Accessing Rational DOORS database - url

I need to control Rational DOORS client from a custom application (in java, if that matters).
Requirement is very simple: to open the DOORS client pointing to a specific requirement (as specified by its tag). DOORS client can then remain open or be closed independently from my app.
I do not really know DOORS and neither use it for my daily work, so my competence is very limited.
Ideal would be to build a URL containing the query to point directly to the needed element. Is that possible?

Every requirement in DOORS has a URL. The URL format is
doors://<Server>:<Port>/ ?.............
The URL can be fetched by opening the properties of the requirement. To make things easy, A DOORS manager can provide an export the Requirement-ID against the URL in an Excel.


Can a dash app be filtered via URL like Power BI

I am embarking on a POC to replace a Power BI dashboard that can’t do all the visualizations we need with a dash app. One major requirement is to be able to pass multiple filters to the app via url in a manner similar to the Power BI capability.
I have tried to research this and see references to URL callbacks and believe this provides the functionality I will need, but I don’t yet understand dash apps well enough to be sure.
I’m not asking how to, just whether or not it can be done. Thanks!
You can. Use the dcc.Location component (docs), and structure any callbacks that need to listen to the URL to have an Input based on that component. You can even pass multiple things with it, such as "filter_1/3/filter_2/5/filter_3/1" and then .split('/') to break up the string and parse the values.

ODATA as an icCube data source

I am trying to load open data from the Dutch government. The data comes with a specific format that is specified in the pdf document you will find when searching on "Handleiding CBS Open Data Services".
What needs to be done to link to an open data source within icCube? Is this something specific (required new functionality) or can this be done with one of the existing datasources?
For the time being even though we support some json databases (e.g. MongoDB) there is no direct ODATA support.
It's possible to develop your own datasource. Excel plugin is an example of this.

MD5 in ActionScript

I am trying to build a web based flash application. I am quite new to flash. I would like to develop it in two forms - demo and paid version. For this application to act as a paid version I need to have some kind of serial key. In order to achieve this I googled and came across something like this
I think 'thisuri' points to the current url page but I don't know how to get that url and I don't know whether '+' acts as a character or an operator.
Can you please help me?
It seems that a library exists in AS3.0 : as3corelib
An ActionScript 3 Library that contains a number of classes and utilities for working with ActionScript? 3. These include classes for MD5 and SHA 1 hashing, Image encoders, and JSON serialization as well as general String, Number and Date APIs.
To use it, just download the zip file, decompress it and copy the contents of "src" directory to the root of your project.
Then in your actionscript code, simply do the following :
import com.adobe.crypto.MD5;
var hash:String = MD5.hash(”test”);
source in french
To add to #Julien's recommendation of using as3corelib, you will also need the advice from this post to get the current url: Get Current Browser URL - ActionScript 3
Somehow I think there's a more elegant way to get the url, but I don't remember it.
While this may provide you with some basic check for the paid version, a determined hacker will easily fool this algorithm. For example, I could fool the environment into thinking that its being served from a domain that you've registered as part of the "paid" version. Also, since the client has the flash code, they can decompile the binary and potentially see the algorithm you're using. Depending on what you're offering in the app, this extreme case may or may not be acceptable to you.
Look into more secure authentication mechanisms if you're serious about security.

Best way to switch languages in the software or website?

I want to know the best programming technique to switch languages in the software or website. So anyone can give me some suggestions? Thanks!
There is no standard. But I used the following technique in websites.
Put all the visible strings (eg. "file", "menu", "contact us") in a file or database. It can be xml, json or any format that you easily parse later. Make sure all the data is saved in different directory/db tables according to locale/language.
Wrap all the strings with a function or static class method. Every time they are displayed they'll go through some processing.
When you first load the software or web determine the locale or language that user wants to use.
According to users choice select the string source. database, filepath etc. For e.g. if user want to see strings in en_GB locale, find strings in en_GB folder or in lang_en_GB table. Naming format is in your hand.
Now each time the function or static class method is called find strings in the source you selected on Step 4.
It depends on the language you are using. Many have built in support for it. In android for example what you do is store all strings into an xml file that is named based on the region. And the operating system will automatically use the appropriate resources based on the phones region.
Look into what support your language/platform includes. You will want to externalize all your string constants such as "Press the menu button" into an external file. Then just get this file translated to each language you want to support, and use the OS to automatically use the correct resource file. Or if the platform/OS does not support such a thing write some code to determine which resource file to use yourself.

ASP.NET: How to retrieve data from access/Excel file?

A company is creating a web site for the organization I work for. Since the web site is still being developed, some modules are not yet there. For instance, in order to print data obtained from a query, one needs first to export it to Excel or Access. Then, from Excel or Access, it is important to do some adjustments (adjust columns width and rows height, modify titles, so on) to make it easy to print.
I would like to create a small web application that will avoid us doing those operations manually. Unfortunately, the other application is in JSP/Java while I only know ASP.NET/C#.
How can I retrieve all this data, which are either in Excel or Access, and reload them into my application for printing?
Thank you
This guy did a brilliant article on getting data from excel using, I have written a program based on his instructions and it is working fine with Excel 2007 files, and can handle very long column data as well.
Link to article
Have you considered writing a macro in Excel instead of trying to do everything on the server? Creating a macro in VBA isn't difficult, and you can distribute it as an Add-In to your users. Takes some good instructions for them to install it, but avoids all the potentially messy issues of import/export of Excel files.
