Calculate no of attachments and show it in tree view in openerp 7.0 - attachment

I am using the following code to add a new column in object and update the no of attachments to it (to show in tree view the count of attachments).
class stock_picking(osv.osv):
_inherit = ""
_name = ''
def count_attachments(self, cr, uid, ids, fields, arg, context):
obj_attachment = self.pool.get('ir.attachment')
for record in self:"record now in tree view:"+record)
record.attachment_count =0
attachment_ids =[('res_model','=',''),('res_id','=',]).ids
if attachment_ids:
record.attachment_count =len(attachment_ids)
return record
_columns = {
'attachment_count' :fields.function(count_attachments,method=True,string="Attachment Count" ,type='integer')
Then I have added the following line to the tree view.
<field name="attachment_count">
to show the count in tree view.
However the values are not getting updated and the count_attachments is not getting called.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Try following,
class stock_picking(osv.osv):
_inherit = ""
_name = ''
def count_attachments(self, cr, uid, ids, fields, arg, context=None):
obj_attachment = self.pool.get('ir.attachment')
res = {}
for record in self:
res[] = 0"record now in tree view:"+record)
attachment_ids =[('res_model','=',''),('res_id','=',]).ids
if attachment_ids:
res[] = len(attachment_ids)
return res
_columns = {
'attachment_count' :fields.function(count_attachments,method=True,string="Attachment Count" ,type='integer')


Filling a list within a loop using list.add and loop variable - how to clone variable?

i try to read out a certain XML API. It is my first project in dart and not very optimized, however it works until the loop ... well loops.
Here the code:
getKategorie(XmlElement element) {
Kategorie tmpKategorie = Kategorie();
dynamic iterableElements;
Board tmpBoard = Board(); = element.getAttribute("id"); = element.getElement("name")?.innerText;
tmpKategorie.description = element.getElement("description")?.innerText;
iterableElements = element.getElement("boards")?.childElements;
for (XmlElement tmpElement in iterableElements) {
if (tmpElement.localName == "board") { = tmpElement?.getAttribute("id"); = tmpElement?.getElement("name")?.innerText;
tmpBoard.description = tmpElement?.getElement("description")?.innerText;
return tmpKategorie;
the custom classes i use:
class Kategorie {
List<Board> boards = [];
dynamic id;
dynamic name = "NN";
dynamic description = "NN";
class Board {
dynamic id;
dynamic name;
dynamic description;
Everything works fine until i reach the second Element with localName board. While the tmpBoard variable will be filled with the data from the second/third/whatever Element content, the before added list element in tmpKategore.boards is also changed.
It looks like the add call for the tmpKategorie.boards list is only putting in the reference to the loop variable tmpBoard which ends in my problem: At the end all added list entries are identical to the last one.
How can i copy the object instead of referencing it into the list?
solution like suggested
if (tmpElement.localName == "board") { = tmpElement?.getAttribute("id");
if (tmpElement.localName == "board") {
tmpBoard = Board(); = tmpElement?.getAttribute("id");

In F#, how to update/replace a nested record using a list index?

(Totally Newbie).
Please assume the following in F#
module Visit =
type Model =
{ Name: string }
module Cell =
type Model =
{ Visit: Visit.Model option }
module Column =
type Model =
{ AppointmentCount: int
InnerRows: Cell.Model list }
module App =
...stuff with List.tryFind to return an open column ...
let AddVisit (c:Column.Model, v:Visit) =
{ c with c.InnerRows[AppointmentCount] = { c.InnerRows[AppointmentCount] with Visit = v } }
Assuming there will be 4 cells per column, the Visit is supplied by a database read, and the column instance is found through a couple of List.tryFind's, can a nested record (i.e., the visit of a cell) be replaced/updated with the AppointmentCount as an index?
That is, this fails:
let AddVisit (c:Column.Model, v:Visit) =
{ c with c.InnerRows[AppointmentCount] = { c.InnerRows[AppointmentCount] with Visit = v } }
Error: Field bindings must have the form 'id = expr,'
Thank you.
Take for instance a newly created record.
let myRecord2 = { MyRecord.X = 1; MyRecord.Y = 2; MyRecord.Z = 3 }
To update only two fields in that record you can use the copy and update record expression:
let myRecord3 = { myRecord2 with Y = 100; Z = 2 }
Copy and Update Record Expressions
let AddVisit (c:Column.Model, v:Visit) =
{ c.InnerRows.[c.AppointmentCount] with Visit = Some v }
Note that c.InnerRows.[c.AppointmentCount] specifies a specific cell.model to which the Visit will be set. (Also, the "." in front of the [ allows for direct indexing into the list.

IfcOpenShell(Parse)_IFC PropertySet, printing issue

Hy, I am new to programming and I have problems with printing my property sets and values.
I have more elements in my IFC and want to Parse all Property Sets and values.
My current result is elements ID(for every element), but it takes the attributes(property sets and values) form the first one.
see image
My code:
import ifcopenshell
ifc_file ='D:\PZI_9-1_1441_LIN_CES_1-17c-O_M-M3.ifc')
products = ifc_file.by_type('IFCPROPERTYSET')
for product in products:
print(product) # Prints
Category_Name_1 = ifc_file.by_type('IFCBUILDINGELEMENTPROXY')[0]
for definition in Category_Name_1.IsDefinedBy:
property_set = definition.RelatingPropertyDefinition
headders_list = []
data_list = []
max_len = 0
for property in property_set.HasProperties:
if property.is_a('IfcPropertySingleValue'):
headers = (property.Name)
data= (property.NominalValue.wrappedValue)
if len(headers) > max_len: max_len = len(headers)
if len(data) > max_len: max_len = len(data)
headders_list = [headers.ljust(max_len) for headers in headders_list]
data_list = [data.ljust(max_len) for data in data_list]
print(" ".join(headders_list))
print(" ".join(data_list))
Has somebody a solution?
Thanks and kind regards,
On line:
Category_Name_1 = ifc_file.by_type('IFCBUILDINGELEMENTPROXY')[0]
it seems that you are referring always to the first IfcBuildingElementProxy object (because of the 0-index). The index should be incremented for each product, I guess.

Copy Object Properties to a Map by Value not by Reference

I'm not sure where i'm going wrong, but it seems that I'm not able to copy properties from an object instance and assign them to a map without the values being changed after saving the instance.
This is a sample class:
class Product {
String productName
String proudctDescription
int quantityOnHand
Once the form is submitted and it's sent to my controller, I can access the values and manipulate them from the map that is available from the instance. I want to copy the properties to another map to preserve the values before committing them during an edit. So let's say we are editing a record and these are the values stored in the db: productName = "My Product", productDescription = "My Product Description" and quantityOnHand = 100.
I want to copy them to:
def propertiesBefore =
This did not work, because when I save the productInstance, the values in propertiesBefore change to whatever the instance had.
So I tried this: { k,v -> propertiesBefore[k] = v }
Same thing happened again. I am not sure how to copy by value, it seems no matter what I try it copies by reference instead.
As per the request of Pawel P., this is the code that I tested:
class Product {
String productName
String productDescription
int quantityOnHand
def productInstance = new Product(productName: "Some name", productDescription: "Desciption", quantityOnHand: 10)
def propertiesBefore = [:] { k,v -> propertiesBefore[k] = (v instanceof Cloneable) ? v.clone() : v }
productInstance.productName = "x"
productInstance.productDescription = "y"
productInstance.quantityOnHand = 9
println propertiesBefore.quantityOnHand // this will print the same as the one after the save()
println propertiesBefore.quantityOnHand // this will print the same as the one above the save()
Without cloning, copying hash-map [:]'s values to a new hash-map [:]'s space can also be done by "pushing" the first one over, which would achieve the same result that you desired (copy by value)!
def APE = [:]
APE= [tail: 1, body: "hairy", hungry: "VERY!!!"]
def CAVEMAN = [:]
CAVEMAN << APE //push APE to CAVEMAN's space
//modify APE's values for CAVEMAN
CAVEMAN.tail = 0
CAVEMAN.body = "need clothes"
println "'APE': ${APE}"
println "'CAVEMAN': ${CAVEMAN}"
Output ==>
'APE': [tail:1, body:hairy, hungry:VERY!!!]
'CAVEMAN': [tail:0, body:need clothes, hungry:VERY!!!]
The problem is that you actually copy references to variables. To obtain copy of variable you should use clone(). Take a look:
class Product {
String productName
String productDescription
int quantityOnHand
def productInstance = new Product(productName: "Some name", productDescription: "Desciption", quantityOnHand: 10)
def propertiesBefore = [:] { k,v -> propertiesBefore[k] = (v instanceof Cloneable) ? v.clone() : v }
productInstance.productName = "x"
productInstance.productDescription = "y"
productInstance.quantityOnHand = 9
println propertiesBefore
It prints:
[quantityOnHand:9, class:class Product, productName:x, productDescription:y]
[quantityOnHand:10, class:class Product, productName:Some name, productDescription:Desciption]
A simpler example for groovy using Hash-Map [:] can be like this:
def APE = [:]
APE= [tail: 1, body: "hairy", hungry: "VERY!!!"]
def CloneMe = APE //*APE as clone*
def CAVEMAN = [:] //*copy APE's values over thru mapping the clone*
CloneMe.each { key,value -> CAVEMAN[key] = (value instanceof Cloneable) ? value.clone() : value }
println "'CloneMe': ${CloneMe}"
//change some of the clone's values for CAVEMAN
CAVEMAN.tail = 0
CAVEMAN.body = "need clothes"
println "'APE': ${APE}"
println "'CAVEMAN': ${CAVEMAN}"
Output ==>
'CloneMe': [tail:1, body:hairy, hungry:VERY!!!]
'APE': [tail:1, body:hairy, hungry:VERY!!!]
'CAVEMAN': [tail:0, body:need clothes, hungry:VERY!!!]

How to reference lua table member from table member?

i have a table in lua:
enUS = {
LOCALE_STHOUSANDS = ",", --Thousands separator e.g. comma
patNumber = "%d+["..LOCALE_STHOUSANDS.."%d]*", --regex to find a number
["PreScanPatterns"] = {
["^("..patNumber..") Armor$"] = "ARMOR",
So you see there is a whole chain of self-references in this table:
["^("..patNumber..") Armor$"]
How can i perform self-referencing in an lua table?
What i don't want to do is have to hard-replace the values; there are hundreds of references:
enUS = {
LOCALE_STHOUSANDS = ",", --Thousands separator e.g. comma
patNumber = "%d+[,%d]*", --regex to find a number
["PreScanPatterns"] = {
["^(%d+[,%d]*) Armor$"] = "ARMOR",
How can i perform self-referencing in an lua table?
You don't.
Lua is not C. Until the table is constructed, none of the table entries exist. Because the table itself doesn't exist yet. Therefore, you can't have one entry in a table constructor reference another entry in a table that doesn't exist.
If you want to cut down on repeated typing, then you should use local variables and do/end blocks:
local temp_thousands_separator = ","
local temp_number_pattern = "%d+["..LOCALE_STHOUSANDS.."%d]*"
enUS = {
LOCALE_STHOUSANDS = temp_thousands_separator, --Thousands separator e.g. comma
patNumber = "%d+["..temp_thousands_separator.."%d]*", --regex to find a number
["PreScanPatterns"] = {
["^("..temp_number_pattern..") Armor$"] = "ARMOR",
The do/end block is there so that the temporary variables don't exist outside of the table creation code.
Alternatively, you can do the construction in stages:
enUS = {}
enUS.LOCALE_STHOUSANDS = ",", --Thousands separator e.g. comma
enUS.patNumber = "%d+["..enUS.LOCALE_STHOUSANDS.."%d]*", --regex to find a number
enUS["PreScanPatterns"] = {
["^("..enUS.patNumber..") Armor$"] = "ARMOR",
There's no way of doing this inside the constructor itself, but you can do it after creating the table like so:
enUS = {
enUS.patNumber = "%d+["..enUS.LOCALE_STHOUSANDS.."%d]*"
enUS.PreScanPatterns = {
["^("..enUS.patNumber..") Armor$"] = "ARMOR",
If you specifically need to refer to the current table, Lua provides a "self" parameter, but it's only accessible in functions.
local t = {
x = 1,
y = function(self) return self.x end
-- this is functionally identical to t.y
function t:z() return self.x end
-- these are identical and interchangeable
print(t:y(), t.z(t))
-- 1, 1
