main.dart not found since upgrade to Dart 1.9.1 - dart

Since I upgraded to Dart 1.9.1 whenever I try to run my main.dart by clicking in Run in Dartium or Run as JavaScript I get this error on the browsers console
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://localhost:8080/main.dart
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://localhost:8080/main.dart.js
I tried running my own bin/server.dart so I didn't rely on the pub server to serve my static files. From this script, the directions to reach the web folder usually where "../web", I had to change this to just "web" in order for this to work.
Was there a change I am not aware? Is this a bug?
I also get this message on Dartium
You are using an unsupported command-line flag: --no-sandbox. Stability and security will suffer.
The directory problem might be because of a change an update in Shelf or Redstone. I did a pub update as suggested and that might have changed the way the framework looked for folders.

The problem seems to be that you're trying to run an application (server-side) as a website.
If you press the icon next to the run icon and in the dropdown menu click on "Manage launches" you can click the left of the icons (the server-icon) which allows you to run a CommandLine application.
If you select your dart script here (server.dart or main.dart) you'll be able to use it.


Failed to load packages - Dart Angular Tutorial

I tried to follow the tutorial of Angular with Dart.
Everything worked fine until I got to the navigation chapter.
When I run the project with webstorm and chromium I always get this error.
I also tried to run the solution repo but I get the same error.
It seems like these packages browser / angular etc. are not loaded.
Perhaps there are some restrictions by webstorm?! The funny thing is it worked occasionally on the first run but when I refreshed the page in the browser the error always comes back.
http://localhost:63342/toh-5-master/web/packages/browser/dart.js Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
http://localhost:63342/toh-5-master/web/packages/angular/angular.dart Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
package:angular/angular.dart:1 An error occurred loading file: package:angular/angular.dart
http://localhost:63342/toh-5-master/web/packages/angular_router/angular_router.dart Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
package:angular_router/angular_router.dart:1 An error occurred loading file: package:angular_router/angular_router.dart
http://localhost:63342/toh-5-master/web/packages/angular_tour_of_heroes/app_component.dart Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
package:angular_tour_of_heroes/app_component.dart:1 An error occurred loading file: package:angular_tour_of_heroes/app_component.dart
The things above are working now because I changed to this repo: which works with Dart 2.
Right now I have another problem with the new 5-dev repo.
Here is my console of pub serve. It says the main.template.dart is missing.
(I'm using the Dart version 2.0.0-dev.44.0.)
Does anyone how to fix this problem??
Compiling angular_tour_of_heroes|web/main.dart...
[web] GET styles.css => (cached) angular_tour_of_heroes|web/styles.css
[Error from Dart2JS on angular_tour_of_heroes|web/main.dart]:
file:///C:/xampp/htdocs/flutterprojects/toh-5-5-dev/web/main.template.dart: Could not find asset angular_tour_of_heroes|web/main.template.dart.
[Info from Dart2JS]:
Took 0:00:03.911463 to compile angular_tour_of_heroes|web/main.dart.
Build completed with 1 errors.
[web] GET main.dart.js => Could not find asset angular_tour_of_heroes|web/main.dart.js.
[web] GET index.html => angular_tour_of_heroes|web/index.html
When I run it directly with the console I get the following error.
> pub serve --web-compiler=dartdevc
Build completed successfully
[web] GET => angular_tour_of_heroes|web/index.html
[web] GET styles.css => angular_tour_of_heroes|web/styles.css
Unable to find module for angular|lib/src/bootstrap/modules.template.dart
Unable to find module for angular|lib/src/bootstrap/modules.template.dart
Unable to find module for angular|lib/src/bootstrap/modules.template.dart
For Angular 4 example apps
Load failures like this can happen if you have an error in your app that is preventing dart2js from compiling it successfully. Are any errors or warnings being reported by pub in WebStorm's Pub Serve tab? Also make sure that you are using version 1.24.3 of the Dart SDK.
I'm unable to reproduce the problem you mention. I've downloaded the project zip, and it runs fine from both the command line and WebStorm (even after making some edits and refreshing). Note that the first time you load the app, you might get a 404 because pub might not have finished compiling your app yet.
For Angular 5 example apps
As you've found out, if you'd like to try out an example using Angular 5-alpha, switch to the 5-dev branch of the repo. Ensure that you are using at least a Dart 2-dev version of the SDK.
The Dart 2 SDK no longer has support for pub build and pub serve. As of 2018Q2 you cannot use WebStorm to build and serve Angular 5 apps. Instead, you'll need to do that from the command line:
pub run build_runner serve
Then open localhost:8080 in Chrome.
For the full details see the Angular 5 Setup for Development.
Angular 5 is nearly out. I can imagine that the TOH hasn't quite caught up. You can look at to see the known issues.

Automatic refresh the page when changes while running pub serve (dart)

I'm using pub serve to run my page. I noticed that there are tools like lite-server for npm, that make sure that after file contents are changed, the web page is automatically refreshed.
Anyone got something like that working for dart using pub serve? I thought maybe some grinder script with the watcher package could make that work?
Pub should handle monitoring and autodeployment of changes itself when run in debug or release mode.
You can verify this works correctly by issuing from your project root
pub serve
then make a change to a html or dart file and verify that the project is automatically rebuilt.
If this is not working, you might try experimenting with the --force-poll option when running pub serve. Per documentation:
--[no-]force-poll Force the use of a polling filesystem watcher.

javafx native package error invoking method

I'm developing a desktop application using javafx v8.0.60. I have created an exe package with ant in netbeans 8. When I run exe file in my computer, it is installed and run without any problem.
On the other hand, when I try to install and run it on some other computer, at the end of installation, window dialog pops up:
"Error invoking method"
I click Ok. Another window pop up saying:
"Failed to launch jvm"
Davood, greetings! I had this same problem and I, like you, found no help anywhere.
I submit to you a solution, which miraculously worked for me and helped me make sense of those blasted "Error invoking method." and "Failed to launch JVM" dialogs:
Find your .jar file
It has the same name as your Project and it's in your application's installation directory under AppData\Local\{ApplicationTitle}\app (shortcut: type %appdata% into explorer); if your project was named HelloWorld, there you will find HelloWorld.jar
Navigate to it's directory in command prompt
shift+Right Click any blank spot in the Explorer window and choose "Open command window here" (that's a fancy trick I recently learned; alternatively you would cd to the same directory using the command prompt)
Run your .jar via the command line
type java -jar "HelloWorld.jar" and hit Enter
Tadah! Behold your hidden exceptions (the existence of which "Error invoking method." so vaguely tries to communicate to you). *
If your problem is similar to mine it stems from a file structure difference between the project out folder and the installation directory, and that's why the program compiles just fine in the editor and builds just fine—there isn't a problem until it's built out, and the file structure is a little different.
*If you didn't get anything when you ran it via the command line, look for any errors that could be happening during that initialize() method; that's where your problem likely is. You can expose any exceptions during runtime by using a Popup Exception Dialog like shown in a similar problem, here.

Dart Editor Dartium: "could not start pub serve or connect to pub"

I just installed Dart Editor on Ubuntu 14.04, opened the Sunflower demo, right clicked on sunflower.html, chose Run in Dartium, and was faced with "Could not start pub serve or connect to pub." So I went to Google and found the following reasons why this happens:
"Run in Dartium" doesn't invoke "pub serve" correctly for Dart files that aren't in web/ or test/ (But the Sunflower demo files are all in web/)
Project files must be inside "C:\Users[username]\dart" instead of "C:\progs\Dart\projects" (Doesn't help; I'm not on Windows, but would demos that come with Dart Editor be in the wrong place?)
Same problem in recent release shows up on Mac OSX, bug fix promised in that next release (Doesn't help; I'm not on Mac OSX and that next release already came)
Another service is listening on port 8080 (Nope, I checked the ports and also made sure nothing with dart pub serve was already running, plus rebooted a couple of times)
dart error - could not start pub serve or connect to pub
So I found more information that gave me the idea to try pub serve from the command line. So I went to the directory where the sunflower project was placed by the Dart Editor (where the pubspec.yaml is found) and in the command line I typed:
sudo /opt/dart/dart-sdk/bin/pub serve
Which resulted in:
You don't have a lockfile, so we need to generate that:
Resolving dependencies... (1.1s)
Downloading browser 0.9.1...
Got dependencies!
Loading source assets...
Serving sunflower web on http:// localhost:8080
Build completed successfully
Great, I thought, so I opened Chrome and visited http:// localhost:8080 and saw this:
404 Not Found
Could not find asset web in package sunflower.
And in my command line console I saw this:
[web] GET / → Could not find asset sunflower|web.
[web] GET /favicon.ico → Could not find asset sunflower|web/favicon.ico.
I am about to get more aggressive with my Google search and investigation, but I thought I would have this question out here just in case I cannot find the answer. Even though I encounter many obstacles before running my first Dart demo, which makes for a poor introduction (I know, Dart is new), I keep liking what people say about it and I am compelled to get this working. Please help me like Dart. :)
Much appreciated!
I came across similar error and this solved it for me:
1) Move all html/css/dart files to /web directory.
2) Than create a pubspec.yaml with your projects dependences (usually it's "browser" only).
You may try like this, [run]-->[Manage Launches], then unmarked "Use pub serve to serve the application", good luck!

dart including libraries with wrong casing in URI

So I've been working on this project in Dart for a few months without too many big issues, until a recent update from last week seems to have broken the way libraries are included in my application. I have an application package called 'BeerRun', with the standard lib/ and web/ directories. In 'web' I have the main beer_run.dart file, which is included and invoked in web/BeerRun.html. I've run pub install and pub update, but then when I run my dart application, I see the following error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Failed to load a file package:beerrun/src/input/keyboard_input_component.dart
There are about twenty instances of this message referencing different dart source files. The problem is that the path should be /home/kyle/dart/BeerRun/web/packages/BeerRun/src/input, but the browser is using all lower case path names to include this file. This was not a problem last week, until I upgraded my Dart editor; it is now version 22223. Is there something I'm missing?
Thanks in advance!
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
I had the same problem, solution was to include library through:
import '../lib/text.dart';
instead of
import 'package:Test/test.dart'
Version info: Dart Editor/SDK version 0.6.19_r26297
