I'm doing an automatic deployment to move binaries,sql scripts,properties files from development server to staging server. Note, my case property and xsd files were present in the Hard Drive on the computer instead of Tomcat web server.
Jenkins has the ability to deploy applications on tomcat with the help of SVN.
How Jenkins will execute sql scripts and apply property files changes on remote server?
You have two major options:
Use the Execute shell or Execute Windows batch command build steps
use a java based tool like liquibase, ant tasks, maven plugin or many more.
I am designing the batch workflow with SCDF on Windows OS. When I test the code on my local machine, I deploy and run the Spring batch job jar locally by registering the jar using file URL. The problem is that whenever I want to rebuild my batch job jar, I cannot delete the jar that has already registered on the SCDF server as the OS warned me that the jar is being used by a Java program (even when the batch job is not running at that time).
It is quite inconvenient for developers to shut down the SCDF server every time when they want to rebuild the jar and replace the existing jar. Is there any workaround, or am I missing any configuration?
Thanks in advance for the advice.
I see this is an inconvenience but unfortunately this is expected when using file:// based resources. One alternative is to install your app as maven artifact in your local and refer them as maven:// based resources.
I would like to know what are the difference between using Jenkins on terminal with .war file vs using installer. And which is better?
Always use the installer if you can. My main experience is with Linux but I’m pretty sure this applies to Windows as well:
The installer will automatically pull in any dependencies that Jenkins needs in order to run
You can easily upgrade Jenkins and its dependencies by installing a new version of the package
It will set up Jenkins as a service that will restart automatically if the server reboots
It provides a script to set parameters such as the JVM memory allocation and the port number that Jenkins runs on - if you use the JAR file you’d have to write a script yourself.
I am new to DevOps. Recently I practiced the Docker examples. I have one usecase in my current project. Here it is
This is java project. It contains one war project that depends on jar project. Build tool is maven.
We are using Jboss Wildfly server.
DataBase is mysql 5.7.
We are using testng framework for the unit test cases.
sonarqube for code analysis. Selenium for testing.
So in any linux box the infrastructure we need is java8, wildfly server and mysql 5.7.
Consider we have 2 boxes. one is dev and another is test. Developer works on his local windows machine.
Sometimes we need some configurations required in jboss folder. Suppose we changed one xml in wildfly configuration folder in this release. How to communicate same to dev and test boxes as local machine. Another case is for dev box we need different configuration in xml and for test box it is different from dev box(SSL information in standalone.xml and user properties). How to handle this?
I would suggest to run all required stack (wildfly and mysql) via docker-compose. Also you can extend official wildfly image to provide your custom configuration so you should build 2 different images, one with tag 'dev' and second with tag 'test'.
The project I am on is using TFS Build in conjunction with Web Deploy to handle the deployments of the web site and service to the servers. We also have a windows service that needs to be deployed to the server as well.
My question is: Is there a way to deploy the Windows Service to the Web Server from the TFS Build server?
The other issue I have is that the service needs to be stopped before it can be deployed. I have tried to modify the Build Configuration file, but could not manage to get it to work.
If you install TFSBuildagent service on the web server and grant the user which runs the service Admin rights on the web server, then you can create a new build definition just for the deployment/installation. This is fairly simple and straight forward, but this would only work when you have limited number of web servers (who wants to install TFS BUild agent on all 2000 servers) and only work in the non-prod environment. This is how we are doing it for non-prod deployments, I have created a build definition which is just for deployment, which takes care of all the things like stopping services etc.
If the user which runs the TFSBuild Service on the build server have enough rights on the web server then you can use psexec or powershell to run your commands remotely. Read the below links: 1. PSEXEC
Powershell Remote commands
What did you do to stop the service in your build configuration file? Does the user have enough rights?
There is no inbuilt activity/process which can help you run scripts on remote machines in TFS build workflow.
Step 1 for you is to identify how you are going to run scripts on the remote machine, as mentioned above you can either use PSEXEC or Powershell (though running PowerShell on remote computers may be a little more complicated to set up).
Step2, write the actual scripts to do the work, stop services, install MSI etc.
Step3, Edit your current build defintion - create a new custom activity or make use of InvokeProcess activity from within your build definition to invoke the script that you have created in Step 2. InvokeProcess Activity
My Question: How can I run a deployment script from the TFS 2010 build template on a remote system that has only a MSTest agent running?
I know this can be done by activating the Deployment section in the test settings configuration file, but this is not flexible enough. At night a build runs. When the build is successful, a deployment script is placed at a drop location. The drop location is date, project and build definition specific. These parameters are available in the TFS build template we use.
I do not have Lab Management available, just a physical server. I would rather not spoil the physical server with an additional build agent to only do the deployment. The MSTest agent is apparently capable of running deployment scripts, but how do I use that functionality from the TFS build workflow. For example, can I use the RunDeploymentScript activity without having Lab Management?
PSExec is a great tool for running scripts on remote computers. I use this in Team Deploy that allows you to install MSIs on remote computers from Team Build. You can also run PowerShell on remote computers but it is a little more complicated to set up. Another option is to use MSDeploy. There is a command option that you can run any command on a remote computer. I usually use an InvokeProcess activity to call a PowerShell script on the build server. From the PowerShell script I have called MSDeploy to run a remote PowerShell script on a target server. It sounds bad but worked good.
You can't run the RunDeploymentScript on the target machine. You can use a modified template to deploy to a physical environemnt. Here is a good post on doing this.. The options I mentioned above do not need any agent on it. You can use the ExecuteRemoteTestRun lab management activity without Lab Management to run the MTM Tests with the Test Agent with a Test Controller that is registered to the project collection (Test Manager).
Let me know if you have any questions on any of these options.