Play audio for directions using MapKit inside an ios app - ios

I am developing an ios app that has MKMapView embedded. And the app shows route from current location to the destination. I have managed to do this.
Can we play audio for step by step route inside our own app? Does apple provide us some libraries so that our app can play the instructions? How can this be done more efficiently
Thanks in advance.

Here are steps you can follow to achieve this.
Store Coordinates of all the step endpoints.
Store direction instructions of individual step.
Inside the method,
(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager
didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations;
compare the distance of your current location with the current step start coordinates. And if the distance is within some limit, say 50 meters, you can play the audio.
I am not sure Mapkit provides you the coordinates of individual step coordinates. However, Google map sdk for iOS does provide all the coordinates of each route points.


Custom Map using ibeacon technology swift

i have started working on an application where i will be using ibeacons to fetch the distance and show the distance between your iphone device and beacons around the iphone device. i gone through lots of stuff about beacons and some SDK which i can use to make an application like Estimote, Eddystone, ibeacons .
Only part i am not able to understand where i want to add an custom map in it . how i can achieve that . so that it can link to beacons and show the location of the beacon in a map format .
this question might be naive but i am stuck and unable to understand . any help would be appreciated
thank you in advance
There are a number of map SDKs you can use on iOS including Apple's MapKit and Google Maps for iOS. You can also simply draw your own map as a SVG image (a vector scalable format allow you to zoom in and out without losing resolution.) You can then record in your app the latitude and longitude of the beacon, and when detected, center the map to that latitude and longitude perhaps with a blue dot at the center.

Create track motion app in iOS

I just want some hint of how can I create an app in iOS which can do following.
When a user is at point X, user will click on start button so app will start a timer and track the movement. User will be on a horse and user needs to ride in a full circle. When user comes back to point X the app should draw the route taken by the user on the horse.
Aim is to ride completely in a circle. I want to make this app to
practice and see how close to a circle I ride.
I tried to look at GPS locator but I am not sure whether it will give me efficient results because the circle I ride can be as small as 60m or less in radius.
I don't know if iOS GPS can be this accurate. I read article on motion sensor and how to track rotation and acceleration.
But I am not quite sure how to use that to my advantage.
I just need some tips like which API to use etc.
Using the Standard Positioning Service one can achieve 15 meter
horizontal accuracy 95% of the time. This means that 95% of the time,
the coordinates you read from your GPS receiver display will be within
15 meters of your true position on the earth.
More Information click here
For integrate Map and draw path using current position google map is good option for integrate in iOS mobile .
small and range and get accurate result use indoor position system.
For more information about Indoor positioning system (IPS) click here
and Github iOS demo : get code

Compute Heading iOS mapkit

I am working on functionality where I need to animate car driving on the map which is similar to what Uber has for customer application.
Current approach: I receive latest driver's coordinate from the api after particular polling interval, I use latest lat long and last known lat long to calculate directions using MKDirection. Currently I am able to animate car on this polyline received via directions api but I am not sure how to calculate heading to rotate car in a particular directions.
Note: Client's requirement is to use apple's native maps and api available and not to use Google Maps api.
Any insights on computing heading will be helpful.
Have you looked at this answer?
This should outline how to calculate a heading from two GPS coordinates.

Indoor Atlas: iOS SDK doesn't give accurate position when device stops moving

I downloaded the Indoor Atlas iPhone SDK and also generated path maps and test paths for my venue. SDK navigates me perfectly when I am moving from one place to another but when I stop moving it generates scattered output with the position radius from 10 to 25. I am expecting precise co-ordinates in both the above cases in my project.
Is there any way to get more precision?
IndoorAtlas technology is using the history of magnetic field observations for computing the precise location. This means that the device needs to move some distance in order to collect enough data to converge to a correct location estimate, i.e., to have a location fix. We are constantly improving our service to decrease the time needed for the first location fix.
If you experience your position moving after you've already stopped walking yourself, please contact with details of your application and venue where this is experienced and we'll look into it. Thanks!

Programmatically following Google directions?

I'm building an iPad app that will present a screen-by-screen walkthrough of directions sourced from Google's Directions API. I'd like to track the user's progress through physical space using CoreLocation and update the screens to follow the user, similar to most directions applications.
My initial idea is something along these lines:
For each step in the directions, grab the corresponding polyline
When CoreLocation updates, check whether the lat/long pair are within some delta of some point on the polyline (ie, iterate over all the points on the polyline).
If the location is within the polyline, stay on the same screen
If not on the polyline, check whether the user is within the same delta of some subset of the polyline for the next step (say 10 points) and, if so, advance to the next screen.
If not on the next polyline, alert the user that they've left the route.
This seems inefficient and not particularly accurate... Are there better ways to do this?
