinates in Safari on iOS? - ios

I need to automate tapping on a specific bar in a bar chart that's stored inside of a canvas in a Safari browser on iOS. There's no useful information in the html to get this information unfortunately so I need to rely on hard coded coordinates in order to tap where I need to. On Android I can easily do this by turning on Pointer location in the developer settings - I can't seem to find the equivalent on iOS.
I found some javascript code snippets on the net that I could inject into the web inspector on safari to give me coordinates based on user touch but it seems like the coordinates I get there are relative to the web screen, I need absolute coordinates of the entire screen (if resolution is 1920x1080 I need to select which pixel to tap on).
$( document ).click(
function( event ){
// Client variables.
"clientX/Y: " +
event.clientX + ", " +
// Page variables. NOTE: These are the ones
// that are officially supported by the
// jQuery Event object.
"pageX/Y: " +
event.pageX + ", " +
// Hrule.
console.log( "......" );

I didn't find a way to do this using code but I found out that you can easily get this information from taking a picture on your phone and then opening the file up in an image editing program. In my case I used Seashore.


Mapbox GL JS : Popup onclick with external JSON

I am trying to display a popup onclick in Mapbox GL JS when the user clicks a polygon (It's a weather warning box during a Flash Flood Warning).
I have been using this example from Mapbox as a base, and -
This is my JSON file that I am trying to pull data from.
When I click the polygon, there is no popup. When I mouseover it, the cursor changes - so I know the basic possible issues like filename and directory structure are right.
My code below was modified from the example. I am trying to load the "description" of each polygon : (My map is called "topleftmapbox" and the JSON id is "FFWWarning")
// When a click event occurs on a feature in the places layer, open a popup at the
// location of the feature, with description HTML from its properties.
topleftmapbox.on('click', 'FFWWarning', function (e) {
var coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates.slice();
var description = e.features[0].description;
// Ensure that if the map is zoomed out such that multiple
// copies of the feature are visible, the popup appears
// over the copy being pointed to.
while (Math.abs(e.lngLat.lng - coordinates[0]) > 180) {
coordinates[0] += e.lngLat.lng > coordinates[0] ? 360 : -360;
new mapboxgl.Popup()
// The following code below runs correctly and changes the cursor on mouseover.
topleftmapbox.on('mouseenter', 'FFWWarning', function () {
topleftmapbox.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer';
// Change it back to a pointer when it leaves.
topleftmapbox.on('mouseleave', 'FFWWarning', function () {
topleftmapbox.getCanvas().style.cursor = '';
I have a feeling that my issue is somewhere in this part of the code :
var coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates.slice();
var description = e.features[0].description;
I am still new with Mapbox and I have tried looking through here and various sources online to fix this. I am hoping the issue is just that I have the description variable set wrong and that I am missing something simple.
I debugged the code that you provided and found that variable coordinates was containing an object having array of lat-lng.
Modifying that part should fix the issue.
var coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates[0][0].slice();
In coordinates[0][0], second index determines the position of popup.
Here is the working code.,output

How can I get the polygon clicked on in on iOS?

I have a simple map where I draw some polygons. Then I want to capture if the user clicks on a polygon - and get a handle to that polygon (e.g. by a custom id of the polygon or similar).
I use code like this to add the polygon:
var poly = Map.createPolygon({
points : points,
id : 'poly',
fillColor : '#55ec858f',
strokeColor : 'black',
strokeWidth : 2
where points is an array of latitude/longitude objects. I have registered a click handler:
... and it is defined like this:
function clickHandler(e){
console.log("click: id=" + + ", source=" + JSON.stringify(e.source));
console.log("click: clicksource=" + e.clicksource + ", latitude=" + e.latitude + ", longitude=" + e.longitude);
The click handler is triggered once I click within the polygon (well, more correctly it is triggered wherever on the map I click). This is fine. However, on iOS I cannot identify which of the polygons the user clicked on. The output looks like this:
[INFO] : click: id=undefined, source={"horizontalWrap":true,"visible":true,"mapType":1,"rotateEnabled":false,"region":{"longitudeDelta":0.010248234495520592,"latitudeDelta":0.009999999776482582,"longitude":11.154247283935547,"latitude":55.55887985229492}}
[INFO] : click: clicksource=polygon, latitude=55.55712556278878, longitude=11.154479577247997
On Android I get what I want:
[INFO] : click: id=poly, source={"fillColor":"#55ec858f","strokeColor":"black","points":[{"latitude":55.563299,"longitude":11.157998},{"latitude":55.562731,"longitude":11.157987},{"latitude":55.562719,"longitude":11.158029},{"latitude":55.562648,"longitude":11.158027},{"latitude":55.562153,"longitude":11.157851},{"latitude":55.561301,"longitude":11.157834},{"latitude":55.561088,"longitude":11.157913},{"latitude":55.560212,"longitude":11.157896},{"latitude":55.560106,"longitude":11.157935},{"latitude":55.559751,"longitude":11.157928},{"latitude":55.559515,"longitude":11.157882},{"latitude":55.559267,"longitude":11.157731},{"latitude":55.559184,"longitude":11.15775},{"latitude":55.559018,"longitude":11.15783},{"latitude":55.558899,"longitude":11.157953},{"latitude":55.558686,"longitude":11.157928},{"latitude":55.558604,"longitude":11.157864},{"latitude":55.558391,"longitude":11.157859},{"latitude":55.558143,"longitude":11.157834},{"latitude":55.557694,"longitude":11.157804},{"latitude":55.557233,"longitude":11.15769},{"latitude":55.556985,"longitude":11.157623},{"latitude":55.556678,"longitude":11.157513},{"latitude":55.556266,"longitude":11.157317},{"latitude":55.556041,"longitude":11.157291},{"latitude":55.555828,"longitude":11.157245},{"latitude":55.555592,"longitude":11.157157},{"latitude":55.555144,"longitude":11.156961},{"latitude":55.554779,"longitude":11.156786},{"latitude":55.554507,"longitude":11.156677},{"latitude":55.554401,"longitude":11.156675},{"latitude":55.554366,"longitude":11.156632},{"latitude":55.554385,"longitude":11.156451},{"latitude":55.554447,"longitude":11.155964},{"latitude":55.554525,"longitude":11.155484},{"latitude":55.554621,"longitude":11.155014},{"latitude":55.554733,"longitude":11.154556},{"latitude":55.554862,"longitude":11.154111},{"latitude":55.555005,"longitude":11.153681},{"latitude":55.555164,"longitude":11.153268},{"latitude":55.555337,"longitude":11.152873},{"latitude":55.555524,"longitude":11.152498},{"latitude":55.555724,"longitude":11.152145},{"latitude":55.555936,"longitude":11.151815},{"latitude":55.556159,"longitude":11.151509},{"latitude":55.556393,"longitude":11.151228},{"latitude":55.556636,"longitude":11.150974},{"latitude":55.556887,"longitude":11.150747},{"latitude":55.557147,"longitude":11.150549},{"latitude":55.557412,"longitude":11.150379},{"latitude":55.557684,"longitude":11.15024},{"latitude":55.557959,"longitude":11.150131},{"latitude":55.558238,"longitude":11.150053},{"latitude":55.55852,"longitude":11.150006},{"latitude":55.558802,"longitude":11.14999},{"latitude":55.559084,"longitude":11.150006},{"latitude":55.559366,"longitude":11.150053},{"latitude":55.559645,"longitude":11.150131},{"latitude":55.55992,"longitude":11.15024},{"latitude":55.560192,"longitude":11.150379},{"latitude":55.560457,"longitude":11.150549},{"latitude":55.560717,"longitude":11.150747},{"latitude":55.560968,"longitude":11.150974},{"latitude":55.561211,"longitude":11.151228},{"latitude":55.561445,"longitude":11.151509},{"latitude":55.561668,"longitude":11.151815},{"latitude
[INFO] : click: clicksource=polygon, latitude=55.55844486621942, longitude=11.154376566410065
The id is really enough for me to get the relevant data (and be able to show the user some more details about the area).
I have tried to add an event handler to the polygon - but it does not work (and really I would want to use one global event listener as in the example above).
I think the only thing I have not tried yet is to try to calculate which polygon I am inside based on the GPS points... I am not really good at such geometric arithmetic - so would like not to go down that road if possible ;-)
Any good ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Forgot to mention platform...
Appc CLI 5.1.0
Studio: 4.4.0 2.3.6 (Android) 2.5.2 (iOS)
You can use e.shape.title
I do it like this:
map.addEventListener('click', function(e) {'You clicked ' + JSON.stringify(e.shape.title));
I can't remember what is available on the e.shape, but i guess you should be able to find an id, or something else to identify your polygon.

Can I use ,,What's here?" functionality with Leaflet

I am developing a Rails app. I use Leaflet to show some maps and to mark some of my data on them. I could use a GoogleMaps-like functionality of ,,What's here?" (you click on a map and get the coordinates?)
If not with Leaflet, is there another library that could make this happen?
Yes, you can make your map listen to click events and open a popup ...
function onMapClick(e) {
var html = 'hello from ' + + ',' + e.latlng.lng;
map.openPopup(html, e.latlng);
map.on('click', onMapClick);
Look at this JSFiddle

Info Window URL needs to be prefixed with http NOT the default https

I am using the following code in the fusion tables 'customize info window' to create hyperlinked URL's from a column in my table:
This works fine in returning the clickable hyperlink in the info box except fusion maps by default tacks on https: instead of http: when the link is clicked. This causes problems when the user clicks the hyperlink and it tries to take them to a secure site when in fact it is not secure. The browsers throw up all sorts of warnings that will scare the pants off a lot of users who don't know what is happening.
Does anybody know how to remedy this and have the default be http and not the current https?
Thanks, Shep
You may want to abandon the "{URL}" approach and display the hyperlink with some simple HTML. This example from Google shows how to modify the info window's HTML in Javascript:
google.maps.event.addListener(layer, 'click', function(e) {
// Change the content of the InfoWindow
e.infoWindowHtml = e.row['Store Name'].value + "<br>";
// If the delivery == yes, add content to the window
if (e.row['delivery'].value == 'yes') {
e.infoWindowHtml += "Delivers!";
Changing the e.row['Store Name'] to your URL column name (maybe, e.row['URL']) and surrounding by a couple of hyperlink tags <a> should do the trick:
e.infoWindowHtml = "<a href='" + e.row['URL'].value + "'>Click here!</a>";
There are three ways:
Specify a full URL including protocol in your data
Use Link here in a custom info window layout
Completely override the content as in the answer above
I would recommend #1 because you can choose the right protocol for every link. However #2 is probably easier in that you can leave your data the way it is.

Photoswipe Custom Hashtag Immediately Closes Slideshow

Testing on the desktop with JQM doesn't produce this issue, so it's difficult to pinpoint.
Backstory: I have created server side code (php) to accept a query string and open a gallery straight to a picture. But if a user wants to share a link while surfing a gallery on a mobile device, and in particular a certain photo; most Mobile Browsers share the core link and not the actual photo. It's easy in the events when swiping to create a URL hashtag modifier for the URL with the photo id ( For example #photoID=987), but only if the gallery is originally started with no hashtags. It's then easy to share with a Phone's Native methods.
(function(window, $, PhotoSwipe){
//More Code is here but not needed fro this question
$(photoSwipeInstance).bind(PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onDisplayImage, function(e){
var pid = codeThatGetsPhotoIDFromDisplayedIMGURL();
window.location.hash = '&pid='+pid[0];
if(getUrlVars()["pid"]!=null || getUrlVars()["pid"]!=undefined)
var photopid= getPhoto(getUrlVars()["pid"]);;
});//End Documentstrong text
}(window, window.jQuery, window.Code.PhotoSwipe));
function getUrlVars()
var vars = [], hash;
var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++)
hash = hashes[i].split('=');
vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
return vars;
Issue: If a gallery is loaded with a hashtag the gallery will pop up the proper image but then immediately closes the slide show. And every photo past this point performs in the same manner, slideshow opens then closes.
I have turned off all AJAX, and hashtag anchor functions JQM utilizes. This hashtag url functions works as intended when using a Desktop browser but not when using any Mobile browser.
Has someone else tried this functionality?
I probably made this much more confusing then it is in my description.
Answer: JQM's hashtag handlers did not need to be turned off instead. Photoswipe needed this handler added to the options: backButtonHideEnabled: false
JQM's hashtag handlers did not need to be turned off instead. Photoswipe needed this handler added to the options: backButtonHideEnabled: false
