Configuring zabbix to monitor ping from a server - monitoring

I am new to zabbix. I would like to monitor the ping from my server and I want to activate a trigger if the ping gets unresponsive or ping time exceeds 20 milliseconds.
I don't know how to configure the trigger expression to suit my needs. Please help. Thanks.
I used
type -> Simple check
key -> icmppingsec
Type of information -> Numeric(Float)
Units -> s
Flexible intervial -> 10secs, from 7:00-24:00
This is the trigger expression.
And a graph I created.

According to simple check documentation, icmppingsec item returns ping time in seconds or 0 if the host is not reachable. Therefore, your trigger can be as follows:
{Template ICMP Ping:icmppingsec.avg(5m)} > 0.020 |
{Template ICMP Ping:icmppingsec.max(5m)} = 0
If you are using at least Zabbix 2.4, you should use or instead of | (see What's new in Zabbix 2.4.0).
Note also that there is no point in using "1-7,00:00-24:00" flexible interval. You can just put "10" into "Updated interval (in sec)" field.


Erlang change VM process initial size. Tune Erlang VM

First I have to mention that I run on a CentOS 7 tuned up to support 1 million connections. I tested with a simple C server and client and I connected 512000 clients. I could have connect more but I did not have enought RAM to spawn more linux client machines, since from a machine I can open 65536 connections; 8 machines * 64000 connections each = 512000.
I made a simple Erlang server to which I want to connect 1 million or half a million clients, using the same C client. The problem I'm having now is memory related. For each successfully gen_tcp:accept call I spawn a process. Around 50000 open connections costs me 3.7 GB RAM on server, meanwhile using the C server I could have open 512000 connections using 1.9 GB RAM. It is true that on the C server I did not created a process after accept to handle stuff, I just called accept again in while loop, but even so... guys on web did this erlang thing with less memory ( ejabberd riak )
I presume that the flags that I pass to the erlang VM should do the trick. From what I read in documentation and on the web this is what I have: erl +K true +Q 64200 +P 134217727 -env ERL_MAX_PORTS 40960000 -env ERTS_MAX_PORTS 40960000 +a 16 +hms 1024 +hmbs 1024
This is the server code, I open 1 listener that monitors port 5001 by calling start(1, 5001).
start(Num,LPort) ->
case gen_tcp:listen(LPort,[{reuseaddr, true},{backlog,9000000000}]) of
{ok, ListenSock} ->
{ok, Port} = inet:port(ListenSock),
{error,Reason} ->
start_servers(0,_) ->
start_servers(Num,LS) ->
server(LS, Nr) ->
io:format("before accept ~w~n",[Nr]),
case gen_tcp:accept(LS) of
{ok,S} ->
io:format("after accept ~w~n",[Nr]),
proc_lib:hibernate(?MODULE, loop, [S]);
Other ->
io:format("accept returned ~w - goodbye!~n",[Other]),
loop(S) ->
ok = inet:setopts(S,[{active,once}]),
{tcp,S, _Data} ->
Answer = 1, % Not implemented in this example
proc_lib:hibernate(?MODULE, loop, [S]);
{tcp_closed,S} ->
io:format("Socket ~w closed [~w]~n",[S,self()]),
Given this configuration your my beam consumed about 2.5 GB of memory just on start without even your module loaded.
However, if you reduce maximum number of processes to the reasonable value, like +P 60000 for 50 000 connections test, memory consumption drops rapidly.
With 60 000 processes limit VM only used 527MB of virtual memory on start.
I've tried to reproduce your test, but unfortunately I was only able to launch 30 000 netcat's on my system before running out of memory (because of client jobs). However I only observed increase of VM memory consumption up to 570MB.
So my suggestion is that your numbers come from high startup memory consumption and not great number of opened connections. Even then you actually should pay attention to the stats change along with increasing number of opened connections and not absolute values.
I finally used the following configuration for my benchmark:
erl +K true +Q 64200 +P 60000 -env ERL_MAX_PORTS 40960000 -env ERTS_MAX_PORTS 40960000 +a 16 +hms 1024 +hmbs 1024
So I've launched clients with the command
for i in `seq 1 50000`; do nc 5001 & done
Apart from tunes you already made you can adjust tcp buffers as well. By default they take OS default values, but you can pass {recbuf, Size}and {sndbuf, Size} to gen_tcp:listen. It may reduce memory footprints significantly.

How to read uwsgi stats output

I'm on this page and using uwsgitop but I have no idea how to interpret the output. The docs aren't giving too much away too. So how would one go about understanding this:
WID -> worker id
% -> percentage of served requests by the worker
PID -> process id of the worker
REQ -> number of managed requests
RPS -> number of current requests handled per second
EXC -> number of raised exceptions
SIG -> number of managed uwsgi signals (NOT unix signals !!!)
STATUS -> can be idle, busy, pause, cheaped or sig
AVG -> average response time for the worker
RSS -> RSS memory (need --memory-report)
VSZ -> address space (need --memory-report)
TX -> transmitted data
RunT -> running time
As I can not yet comment (due to reputation) for anyone who is wondering how to see the RSS/VSZ values you need to set --memory-report in your uwsgi configuration, not when you execute uwsgitop.

How to Choose a Port Number?

I'm writing a program which uses ZeroMQ to communicate with other running programs on the same machine. I want to choose a port number at run time to avoid the possibility of collisions. Here is an example of a piece of code I wrote to accomplish this.
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
use strict;
use warnings;
my %in_use;
local $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
%in_use = map { $_ => 1 } split /\n/, qx(
netstat -aunt |\
awk '{print \$4}' |\
grep : |\
awk -F: '{print \$NF}'
my ($port) = grep { not $in_use{$_} } 50_000 .. 59_999;
print "$port is available\n";
The procedure is:
invoke netstat -aunt
parse the result
choose the first port on a fixed range which doesn't appear on netstat list.
Is there a system utility better suited to accomplishing this?
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.ROUTER)
port_selected = socket.bind_to_random_port('tcp://*', min_port=6001, max_port=6004, max_tries=100)
First of all, from your code it looks like you are trying to choose a port between 70000 and 79999. You do know that port numbers only go up to 65535, right? :-)
You can certainly do it this way, even though there are a couple of problems with the approach. The first problem is that netstat output differs between different operating systems so it's hard to do it portably. The second problem is that you still need to wrap the code in a loop which tries again to find a new port number in case it was not possible to bind to the chosen port number, because there's a race condition between ascertaining that the port is free and actually binding to it.
If the library you are using allows you to specify the port number as 0 and allows you to call getsockname() on the socket after it is bound, then you should just do that. Using 0 makes the system choose any free port number, and with getsockname() you can find out which port it chose.
Failing that, it would probably actually be more efficient to not bother calling netstat and just try to find to different port numbers in a loop. If you succeed, break from the loop. If you fail, increment the port number by 1, go back, and try again.

Parsing Get-Counter data to just get the values

I would like to get the total number of bytes that my computer has sent/received over some interval.
Powershell has a handy cmdlet that gets me access to that information (Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter is the name of my interface):
Get-Counter -Counter "\Network Interface(Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter)\Bytes received/sec" -Continuous
It gets the data just fine, but it comes out like this:
The closes I could get to having it come out the way I wanted was using Get-Counter -Counter "\Network Interface(Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter)\Bytes received/sec" -Continuous | Format-Table -Property Readings but that still had a long path name in front of the value I want.
Additionally, if I try setting the output to be some variable, no assignment ever gets done (variable stays null).
How can I get this data in a decent format?
Note: The goal is to keep a running tally of this information, and then do something when it reaches a threshold. I can do that if I can get the above to work, but if there is a better way to do it, I am more than happy to use that instead.
Pipe to Foreach-Object and get the value from the CounterSamples property. CounterSamples is an array and the value is in the first item:
Get-Counter -Counter "\Network Interface(Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter)\Bytes received/sec" -Continuous |
Foreach-Object {$_.CounterSamples[0].CookedValue}

Can someone explain the structure of a Pid (Process Identifier) in Erlang?

Can someone explain the structure of a Pid in Erlang?
Pids looks like this: <A.B.C>, e.g. <0.30.0> , but I would like to know what is the meaning of these three "bits": A, B and C.
A seems to be always 0 on a local node, but this value changes when the Pid's owner is located on another node.
Is it possible to directly send a message on a remote node using only the Pid? Something like that: <4568.30.0> ! Message, without having to explicitly specify the name of the registered process and the node name ( {proc_name, Node} ! Message)?
Printed process ids < A.B.C > are composed of 6:
A, the node number (0 is the local
node, an arbitrary number for a remote node)
B, the first 15 bits of the process number (an index into the process table) 7
C, bits 16-18 of the process number (the same process number as B) 7
Internally, the process number is 28 bits wide on the 32 bit emulator. The odd definition of B and C comes from R9B and earlier versions of Erlang in which B was a 15bit process ID and C was a wrap counter incremented when the max process ID was reached and lower IDs were reused.
In the erlang distribution PIDs are a little larger as they include the node atom as well as the other information. (Distributed PID format)
When an internal PID is sent from one node to the other, it's automatically converted to the external/distributed PID form, so what might be <0.10.0> (inet_db) on one node might end up as <2265.10.0> when sent to another node. You can just send to these PIDs as normal.
% get the PID of the user server on OtherNode
RemoteUser = rpc:call(OtherNode, erlang,whereis,[user]),
true = is_pid(RemoteUser),
% send message to remote PID
RemoteUser ! ignore_this,
% print "Hello from <nodename>\n" on the remote node's console.
io:format(RemoteUser, "Hello from ~p~n", [node()]).
For more information see: Internal PID structure,
Node creation information,
Node creation counter interaction with EPMD
If I remember this correctly the format is <nodeid,serial,creation>.
0 is current node much like a computer always has the hostname "localhost" to refer to itself. This is by old memory so it might not be 100% correct tough.
But yes. You could build the pid with list_to_pid/1 for example.
PidString = "<0.39.0>",
list_to_pid(PidString) ! message.
Of course. You just use whatever method you need to use to build your PidString. Probably write a function that generates it and use that instead of PidString like such:
list_to_pid( make_pid_from_term({proc_name, Node}) ) ! message
Process id < A.B.C > is composed of:
A, node id which is not arbitrary but the internal index for that node in dist_entry. (It is actually the atom slot integer for the node name.)
B, process index which refers to the internal index in the proctab, (0 -> MAXPROCS).
C, Serial which increases every time MAXPROCS has been reached.
The creation tag of 2 bits is not displayed in the pid but is used internally and increases every time the node restarts.
The PID refers to a process and a node table. So you can only send a message directly to a PID if it is known in the node from which you do the call.
It is possible that this will work if the node you do the call from already knows about the node on which the process is running.
Apart from what others have said, you may find this simple experiment useful to understand what is going on internally:
1> node().
2> term_to_binary(node()).
3> self().
4> term_to_binary(self()).
So, you can se that the node name is internally stored in the pid. More info in this section of Learn You Some Erlang.
