Run multiple instances on a Mesos slave node - docker

I'm building an Apache mesos cluster with 3 masters and 3 slaves. I installed docker on the slave nodes and it's able to create instances which are vissible in Marathon. Now i tried to install the HAproxy server on top of it but that didn't worked out that well so I deleted it.
The problem is, since then i'm only able to scale my application to a maximum of 3 instances, the exact number of nodes When I want to scale to 5, there are 2 instances that are stuck at the 'deploying' stage.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue so i'm back able to create more instances?
Thank you

To perform that, you trully need to setup Marathon ServiceDiscovery with HAProxy as unknown ports on the same slave machine will be binded to your containers.
First, install HAProxy on every slave. If you need SSL, you will need to make build HAProxy to support SSL.
Then, when HAProxy service is running, you need to follow this very well explain tutorial to enable Marathon service discovery on every Slave
HAProxy marathon Service discovery
Pay well attention to the tutorial, it is very well explained and straightforward.


Docker swarm load balancing - How to give common name to the service?

I read swarm routing mesh
I create a simple service which uses tomcat server and listens at 8080.
docker swarm init I created a node manager at node1.
docker swarm join /tokens I used the token provided by the manager at node 2 and node 3 to create workers.
docker node ls shows 5 instances of my service, 3 running at node 1, 1 running at node 2, another one is at node 3.
docker service create image I created the service.
docker service scale imageid=5 scaled it.
My application uses atomic number which is maintained at JVM level.
If I hit http://node1:8080/service 25 times, all requests goes to node1. How dose it balance node?
If I hit http://node2:8080/service, it goes to node 2.
Why is it not using round-robin?
Is anything wrong in the above steps?
Did I miss something?
I feel I am missing something. Like common service name http://domain:8080/service, then swarm will work in round robin fashion.
I would like to understand only swarm mode. I am not interested external load balancer as of now.
How do I see swarm load balance in action?
Docker does round robin load balancing per connection to the port. As long as a connection is up, it will continue to go to the same instance.
Http allows a connection to be kept alive and reused. Browsers take advantage of this behavior to speed up later requests by leaving connections open. To test the round robin load balancing, you'd need to either disable that keep alive setting or switch to a command line tool like curl or wget.

How to keep a certain number of Docker containers running the same application and add/remove them as needed?

I've working with Docker containers. What Ive done is lunching 5 containers running the same application, I use HAProxy to redirect requests to them, I added a volume to preserve data and set restart policy as Always.
It works. (So far this is my load balancing aproach)But sometimes I need another container to join the pool as there might be more requests, or maybe at first I don't need 5 containers.
This is provided by the Swarm Mode addition in Docker 1.12. It includes orchestration that lets you not only scale your service up or down, but recover from an outage by automatically rescheduling the jobs to run on other nodes.
If you don't want to use Docker 1.12 (yet!), you can also use a Service Discovery like Consul, register your containers inside and use a tool like Consul Template to regenerate your load balancer configuration accordingly.
I made a talk 6 months ago about it. You can find the code and the configuration I used during my demo here:

DC/OS on top of a docker container cluster

Given that I have only one machine(high configuration laptop), can I run the entire DCOS on my laptop (for purely simulation/learning purpose). The way I was thinking to set this up was using some N number of docker containers (with networking enabled between them), where some of those from N would be masters, some slaves, one zookeeper maybe, and 1 container to run the scheduler/application. So basically the 1 docker container would be synonymous to a machine instance in this case. (since I don't have multiple machines and using multiple VMs on one machine would be an overkill)
Has this been already done, so that I can straight try it out or am I completely missing something here with regards to understanding?
We're running such a development configuration where ZooKeeper, Mesos Masters and Slaves as well as Marathon runs fully dockerized (but on 3 bare metal machine cluster) on CoreOS latest stable. It has some known downsides, like when a slave dies the running tasks cannot be recovered AFAIK by the restarted slave.
I think it also depends on the OS what you're running on your laptop. If it's non-Windows, you should normally be fine. If your system supports systemd, then you can have a look at tobilg/coreos-setup to see how I start the Mesos services via Docker.
Still, I would recommend to use a Vagrant/VirtualBox solution if you just want to test how Mesos works/"feels"... Those will probably save you some headaches compared to a "from scratch" solution. The tobilg/coreos-mesos-cluster project runs the services via Docker on CoreOS within Vagrant.
Also, you can have a look at dharmeshkakadia/awesome-mesos and especially the Vagrant based setup section to get some references.
Have a look at it is quite young but enables you to do exactly what you want.
It starts a DC/OS cluster with masters and agents on a single node in docker containers.

HaProxy for service discovery on a marathon mesos docker linked containers

Please this is not asked anywhere I have checked. Here is what I have done. I am able to deploy single instance of mesos, marathon and docker. Moving next step ahead I want to have 2 mesos slave(docker containers) linked to each other. Just using docker the same can be achieved by using the docker link feature. But while using the orchestration(mesos) and scheduler(marathon)it seems u need to use service discovery.
My setup up is simple and runnning on a single host. So I will have 2 docker containers one running a simple pub/sub and one running rabbitmq. How can I use HA PRoxy in this setup. I have seen some documents provided by mesosphere but it is not clear how to go about it.
The canonical approach for service discovery with Mesos + Marathon + Docker is currently what is described in the document you linked.
I'm assuming you're able to get the two applications running in Marathon already.
Typically what happens is:
1) Configure your application definition to include the ports that your application requires.
2) You set up the provided haproxy-marathon-bridge script to run periodically using a utility like cron. This script scrapes Marathon's API to figure out what host and port the application instances are running on and what the known "friendly" port is.
In the example in the service discovery article, the first application has friendly ports of 80 and 443, whilst the second has a friendly port of 8081.
The script then generates a haproxy.cfg configuration that has rules mapping localhost:friendly_port to actual_host:actual_port.
3) Configure your applications to look for each other on localhost:friendly_port. HAProxy will route connections appropriately.
Hope this helps your understanding!
I created a haproxy service discovery docker container that you can run in mesos. It's not production ready but I am using it in my development environment doing exactly what you're trying to do. The reason I prefer this over what comes with marathon is I haven't found a good way to do complicated haproxy configurations with haproxy-marathon-bridge. With spiderweb you can create a template for the haproxy configuration which enables you to do things such as acl routing etc. It doesn't support health checks yet which is something that will need to be done before its production ready. You can see the project here
We have combined Mesos and Marathon with consul and registartor,
so in the end you have haproxy configuration auto-generated with consul-template.
All in one container.
With Mesos-DNS you can also do the following:
Setup mesos-dns as in this guide: (you can skip HAProxy steps they are not required)
When you start your docker containers make sure that they have "namespace %slave_ip_with_mesos_dns%" (replace string with IP address) in their /etc/resolv.conf files.
if lets say name of an app is "peek" it should be reachable from other applications at peek.marathon.mesos

Networking among kubernetes minions

I installed an 8-node kubernetes cluster (1 master + 7 minion) but I faced a networking problem among minions.
I installed my cluster according to this step-by-step Fedora manual, so I use Fedora 20 with its testing repository to get kubernetes binaries.
After installing, I wanted to try the guestbook example, but it seems to me there is a problem with the inter-container networking.
Although containers/PODs are in running state and I can reach my 3 frontend containers (via browser) and the redis containers as well (via natcat), but the frontend, which not on the same host with the redis, cannot reach redis master. The frontend's PHP give back network exception.
Can anybody help me why the containers cannot reach each other among the hosts?
I hope I could describe my setup enough accurately and thanks in advance.
The Fedora guide you followed will only get you running on a single machine. It avoids the issues around setting up networking across nodes.
For kubernetes to work, the following network set up must be satisfied:
Every container should be able to talk to every other container, even across nodes. This means also that the bridge IP range for those containers must not overlap.
Code running on any node that isn't in a container should be able to reach every container (and vise-versa), even across nodes.
It is not necessary (but useful) if computers on the network that aren't part of the cluster can reach the containers directly.
There are a lot of ways to achieve this -- for instance the set up for vagrant sets up GRE tunnels between each node. On GCE we use features of the platform to do the routing. If you are on physical machines on a switch you can probably just do a big layer 2 network w/ bridges. A bulletproof way to get started (but perhaps not the most performant, depending on your set up) is to use something like flannel.
We are working on making this stuff easier to start up (without using a mess of shell scripts) and are thinking of building something like flannel in so that there is a reasonable default.
